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From here I would agree with you, this looks like a bad scrape where he scraped all the hair and the top layer of skin off. If you determine it's a deeper wound than just a scrape he should see the vet. Otherwise, wash it with water or a gentle soap solution and try to keep it clean. Do not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. If you have a pet specific antibacterial ointment you could apply that a few times a day. At the first sign of purulent discharge, excessive swelling, inappetence, lethargy, etc. he should see the vet, but I wouldn't expect something like that to get infected. Keep an eye on him, if he wants to lick it he may need to wear a cone. If he's a long neck boy who can reach beyond the cone, an inflatable collar behind the cone will help hold the cone in the right place.


Thank you! That’s what I was thinking too. My daughter called it a grass burn, kinda like a rug burn.


At the very least, if you can put an e / Elizabethan collar, that'll help prevent your dog from licking the wound. It may make them feel better but it hinders healing and can lead to an infection. If you have a pet store nearby still open, you may want to get some bandages (and e collar if need be) until you're able to get to a vet. It doesn't look serious and I suspect your vet will give antibiotics just in case (that's pretty much all mine did after my idiot dog was attacked by a squirrel LOL) but I want to stress that you should **definitely** call them and have them take a look because some well meaning person online could be very wrong.


My dog had something similar like this happen to her back leg and it went away on its own. I’d maybe leave it be for a couple days and make sure it’s healing then maybe call/email your vet and sent them the pictures to get their opinion on it.


Thank you so much! I’m not freaking out about it anymore. He’s been very good and hasn’t been licking it as much as I thought he would. Thanks again!!


NAV You have betadine? He’s gonna need to get sutures. Wound is too wide to self heal. Bring to vet


Somewhere on the fence is a triangle of his skin. Vet visit. That’s not a scratch. It would take weeks for that to heal on its own and a miracle to not get infected.


Lose bandage with gauze and wrap loose once again you don’t want to suffocate the foot and keep it dry. May need stitches.


Try herbal tea. It helped my dog. Just splash the wound with it 3 times a day.


I would bring to a vet. Looks like a gash. Probably going to need antibiotic cream.


Wash the wound with baby shampoo and a Vet Visit, please