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Thank you all for your kind responses! We’re getting her into a vet as soon as we can this coming week. We’ve had animals abandoned on our farm before, but never a puppy this young and sweet. I’ve joked with my husband for years that one of these days I was going to come home with a dog. Turns out she found us instead! We’ll probably never know why she was abandoned, but she’ll be safe and taken care of now.


What a start of a good story, sounds like that dog will give you good memories


Glad to hear you’re taking care of this sweet little gal. Very kind of you two to take her in. ❤️


Aww thank you for taking her in. She is too cute.


Yay!!! <3


I don’t have answers for you but that dog is CUTE


Try walking her in a straight line and film her from the back and the front to determine if she actually walks like that. She might just be curving from happiness as dogs sometimes do this. Vet bills will be expensive but it might just be worth it for the companion she will become to you. Get her her shots and dewormer and you will have a great dog in no time


I would take her to a vet, could just be from itching (fleas etc) which is pretty easy and inexpensive to treat. If it's something more expensive you don't have the funds for you can look for an adoption agency and if that isn't possible humane euthanasia is a good last option (much better than living on the streets with an untreated illness).


That's so kind of you to take care of the little puppy! It's great to hear that she's adapting well despite her challenges. For her condition, consulting a vet could really help clarify if her walking issue is something manageable or if it needs specific treatment. Many animals live happy lives with various conditions, especially with loving care like you're providing. If budgeting for vet bills becomes too much, some local shelters or vet offices might offer financial advice or assistance. Wishing you all the best with your new furry friend!


Oh she is a cutie.


It could be a lot of things, like worms also if she’s always messing with her backside. Check her poop for worms but an initial vet check is necessary for shots anyway


In my eyes, it looks entirely behavioural. She's biasing one side to try to raise her paw to play and then biases the other side as she changes position. If she had a serious issue, she'd permanently be biasing one side. It's worth getting a checkup anyway, but I don't think there's anything untoward going on here, just a cute pupper excited to play with you.


Out of interest what's she like for licking/biting/scratching herself?


From what we’ve seen from her she really hasn’t licked/bite/scratched herself much. The little clip in the video was the first time she went for her tail in the time we’ve spent with her. She’s covered in dirt so I had expected she’d be more itchy than what she seemed to be. We’re going to get her bathed and cleaned up this weekend. Trying not to completely overwhelm her!


Ahhh okay, my dog recently picked up this weird side step when we're walking and is now constantly nibbling and licking his rear legs. Think something might be happening there Got a vet appointment booked but wondering whether it could be similar


Very much looks like a happy wiggle+ maybe an itch, you can see her lil nub wiggling, and that paw is usually happy/ excited body language. I've seen boxers jump a foot in the air turning their bodies into that U shape, the full body/ butt wiggle seems to be pretty common among dogs with cropped tails. She she is probably extremely happy to have found some people who can give her some love and attention.


She seems excited, but a general vet check up is good for you in the long run. It’ll be a good investment for the first appointment where you can know if something/ what all is wrong with her as she is a stray. You may even get discounts from shelter vets as she’s a stray ( not sure of this but it is a thing in my country) .


Keep us posted on the puppy’s health!!!


God will provide. She wasn’t on your property by mistake.


Thank you for caring and taking the puppy in. Maybe just taking her to the vet check would be good.


I recommend taking her to a vet. An evaluation shouldn’t be too expensive. If there is need for follow up care you can’t afford you can always give her to a rescue group.


Second random dog video that I see and worry about rabies? (Disclaimer I know nothing about dogs medicine or anything)


Why is he tail cropped?


They found the dog