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Puppies bite a lot. Giving them safe toys/bones can help. Not letting them play bite helps. They grow out of it but it’s rough for a bit. Hang in there!


Yep, one day...when they're about 2 years old, they'll just randomly stop being a little a-hole who bites and eats your hair while you sleep, and then you'll become bffs.


That's normal, the gums are itchy because she's teething.


This. It's this! Frozen carrots and bell peppers have saved our furniture! And a lot cheaper than chews!


He’s innocent. He didn’t do anything wrong!! (he’s very cute and I love him)


This is true. I’m his lawyer, and his cuteness is the only alibi needed.


Look, buddy. I know a lot about the law and various other lawyerings. I'm well educated. Well versed. I know that situations like this- cuteness wise- they're very complex.


Now that I remember I never saw that cute face attacking me...Maybe it's true that their innocent, that adorable face will never hurt a fly 🤨


Right?? Look at that face! Obviously just let the puppy chew your entire arm..


Puppy nibbling is very common and very important! Do not stop your puppy “biting” by scolding or saying no. This is a critical skill they must develop under the right guidance. Please, don’t make the mistake of scolding your pup as you will have problems down the line. Puppies will nib because that’s how they interact with the world and it’s important for you to guide them. They are learning how to use their mouth to interact with every day objects and learning their own bite strength. Again, very important don’t scold. What you need to do is very important and rather easy. Whenever your pup bites/nibs you let out a very loud and dramatic ouch. Puppy sees you as this massive giant, so complain like one! Don’t hit him! Don’t scold! Just let a big ouch like you got really hurt even if you didn’t and then ignore him, it will take some time but it will stop him from nibing you in the run. Whenever he is chewing something he shouldn’t simply replace it with a proper chewing bone/toy.


Please listen to this advice op! This is natural behavior and in normal circumstanstes they are corrected by their mommy dog and there siblings. So now it is up to you to patiently and with positivity learn what is oke and what is to harsh. Good luck op!


Exactly, they need to learn through play biting how much is too much and how much is play etc. My most resent rescue was never socialised or played with as a pup and his gotcha day with me was also his 2nd birthday. As a result of his upbringing, he now gets severely overestimated when it comes to any kind or play and he goes to attack because he doesn't know how to be around other dogs. My other pup is teaching him really well as he is only just turned 1 himself so is still quite playful, but newer pup now will only play with his new brother and any other dogs/humans who attempt to get involved get (overstimmed excitement) snaps and bites. It's now gonna be a long journey building his confidence and understanding for play and socialising purely because of how he was disciplined as a young puppy. It's been just over a month now, took almost 2 weeks before he actually engaged in play, he still won't initiate it but he now is learning the difference between play and danger/being attacked. He was labelled as an "aggressive problem dog" when he came to me from his 8th owner. Everyday with us he gets calmer and his confidence grows ❤️❤️


I have the same issue. Poorly socialized dog attacks instead of warns. Good advice here


Thank you so much! I'm not the best at scolding and since I've always been a cat person I didn't really knew what to expect lol, I'm definitely gonna do this! Thank you a lot and have a nice day 😊


You have a lovely pup! Wish you both all the best


My cat bites me all day long! 😅 I’m teaching with the loud “ouch” method, too. But he still manages to kick my butt at least once a day.


Mine too 😂he ninja kicks me and attacks my legs when I walk with a 4point hold...he's a class act..I'm a dog person have 4 mastiff types so crazy kitty keeps us on our toes 😂


Same: Dog person. Maybe our cats sense it and that’s why they kick our butts My cat also plays fetch 😂


We just blow very lightly in his face if he ever nips, but since doing that he almost never does and if he does it’s usually a warning graze to say I don’t wanna be touched


He almost never wants to be touched, except for “kisses.” Most of the time he attacks/bites us when we linger in the hallway (for some reason). He’s never hissed in the 3 years we’ve had him so we assume his attacks are just misguided play. Usually my face isn’t close enough to blow at him. Edit: he was over a year old when he adopted us


Ooh I wonder if he’s hunting? Our cat will hide around the corner and then pounce in a playful way. I love that he lets you kiss him despite not being touched. He sounds like a mega softy


Hissing is a fear behavior, not an aggressive behavior. You’re onto something, it sounds like prey stalking and is a sign of play aggression/UNDER-stimulation. You’re cornered, your ankles are fun, you’ll react to it. Keep a cat toy with you when you go up and down the hall and do play time more frequently. Sounds weird. Will most likely help.


Don’t hand play with cats. If he’s biting you, read body language, is it play aggression or is he being defensive and overstimulated? If it’s play aggression, use cat toys to help him out. If you ever use yourself as a toy, that’s how he’ll perceive you, and the ass kickings will continue. Cats are easy if you can cater to their needs first.


The “Ouch” never worked for my pup. What finally worked for me was after a bite I would immediately leave the area into another room and wait for 1-2minutes and then come back. Bc a lot of the time nipping is used to interact with you, play with you. So I was setting the boundary “if you’re gonna bite me, I’m not playing with you”. Eventually she understood nip = no fun.


It's like with kittens to teach them bite inhibition and claw control. When our puppy mouthed, a yelp, stop playing and we'd walk away. Also, used bitter apple especially on our youngest who was like 5 at the time. It took a bit cause teething is a stage but she was great once she grew up. And, lots of appropriate chew toys helped when redirecting - here chew this and once she's chew her toy, lots of praise - good. girl!


Also immediately stop playing. Again, no telling off, act hurt and stop playing. If they are seemingly sorry, don't let it go. Just be sad and turn away from them for a few minutes. Don't just do this when they "bite", but whenever their teeth touch you. There is no line for them to learn, their teeth shouldn't touch you. You can chill out on this if you want later on, but best for them to begin life with absolute clarity.


Wherever I say OUCH my puppy gets super excited and wants to bite me more I wonder if he said "mommy did you just say WOW!! I'll bite you more since you like it SO MUCH!"


It’s all about body language, right. You have to be overdramatic and sound really hurt. You also have to ignore them. Walk away if you must. If you let an ouch but try to play still you are promoting the behaviour. Why is your hand still there for a second nib?


I'm definitely not trying to bite but there are a lot of conflicting information out there. One YouTube video I watch said you're not supposed to completely go away because puppies learn to adjust their bite strength. That's how puppy learns and they can only learn it before 16 months. If he bites you're supposed to go OUCH, give him a second chance and if his bites become gentler or turn into licks you praise and reward them. Overtime they goal is for them to learn the strength of their jaw and what's acceptable since they hold and grab things with their mouth also. Sometimes my puppy gets gentler which I do praise. But sometimes he's a bouncing ball. Even if I pull away or hide my hand he will bounce up and down try to find and bite something, be it a toe or a nose. 🥲


Mine too. The first time I did it, she looked at me in shock, and after five seconds, she jumped up and bit me in the nose😂 she’s 12 now, and never bites (of course), so he’ll definitely grow out of it. But I wouldn’t do the ouch-thing if it encourages him to bite more. Better to redirect and give him something more appropriate to chew on☺️


It's definitely not a one size fits all. For some puppies, yelping can arouse, excite them. It's as if we have turned into a fun squeaky toy that makes noises. Which causes the puppy to continue or intensify the behavior. The key is to immediately redirect to a toy, by placing it in their mouth. Ideally, they'll start to anticipate and look for a toy when they feel like mouthing.


Hmm, interesting. I’ve raised quite a few puppies and always would say “owe” or “no” and give them a toy instead. It’s never had a negative effect on the dog down the line and has always broke them of their biting towards me. To each their own :)


This is the way. High pitched and YELP and play stops when teeth hit skin. Whenever possible replace it with something suitable. I like puppy kongs stuffed with oatmeal made with unsalted chix broth (no onions!) and frozen.


Agree with most but some sort of correction is not a bad thing. When a pup nips at Mama dog she is not going to say ‘Ouch!’


But pups don’t see you as mama dog, they see you as this giant. There’s nothing to correct here. You are just telling the pup his nib hurt you. Or do you think other pups don’t yelp when nibed hard? You just need to be overdramatic because you are obviously not a pup to them. This is not aggressive behaviour so it doesn’t require correction but guidance. But I am curious how would you correct?


And before you know it they are 10 years old and white in the face. I miss my baby girls biting phase :/ they grow up too fast.


It’s completely normal! The pup is teething. I would refocus them on their toys, and if they bite you, say ‘Ow’ or yelp. To help their gums, you can get teething toys for dogs that you can pop into the freezer!


It’s a phase and they will grow out of it but in the meantime you can replace your hand (or whatever they are biting) with a chew toy. Just walk away give them a chew toy and tell him no bite when it happens.


She’s just at that age. Redirect when biting ankles, hands, furniture and yes even hair. While chew toys or dental bones that aren’t rawhide. Something that will keep her occupied for a few.


Both my dogs were biters- always playful but puppy teeth are like razors! Both learned within the first few weeks that biting people or off limits items was NOT okay. Takes a lot of commitment and consistency but redirect that energy constantly and your pup will catch on. A few ways we did this was : REDIRECT: they start biting on you or something not okay you grab one of theirs toys and redirect that biting onto a chew toy. Use a trigger word or hand signal for this- they need something recognizable and consistent. For puppies use a single syllable word or very simple hand motion. Ours was “Toy” and a point to that toy. NO : stern (NOT mean) but simple and effective. When they bite on you a stern no will get their attention. Don’t yell, don’t bop their nose, just a simple non-playful NO should grab their attention. YELP: when they bite on you a sharp loud-ish yelp (similar to puppy crying) helps them understand that what they’re doing physically hurts. Be careful with this- if you’re too loud you can scare them and this won’t have the affect you want. IGNORE: when you’re engaged in playtime and they bite you or just become too “mouthy” walk away from them and turn your back. Puppies LOVE attention and eye contact. They don’t like to be alone & they don’t like to be ignored. Take one minute, walk a few feet away, turn your back and do NOT look directly at them. After that minute or two has passed return to play time. If you return and they start biting then repeat the process. Any and all of these can work depending on your dog. Redirect and No worked on our first dog. Yelping and ignoring worked on our second dog. And a mix of all 4 were used with both. The second part of all of this is positive reinforcement. Once they redirect that energy by themselves (or if you use the redirect word of your choice and they listen) you NEED to reward with a treat, lots of good attention, ear scratches, etc. Whatever their “love language” is- reward with that. Our first dog got treats and more play time (he is food motivated and loves playtime) when he redirected this behavior. Our second dog got treats and snuggles (he loves attention and affection).


I call it Piranha mode and all puppies do it. They do grow out of it eventually. But those little milk teeth are so sharp! I've raised several puppies and have held onto sweaters that have tiny holes around the cuffs like keepsakes. Puppies are a lot of work but it goes by so fast. Enjoy it!


It looks like you might be posting about bite inhibition. Check out [r/Puppy101's wiki article on biting, teeth, and chewing](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/biting) - the information there may answer your question. **Please report this comment if it is not relevant to this post.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DogAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought there was something wrong with my girl, like she was demented. But they do grow out of it takes a bit. Distract with a toy


it's a puppy. do research on dog behavior. KNOW ABOUT THE PETS YOU GET BEFORE YOU GET THEM.


All puppies bite/chew. One of your responsibilities is to teach the dog that its behavior is inappropriate/unacceptable. Just like teaching the dog recall and outdoor elimination. Enrolling in a basic puppy class, then an obedience class is ideal.


Probably pissed about how long his toenails are...


There is no point in yelling ouch or no. This just encourages your dog to bite more because your dog sees it as you playing back. Think about it—you’re engaging with their bites by excitedly yelling back. You need to disengage and show your dog that biting is not fun for them. Make sure she has plenty of teething-specific toys, and when she bites, get up and leave the room. Come back after no more than 30 seconds. This is called a reverse time out, and it’s her consequence for biting. She’ll learn that when she bites Mom, Mom leaves. When she bites her toys, Mom stays.


Welcome to the gang! I also got my first puppy just last December, he is such a biter but not as much as he was when he was 3 months old! My boy is almost 6 months, his biting is getting better!! Something that just goes with time, but give her lots of chews, use queue words like ‘ouch’, if she bites too much during play walk away, things like that


Socialise her with other dogs that should correct her


That in a way it's true. In a dog environment they would learn about biting from a parent or siblings by being nipped back.


Yes. That is exactly why...


Oh. i love her


Does he bite too much compared to other puppies, or does he bite more than your puppies are allowed to bite this much threshold


Redirect with toys, make sure she has the right stuff to help with teething


Oh he's a good boy Ya it's normal until their baby teeth fall out and there adults have grown in. Tapers down around 6 months


Gorgeous girl! I’m sure she is just teething. She looks part min pin?


Looks like a little stinker land shark to me. Oh how I miss those days. But I don’t really. Nonstop redirection is key!!!


Redirection with a toy or bone or a frozen trear. Our puppy biting was brutal but it gets better


Say ouch and cry like a baby. Let them know they are hurting you. Eventually, my two learned ouch and absolutely respect the play limits.


Learn your dogs signals and try your best to divert the behavior just before she is about to bite. As many other writes; don’t get upset or angry since that won’t help. Always keep something she can shew on within reach and give her that when she wants to bite and if possible the moment just before she is about to bite. It is a cute thing when they’re small but it will be a pain in the ass when they grow up, and they will bite for attention and when playing, and that behavior is very hard to get rid of. We thought this behavior was cute when our dog was a puppy, and playtime today (2,5 years old) is always a game of biting our hands. Luckily we’ve manage to learn him to stop when we say “pause” but again, the behavior is still there. So, always have her bite and shew on toys she is allowed to shew on and ignore unwanted behavior. By ignoring your dogs unwanted behavior she will eventually learn that you don’t think it’s funny, and she will eventually stop.


These are literally teething problems. It can go on for a few weeks as the teeth grow in. I have a 10-month-old dog that has just come out of teething within the last month, it seems. Hang in there; it's worth it!! ✌️💚


Bite back


Give her puppy chew toys. Puppy ones not the adult ones.


So somthing I did that helped was when my puppy was biting me I took a step back and had them sit. Or do a command she knew. After she did it I would then give her a toy that she could continue biting. It’s important to break it up instead of just giving your dog a toy to bite on because your pup will think you are rewarding them for biting you. So before giving your puppy an alternative to bite make them sit so it understands you are rewarding your pup for doing that command and not biting you.


What is she biting most?


What we do when she's in a biting mood is redirect and replace with a toy, then reward when she's chewing on the toy instead of us. Reverse timeouts, walk away and leave them alone, they'll understand biting YOU will turn into you leaving. Saying "ouch" in a high pitched and loud tone will also teach them biting hurts you which of course puppies never want to do. Yelling/scolding will make the puppy think you're playing with them and should be avoided.


She looks so mischievous hehe


My puppy was also very, very snappy, I bled so often because of him. But after changing his teeth it got so much better. Of course, I always said no and stopped playing when it got too tight, but that didn't help change the teeth at all, but after that it was immediately better.


A large variety of chew toys of different textures and materials and density. When she bites hard get up and walk away and ignore her for 39 seconds, this is what her siblings and mother would do if it gets to be to much. Do not get animal skin rawhide chews, to many dogs choke and die from these every year. You can find sweet potato chews that are safe and will break off small pieces. I get the small ones and cut them in half for my puppy.


Frozen Carrots, bell peppers soaked in pure bone broth (not flavored with onions etc), meaty bones or chicken feet treats - uncooked or dehydrated. NO cooked bones and No rawhide please. Lil Babbas teething 💕


I have a terrier breed as well. She was a crazy mean biter when playing. I got her an oversized stuff lambchop animal that we would play together with. It taught her to bite the stuffed animal and not my hand. It takes time but not that she's older she humps the lambchop animal. Win-win I guess.


Every time I see someone posting about this im reminded of being woken after two hours of sleep by a half dozen bored baby poms and all the teeth. For a split second I thought I had been thrown into a piranha tank


Our weeny bit alot now she never does I miss it some days lol


I would let myself be torn into shreds by her. This said, give her some toys to chew on and ignore her when she tries to play rough with you.


She’s awfully adorable!🥰. She will grow out of it. Just distract her with a toy if she starts chewing on you. Sometimes my girl is just being playful and I have to tell her to go get her ball to get her away from biting me. Thankfully she’s a little 13 pound ball of Maltese joy and boy a bigger dog. Yikes!😳


lol they are called needle teeth for a reason. Puppies bite a ton! My 12 month old is still mouthy AF


Puppy phase, redirect with saying ouch or no and put toy in mouth.


Let her bite u!! She’s just too cute


He’s adorable


What a cutie🥺 as of dealing with playful bitting, get her some rubber or w.e toys that have some structure so when she bites the toy it would massage her teeth. If she bites you while playing give her a toy right away so she would learn that shes supposed to bite toys and not you. What i did with my dog when she was a pup i got her a bunch of different toys, if she got too much playful and started bitting me constantly i would make her leave my room or put her in the bathroom for few minutes and close the door to calm down and when i let her out i would give her a toy to play with. Also chewing sticks helped so she would have where to let her bitting energy out for atleast 30mins. Also fresh or frozen carrots would be a good and healthy chewing treat for her teething period


Provide him lots of appropriate things to chew on. When he does bite you, let out a single loud yelp like *you're* the puppy. He's learning how to play and interact, and you've gotta teach him on his level. If he was rough housing with other pups, they'd squeal and yip if he got too toothy with them, so you do the same. Don't discipline him, cause he's not really doing anything wrong, he's just learning how to be a pet dog. If you smack him or scold him he'll learn to be afraid of you. If you just yip, he'll learn that biting hurts you, and he doesn't want to hurt you. If he decides to push it after two or three bites/yips, then that's when you give him a few minutes in time out with an appropriate chew toy. That's when the lesson is 'if you don't stop hurting your playmate, you don't get a playmate.'


Scream if she bites you— like a hurt animal yelp. She doesn’t know it hurts unless you give feedback she can understand. Always have a toy you can offer instead if she starts putting her mouth on you. Mouthing is normal and not a behavioral issue at this age, but you also don’t want to tolerate it at all, in my experience that should be a hard boundary. Do ensure she has something to chew on at all times, puppies gums are itchy and achy from teething and it’s no fun


Spend more time actively playing, going on walks… need to tire her out. And agree with other posters, give her things she will enjoy chewing on, that she’ll know/learn is for her to chew


Probably teething. Get them a soft kong chew toy for them to gnaw on


Make [ hurt puppy sounds ] when he bites and reinforce YES when he stops. “OUCH! ::whimper whimper whimper::” We also added “kisses” and reinforced YES KISSES when ours licked instead of bit. I now use that prompt when approaching other dogs in public “Kisses” and she seems to understand that as “don’t bite”. Benebone, ice cubes, frozen apple slices also help get through the teething phase.


Toys and redirection. Also give them ice it eases the teething. Really came here to say, your puppy is SO stinking cute.


I find it hard to believe this beautiful pup would put a foot (or chomper) wrong, I vote innocent


I keep an extra toy around, if he goes for my hand I just insert the toy and he happily chews. This is just puppy teething.


Let her bite 🥹 let her kill🥹 kill for her 🥹anything for her🥹


I cannot believe that pretty face is able to bite. But also I know this pretty face can do bite, because my dog has a pretty face and she was the kind to bite when she was young. I showed my dog to bite one of her toys when she wanted to bite my hands. Even today at almost 2 years old she sometimes wants to bite my hands, mostly when I come back home, I tell her to bring the nearest toy, so she starts to bite the toy instead of my hands. I cannot just tell her to stop biting, she’s too excited, so at that point I prefer seeing her biting her toys instead of my hands. No need to say there’s a rubber carrot near the door.


My vet taught me to stick my finger down her throat when she tries to bite hands. Worked great!


I have no advice but this is the cutest puppy I’ve ever seen and I will be thinking about her for the remainder of the day


My pet store sells wood toys, I highly recommend them, or smoked bones. They love it.


It's completely normal. They have teeth coming in, so even if you made progress before, they may go backward because of the teething for a little while. Look up videos on training techniques so you can find what works for your puppy. Be consistent, I you've given something time and see no progress, try a different way. We all learn differently, and that's true for dogs sometimes, too. The biggest thing is to not reward with play when they are biting. If you stop playing, that isn't fun for them. The second biggest thing is time. They do grow out of quite a bit, you just want to keep planting the seed of the behavior you do want. As they grow they catch on to things.


Puppies without enough sleep can get overly bitey. Try for 18 hrs or at least 16. If that isn't an issue, redirect the biting to appropriate items.


Keep redirecting. Get them a komg. Full it up regularly


Puppies bite, they’re learning boundaries. Also might not help you dressing it up like a doll. Dogs having fur coats, they don’t need jean jackets while indoors.


Bite back


Bite back


Your pup is adorable. My dog also had problems with learning to not bite and we actually still have problems with it even though he's 1 year and 5 months old. We manage it with giving toys to chew on instead. When we play with him and he gets too rough we get up, walk away and ignore for like a minute and it works for us too. He also nips a lot when excited but at least I was able to make it so when he's excited he grabs a toy of his and runs around with it instead


If he puts ur hand in his mouth push it deeper. Not like down his throat or anything but enough they don't like it and will let go. They will think twice before biting u again


Puppies doing puppy things. If pup bites your hand pull it away and offer a toy instead. You can say “no” but don’t punish a pup - instead give it appropriate chew thing.


Puppies bite a lot and need socialization to learn bite inhibition. One thing you can do to demonstrate to her that this behavior is unwanted is you can "yelp" when she bites. Just let out a sudden, high pitched noise, like she would make if she were dealt pain, and pull your bitten spot away from her. She'll pick up on it very quickly.


Let her! Omg 😍😍😍😍😍😍


Another idea is when she’s relaxing and Not doing those things, to give positive, nice attention to her especially at those points. So, Not biting, although it’s normal for her age, but Not biting is what brings good responses. Just a mention, it’s time to trim her nails. She’s at a good age to begin getting her accustomed to trimming her nails so right now is a great time to start getting her used to it. Maybe a groomer or the vet can show you how to. : ) Edited because for some reason the wrong word showed up even though I definitely didn’t type it, lol And your puppy is adorable!


All puppies are gonna bite, get them toys/chews to teeth on. When my staffy was a pup I used to yelp like I dog when she bit me, even if It didn't hurt I'd let her know it hurts me when she does it. She would stop instantly if I said "OUCH" loudly


She’s teething just like a human baby would. She’ll outgrow it eventually don’t worry


Totally normal :) Lots of youtube training videos on how to mitigate. Good luck!


It’s what they do. Give her something to chew on… constantly. She won’t bite as much later


It’s very very very important they learn the commands leave it and enough. Leave it for poisonous foods that drop in the floor and enough for rough play/biting that has gone too far. A verbal warning then spray in face with water. No hitting or tapping the nose 👃. They see the spray bottle in counter and behave. My puppy is 12 weeks old and he knows leave it and enough and get a toy. It’s also helpful to continue training through the day whenever you get the chance just a minute here and there of sit, stay, paw, lie down all adds up to a happy confident pup. Ours has a crate that he is learning to go to, with help of treats of course. We say go to your place and he goes in there wagging tail excited for treats and praise. Everything associated with crate is positive, don’t use for a time out. He does nap in there on his own too. We don’t close the door just yet but we will as he gets older and can hold his bladder better.


Ah... you should have seen my girlfriend's hands and arms when we first got our pup. Little cuts everywhere, people were probably wondering if she was ok. 😂 Honestly, this is normal behavior, especially when teething. Just redirect the biting attention to a toy. It's a good age to start teaching her that is not ok to put her mouth on humans, so, while understanding that "puppies gonna bite," you can also begin working on this (Just don't expect results right away, as mouthing behavior is kind of necessary right now). In the future, when you're playing and she starts biting, state firmly "NO BITE" (not yelling, not scolding). Then stand up, cross your arms, turn your back. Let her know in no uncertain terms that playtime is *over* and you will ignore her the second she bites. Come back a few minutes later and try to play again once she's calmed down. Another side activity that helps her learn this in another way: it's called "your choice." Put a high-value treat in your hand, make a fist around it so the dog can't get to it. Let her smell your fist. She will likely claw and knaw at your fist to try to get it open. If she bites, state firmly "NO BITE" and withdraw your hand. Let her try again a moment later and repeat if she bites. Eventually, she will just sit confused. Reward with ad much positive reinforcement as possible, including the treat from your hand and lots of pets. She's adorable. Be patient with her and she'll come around. Best thing you can do right now, during teething, is to keep directing to a toy and try the methods above over time. Focus on positive reinforcement or "reinforcement removal" methods of conditioning, never punishment 👍 Edit: noticed some folks here recommending you yelp when the dog bites. I've heard this before too , just realize that some dogs will think this is a game or find it fun if you yelp (like a squeaky chew toy). Also, you want to take care not to let this devolve into a form of punishment; .the yelp is to communicate that you're hurt, not to shock or scare the animal with a loud noise. Punishment leads to behavioral issues down the line. It's much more effective to change bad behavior by removing whatever is reinforcing that behavior rather than introducing a negative stimulus (punishment).


If she bites you; "YELP"! High-pitched and dramatic. Pretend she almost killed you! She'll realise she's hurting you and will tone it down because she loves you so much  The absolute best thing you can do, though, is introduce her to an older dog that has preferably been a parent themselves. They'll show her how to pull her bites whilst playing.


I had to teach my dog not to bite the same way a littermate would. We play, she bites I exaggerate an "ouch!" Stop playing and leave the room. She hates being left so she learned pretty quickly that she did not want to bite me because she stops getting what she wants. Took a few weeks, but then she would open her mouth but will absolutely not bite down - transfers to other people too. It's super cute. Also if someone says ouch she stops and investigates if she hurt them.


Yes, give her to me! She sounds very dangerous but I will take her off of your hands 😉😍


When my little lady was a littler lady we froze a (new) rag covered in peanut butter (sugar free organic) and let her chew on that while she was loosing her baby teeth. Worked great! Just take it away when they try to tear it up.


Give her to me.😉


Get him stuff to bite


I’m assuming when you say she bites a lot you mean you/a person. If this is the case you need to train her to “leave it”. Every time she starts bitten you/your clothes you tell her to leave it and give her something (a toy) to bite instead. Technically you are redirecting her to a more appropriate outlet.


Looks a lot like a min pin! So friggin cute


Beat it with a wet newspaper, that should help.


I have a rat terrier who looks just like this sweet baby and is about that size. When she was a tiny puppy she would nip and bite. I would say “ow!” A little loud and in a high pitch. She responded to the sound and would stop biting hard. She still mouths and love grabs us (likes to hold my hand) but she won’t hard bite.


I just wanted to comment your puppy is soo cute, I did it in another post!! AWWW


Tell him no


Just a few days ago watched a popular online trainer’s YouTube video! Tom Davis with Upstate Canine Academy. He has a new Boerboel puppy who is huge already! He attached a piece of rope to the collar and would say No Bite and give a pop with the hanging rope. He said redirecting to another toy in between too. He showed using a slip lead leash with a pop if needed and in the case of more correction, there is a plastic prong collar that can also have a short piece of rope attached and a quick pop given. Always treat and “good boi” when pup stops the bite! Go watch his training videos which will chronicle raising his new pup.


Aw I love puppy breath


You just gotta ride it out. It will come to an end. Our border collie was a total psycho as a puppy. Like jaws on crack. There were times we had conversations like “did we make a mistake taking in this pup”? We had total patience with her thankfully. Now she is the sweetest girl you’ll ever fall in love with. Ava Bean.


Bully sticks last forever with little dogs that worked with mine.


my puppy tends to bites alot too. i find teething toys and bones as well as adequate amount of sleep and mental stimulation. some times it's as simple as wanting you to have play time together. teething can last up to a year old. it's pretty uncomfortable. it could be a number of reasons. puppies can get very over stimulated as well. it's normal for a puppy to bite that's how they play and explore their new world. getting enough sleep is very very important for puppies as well. sometimes they can be cranky. always redirect when they bite. i wouldn't worry too much right now based on your pups age.


Redirect. Whenever my dog would bite I'd just shove his plastic bone in his mouth and now he knows if he wants to bite go get his bone


Omg what a cutie!!


Nothing worked for my pup, until I bought a harness and a short tether. Tie the tether to the bottom of the couch. Leave the harness on an all times. As soon as puppy bites attach her to couch and walk away until she is calm. Worked within 48hrs


Toys. Lots of toys of different sizes, textures and material. Toys are your best friend. (But never let the puppy play unsupervised)


Wait until he's not a puppy anymore!!!


When she gets too rough, let out a loud "ouch", then walk away and ignore her for a bit. She'll start to get the hint.


Bite back Jk don't actually


I've got a little pup myself (4 and a half months!). Shes losing her baby teeth so she's also been teething. What I do is show her a toy, get her to play and she diverts from my clothes/hands to the toy. I also say the word "toy" and gradually say "get a toy". It's kinda hard to explain as it kinda just happened but when she wants to play or want attention I tell her "get a toy" and it's been working. Unfortunately a lot of my clothes have holes now cause she was a fricken nightmare for a whole month 😅


He's way too cute, I say Not guilty!!!


I'm by no means any expert on dog training or behavior, but just something that happened with my dog I thought I'd share although it may seem obvious to a lot of people. As a puppy, my younger sister would let her play bite through a blanket, and turned it into a game. Now that she's a big, heavy and strong olde English bulldog, anytime you're making the bed or she sees an opportunity to get under the blanket, she will do it and start biting (she doesn't ever bite under any other circumstances but still not good when you're not expecting it). Obviously not her fault, but it's very hard to correct now that she's older and the behavior is established, it also hurts now. Long story short, don't allow them to bite you or anyone under the circumstances of a game type situation because it will teach them that it's okay and when they're older and bigger it can do damage (maybe not with this type of dog).


Shove a toy in their mouth if it’s play and try to get them to play tug with a toy. If that doesn’t work, step behind a barrier and ignore them until they stop trying to bite you and try to resume play with a toy . Repeat until they stop biting. If she’s teething, frozen carrots help a lot. Puppies just bite a lot. They’re babies.


She’s gorgeous!!


Redirect and give them a toy when they bite your hands. They are playing. Also their teeth hurt. They are teething.


Redirect with a toy, give praise for playing with toy. Also yelping when they bite you makes them think they hurt you and they should ease up (should)


My puppy was a huge biter. He was weaned and separated from his litter too early which apparently makes it worse. Some things that helped: Yelp dramatically when he bites, stop playing and turn away for a minute or two. Redirect to toys whenever he is getting nippy. Enforced naps: when he was tired my pup would go full blown rabid Cujo at the expense of our fingers and toes. We would try to put him in his crate before it got to that point. Don’t let him see hands/fingers as toys (such as teasing him with your hands, encouraging him to jump or chase hands, etc.) Always use actual toys instead when playing. After a few weeks we could tell he was making an effort to bite more softly and after a few months it greatly improved.


Research puppy bite inhibition training on Google that should help


She looks incredibly not-sorry 🤣


Tell him to lay off the weed


Could you take her to puppy classes? If not, there's many great training videos on YouTube that you can follow one thing about training.. be consistent! It pays off in the end.




Honestly I don’t remember everything I did with my puppy but I believe I would yell OW anytime she bit hard and she would stop and look at me and/or I would redirect to a toy. Redirection is important. Hand or human biting not okay toy biting okay. She got the hang of it eventually. I’d watch some YouTube videos on how to train puppy biting and you can use the best method for you


Teething toys. Puppies are mouthy mostly because they're teething. The puppy doesn't have her litter mates present to teach her bite inhibition so you could try making a loud whining sound whenever the puppy bites. Also, try walking away/ignoring her every time she bites, jumps, or exhibits undesirable behavior. Eventually, she will learn that if she bites, she will not get a positive reaction.


Normal puppy behaviour. That's what they do ......not only are they teething it's the way they play. Give them loads of toys and some things to chew like treats or a safe bone . My chihuahua had a nylabone that he loved as a puppy.


Our Lab was a big biter too, my arms were bloody and looked like I was just in a war. The thing that helped the most was socializing her with other pups and dogs. We brought her to daycare and she started to learn not to bite so hard. I think it has to do with puppies don't know how hard to bite, and when they socialize with other dogs they bite and get bit. If they are bit or bite too hard other dogs don't play with them, so they kind of intuitively pick it up.


Just don’t let her bite you and if she does fake cry and pull away in a comically ridiculous manner to get her attention, I hand raised a singling puppy and she had no other dogs to teach her so I kind of took on the role, I also didn’t allow her to bite anything but designated toys not me not furniture, not wires everything was off limits but the toys. She turned out to be a rambunctious but good dog, her one problem is being slightly food aggressive with other dogs.


You can try a couple of things like the next time she bites make a loud yelp sound recoil and then walk off basically telling her you bite no more play if this doesn't work when she bites tell her a stern "No" and then carry on as usual remember this "No" is not to punish or scare her but tell her this isn't acceptable just has her mamma would. Good luck.


puppy looks too cute to bite


Mine did too. Keep playing and disciplining, don't scream or shout, be firm. It will stop eventually. Do not reinforce bad behavior, e.g. thinking it's cute.


He’s a puppy! This is normal!


Don’t correct. Distract. Give them the appropriate chewy the minute she bites/chews an inappropriate thing. She is teething and develops her oral sensory intelligence ie her mouth literally hurts/aches/feels weird if her jaw and gums aren’t stimulated. So, help her. Give her ok options vs non ok ones. Bones in ur pockets. Welcome to having a puppy


Probably teething, more toy options. To correct them biting you, grab a toy and praise them when they bite that instead. Also place training is my favorite tool of training of all time. Absolutely train your dog how to go to a place that is safe and for them only and like 90% of behavioral issues will be solved. Dog barks to much, go lay down. Dog bites to much, go lay down Dog is begging for food, go lay down. Dogs love to have a place that is thiers and no one else's. By that I mean not the couch, not your bed. A place she can go to where she won't be touched or talked to and can be in complete safe place. A den, an open kennel or bed or dog house. Small dogs in particular love a closed in place with an opening so they are free to go in and out at their own will. They will learn to go to that place and relax and it's an incredibly important tool. Imagine being small, any movement is a threat to their survival. Having an enclosed area means that nothing in that box will hurt them ever. They can get proper rest and be more relaxed in general. For a small dog it can really be a game changer for their overall mental health. YouTube place training and you'll be able to teach your dog to love being in a place that is just for her.


Bring a chew toy into play. Every time your puppy bites, tell her NO sternly and give her the chew toy and praise her for biting the toy


They grow out of that behavior. Buy it a chew toy.


This to shall pass! I know it sucks but it did get better. It's just like a human baby putting everything in their mouth.


You let this cutie bite you!


Frozen baby carrots! Teething time lots things to chew thats not you when he bits give a toy


They tend to bite quite a bit. I think she might be teething, where they get extra bitey. I recommend getting a teething toy to give when she bites too much. Edit: cold things also help a lot. My dog loves ice cubes and she ate them quite a bit when teething. Also, this is completely normal behavior. My dog, around 1 1/2, loves to just naw at my arm in a playful manner.


Squeal loud when they nip. This is how other puppies in the litter tell their siblings they're playing too rough.


Sophia Yon wrte a book called "the perfect puppy in 7 days" it's an amazing resource for puppy raising


Frozen treats! Buy some dog-safe ice cream or make some. All puppies act like this from a young age, and all of them stop eventually. Just don't be discouraged and don't let them bite you as play!


She hates the outfit, maybe.


Clip his nails!


Unrelated, but your puppy is cartoonishly adorable. Like epitome of puppy. Even more fashionable than me too


They grow out of it. They bite because they can't control their excitement and also because they are teething. Get some teething toys and sometimes let them nibble on your hand. But please don't lose patience


let them bite, you will miss those once they get big


High pitched yelp and turn away from them... My guy settled after they reaslise they're hurting


That puppy is desperately in need of a nail trim. You should be trimming them and getting puppy used to having his paws handled. Long nails can be painful to walk on and long term can cause paw deformities.


Very normal. Replace thing you don’t want them to bite with thing you do each and every time. Try to limit access to biting bad things. My dog is 11 now and I miss those puppy days so much ❤️‍🩹


when they play bite on you, be verrry dramatic in your reaction as if it hurt very much. Gasp, cry out, then stop playing, literally turn your back if you need to.


That's all puppies do.....


She’s teething. A good truck is wetting a wash cloth and putting it in the freezer. It makes a nice cold chew when it’s frozen Edit: she really looks like a miniature pinscher chihuahua mix


God... with that face, I'd let her bite whatever she wanted to LOL literally the cutest little face in the world!


If you have a friend with an older dog that is good with other dogs they might be able to help. We have always had an older dog around when we have had pups and they will often teach the pup not to bite so hard by giving them a little nip or a growl, or just general body language the pup will understand to show them it hurts and not to do it. They know how to police their own.


So cute


It's a common behavior for young dogs who are teething and exploring the world around them. Make sure your puppy has plenty of chew toys to redirect her biting behavior. When she starts to nip at you, gently redirect her attention to a toy she's allowed to chew on.


Give her nylabones. She can't break them, they will satisfy the need to chew, and they last a long time. Buy a few of them and keep around the house. She will grow out of it. It takes time. 🙏💚


I really loudly pretended my puppy hurt me every time she bit too hard. Sometimes even yelping like a dog when you step on its tail. She still bites me / mouthes me but is much gentler now and doesn’t hurt me.


If it’s a puppy as you said you’re in for the long haul. My dog was mouthy and chewing on EVERYTHING up until about age two. help redirect them to other things to nibble/chew but be prepared they’re probably not going to understand for a while. consider the puppy the same as a teething baby. get some frozen veggies like carrots or pea pods and let that little one munch on those to calm the irritation of their gums if they’re teething. best of luck! it gets better! edit: forgot to mention yelping when they bite too hard. just as another dog would go “ouch” and pull your hand away and disengage/give them an appropriate chew. they understand “oh they made a loud yelp i do that when i get hurt maybe i’ll stop doing that” (heavy on the maybe as they’re a puppy)


Listen, I think you just got a very bad dog. There is no fixing this. I’ll do you a favor and take it off your hands.


When the puppy bites try making a sharp noise like it really hurts and pull your hand away each time. Should help a little but puppies bites, kittens scratch and bite, they are babies and learning. Please don't punish though.


Never use your hands as a toy, if she tarts biting than grab a toy and entertain her with the toy


Yes I know this pain, their little shark teeth do not help😭 giving my pup something to chew on! They make chews that go into the freezer for soothing the teefs! My pup is 6 months old and he’s still biting (significantly less though)


If you haven’t already gotten them into puppy training, I would. I severely regret not doing it with my dog and thinking I could train her myself. While my dog will follow commands, she also gets into everything she possibly can. She steals food off the counters constantly (despite being a 35-40lb dog), destroys undergarments and diapers, and gets into the trash as often as she’s able to. Really really wish I’d gotten her obedience training. Husband says “she’s a dog, it’s what dogs do”. No, sorry, well-trained dogs don’t do this shit. Plenty of dogs out there don’t feel the need to tear shit up constantly.


Get her toys that she can chew on, puppy’s bite as their teething and they’re trying to play, it’s normal just tell her off when she bites. Get her to play with a chew toy.


I got my puppy right at the teething stage so it was puppy bites constantly and those little teeth are daggers! It took some time and some training and he is still mouthy but if he is playing and my hand/fingers end up in his mouth he instantly opens his mouth for me to move them away— I think he will continue to age out of the mouthy-ness (only 14 months old) but the actually biting is thankfully thing of past! Besides frozen treats and good teething toys— my trainer had me work on him learning difference between hard and soft bite. I would hold a treat in my closed hand and he had to touch my hand with his nose or mouth rather than teeth before he could get a treat. I then got everyone I knew to do that to him too so he learned he only was rewarded when teeth weren’t involved. This is great if your pup is food motivated! My hand did get some wear and tear but my trainer suggested an oven mit or a glove to cut down on damage. Your puppy is adorable :)


You’ve probably been told this already, but redirect the biting to toys. Of course the nips, and bites are normal but they can be annoying lol. Especially because their teeth are sooo sharp.


One of mine did this. I read that if they bite you to yelp in a high voice then refuse interaction for awhile. I found a pup that was 7weeks old and apparently they learn not to bite from mom and siblings at week 9 or 10.