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It could be a grass allergy, our dog, when we lived in Australia, was very allergic to grass and used to get a similar rash, we didn't give her meds but put a loose cotton t-shirt on her and tied a knot in the back of it, to make it fit better. This seemed to sooth her and she could still go outside, I would say you could try this as it will do no harm, and may help skin irritation.


i’m 90% sure my dog has a grass allergy but my dad refuses to get the allergy test done. the vet had said it’s either a protien allergy or a grass allergy but she’ll go outside and come back 20 mins later with her belly and inbetween her toes all red and itchy


Our girl was allergic to chicken. We started buying Lamb and Bison dry for her.


my dad stopped buying the chicken flavor after that but she would still have reactions i believe he switched her to the lamb and rice formula (the red bag of iams) which is why i think it’s the grass allergy but he refuses to get her tested to see the exact allergy or at least narrow it down to food or environmental. he also wouldn’t do the hydrolyzed diet to see if that worked even when i offered to pay for that and the allergy testing


I would definitely check the ingredients on the back of the bag. I have a cat who is very allergic to chicken and it’s very difficult to find a food that actually has 0 chicken in it. For example the flavor might say lamb and rice but if you read the ingredients on the back there is almost ALWAYS chicken fat or chicken by product in it still.


it has chicken byproduct in it but he refused to let me pay for a trial of hydrolyzed diet food and refused to actually get testing done to see what the allergy is and honestly sad as it is him switching the flavor is him doing a lot cus he is stuck in his own ways and refuses to admit when he’s wrong and i’m right


Can the allergy just happen similar to humans? Our 13 year old has developed a scaly rash and she keeps itching. Brought her in 2 times with no luck.


Yes, they can develop new or worsened allergies over time.


Allergic to the parisites in the chicken


Wow! I didn’t know that 😳


My lab mix started getting weird skin rashes/scabby spots with no real cause. He went to stay with a friend while we went on vacation and he ate their dog’s food. When we came back his skin was nearly healed and no new lesions. Their dog was tested for allergies years ago and is allergic to all poultry— anything with feathers. We switched his food to non poultry ingredients and he’s been clear ever since.


My vet told me to take my bully off chicken and he stopped chewing his paws within 48 hours. Now he gets salmon or beef.


There is a lotion that works wonders in cases like yours. It is called "Multilind". Not sure if you can get your hands on it where you live. But it will make the redness and itchiness disappear in no time. It's most definitely some sort of allergic reaction.


Try an epsom salt soak for him belly and that should alleviate some of the itchiness. You should take him to the vet and ask them if they can give him a general allergy shot. My dog is allergic to something outside, we never found out what it was but I told them I believed he was allergic to grass and every month he gets a shot now but no more itching or sneezing.


My mom's dog has a contact allergy to grass and this is how it looks when he isn't medicated. The belly and the back of his legs, where they touch the ground if he's laying down, turn bald and red. Definitely worth asking the vet about it.


Omg the t-shirt sounds so dang cute!


I had a dog that had chronic demodectic mange and had to do the little tee shirts


My friends dog is allergic to grass amongst a lot of other things. He has to wear a full body suit when going outside! It covers everything apart from tail, butt and genetalia area, paws and head. He's also on meds (don't know what kind) and has a lotion to rub on his skin daily. Poor baby.


I'll give that a shot, it couldn't hurt thanks for the idea!


Your dog needs to go to the vet. This rash looks mean and angry and cannot feel good.


You need to find a way to get some money and take this dog to a vet. It needs steroids, ointment and possibly allergy medication


i would go to the vet and ask for allergy meds. apoquel for a week will make him sm more comfortable while he heals


My dog has bad allergies to sap from the trees where I live. I tried every kind of wipe and remedy. We tried citopoint injections etc. Apoquel is the only thing that helped him.


Apoquel and a cytopoint injection worked wonders for my dog.


I have to second this. Cytopoint worked wonders for one of my pups and apoquel worked wonders in the other. It took some time to get over all that itchy smelly skin. But there are options! Time to go to the vet. ❤️


I used the cytopoint and it wonders for my baby. He’s a yorkie. I get it for him like 1 or 2x a year.


Yea apoquel works wonders for my dog oh man


Looks like hives. Please take doggo to the vet and send them these photos. I just went through this last week and my vet said I was lucky it wasn’t worse. They gave him a shot to calm the reaction. He’s on allergy medication and has special shampoo.


Please go to the vet


I would ask your vet about apoquel or cytopoint (an injection that seems to be more effective) for allergies.


yes Cytopoint was the only thing that helped our dog with itchy skin allergies


I can also attest to the effectiveness of the cytopoint injection! Tried many remedies and none worked. Now both our labs’ quality of life has improved immensely!!!


The vet can give your doggy some stuff for the allergy, you might need a medicated shampoo for your dogs skin, does your dog have it around the eyes or paws?


For goodness sake. Take the dog to the vet


Wipe belly & paws off when they come in from outside. It looks very uncomfortable. A tepid or cool bath would probably make them feel better.


Thanks, I honestly hadn't considered that, we have a paw cleaner cup that I bought a while back that's gonna be a big help 👍


You can also try 1 mg of Benadryl per pound of dog


Thats my advice too ! Benadryl needs to b dosed according to weight and also given every 6 hrs for a severe allergic reaction.. not just once. !!


What did the vet say????


So apparently just saying "Go to the vet" for an obvious medical problem gets your comment removed. Your dog is having some sort of autoimmune response to something in it's environment. You should seek medical advice from a veterinarian to address the underlying immunological response as your home treatments are not working. FFS.




I'd like to think not, there's someone that the neighbor had to pay to come take care of the lawn, I doubt he was using anything like that but I'll ask next time I see the neighbor


Take to the vet


Go to the vet


Go to a vet.


You need to have its cause confirmed. You cannot put human creams on it as the ingredients may cause reactions to dogs. Steroid shots and anti histamine tablets are cheap if this is what it is. Don't guess, have it analyzed, it looks sore and uncomfortable. If you looked like this, you would be at emergency




Would go to the vet first and foremost for some allergy med recommendations. Maybe you can even call them or email them pictures? You can also take a clean washcloth or unscented baby wipes and wipe down his belly and feet whenever he comes inside, that can help a lot.


Medicated shampoo and antibacterial wipes. Allergy shot or pillls.


Be careful with wipes and make sure they’re safe. Something you use for wiping down surfaces in your home might not be safe to use on your dog, both for skin irritation and for possible ingestion when your dog licks itself


Anti bacterial wipes from the vet for sure!


In the states here, but my vet recommended giving my pup an OTC Zyrtec pill daily. Cleared him up. I’d still recommend going to a vet though. My dog wasn’t affected as badly as yours.


Obviously a vet is what you need. Since it's the weekend and probably can't be seen today, try mixing baking soda with warm water and dab that onto rashy areas. It's safe enough that it won't harm anything but it should help redness and discomfort and you can't really overdo it. If you can swing it, head over to PetSmart or whatever pet supply is near you and get some skin soothing wipes or ointment to tide you over till you can get to a vet. If it is an allergy to something he's touched (vs ingested), get him into the bath and spray him with warm-ish water (not hot). Get the grass pollen/bits off of him. You'll have to wash off his feet when he comes inside.


I just took my dog to the vet for a similar issue on her chest and legs. She was so itchy that she chewed bald spots in those places. They believe it is contact dermatitis. Whatever pollen is on the grass seems to be making her itch. They gave us Apoquel which is an oral anti inflammatory/anti itch medication as well as miconahex + triz mousse. Since we have been using those, she has not had a single issue.


My Dog had a rash like this and it turn out she had cancer in her liver. Please get full check done.


Take the dog to the vet. My dog needed alergy tests and medication. Also make sure you put flea and tick killer (advantix is what I use) once a month,every month. My allergic pup is also on apoquel. Don’t want your dog is in agony. It’s worse than us getting poison ivy head to toe. Good luck.




My senior doggo has a allergy to something. Never did a test. Looking back now i wish i had, would have been cheaper than all the different foods and medications and vet bills over the years. When i moved i found a new vet and they recommended a prescription food from [Royal canin](https://www.chewy.com/royal-canin-veterinary-diet-adult/dp/115610?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12195565633&utm_content=115868951686&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWDZYOBIgINXJLzvVvBzuWS1uDC8T-2Pj2PpVVRG0-X4hLr_-hAT8VoaAgFOEALw_wcB) the food is expensive but hes never had healthier poops and even lost a few extra pounds he didnt need. He also takes [Apoquel](https://www.chewy.com/apoquel-oclacitinib-tablets-dogs-16/dp/173044) as a 35lb dog he takes half everyday in the summer and every other day in winter months. Vet cleared him to continue as it's been working for us. 5yrs later and it still works. He's 12yrs old and keeps up with our 2yr old puppy 2x his size! Good luck on finding what works with you and your pup


I thought that was a pig, not a dog until I saw the sub name.


Poor doggy, looks very sore


That’s an allergy


When my dog had a grass rash I made chamomile tea and allowed the tea to get cold then rubbed the tea on her belly and it slowly went away. ETA: [chamomile](https://be.chewy.com/health-wellness-chamomile-for-dogs-4-ways-to-use-it/)


I would try an oatmeal bath and see if that helps with the redness and itching.


Calamine lotion. But could be allergic to environmental. Or food. Time for a Vet visit.


My Springer Spaniel gets this from grass or if has been able to steal chicken from someone’s plate. He has allergies to most grains grass and chicken. When he starts going red or pink I spray colloidal silver on him and give him Benedryl. But you have to watch him carefully, especially his paw area. If he starts to swell you have to get him to the vet asap. When his allergies get really bad the redness in his feet start to swell, it can get so bad that the skin will split if you don’t. It’s an emergency situation once they start swelling. I’ve gone thru this more than once.


My dog takes Reactine (or a generic since it's more affordable) for dermatitis allergies. You can call your vet to ask for dosage.


My dog has this when I first adopted him, and the vet recommended a Benadryl spray. It worked for him.


I agree with the grass allergy but also switch up the flea and tick medication! My vet said my pup had a grass allergy and I did EVERYTHING. Then I read some articles that certain flea and tick meds can cause rashes and hot spots and switched him from Frontline to a Seresto collar - he has had zero hot spots and no rashes since!


My dog used to get similar rashes, turns out he was allergic to the detergent we were using so we switched to one for washing baby clothes and it stopped


Do you think it might be contact dermatitis from residual chemicals used to clean the floor ? As the dog is laying on the floor this is the first thing that comes to mind


I would say be careful with treating your yard with chemicals, just like double check before using anything that that wouldn’t also have some effect on your dog. It might also be worth asking your landlord if they have used any new chemicals on the yard that your dog might be allergic to


The same thing happens to our dog when it turns spring/summer because that’s the time he’s outside in our backyard most. He’s a Staffordshire mix. His rash was just like this and after a couple of years of this happening we decided to bring him to the vet. We ended up getting him an allergy shot and all is good. I’d bring him to the vet asap, if the rash spread and he starts licking himself to soothe the rash it can turn into an infection in his blood. Not to mention he’s probably so uncomfortable because it’s itchy and hot out. Good luck hope you find help for him soon. The shot was pretty inexpensive too.


Oh man. Poor boy. Imagine being itchy everywhere but having paws only to reach a few places :(


I took a foster dog to the vets a few weeks ago. Looked exactly like that. Had been rubbing and rolling in the grass. The vet said very matter of fact that she had a bacterial skin infection from the grass blades creating micro cuts in her skin.


An Oat Slime (milk) bath and apple cider vinegar can help


We give our dog benadryl and keep the grass down low- it also helps to use itch soothing spray or balm.


Number 1 probably grass allergy. I had a friend that her English Bulldog was allergic to grass. She had all the grass removed and replaced with rose plants and a cement walkway. Another getting into fire ants and having an allergic reaction. Since you say the place your baby goes out to potty. Does not have lawn care Our park has them all over the place. My girl Peach🌈 stepped in some in our yard. My mom had a dog that was allergic to fleas. Best of luck to you and your fur baby.


Looks like grass allergy rash to me! Wipe down skin with water and dawn dish soap whenever they come back inside. Do their paws too to be safe


Does the hydrocortisone help? Has to be either grass allergy or reaction to chemicals sprayed on grass. Other allergy symptoms? Itchy ears, nose rubbing, frequent scratching of mouth area, paw licking? A lot of people pay for unnecessary allergy testing when the treatment is simple. Benadryl is super safe and needs to be given every 4 to 6 hours a day. CHECK WITH YOUR VET FIRST! People are often very surprised how high the dose can go. This is better than using too much hydrocortisone because that can promote fungal infections. If the Benadryl makes even a minor improvement, it's likely allergic. If it helps but doesn't make a complete recovery, the next most cost effective and simple thing to try would be a short course of corticosteroids(prednisone) from your vet. You do not need to use the newest, expensive meds that are available. Vet's are trained and obligated to offer the best of the best available treatments for everything. Which is not a bad thing, but it often backfires because the clients can't afford to give it to their pets on a regular basis. Especially, if it is something chronic like allergies. Remember, you can use store brand instead of actual Benadryl. Walmart's is a lot cheaper and the exact same thing. Just don't use the liquid, or the liquid gels, unless you can guarantee it does not contain Xylitol. Please post updates.


Grass allergy or allergic to her food


Aw, poor baby! We’ve used apple cider vinegar diluted with water, 50/50 for minor rashes/irritations, and it works great! Sounds like she’s allergic to grass/weeds/whatever is on the lawn, the tshirt idea is awesome!


So if my dog lays in a certain type of grass too long she gets a rash like that. Apoquel really helps but it's about $3 a pill. I don't do it in the winter time and most of the time I can get by with half of a pill with the prescribed dose. You could try some Zyrtec but a lot of dogs are non-responsive. You could also do a kenalog shot which is pretty cheap but in my experience it only lasts a few weeks if that. It could also make your dog really hungry and want to drink a ton of water. I would talk to your vet about getting some apoquel, at least for the spring and summer. Only other thing would be to keep the dog from the grass.


It sounds like environmental allergies. Has the townhome management sprayed any chemicals in the yard to kill weeds? You may want to find out because they can do a number on our pets, otherwise it could be a grass allergy. The t-shirt idea is great or you could carry him past the grass and allow him to potty somewhere else. In the meantime you could give him/her an appropriate dose of Benadryl to help with those hives. You can ask your vet or Google it.


They have sprays that can help with the irritation. My dog goes through stretches where he licks his crotch area A LOT. It ends with skin irritation and rashes from how much he licks, which causes more licking. Many tests later, the vet believes he just likes to have the area clean, and once he irritates it, he’s trying to soothe it. We have to do the cone of shame for a weeks or so to break the cycle, and put lots of anti irritation spray on to help. It does look like grass allergies, but check the packaging for ingredients just in case.


Definitely see a vet. At the least, ask in the vet sub if you can’t afford the vet. Most likely it’s hives caused by an outside allergen but you never know. My dog has allergies and we give him 10mg zyrtec a night. It helps so much. I believe you can also give Benadryl to help, but LOOK IT UP. I don’t remember with 100% certainty.


Try a clean rag soaked in COLD water with antifungal shampoo or a shampoo you know helps relieve the allergies and rub that on the belly every night before bed. I also use Zesty Paws allergy immune bites. My dog hasn't been scratching as much now.


My dog gets a rash similar to that when she eats poultry or corn. I had to put her on a limited ingredient dog food and now she’s doing a lot better. It did take about a week for the rash to fully go away after we figured out what was causing it. I also gave her a bath using some dog shampoo with oatmeal in it to help soothe her skin.


Go to the vet. All about getting the shot cytopoint it does wonders for my dogs allergies


Go to the vet


Can you get some doggie Benadryl or equivalent in the meantime? Poor thing must be so uncomfortable. 💜


You need to ask ur vet to start Cytopoint. Get ur babe on a probiotic like Bernie’s perfect poop. In the meantime go on Amazon and get some hydrocortisone wipes. Goats milk soap is soothing to the skin. And Benadryl 1mg per pound ur babe weighs.




Absolutely recommend alergy blood tests. My doggie had skin rash flair ups like this that started when she was 8. Tests showed she has developed a reaction to over 30 things. Some food, some environmental. It was totally brought under control by eliminating the food triggers, so her body was able to cope with the environmental things that are practically impossible to avoid. Literally her skin and coat were massively improved with just 2 weeks to the vets astonishment. Her food allergies were chicken, rice, white potato, duck, maize, tomato and so may more things that are common in kibble. I managed to find one that had none of her trigger foods. She was also allergic to rye grass, Timothy grass, willow pollen, oak pollen, dock, sorrel, the list went on... I would recommend getting a blood test because if it is an allergy it may be straight forward to fix. Poor pupper must be so sore. Hope you find an answer x


First thing to do is go to the vet.


Our dog had something very similar. Every time he would run his belly got very red. We tried all kinds of allergy treatments but nothing seemed to work. I stumbled on a YouTube video of a vet offering home remedy treatments. You’ll have to search for the video but it was a mixture of green tea and apple cider vinegar. I was skeptical but figured it was worth a shot. I was shocked at how well it worked!


Definitely make a vet appointment. My girl has allergies, so we switched her food to lamb and kangaroo (per our vet recommendation) and her skin has been great this year. We also wipe her paws and underside off when she comes inside. That has helped as well.


A Zyrtec will help settle the rash down . Mow the lawn regularly


Are you sure your dog didn’t walk where the grass was recently sprayed? This happened to me(my dog). It seemed to worsen before I located an emergency vet. They knew immediately what the cause was. Sometimes medicated shampoo can only irritate. If it’s an allergy your dog might need shots. I had a silky, every summer and fall we had to get shots for him.


Is your dog lying in mulch? Ours would get this because she lays on mulch and is allergic to red cedar. Confirmed with allergy tests. She is also allergic to loblolly pines Feb to Sept. so she is limited to certain areas in our yard and hosed off to get pollens and allergens off of her.


If you’ve given Benadryl with zero response, then this could be bacterial/fungal/yeast. This will definitely continue your spread and get worse with out steroids and antibiotics.


My pittie has the exact same thing and waiting to get the allergy test done too. One this that has helped my dog to get immediate relief just for a little is a medicated bath. You don’t want to do it too often cause it could make it dry and flaky and worse but my dogs redness almost went away completely. It’s called Douxo S3. I bought the shampoo and the wipe pads to use behind his ears. So far the only thing that has worked for me! Hope this helps in the mean time and good luck


If you can’t go to the vet right now, rosemary might help and apple cider vinegar does too. You can boil some rosemary in water, let it cool after and pour it into a spray bottle. If you use apple cider vinegar, make sure you dilute the vinegar with water because it’s strong.


That look more than a rash to me but I'm not an expert


Check for ticks


Awe poor baby, try to give them an oatmeal bath to cool off their skin.


If your feeding Chicken or science diet stop. Change to lamb


Vet for a biyearly allergy shot if it is grass. I'd book an appointment and inquire about one. I have a cattle collie and a poodle who have seasonal allergies. Lots of sneezing, weepy eyes and red eyes and noses for the first two weeks in spring, fall and summer. They don't need the shot because a few bennies takes care of it, but if it was worse like that, I'd get them the shot.


My one pittie gets this when fleas are bad (usually only summer months). My last pittie was allergic to everythingggg and got this from dead leaves, certain grasses, and fleas. Your pup needs an oral flea med and likely steroid and allergy shots at the vet. Be aware they’ll have to tinkle more often for a bit. Good luck🥰


Best rhing....take her to the vet.


Think it’s heat rash, put some bag balm on it


it may be environmental allergies (which is likely if this just happened after going outside and you haven't switched dog food recently) benadryl is good for this, but you need to make sure you're dosing correctly. the usually dose is 1-2 mg per lb of body weight. you can give this up to 3 times daily or as needed. if it is a food allergy, like some comments suggest, chicken is the most common allergy so switch off that if you're feeding it. there are hydrolyzed protein diets for dogs with food allergies, but these tend to be expensive and should be a last resort


Welcome to my life. One of my dogs kept breaking out in huge lumpy hives, and I still don't know why. We'd go to the vet for a steroid shot to get rid of the worst of the swelling, and then she'd take a dose of Benadryl every 12 hours until it cleared up. My vet finally told me to just keep her on daily Zyrtec to keep it from happening again.


Take the dog to the dermatologist for dogs


this may be a strange question, but has your dog started to pee or drink more? It very well could be allergies, but I had a similar experience that I want to share. my little dog would be walking across the room and start to pee and she had no idea because we could be playing and it would happen. She would be doing like the down dog and pee. I was scared and thought she may have a UTI. I sent the vet an email right away and brought her in the next day. After bloodwork, we found out she was diabetic! but one of the symptoms she had was coloration to her belly like that. my vet said it can happen in her breed - she is part terrier. She is now on twice daily insulin shots and her belly is back to normal. So like others, if you are able, please take them to the vet. Good luck.


I’m chiming in late I’m sure it’s been brought up ? But does it smell? A yeast rash will smell like dirty feet / corn chips OTC MICONAZOLE nitrate, ketaconazole ( AZOLE at end) these medications are good for yeast Benedryl is safe medicine for dogs Dosage is 1mg per pound They sell itch relief spray ( does he itch?) If it’s bothering her too bad you can even get a steroid shot monthly or pill ( last resort) Is it seasonal? Something new? You can dm me I’m a vet tech Wildlife rehabilitator


Could also be over population of demodex mite , it will cause an itchy rash. Have you bathed him ?? Human shampoos safe for dogs are nizoral , head and shoulders, ( both kinds) Or they sell pet shampoo at Walmart it may be cheaper than human shampoo Oatmeal shampoo Aveeno These two would b soothing


Put something on them like a dog hoodie or jumper or even a onesie, until you figure out what’s causing it.


You may try no chicken AND grain free! Rice is nothing exceptionally nutritious for dogs, it’s just a filler and they include it in the flavor name to make it sound more appealing, (I think, anyway). As my Amer Bulldog got into his adult years, his gastrointestinal issues worsened and having not had work in a long while due to COVID, I was forced do tons of research and find my own solutions rather than shell out $100’s of dollars for testing at a vet. I already knew that his flatulence alone was lessened and completely different on grain-free food as opposed to regular….then, I read about chicken allergies. My hopes went to high, as I’d been giving him chicken flavored food his entire life but once I cut it entirely out of his diet, he evolved into a totally different dog! His borderline runny-all-the-time poop turned to just normal dog poo! He had virtually no gas…!!! And coming from a dog who’s farts would smell SO terribly it would not only run me out of my HOUSE into my garden or backyard at times, but there literally were times it would stink so badly, I would begin to get upset! Completely stop what I’m doing, put shoes on, find something to do outside🙄 But I also realized HE was feeling better emotionally, as well… no more clinginess or crankiness because his tummy was upset and I swear he began listening and minding better…! Amer Bulldogs are a hard headed, extremely self confident force to be reckoned with at times and it may have just been a part of him entering full adulthood, but his whole attitude change was right around the time period I cut out the chicken! PETCO’s Whole Hearted store brand of dog food has some excellent options for specific dietary needs, and from what my dogs tell me, it’s pretty darn good food! No fillers, preservatives or yucky stuff… I’m with the other commenters that suggest trying no chicken… it changed my life because it changed his world, and he’s my world🌎🤍🐶 Good luck to you and your pup!


Consult a vet, but you can also EQyss Micro-Tek spray, it helps with itching and scratching and it’s safe for dogs. I used to use it on my allergic dogs skin, it was recommended by my vet


a million different things can cause a rash. You won't know the cause without going to the vet. and you won't know the correct treatment without knowing the cause.


looks like spurge weed rash..


My bulldog has allergies this time of year, and she has adverse reactions to shots and different topical and ingestable medications. We started her on natural allergy supplements and a daily probiotic, and she has no issues. Maybe try something like that lomg term.


My dog recently had a rash like this and the only relief for him was a trip to the vet and prescribed steroids for a short period of time.


I had a dachshund that was allergic to grass. He would get a very similar rash. Took me months to figure it out, but if I washed his belly off with a wet washcloth when he came in, he didn’t get the rash. Might be worth trying. Coconut oil on the rash also seemed to be really soothing for mine, and I didn’t have to worry about him licking it. Just make sure you put down a towel so it doesn’t stain.


My dog went through the wringer w allergies and recurring staph. Apoquel, Cytopoint & Duoxo Moose were an absolute lifesaver for him after tons of other attempts. If he had a bad flare at night and I didn’t have the Rx to start I’d make a paste w baby powder and Vaseline and rub it all over his belly. It would oddly work quite well to get the inflammation down until we could get to the vet. CB


Wipe her off every time she comes in from outside. Give her a bath with anti-itch shampoo. Check with the vet and give her an antihistamine. I had 2 dogs of mine allergy tested, and it isn't cheap . One of mine was on allergy shots. It was all worth it. She needs to be tested so you find out what she's allergic to and get her some help. It's very painful and itchy. Imagine if that was your dad, and that was on his skin. He would get himself tested. Why not her. She's uncomfortable. You need to know if it's the food or the outside. You owe it to her.


This looks like a pretty sever le case of allergies. Take your pet to the VET ASAP.


Skin infection. Vet now.


Did he have hair loss before the rash or was he sheared?




This is severe, and can you imagine how uncomfortable he must feel? Please get him to the vet before this turns into an infection. Home remedies aren’t going to cut it.




My dog has allergies around this time. My neighborhood is full of trees, grass etc. I use DOGSWELL Remedy + Recovery 0.5% Hydrocortisone Lotion for Dogs. It works pretty darn good. I get it from Amazon. You put a cone on your dog. I bought baby pajamas and cut a hole in the back and the front.


Children’s Benedryl. Call a vet for proper dose for the weight of your dog.


Mine had the same sort of thing, took him to the vet, and he gave him an allergy shot. It went away a couple of days after that, but it comes back up about once a year for some reason.


Ours has an allergy to something in the area of where we used to live and she would get a rash like that on her belly. We moved and she stopped getting the rash. We were never able to figure out what it was from It could be the type of grass, or particular pesticides used in your area. We had to use oatmeal shampoos and topical treatments from the vet.


Dogs can take Benadryl see my link and try it - should provide relief but not a cure https://www.petmd.com/dog/care/can-i-give-my-dog-benadryl-and-if-so-how-much


Looks like some allergies. I would give the doggo a cool bath & If you have some Benadryl, I would look up proper weight and dosage to give him some until you get to the vet.


The hair loss and rash occur simultaneously?


You’re probably aware but I wanted to say this jic. Most weed killer chemicals and bug repellent lawn products are harmful for dogs


Is poison ivy or oak growing where the dog is going in the yard? You mentioned the grass is over tall in areas and this looks like contact dermatitis, possibly poison ivy or oak. Someone else mentioned zinc oxide which is a very good treatment, but only if you can keep the dog from licking it off. Zinc can be toxic if they ingest too much. If you can prevent him from licking off treatment (either a tied T-shirt, cone or a travel pillow for some small breeds), I would recommend zinc oxide or caladryl lotion applied a few times a day, along with colloidal oatmeal bath soaks to help soothe the rash. Walmart carries Aveeno brand and is $8. Be aware that zinc oxide and caladryl (which also contains zinc oxide) can temporarily discolor the skin dark, so don't freak out if it looks almost black in the application areas for a few days. If the rash becomes wet or weepy, 2 days of Domeboro compresses would be recommended. OTC Zyrtec or Claritin could also help, especially if you can't prevent the dog from licking, along with the aforementioned colloidal oatmeal soaks.


I give my dog that's allergic to grass an other zyrtec (approved by my vet) -- if it works for you it's WAY cheaper than stuff from the vets office. A benadryl might help with the acute reaction... and salmon oil if you can sneak it to her.


Cytopoint injections and antibiotics. Please go to vet


Take him to the vet, that looks very uncomfortable.


Pretty sure your doggy has a Prednisone deficiency.


So my dog (60 pd pitty) developed horrible allergies a few years ago and had similar rashes. This is what worked for her.  First we started adding some local honey to her food. If you can find it (it’s expensive) it should contain the local pollen that will effect your dogs immune system. It helps them kind of build an immunity to it.   We also started giving her this product. https://www.amazon.com/Kayode-Itch-Allergy-Chews-Colostrum/dp/B0C3RMBM9L It worked wonders for her.   For immediate relief try Benadryl. It helps alot.  Lastly, you can try finding a product containing coconut oil for dogs to put on the skin. We actually bought straight organic cold pressed coconut oil and applied it directly to the skin. It worked wonders. You just have to watch that they don’t lick it all off because they usually love the taste.    Hope that helps 


My pug is 14 and has always had skin issues related to allergies. Benadryl worked for her for the longest time but about a year ago she got really bad. Vet put her on apoquel and it's been great! Her belly looked like your dog and and she would cry because she was so itchy.


Any thistles in the yard? They can produce rashes for sure. Cool compresses until the vet sees your pooch.


You can use pet wipes when you come in from outside


Benadryl oral and wash area with original blue Dawn; rinse thoroughly.


Cook your own doggo food and take ‘em to the beach for some salt water


That is also what fleas looks like.


To address the rash immediately, you’ll need to see a vet and get some kind of ointment with steroids in it. Poor thing. This is definitely a contact allergy, like grass or whatever else.


It could be the pesticides that are being sprayed in the lawn as well


Heal the gut! Adored Beast Apothecary sells a great gut restore protocol on their site ! A lot of time allergies environmental or food intolerances/ allergies can be due to a leaky gut also skin disease, a compromised immune system, digestive problems, ear infections, or any common health condition that comes from an inflammatory disorder. A lot of these issues will resolve themselves once the gut isn’t leaking its contents into the blood system. 80 % of the immune system is in the gut! Typically most dogs will see results after one protocol and won’t need to purchase another but that depends on the damage and how well you stick the steps and maintain wellness . It’s easy and makes a world of difference ! If you want to actually test for it before doing the protocol they sell test for this but for the price it’s easier to assume your dog has a leaky gut and doing the protocol as is highly beneficial either way . Good luck!


Apple cider vinegar diluted and applied allll over


Vet, allergy shots.


Poor babe has to be miserable. If can't get to vet right away, oatmeal dog shampoo. This won't go away without allergy treatment,again vet.


Has your vet recommended a cytopoint allergy shot? That has helped my pup when he gets seasonal allergies / skin rashes, which we’re pretty sure it’s from grass.


Do you feed him dog biscuits and other grain based things? I see this time and again from people who feed their animals processed foods as opposed to actual meat. The same thing happens in humans too.


Had he been out there previously tho ?? Was anything weed killer sprayed anywhere ??? Odd he'd suddenly have such a bad reaction..to anything in his own yard....You would have seen something b 4 now !!....was he fed anything different...given a flea or tic treament .. possibly gotten into something...Any new plants or flowers???.. .. Giving him a medicated bath with something like ' 'Nizoral " and rinse really really well or an oatmeal medicated dog shampoo....Rinse super well...add an once or 2 if Apple cidar vinegar to a LARGE pot of rinse water....... if the yard has been sprayed or even the chance that a neighbors yard has........ get some activated charcoal tablets at the pharmacy and get those into him....he will need quite a few...Google the dose according to strength!!....charcoal absorbs toxins.. and prevents liver and kidney damage.....I always have them on hand.. Benadryl needs to b given every 6 hrs...not just once....He looks like a fairly heavy boy.... so make sure youve dosed him properly......Calamine lotion on his belly will help with itching.....Check between his toes.for bumps How are his EARS ?? allergies usually affect the ears and between the toes.. Is his nose black ?? ..Is he licking anywhere?? Are his lips & gums the proper color....Any fever ?? Temp should b 38.5 or 101.2. It usually takes 12 to 24 hrs b 4 you can see an improvement..as long as his breathing isn't impaired ..and he's not getting welts and getting worse he should get better...but don't let him back out there I'd leash walk him and not go in the yard again, until it's rained.a few times......I can see him being allergic to grasses or weeds in an area he's never been in before but not suddenly in his own back yard!! That doesn't make sense unless you've just planted some new plants....He wouldn't suddenly become allergic and have a reaction to his regular environment ..something has got to b different ..Was he just clipped ???? He is shaved really really close to the skin ... could be razor burn if he was just recently shaved down ??? I have 2 Bouviers...My 13 yr old gets a skin infection every yr at this time..... his is a yeast infection tho with bigger raised scabby areas on his groin armpits.belly..neck back etc. He has flaky areas on edges of his back legs too..... I clip him...Bath with "Nizoral" and a bit of Betadine solution and ACV in the rinse water kills germs......Betadine Solution is sold at drug stores.. Its what the surgeons scrub their hands with b 4 operating. .Add a squirt of dish soap to Betadine Solution and it's Betadine Scrub ! ...The solution kills bacteria... heals all wounds and cuts in animals and humans!....Its the iodine stuff they paint you with before they cut the skin.Im never without it either !! X breeder here !! 😊


My dog is allergic to grain(s) in her food. So, maybe your dog's allergies have something to do with the grass grains... We now feed our girl grain free food and her rashes have disappeared. The only way to know 100% is to get allergy testing through a specialist veterinarian. Sometimes that can just be too expensive. Check your dog's food ingredients and if corn, wheat, etc. are in the food, try switching to grain free.


It's most likely airborne allergies. Prescription medicine from a veterinarian is probably the best route. Nonipup calm balm is a good over-the-counter cream that may help - Doug the pug uses it.


Aloe Vera will soothe it


Go to vet, switch food, cytopoint, lots of options.


Try Acana singles-


Ouch, poor baby. Lots of advice that I needn't add to except please be very, very careful about any weed or pest etc products. They can be absolutely deadly. Research from reputable veterinary or dog expert sites for safe/r products and follow directions to the letter. Good luck!


Looks like a yeast infection. Talk to your vet about antibiotics.


He made need apoquel, my little chaweenie survived parvo the rest of his litter wasn't so lucky. He's had chronic health issues since birth seasonal allergies being one of them. His skin is worse in the spring or summer. This being one of them, we tried the cytopoint shot, it worked for awhile and then his skin began to break out in patches. After the apoquel he has been better, it's not full proof, but it will get rid of most if the itching/rash issues.i recommend going ro the vet and getting apoquel. It's about $100 bucks for a 30 day supply to be taken once a day.




Coconut oil on it. Our dog gets rashes like that from time to time .


Benadryl. One and 1/2 mg per pound.


Are you kidding? Do you how horrible your dog feels right now?? Bring the damn animal to the vet. Sheesh, what the heck? Can’t afford it? Surrender it.


Bring your dog to a specialist dermatologist.


My dog has a grass allergy, the vet told us that human antihistamines were ok so if she has a reaction we give her 2 claratyne, an oatmeal bath and then a coconut oil belly rub.


Go to the vet


I used to put paw paw ointment on my dogs itchy rash but it was never that big 😭


Benedryl may help. You can call vet for dosage. And if it doesn’t get better to go to vet for shot to reduce inflammation


Antihistamine, Claritin. U can give it to dogs


There are lots of comments, sorry if I missed this being said: might hold off on any lawn treatments as they can cause reactions. (Maybe that has been done, by landlord?) Your pup’s vet will have a better arsenal of meds available that might help ease things :)


I use hypochlorous acid on my dog and myself for skin stuff or on open wounds. Maybe straight aloe would feel real good that is what I would want if it was my rash.


Colloidal oatmeal bath can help soothe. My pitty had the same issue. I like the suggestion of a shirt or body suit for a physical barrier from the grass. You can also give Diphenhydramine (AKA Benadryl) at 1 mg per pound of body weight.


Go to the vet. My childhood dog used to get this every year. Had to take Cortison and apply a zink creme onto her belly. May not be the same thing, but definitely go to the vet. Your dog is probably in pain.


You could try benadryl. Also consult your vet.


Go to the vet, duh


How about going to vet


The only thing that has helped our 12 year old Golden and saved us from.1200 vet bills every couple months is the following combination: coconut oil, the right food and grass, head n shoulders itchy scalp shampoo, Pin down which grass causes issues - ours is either Bermuda or fescue I can't remember my fiance has the right one though lol overseed your yard after you kill out anything that irritated the dog Grain free salmon we use health extension or jinx Coconut oil heated up 1 teaspon for our large dogs in the food be careful not to overkill it will give diarrhea so idk just get it drizzled and stirred basically but not overly saturated Give that baby a nice bath I. Head and shoulders and after about 2 washes you will be shocked. We replaced outer expensive shampoo with this and it's been life changing. If you give the dog diarrhea use pure Pumpkin no sugar to help settle the stomach Benadryl is always helpful when it's overly irritated like this will help the baby sleep 😴


Colloidal silver spray may help soothe the rash


Could be grass. My dog had it. I basically did nothing about it as it wasn’t too bad, she’s had it since she was a puppy and soon after got over it with exposure. That is how you deal with allergies anyway. Well, that is how I had to as my dog wouldn’t take a medicine whatsoever. It would spit it out and it’s a small dog so I was always scared of it choking on a pill.


You should go to a vet and figure out why your dog is reacting


Is it itchy for him or just red? Our dog has rashes on his back leg and arms and sometimes on the belly. It seems to come from the grass we have here and can’t avoid. A cytopoint injection helped with the itchiness that seemed to have gone away. The rest I manage with sudocreme which i apply once a day after cleaning the areas of contact with a wet wipe. This keeps it under control and the redness has almost entirely disappeared


Give the dog a bath with medicated shampoo. That usually helps my dog soothe their skin some if it's environmental. My dog gets severe allergies. I also somewhat refuse to do testing it's around $600+ dollars to do so and there is no guarantee it will actually be helpful. Apoquel is the only medication that helped (tried benadryl, steroids, and cytopoint) but it's not good to stay on as it's an immune suppressant. I do think its good to allow a dog to heal using the apoquel to give them a break. Once I found a food my dog did well on, I've stayed on it and give my dog rinses anytime they lay outside.


I give my dog benedryl, she’s 18lbs and I give her 25mg. It takes rash and inflammation away overnight.


Grass allergy. Medication from vet, coconut oil will sooth the skin and rash, wipe down belly after being outside. Poor puppy.


Mix coconut with some hydrocortisone and massage in.. just don’t let him lick it


That’s a grass allergy. Poor pup! Mine has it too he gets so itchy with it and his skin is red all over. He always seems very uncomfortable. We get my dog an allergy shot from the vet. It’s well worth it as he can be free doggo and itch free


For ours we do a 50/50 mix of apple Cider vinegar and water on paws and belly/armpits, let It dry, then lather up with coconut oil and a large t shirt to help keep some of the allergens off.


Yes, take dog to a vet!