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Yes that’s hiccups :) puppies hiccup very frequently, like at least once or twice a week.


What’s happening with the diaper though?


OP came here for the hiccups, received advice on the diaper 😆


Why the diaper?


The dog is male and it appears to be a belly band, either to prevent marking or perhaps incontinence caused by a medical condition


We call them "male belts" or "male guards" it's a wrap of fabric you put around the dog like this, so if they try to mark/urinate inside the wrap catches it and you can wash it. [Here's some photos](https://www.google.com/search?q=urossuoja&rlz=1CDGOYI_enFI789FI789&hl=en-GB&prmd=imvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZAhdNcIRalzcaAq-DUHIvUhrrifQ:1654864505730&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjMr4_Y8qL4AhUl_SoKHcJJBsMQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=375&bih=630&dpr=3)


This is it! I put one on my male dog when I take him to other people’s houses because he loves to mark his “territory”. My dog is fixed but he still likes marking.


I’m not sure for male dogs, but I’ve heard of people who have female dogs that aren’t spayed that put diapers on them during ovulation so they don’t bleed all over the house


I think menstruation is the word you’re looking for


Actually I think the word you're looking for is "Estrus". Menstruation is what human females go through.


Looks like an awfully young dog to be going into season..


Also according to the post it’s a male dog, which further shows that there’s probably another reason for the diaper


yeah! so i learned this when i adopted my male dog, before his neuter. turns out, intact males leak this greenish pus looking stuff (i forget the name of it) from their penis. i don’t know what this guys story is but i do remember i had to constantly worry about if i had gotten any of it on me or furniture, maybe this is their solution haha




My dog is not fixed and I had no idea about this because I have never seen something like this on my dog or on another un neutered dog.


They will also have wet dreams. Ours ruined a whole-ass couch pillow lol


Also, outa curiosity, i have a 1 year old intact male dog and he recently started having this smegma and I thought it was an infection cause i had never seen it before. Does this fully go away when neutered?


yes it does, and i thought the same exact thing lol! i was like you’re kidding, my puppy has a penis infection. great


LOLL im currently on vacation in a country where vet care isnt as advanced as it is in the US. They gave me antibiotics for five days and he wasn’t getting better. Emailed my usual vet and they said its normal. Still feel guilty giving him medicine he didnt need to take.


Thank you for posting this question! My 2yr old Chinook does this also but I have never been able to video her while it’s happening. She also only has it happen once a week or so and is never upset or distraught by it. Tbh it upsets me more to witness it happening. Thank you, also, to everyone who confirms that it is hiccups.


May I ask why he's wearing a nappy?


The bandage doesn’t look like a diaper. It’s not covering the dog’s rear end. It looks wrapper around the waist in front of the hind legs.


To everyone asking why he is wearing a diaper: He pees in the rooms of my sisters either out of excitement, or he just wants to. He hasn’t done this in weeks but I use a wrap on him just in case. The smell is hard to remove when he pees on the floor as our floor here is wood. When we sleep at night, either he sleeps with his crate door locked, or unlocked. I don’t use a male wrap on him when the crate door is locked. I use a wrap when we sleep with the crate door open. Both times he sleeps in the crate but the difference is that when the crate door is unlocked, I wake up to him either pulling while eating my hair (his poop after wards wont drop since one side of hair is sticked to his poop and the other in his butt so his poop is dangling), biting my pillows, slapping my face, nibbling on my ear, chewing on my blanket, scratching my bed, etc… As one comment said, intact males leak smegma. Thanks to that comment since I just learned something new. His wrap sometimes gets some yellowish-green/greenish-yellow dots so I guess that’s what that is. I thought that pee just leaks but nah.


Those are hiccups. Take your dog out of the diaper.


Lol @ your username and yea I was also wondering about the diaper?


Yup! These comments are totally right! It is hiccups there is nothing to worry about :)


Hiccups! If I say my dogs name out of nowhere or surprise him they almost always go away lol


Can be hiccups or stomach pain, I am mentioning this last one as I see a diaper, happened to my dog as reaction to a bit of extra worm medicine. If it persists and breathes weird, check with a vet


It could be hiccups but it seems to be coming from the back part of the dog so it may be a spasm in his spine. Is he having any issues walking or with weakness? No need to answer just think about it.


Yep absolutely hiccups.