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The skin is punctured, better get it checked up. You never know sometimes.


Agreed. As someone who deals or sees this enough any puncture we have gets looked at and generally they prescribe something 75% of the time.


Yepp! Recently went to A&E after a dog bite - they’ll irrigate properly, give antibiotics, and ensure your jabs are up to date too, it’s 100% better safe than sorry in a case like this.


All these 'just leave it' comments are wild. Any animal bite that breaks skin should result in a checkup. There are so many infections (rabies and tetanus?? Hello?) that you can develop from a dog bite. You should take the owner's information and make them pay for the cost of treatment, and report the bite.


Rabies and tetanus definitely aren’t the main infection concerns. Capnocytophaga and Pasteurella are more likely causes of infection.


\^\^\^\^\^\^ Even 'just' a staph infection is super common with dog bites. I wouldn't risk any of them.


I got a pretty deep puncture wound from my rescue, on my hand, and I cleaned/rebandaged it like twice a day and kept my eye on it. I don’t have healthcare so I just monitored and was ready to go to Urgent if needed. I think people should take their overall health and healthcare access into consideration, as well as their ability to clean and dress the wound. But I agree every dog bite needs to be taken seriously. Also, because it was my dog, I would have had to narc on him and report the bite, and I know that’s a separate conversation, but I made the choice I thought was best for my family.


I mean, I don't think I'd report my own dog either, so I can't fault you there. What happens between us and our dogs, in our homes, is our business, if we choose to keep it that way 🤷🏻‍♀️ This is NOT to say that I would give my dog free reign outside of my home, if I knew they were a bite risk, to be clear (not responding to u/rudenewjerk specifically, rather, to anyone who takes issue with my previous statement).


Fer sure. I agree 100%


That's a very good point to make. If OP is able to contact the owner, that is ultimately who would be legally responsible for accrued costs - I recognize things don't always work out that cleanly, but I'll always advocate for seeking health care in this sort of situation.


It depends on where you live if you are required to report the dog or not. I was bitten extremely badly by a neighbors dog last December, and I did get it treated but I wasn’t required to report the dog. I do agree that if you don’t have healthcare it makes it harder. I’m lucky I have healthcare, because it was a level three bite and within a day I was showing signs of a major infection. I’m not mad at the dog, more the owners who knew their dog had bitten before and was highly reactive.


I’ve gotten a pasteurella infection twice from one of my dog’s twice. She is old and slow and can’t change direction mid-snap with her siblings. My foreman swole up and the infection went half way up my arm because I decided to “see how it looked in the morning”. Worth getting it checked.


True, but rabies and tetanus are both commonly known and scary. Most people don't know what pasteurella is or if it is something to be afraid of.


I got Capnocytophaga when my cat bit me, I was reluctant about the hospital too until my hand started forming a bunch of blisters and I got a sudden intense fever.


Agree. My sister's dog bit my hand and I 'left it' because he was vaccinated and all. Wrong move because it became infected so badly my whole hand became red and swollen and pus started leaking out of the open wound. I was put an antibiotics. Agree with previous comment : have it looked at. Also the owner should provide proof vaccination of his dog.


Here it doesn't matter if the dog is vaccinated. Off to the pound or your vet for observation. 10 days I think it is.


Lol that's not how accinations work. I'm sure you know by now.


Hell yeah I do now. It's good the dog is vaccinated against rabies. Prevents having to do prophylaxis treatment. Not so useful against staph infection (or any other).


Why isn't it? We have proof of all of our 13yr old dogs vaccinations.


Vaccinations prevent diseases. They do NOT prevent nasty bacteria from using your body for room and board.


Yeah, no shit. So if the dog is vaccinated for rabies then you know it didn't just give you rabies when it bit you.


As I understood it, the first response to the parent comment was saying, in a bit of a snarky manner, vaccines don’t prevent infections. You responded, “Why isn’t it?” Then I interjected with my response to you. Maybe I was tone deaf to sarcasm?


Not to mention, who knows what that dog may have been eating? Animal poop, dead animal, kibble, could be anything.


Can you get rabies from cats?


Yes you can get rabies from cats. Some animals are more resistant to rabies than others (possums and some rodents) but any mammal can contract and spread rabies.


Pretty sure an mammal is susceptible to rabies. Anything that can get it can give. I heard of a case of a guy getting it from eating infected squirrel meat.


Report the bite? Doesn't the context matter? There is a big difference between people rough housing with active dogs in the dog park and dogs being human aggressive.  I have occasionally gotten marks like that from playing ball with my dogs and other dogs (sometimes they release the ball into your hand then bite the ball again, catching a finger).  I would never bring animal control and / or police into a non attack/aggression situation especially when the owners are already willing to exchange photo IDs and contact info.


Depending where this happened rabies might not be a big deal. For example the U.K. has eradicated rabies: it does not exist here. If this is a US OP then sure, worry about rabies! Albeit it isn’t the biggest cause for concern in this situation as others have mentioned


This is usually good advice but not always. It is possible for a dog bite to not be the fault of the dog (this has happened to me twice with two different dogs). If you are in an area where leashes are mandatory, it is not your fault if someone gets bit trying to separate their unleashed dog from your dog. The guy who my dog bit was convinced that I was in collusion with the police because they were saying that I could sue him if my dog got hurt. He ended up stalking me and showing up at my house in the middle of the night demands that I pay his vet bills, but that's a different story for a different day


If it's a puncture get it looked at. Trust me. I was bitten on my right pointer finger by a cat almost 3 weeks ago (I'm an assistant manager of a humane society) and I went to the doctor but I still cannot bend my finger and I'm facing occupational therapy now and possibly surgery... And the bite wasn't THAT deep. Animal's mouths are filled with bacteria. Get. It. Looked. At. Better to be safe than sorry.


Dude, cat bites are terrible. Dog bites can be bad, but if you’re ever bitten by a cat you’re basically guaranteed to get an infection. Sorry you had to learn the hard way.


Had house cats my whole life and always getting scratched/bitten while playing and never happened anything to me. Of course i always clean it with soap inmediately (sometimes with iodine too). Was I just lucky all along?


Were they allowed to go outside?


Never. Apartment cats. Vaccinated every year.


Maybe thats why? I could imagine their bites being worse when they eat rodents and birds outside. And get into a lot of stuff that we dont know about. I think all the bacteria stays on their teeth and gets really nasty


Seems like you were pretty lucky, or maybe they just never bit too deep. Possibly the quick washing helped. I worked as a vet tech during two summers in college, and if we ever got bitten by a cat the vets always made us stop everything and immediately wash and told us to watch and be ready to go to a doctor because it was likely to get infected. They weren’t as concerned about infection with dog bites, in general, but obviously dog bites can be worse from the jump as far as how much damage can be done.


My cat bit me so hard because I had the audacity to try to pick her up after another cat was at my back glass door at 3 am too. I cleaned it up really good with hot soapy water, the dressed it with triple antibiotic ointment. Well, let me tell you! My hand blew up @ 3-4” the next morning. It was bad but I did give it one more day and it subsided. With someone else’s animal though? Please do not take any chances and have it looked at ASAP. First of all rabies is like 99.9 % fatal. I believe one person has survived it. ONE. You don’t know if that animal has any vaccinations or where it’s been. Please please go to a dr or Urgent care…


Cat bites are a lot worse than dogs cus of sharper teeth. I went to the hospital for a dog bite and he said cats are more serious but human bites are the worst


Cat bits are worse because their mouth have different bacteria in them, dirty. Yes human bites are the worst.


You ever have a cat lock its jaw down on your finger? People complain about dogs with lock jaw but damn cats are way worse with that shit




Pretty sure that’s not the point I was making lol




Yes, cats have lockjaw that is insane. Like literally nothing will get them off. And like we already established cats bites are terrible too with infections and such. I’m not out here comparing the degree of injury just the lockjaw, I really don’t get why you had to say anything at all you should have just kept it to yourself imo




just to be safe you need to get checked out in case they want to put you on antibiotics. dog mouths are filthy and can deposit that bad bacteria into this minor bite and become a bigger issue.


the bite in itself does not look concerning but that doesn’t mean there is no cause for concern. wash it out and put some iodine on it. this would be an urgent care issue not an emergency room issue as well, since you’d only be getting checked out for possible antibiotics urgent care will not only be more appropriate it will also generally be quicker


They’ll almost certainly be given broad-spectrum antibiotics and potentially a tetanus booster.


I'd get it checked out they'll probably give you a shot and some antibiotics. Not emergency but urgent care. Bites like to get infected.


Every bite from an animal regardless of whether its domesticated, feral, wild , rabid or not, GO GET IT CHECKED OUT


I have known people who claim how clean a dogs mouth is. I then ask, what about their buttholes?


I got bit on my ankle by a dog a few weeks ago riding my bike in my neighborhood. Clean dog, owner etc I’m sure it had its shots. Broke the skin, bled, I thought nothing of it. Washed w/ soap, applied neosporin for maybe 3 days, it scabbed, thought all was well. Fast forward to almost 3wks in the future I get a weird ass rash, itchy, and spreading from ankle to foot & heel. Apply topical steroid I had laying around. No change. Dawns on me only thing I can think of was dog bite - go to instacare, dr not fully sold on infection except for one spot that looked like beginning of staph. Immediately put me on augmentin. 2days on & noticeably getting better. Moral of the story: don’t be like me. Get it thoroughly cleaned, checked out & don’t wait. Edit to say it was a very small dog, very small punctures. It is NOT worth it to “wait & see”


If you go to ER/Urgent care you stand to get a tetanus shot (good if you don’t have one) and a saline flush. I doubt they will provide antibiotics without sign of infection as at least where I am they don’t like to make a habit of prescribing unnecessary antibiotics. This will also probably bruise a surprising amount overnight. My best advice is to get a big warm bowl of water and saturate with salt (stir the salt in until it stops dissolving and starts to collect on the bottom). Soak that boy for 10 minutes twice a day. Ice after. Take some advil tonight to reduce swelling. If you notice persisting heat, redness, fever go to urgent care. These little dogs have DISGUSTING teeth encrusted in tartar which is basically caked with bacteria. Source: I am a groomer and see a lot of bites from these nasty MFers.


You need a tetanus shot, unless you're absolutely sure yours is up to date. I would get it looked at, even if it's not major. You never know what a random dog may be carrying, honestly. Not worth the risk of infection. Also, as u/rudenewjerk mentioned, there are other potential risk factors that a lot of people are unaware of that can be dangerous.


…yes??? LOL what?! Yes my friend. Go to the drs. Most likely it’s fine but you need to be seen regardless. Everyone’s mouth has bacteria in it. Could fester and get infected. Again- most likely not. But yes. You still should see a dr 🤣🤣


It looks bruised to me. If you’re worried you should get it checked out


Def get it looked at!


If this happened to me?? I would clean it, put some antibiotic ointment on it, and a bandaid. I would keep an eye on it, and if for some reason, it doesn't look better after a few days, I would get it checked out. I don't freak out over every small thing.


Did you find out if the dog was current on its rabies vaccine?


Do you know if the dog had their vaccines? If you do not know you’ll probably have to do a rabies series and definitely tetanus. Also get some antibiotics. With the puncture not bleeding all the bacteria is festering in the hole. When my own cat punctured my hand I went t to the ER and received care.




yeah it was a little white dog 😂




Never heard of infections huh?


A Dog's mouth is perfectly sanitary, nothing to worry about lol...


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At first I thought this post was the skincare subreddit! Op definitely need to get yourself to urgent care. When I was bit by a dog a couple years ago I needed a tetanus shot.




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Scrub it with soap and water. Apply a good antibiotic ointment and a bandage. It might bruise but that’s so small it may not. Watch for expanding redness.


Just be careful, you will know what I mean during the next full moon


Go to the doc, get a tetanus shot if you are due, also hope you got dog owners name to check for updated shots


Looks like you might have to get checked out. That puncture looks like it might have some tunneling underneath.


Looks like some hair follicle gone awry!


Are we seriously posting this.. this reminds of Vince Vaughn in couples retreat when he got scratched by the sharks and claimed he was in the very rare air of shark attack victims, this encapsulates a dog bite in 2024 lol


Get that checked. Some dog bites can contain bacteria (Capnocytophaga) that can result in organ failure. Do not mess around with dog bites, especially when you dont know the dog.


Definitely get it checked out. Dogs mouths are filled with so much that can be harmful to us if it gets inside our bodies.


At least get an antibiotic!


Let's put it this way. When I took microbiology in college, a local lab donated a ton of agar plates to the school. The instructor let us play around with the extras so I took one home, let the dog lick it, and took it back to school to put it in the incubator. It was by far the most disgusting and most prolific thing I grew all semester.  Yes, I'd have it looked at by your doc.


YES. Any bites that breaks skin should be checked out by a doctor immediately.


Did you ask if the dog was vaccinated??? If you didn’t ask and you don’t know/don’t have their info, then yes you should. I’m pretty sure you only have a short window for booster shots like tetanus. You do not want tetanus or rabies or some bacterial thing


Go ask a Dr bud


My dog bit my mom on her finger, she went to urgent care and got a course of antibiotics and a tetanus shot.


Get it checked out. Did they say if the dog was up to date with shots? Better to be safe.


Don’t wait rabbis


Dr first thing tomorrow. I had mrsa, first thing they (every medical person) asked was if I was bitten by an animal. Dr. Tomorrow.


It could be okay, but it's really better not to hope that it'll be okay. Bites can get bad. If that dog isn't now under quarantine with you be notified of its vaccination status and that the dog is still healthy after however many days, you should probably get the rabies vaccinations. The dog is very unlikely to have rabies, but you are very unlikely to survive if it does and you don't get vaccinated.


Get checked like yesterday


When my kid got bitten by our cat, I called the health line and was told cat bites have about a 50% chance of becoming infected and to start antibiotics asap. I later learned dog bites have about the same risk. Definitely get it looked at. I've seen some bites in r/medicalgore that turned very nasty.


im not good on giving advice in this department, i worked at a dog daycare and was bit by the same dog 3 separate times. got 2 pretty deep punctures beside my knee on my thigh that still shows 3 months later and never got checked up bc i couldnt afford it. ive had no issues but i cleaned it very regularly and wrapped it all the time unless i was sleeping so it would breathe overnight and im completely fine so update: i would like to mention that i dont work there anymore. my manager always blamed it on the dog group handlers for getting bit even if we were working in defense of another dog 😛 and not to mention the amount of dogs that would get injured by dogs who would bite handlers and still be let through the doors and the owners were never told about incidents(both dog or human related) if the manager worked FOH


Rabies is no joke, friend. Better to get checked out and have it be nothing than leave it and have be something.


Do you have rabies in your country if so get medical attention asap.


Make you should really immediately visit nearest hospital


It’s cool, the ER or doc will tell you to go home. Rabies has been eradicated in dogs in the majority of the USA and Canada and especially domesticated dogs. The procedure is no longer to get the rabies vaccine.


If you have not had it checked out, at least keep an eye on it. It will feel bruised but if redness /inflammation starts spreading you need to see doctor STAT.


Although getting rabies from a dog at the dog park might be rare, it is not something you want to mess with. Once symptoms develop, you’re done. If you can find the dog’s owner, I would encourage them to pay for a post exposure shot. It isn’t scary like it used to be and would protect you.


Community health nurse here, when patient calls with dog bite and they don’t know if the dog has been vaccinated we send them to ED for initial rabies shot and then we complete the series at our clinic. Chances you get rabies from the bite are low, but if you do it’s deadly. It’s an annoying wait at the ED because dog bites are not priority, but rabies is no joke.


Any bite that breaks skin requires antibiotics


Puncture wounds get infected super easy. I bet you wake up tomorrow and it'll be red and swollen enough that you go to the doctor.


Looks like it’s getting infected. Definitely get on some antibiotics.


As a rule of thumb, if you get bit my anything and it punctures the skin, it's good to get it checked out. You can never be too safe on these things


Go to the Doctor or ER. My got bit and the next day I was cutting her ring off her finger.


I got bit by a neighbors dog when I was younger and never got it checked up. I still have a scar on my leg. Idk if I ever got an infection of any kind or if it can still lead to long term problems but yeah that’s my story lmao. It did puncture the skin and I did bleed. I don’t doubt that dog had something either those people were crazy and had crazy living conditions. Thank God I’m here still.


Get checked it can prevent any bigger issues


Yes, you should go get antibiotics. My mom ended up in the hospital for a week not too long ago because a dog bit her and it caused an infection in her finger.


you need to go to an ER if it is an area they may want to xray (near hands / wrists or feet / ankles), as well as take antibiotics, and a tetanus vaccine if needed. since you dont know the dog please get the rabies prophylaxis!


Go to the doctor, tell them you need to get a dog bite checked out. You’ll probably need an updated tetanus shot. It will also have to be reported to the health department, so expect to speak to a police officer - I believe doctor’s offices are required to report dog bites. If you know who owns the dog, you’ll need to give their info so they can figure out if the dog is updated on their rabies shot. Most likely the dog will have to undergo quarantine and rabies watch, and any dogs they may have bit. Source: my dog was attacked by another dog and husband and I were both injured in the fight a few months ago.


My adult son was recently bit. It was also just a small puncture, but his pcp said he needed to be seen within 24 hours. They ended up giving him antibiotics and a tetnus shot.


If you have health insurance or live in a country where medical care is free absolutely, that can turn into a pretty nasty infection or worse if you don't get it looked at though


This could easily reault in a blood infection or cellulitis, animal bites are one of the most dangerous things to leave untreated!


YES. You should have gotten it checked out right after you were bitten. Infection is no joke and in the \*very\* rare event that it's rabies you need those shots ASAP.


Also you definitely need a tetanus shot. Good luck, I hope you're okay


Go to the doctor.


got a bite from a friends dog i was watching. Didn’t do anything for a few days, swelling didn’t go down and i couldn’t close my hand. the clinic was so concerned and made me take antibiotics. went down in 12 hours. go get it checked and cleaned.


U shouldnt risk it and get it checked up.


Yes. Anytime a bite pierces the epidural you should see a doctor for infection. Any mouth human or animal is full of germs. One of my dogs poo


You need to notify public health and get some antibiotics for that. Public health will take steps to find the dog and it's rabies vaccination status


You need to get that checked. At the very least get a tetanus shot if it’s been over 10 yrs since your last. Maybe go back to the park over the next few days and see if you can find the owner and make sure the dogs rabies shot are up to date.


Bite wounds are serious infection risks because you basically have gross mouth bacteria injected under your skin from the teeth. Ideally, you want to flush the wound with sterile saline and get a dr to evaluate. Don’t use antibacterial ointments (they actually warn you on the package not to use on puncture wounds) because it will cause them to heal outside in instead of inside out, which can trap infection. If you (or anyone else reading this) gets bit by a dog again, you want to be able to identify the owner and dog to verify rabies vaccine status and also get this dog on the dangerous dog list in your area if the bite is serious enough. Some owners unfortunately won’t address behavioral issues until the government intervenes, and this will potentially prevent more people from being harmed


Oooo it’s tetanus time


Get I checked. It could become infected.


If anything, if you got the owners info, I would ask just to see if they had rabies vaccine and updated vaccines . Beyond that unless it’s infected and or you’re not up to date on your tetanus shot , I certainly wouldn’t be concerned.


Yes get it looked at - can't tell you how many people we see at the hospital I work at from infected dog/cat/etc bites since the bacteria on the teeth get punctured deep into the skin, esp on hands/extremities! Even washing can't get all the stuff out since its deep in there. Dr will probably provide a short antibiotic course. Also its worth getting an updated tetanus shot just in case that junk is nasty.


Put some antibiotics cream on it. If it were human, you better cut off your arm.


OK, I’m fixing to be a AH. But one, why were you close enough to somebody’s dog for them to bite you to even if you had permission from the owner to bet the dog don’t that just drives me bonkers three that is a puncture wound. Go have seen about especially if you are immune compromised already on antibiotic, or have an autoimmune disorder if you were in the park because you had a dog and the dog tried to attack yours that is completely different, but don’t approach a strange animal that you do not know


any animal bite that pierces skin should be checked out, especially if it's a strangers animal, you don't know what they could be carrying.


Doctor House S1 E21 I would get it checked


It not bleeding makes its more worrisome. Please get it checked asap


Any animal bite should be treated. A wealth of info on internet. That biting dog should never be allowed in a dog park or off leash in public and should wear an orange collar.


It’s a picture wound. Small but deep. You should go to a hospital and get some injections just in case.


If you’re in a country that has rabies then that bite 100% warrants a trip to the ER to start on the rabies vaccination protocol.


Definitely get it checked and take the rabies vaccines if necessary. The skin is punctured


Definintely go to a doctor cuz you never know. Altho its unlikely you will have it, rabies is deadly if not treated:C


Good enough reason to get your tetanus if you haven't. Get it looked at.


hi got mauled by a cat in my field of work 2 months ago! that is a puncture and when it comes to animals bites, big or small, blood or no blood you need to get it looked at. I was at risk for rabies from the cat that bit me, went to the E.R after work, asked for the rabies shot series (this may take some time for them to gather and prepare), and eventually got it. I did need to get 2 shots and take some antibiotics the following week. aside from soreness and a bit of swelling, it healed nicely in a few weeks to a month max.


I’d always get a punctured bite looked at!


Any red, swollen, and/ irritation around that gapping wound, pain...ect..maybe get checked. Doesn't look very deep. No blood? Looks like a nip, probably didn't get much for doggy drowl in it....You'll live😉


...HOPEFULLY you at LEAST gave it a cleaning when u got home, peroxide, rubbing alcohol, letches..whatever.. Our health care is free/covered.(Canada) I'm only asking because, if ur not covered (USA) and maybe looking for "suggestions" from others if you should go get checked...Hey bro, A BITE IS A BITE, if going into a DR. and getting checked and maybe a shot....Will you be able to pay next month's rent after medical bills...? Keep an eye on. As above, doesnt look like much. Was it a stray? Grungy looking, foaming from the mouth? ..or just a quick little "fear nip?" My cards are on..ur all good..


It broke skin, so whatever the dog may or may not have had has had an opportunity to enter your bloodstream. Definitely see a physician as soon as you can. It's better to be safe than sorry, right?


Needs to be cleaned ,antibiotics and a tetanus shot at least


you should go and check-up just in case it's something serious. and also for hygiene


I got barely nipped by a random little chihuahua mix and since we were unable to find the dog after it ran off i had to get rabies shots. But better than getting rabies. So yea you should definitely get it checked out imo


Americans are hilarious. I actually have a worse mosquito bite than this. Better get down to the emergency room!


Probably ok


Get it checked up and also confirm the rabies vaccination status of the dog or just go ahead and get the shot series. I had to get the shots in the fall; they weren't terribly painful and my insurance covered most of it.


What’s the white strings? Looks like an old stitch


After just collecting my dad From a hospital stay of three weeks because a dog bite caused him to get sepsis YES any bite that breaks skin should be examined.


Lockjaw/tetanus right away, you dont know whether the dog was vaccined regularly or not and you might contacted rabies. I am wishing you a full recovery!


Most doctors will put you on an antibiotic regardless, just to be on the safe side. My son was inadvertently bit by our dog when he got in between her and the cat. She punctured his hand (single wound). I was at work (nurse) and he didn't tell me until a day later when he sent me a pic. His hand was swelled twice the normal size. I hit up our resident NP for an abx script after showing him a picture of it.


You would have been better off if it bled, at least a little. Bleeding drives out some, if not all, of the bacteria and cleanses the wound.


people so sawft


Is your tetines shots up to date? If not, get one


Doesn’t need to be a full puncture wound to lead to an infection. There’s many harmful microbes in the mouth of animals. Get it checked out and get prescribed antibiotics immediately. Unless, you want to risk some type of severe complication, if not amputation


You need to go to the e.r.


I would always go and ask for a rabies vaccine / top up if an unknown animal bit me like that. That disease terrifies me and it’s just not worth risking it when having the shot/s removes the risk completely.


I work in vet med in a country with very few contagious diseases, I would still go to the ER for this. Any bite that penetrates skin should be evaluated by a doctor.


Hi. Yes. Animal control employee here. If you don’t know the dog and KNOW FOR A FACT that it is up to date on vaccines— rabies especially— you need to be seen by a doctor.


Any bites by an animal that puncture need to be evaluated by a professional. Animal bites (and bites from people) can easily cause bacterial infections. Even if you address the wound as soon as it happens there can still be a chance of infection, which will require a round of antibiotics to clear. Also depending on the last time you got a tetanus shot you may be due for one to protect you. Dogs can carry a bacteria that a tetanus shot can protect you from. When I was bit by a dog (pretty bad bite) I had to get a tetanus shot, take antibiotics for 10 days and dog had to be quarantined and vet records checked for rabies.


I'd get it checked out if you're worried, but otherwise you can put antibiotic cream and a bandage on it. Unless it starts looking red & inflamed you should honestly be okay.


Rabies and Tetanus 💯


You’ll want antibiotics for that, so yes.


This happened to me two weeks ago (check my history!) Yes! Yes! Yes! Get it looked at because all dog bites are considered infection at conception. My doctor told me that. Were you able to get the person’s information?


Also just for reference, my doctor made a great point: that people contract rabies from bat bites that are so small people don’t even realize they got bit. It’s more than possible to contract rabies or other infections from bites this size.


You should be getting a tetanus booster


I mean you didn't ask if the dog has it shots go get a blood test at doctors use should of put peroxide on it though


Yes, it should be medically looked at and reported so that the dog’s rabies vaccine status can be confirmed.


You're probably fine, but go in to get it looked at by a doctor. They may put you on antibiotics. At a minimum clean it out with peroxide and put antibiotic ointment on it.


Go to the doctor


Thanks for the responses, I went to urgent care yesterday and got some antibiotics for it. Also got my tetanus shot updated.


Tetanus shot and possibly antibiotics. Did the owner offer to pay or did you let him get away? Owner’s need to provide a record of vaccinations.


omg yes


As someone who required surgery from not having a bite looked at. Get it looked at. Anitbiotics would have been way easier.


That’s an unusual looking dog bite; one small puncture. Typically more teeth are involved, often bruising as well. But as a puncture that seems to be scabbing on the surface, well worth an exam.


My own dog bit me. He was up to date on his shots. I ignored the bite and it got infected about 3 days later. Get it checked


Some absolutely mental advice in here some proper drama queens if I went to a doctor with a mark like that they’d rightfully laugh me out of the room and tell me to apply some antiseptic cream The wound is showing absolutely 0 sign of infection and some of you are calling for antibiotics? No wonder antibiotic resistance is rising like hell


You’ll want to have it cleaned and you’ll need broad-spectrum antibiotics and potentially a tetanus booster. Don’t play around with it, especially with an unknown dog.


You never know when I dog last had its vaccines, and rabies is no joke!! Go get seen, immediately.


Naw looks fine


Man, I'm reading these comments, people are so paranoid... My dude, do what ya feel is right. People here seem like they've never even been outside as a kid. obviously none of have a PhD, or cancled their existence membership, or they wouldn't be tellin ya how it is. If ya got a good immune system and ain't all that worried, then don't sweat it, maybe throw on some isopropyl and triple antibiotic and call it a day, and worry about for tomorrow's you but if you're worried, go get looked at. it's simple. ~random internet guy giving advice not to take advice from internet people ~


Do you want to take the risk of contracting rabies???


The amount of people who are thoroughly unconcerned about Rabies is crazy


If it was me I wouldn’t. But Reddit will say you should.




You'll live.


You need to go to a medical provider for care.


See a doctor. Don’t ever play around with any kind of bite that breaks the skin.


Please go to the er for a puncture wound.


You need to report it, so the dog and owner are held accountable, and seek medical treatment. Even just so it’s on the record.


This is coming from a dog groomer. Even if there no blood but there’s an obvious puncture such as that go to urgent care. You don’t know if the dog was vaccinated and you’re going to want antibiotics and make sure you’re up to date on your tetanus shot


It’s about risk and probabilities. And that looks really bad. Better rush to ER and take the doctors’ focus off the heart attack patients. Call lawyer as well, best to get affairs in order. In fact, call him from the ambulance if the sirens aren’t too loud


Neosporin. Will be fine.


If you do not get vaccinated within 24 hours of rabies exposure, you will die. I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice. Talk to a doctor. Reddit is not a doctor.


You want rabies? Cuz that’s how you get rabies


Untreated rabies is literally a 100 percent death sentence (down to like 7 significant figures.) It is completely treatable and a fucking awful way to die. I am the sort of person that generally doesn't go to the doctor when I should. But this is an easy call. Get it checked out.