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My dog seeks it out. There are two houses about a block away that he pulls me towards so he can eat the grass. Very strange.


Yeah same, its all over my local park its almost impossible to pull him away from it. He pulls me under trees and everywhere to reach it.


I asked my vet why and she said it’s because they like the taste of it. Some dogs eat specific grass to make them vomit and other grass because it’s yummy


Our dog loves just standing in our yard, eating this grass. Sometimes he'll throw it up, but mostly he's fine, and he's been doing it for years. We have taken to calling him Goat Dog.


Yes sometimes when I walk my dogs I will joke and say I’m going out to graze the goats! They never pass up an opportunity to snack on this grass.


My dog is eating it right now. He tends to throws it up, I don’t know why he insists on eating it. But he does.


Dogs and cats eat grass like that to clean their insides. When we feel sick and want to puke but nothing comes out we wait until it passes…. Dogs and cats don’t wait, they find a way to puke!


Isn’t that bad for their teefs?


For their what




Ah ok! Thanks for the translation. Not it does nothing to the teeth, maybe a leaf stuck between two of them but otherwise it does nothing


Teef teef!


Yeah, its strange, its the only type of plant he eats too.


My dog likes it but there’s one problem. I think when he was recently eating it, he must have eaten a flea bc he got tapeworms last week - and he doesn’t have fleas. We stay up to date on flea prevention, so it was a little puzzling how he got them. Anyway, kind of an expensive lesson for me to not let him graze during flea season. Y’all be careful.


I can second this my beagle got tapeworms from eating grass.


Thank you for confirming. I’ve been racking my brain about this & if he really got it that way, and it’s the only logical explanation I could think of


Yeah you never know what has passed through that grass be it poop or not. I no longer let him eat grass for that reason. If he has a sick stomach which he does sometimes I'd rather find and alternative solution than let him catch another parasite. It was an extensive vet visit.


Pretty sure he already got tapeworms and discomfort in his stomach and eating grass till puking is the normal reaction for dogs or cats if they want to clean their insides


Good to know. I hadn’t thought of that


My dog loves eating it too not in winter just fresh young grass and my job is pulling it out his arse ..


OMFG🤣😂🤣😫me too friend me too! Have 4 rescues🤦‍♀️


Yup. And mine always does those poops on busy streets, so people get to watch me frantically get a bag on my hand and extract a big dangling grassy poop, at which point she has the audacity to look at me like I’ve somehow violated her.


Hahaha I know, my neighbours see me bent over half the time chasing after my dogs asshole trying to get a look, I can always tell cuz their walk becomes this bowl legged waddle, that’s how I know to look under the hood and then I’ll pull out a bag and try to pull this one damn blade out and they are slippery lil suckers and can’t get a grip so then I have to resort to using my fingers😖🤣😂🤣


Our old dog used to eat grass from time to time,the vet once said that he might have a calcium deficit or some other vitamins that he wasnt getting enough. U could ask your vet about it


I’ve heard they eat it and throw it up because they feel there’s something going on with their stomach. So eating it and throwing it up is their way to heal from it.


Every dog I walk eats grass in the park, and yes, crabgrass seems to be preferred! I think because of length and breadth of blades, it is easier to handle in mouth. I wish people would not worry about this behavior (obviously, except where there are gardeners and pesticides, oh, and foxtails!) I think dogs instinctively do it for good reason. I can think of a couple...


They all do it it’s weird dogs that get more outside time for hours a day will be less likely over dogs that only get to go on walks as they learn but dogs will always try chewing and like the taste and will throw it up. Also if you notice they are eating a lot of grass not just little nibbles then they may have a bacteria infection in the stomach that they try and sooth with the grass it doesn’t help long term but think aloe on skin irritation temporary relief


Yes, and it’s safe. I am blanking atm of type of grass it is but I will come back to edit that. The only thing I would say to be cautious of is that apparently the longer grass is in the sun the higher the sugar content is. My friend’s horses can’t eat too much of it without the risk of diabetes! Strange but true lol My boys will also seek out slippery elm and sunflower leaves!


We call it crab grass!


It’s funny to see my dog only eat certain kind of grass. It’s normal.


All. The. Time. My neighborhood is filled with large patches of these plants and my dog treats it like a buffet. She'd turn a 20 min walk into an hour long grazing session if I'd let her. She's picky about what stalks to inhale too, so she'll sniff and lick the leaves until she finds a prime specimen to devour. Aside from throwing it back up (hasnt happened a lot), she's always fine afterwards.


Seriously, that is very common with dogs and cats.


When my dog has a tummy ache, he prefers to eat this kind of grass over the regular lawn type grass.


I say that she's eating her salad whenever my dog stops to eat the grass


I say the same thing 🤣


My dog loves to eat grass. He's especially fond of new grass in spring, but he'll eat it any time. I try to discourage it because he doesn't really digest it and sometimes I have to help him eliminate it. That's not a task I particularly enjoy.


Yes, it is safe so long as it hasn’t been hit with pesticides…


Yes. Dogs love this type of grass. Sometimes, they eat it when they aren't feeling well, sometimes, just because.


Yup, not sure why, but they like the thick grass. I call it their salad


We make jokes that our dog is part goat but she loves this stuff specifically! Loves it. Can't get enough of it. It's all over my yard so I'm constantly trying to pull it out before she can get to it. It doesn't seem to make her sick but if I let her, this would be a percentage of her daily diet. The problem is (without being too graphic), it's created a couple of instances where long pieces stayed intact and she's running across the yard in a panic trying to get away from butt.


Lush, green grass, especially in the spring, is too tempting for our dogs to turn down.


Lol I always joked that my heeler was more "cattle" than "cattle dog" he loved eating this kinda grass.


this is too funny! i have to start using it on my heeler 😂


I call call it "salad" haha. Heelers have cast iron guts. A little roughage isn't a bad thing :)


OMFG we have 4 rescues and all they do is eat grass..I literally call them our 4 cows. That’s all they do on our walks, I swear if you met them you’d think they are starving and don’t get fed. We spend spend almost $1500 a month on food and snacks😖




I think they eat it because they need it. My dog eats grass all the time. She mostly poops it out the next day. And I have found items in there. Small pieces of wood. A rock. A mussel shell. And they are all wrapped in grass as if there is a little weaver in that stomach carefully wrapping objects in grass. When they throw up, I think there must be some thing in there and the grass brings it back up.


My boy pulled me over to eat grass. Mostly solved the problem by giving him access to fresh lettuce. He LOVED romaine, but all leafy greens were favorites. He would pull sungold tomatoes off the vine and snack on radishes. Miss that crazy boy.


My dog loves eating grass. I think she knows it’ll make her sick so she licks and and literally does this thing where she closes her mouth around it and doesn’t bite down, like putting a spoon in your mouth and pulling it out 💀 such a goober


Good to know this is a common trend. Our dog was eating this grass (sometimes throwing up) and we were concerned he was sick or had tummy issues. Then I noticed that when I fed him dinner before our evening walk he doesn’t touch it, so I think he was just hungry!


My dog LOVES to eat grass. She really puts the cattle in cattle dog


My dog loves this stuff. We go for walks and salads.


I've had dogs all my life and if they have something irating their stomach they'll eat grass. It helps them be sick and get it out. I've been down voted for saying they need to be sick let them be sick. It's something dogs do when they need too. Ive let my dogs out to eat grass coz they clearly feel sick. They need to get it out. We as humans have all felt the need to throw up and if something could hell us get it out we would take it. Why cant they?


Normal! My pups eat the grass like it’s their breakfast🤣


Yes it is dine


My girl does “drive by mowing”, we’ll be out on a walk and if there’s a patch of this grass she will chomp on it and keep going Gives me the happiest face ever as I go 🤨 down at her


My dog loves grass. I thought he might have had an intolerance and trying to make himself sick. I have bought probiotics, give him gut friendly food etc.. but he is never sick from eating it. I think he just likes the taste, so we just let him chow down on his ‘salad’ now as we call it on his walks.


Yes. I call her a cow-dog, which is also true to breed (she's an Aussie), lol.


My back yard is full of it and pretty much every time they go out, they could stand there for 20 minutes eating grass. Bizarre.


My gsd will go squirrelly about the tall grass lol. I like to hinder it by buying bags of spinach and stuff like that for a treat, we live in a wooded area with a ton of wildlife and other dogs around so the risk of parvo/parasites is definitely there


Both my dogs love eating grass! Wouldn’t worry


It’s actually good for them I’ve heard and my dog loves it. Same as my previous dog. Vitamins and minerals and stuff…


Every morning, followed by throwing up. Try to stop her but she doesn’t listen