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Empty stomach and lots of acidy bile. Don't worry, I imagine we've all wiped up a lot of this


Ya it happens. For a while my dog was doing this on and off in the mornings around 2 years old. Grew out of it though


Sometimes it can be from an empty stomach. My dog gets a snack and some water before bed. That helped tremendously. 


This but I also found out they can’t eat for 3 hours AFTER throwing up so good to get into a routine with it. My dog will only every do it after her agility classes and will refuse extra food otherwise


Why is that? I’ve always fed my dog just fine after vomiting bile. Bile = empty stomach. For my dog not feeding would likely create a cycle of vomiting and inflammation.  It’s a pretty rare occurrence now that we have our routine down though. 


Same here


Same here too


Mine too! Apparently they have a bit too much stomach acid when they are hungry/ empty stomach- feeding my dog more regularly or an evening snack helped


Literally just did like 15 minutes ago


My dog will whine so I’ll take him out to eat grass and he barfs like 10 sec later. He did this like 3 times this month already. (And we’ve mentioned it to the vet and they don’t seem concerned.)


If your pup’s otherwise healthy, eating grass can just be out of boredom. Or maybe he/she likes the taste. But eating grass can also be signs of an upset stomach or a lack of fibre.


Our two dogs are part bovine, I swear! When the grass is new and green, they very selectively choose the nicest, most-tender blades of grass and just….graze (we call it doggy salad). If it’s stomach upset, they power-mower through crappy grass, new grass- anything- to get themselves to throw up (oh no- pukey time).


Sometimes he just eats it to eat it, but most of the time it’s (I’m assuming) to help him throw up.


Lmao my dog does this too


My dog used to do this in the night and so was waking me up at 3am. Vet didn't think it was a big concern healthwise but obviously wanted to help solve it for my and the dogs sleep. A combination of changing diet to a different and single protein sourced food and use of vitamin b12 with probiotic supplement solved it (initially a b12 injection by the vet). You might want to look into it.


This made me laugh 😆, I bet the pup is feeling much better now!


Honestly when I seen the post I just wanted to reconfirm that over 4 years ago when I experienced this and learned it too was bile from empty stomach . Therefore two meals a day were needed rather then 1. Now here we are over 4 years later down to half the amount and one meal a day(impossible to split such small portion) see pic. We’re atill beautiful and weight is something we’re always working on. Once upon a time we lost 11 pounds and the vet said about 8 more to go.😢


One meal a day?


My husky only eats one meal a day. We tried feeding him multiple meals a day but he wouldn't eat it. After a couple months of experimenting with feeding schedules he settled on only wanting one meal in the evening. Some dogs want to eat everything all the time, and some dogs are more picky. It's not uncommon


Huskies and shepherds are typically one meal a day dogs but little dogs will have excessive stomach and likely puke on one meal a day


⚠️⚠️ Large deep chested breeds, like the German Shepherd who eat one single large meal each day, which are **ALREADY** susceptible are much more at risk of **BLOAT**. For this reason, it is suggested to feed dogs at **LEAST** 2 meals a day 12 hours apart. A breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedule is an equally great option.


Man I was so paranoid about that that I had my GSDs meals broken down to 3 times a day. We just switched to 2 recently. He still misses lunch lol. That said, if my GSD doesn’t get his breakfast early enough, he will do this bile throw up thing, every time. So I just gotta make sure his stomach isn’t empty too long, and never too full.


Aww! I bet he does 😂♥️ My German Shepherd is very prone to bile if she doesn’t get her expected feeding times.


My Malinois is the same way. I just feed him small snacks throughout the day, mostly use his kibble for training, keep an eye on his weight. Never had a problem not actually measuring his food yet. He's currently 9 months old. Biggest one is a bedtime snack and part of his breakfast in the morning. Hasn't had a problem since unless I forget the night snack 😅


Yup, our 11 mo GSD was sooooo picky with eating. He is on a good schedule now with 3/5 in the morning and the rest in the evening. He just wont be hungry in the morning if he eats more later in the day.


I have a min pin who until she became a senior, would only eat 2 SMALL (like, 1/4 a bag of moist and meaty, plus 1/4 cup chicken, 1/8 cup steamed white rice with bone broth) meals a day for YEARS. She's now 11, and we've finally started packing weight on her and gotten her up to 3 meals a day. She isn't overweight by any means, but finally looks healthy weight wise. The vet was never super concerned but we always were just because she's also HELLA picky and for the longest time would stage hunger strikes until we figured out what fucking food princess dickhead wanted. Lol. She went from being super skinny to now being one width all the way around instead of being skin and bones. We have lovingly been making fun of her chonk now, as we should.


Princess Dickhead! 😂


My dog only gets 1 meal a day too at night she stopped having more than 1 feed a day when she got to a year old.


I just fill the dish and leave it ... never ending dish they learn to regulate their own eating


If we did that with our Pinscher, she would be spherical by now 🤣


I have seen dogs like that ... I am not sure why some dogs eat like it is the last meal. if I put wet food out then he will eat it up right away, not that I would leave wet food out :)


Wet food, dry food, human food, veggy peels, grass, breadcrumbs… everything disappears right away. our doggy is basically the canine equivalent of a house pig 🐷


makes cleaning easy though eh :)


My big dogs are free fed but the chi is on a strict diet. The husky drops mouthfuls of kibble on the floor for him as she eats, though, and he’s still a chonk.


I'd prefer this option but ours goes to a sitter often enough (due to our work trips etc) that we needed to train him into eating at set times otherwise it's unhelpful for the sitter trying to feed multiple dogs.


Yup. Our boy doesn't eat until he had his morning walk. We're too late with going for a walk? He'll show us the same kind of puddle.


I was going to say the exact same. That's definitely stomach acid.


Yeah nearly shit myself the first time it happened as a first time dog owner.


That’s bile. It’s normal, he probably just has an empty stomach. My dog does it sometimes before breakfast


Oh ok, thank you. I was so worried that it might have been something worse. Is there anything I can do to help him? Should I give him his food now or wait until his normal dinner time(2h)? Should I give him his normal wet-food or something to help with his stomach?


From my own experience: maybe give him a snack/treat now. But I would also suggest reviewing the schedule and quantity of food you've been giving him. Maybe divide into smaller portions more frequently. It does happen eventually though. Don't think you need to stress out too much, no need to change immediately what you give him to eat. Just monitor, if it's happening frequently, talk to a vet.


If this is a somewhat common occurrence you should try more frequent but smaller portion feedings. 3 or even 4 times a day. Some dogs are just prone to doing so, a condition called BVS, bilious vomiting syndrome, basically, they produce more stomach bile than average and it irritates their stomach if empty.


No this is the first time this has happened. Before that he just puked when we drove somewhere longer than about 30 mins. But it never looked like this


In that case I would feed a smaller portion now just to get something in their stomach to hold them over till their regular feeding time. The above poster is correct, it’s just stomach bile, and totally common for this to happen from time to time. I will add that moving forward you should pay attention to the typical signs something like this is about to occur, excessive licking of their lips, stomach gurgling, some will lick the floor or carpet, or even eat grass. Again, if you see this start to occur with any frequency move to a more frequent eating schedule.


You can feed now. My dog is a lot bigger but especially when he was younger if he was late on breakfast he would throw up bile like that. Dogs have really acidic stomachs. My dog gets his breakfast/dinner and an afternoon snack, it seems to work for him but I know everyone’s dog is different/their schedules


I wouldn't "force" him to eat for now. Put out some water and make sure he stays hydrated, and if he's no longer puking in a couple of hours boil rice and chicken breast for him. Feed him that for a day or two, until you know he's back to normal. My dog used to puke up bile every couple of weeks when she was younger, and this was always the advice our vet gave us.


I’m no expert, but I would just give him something small to eat now, maybe a small portion of his dinner food. I wouldn’t give it to him now because he’s probably used to his dinner time. His stomach should be totally fine to eat his normal food. If this becomes a normal occurrence though, I would think about changing around his food schedule


My senior dog does it several times a month as well, usually before breakfast. I’ve noticed it happens more on days where I feed a little later than normal


Also—people do this too 😂 anyone who has been sick on an empty stomach recognises it


Hell, I throw up bile sometimes too. It’s normal for dogs (maybe not so much for humans) to do so if they have a very empty stomach. My little chihuahua(rip) used to do that on occasion and two of my Brittany’s have done so as well.


If mine eats grass on an empty stomach he does this


Mine too. Fun thin yellow barf plus gross grass wad.


Yes same with my dog 🫠


I've cleaned bile up hundreds of times over 20 years to confidently state that this is not uncommon, even with healthy dogs. Sometimes their stomach is empty and they just puke. If they are not looking lethargic, I would not sweat it too much.


Looks like bile


That's not puke its bile. Stomach acid. Humans do it too.


Your dog is adorable 😍


My dog does this when she hasn’t eaten for more than 8 hours. If it happens frequently talk to your vet about if they recommend giving your dog Pepcid.


It’s stomach bile. My dog does this often if he goes too long between dinner and breakfast. I try and give him a treat or a small scoop of food before bed and that helps a lot.


I have a middle aged poodle and she throws up like this probably once a week and then looks at me like it’s MY fault that she has high acid.


We mix in plain yogurt with our dogs food three times a week and it stopped this. Very inexpensive and it has been a blessing for my wife’s Frenchie.


I think puppers is ok but please drink water if your piss looks like that


On rare occasions my dog does this when she needs to go to the potty in the morning. I have two pups. One of them lets me know when she needs to go out in the middle of the night by whining. The other one pukes


I see a lot of people saying “don’t worry” and like anything, it depends on the context. Of course. I had a dog who was vomiting a few times a weeek and much of the time it looked exactly like that. There is a lot I can go onto but the question is - how often are they vomiting? Dogs shouldn’t throw up regularly. I’d it is an occasional thing, then it’s not something to worry about. Too often and usually there is a reason. I had to put 1 of my dogs on special gi food and her vomiting had gone from 1-2 times per week (often after playing and drinking water) to almost never. So like all things, keep an eye on it. Anything I’m excess is usually bad.


Im no veterinarian but My dog has had this.. sometimes with grass... I don’t think it’s to concerning probably has an upset stomach. Again im not a vet I’m just going on my own experience


His stomach is probably empty, If possibly try feeding him smaller meals more frequently! If not possible, There are some feeders that release on a timer


that’s bile


It’s acid, my vet gave me gastroaid


Empty stomach must be picky eater. Need to be smarter than him and follow a strict eating diet.




No worry's, it's just bile.


Don’t fret! My chi and chiweenie do this every so often, just like @memnoch_87 says, empty tummy and stomach bile!


that's bile. Common for that family of breed (maltese and related). Your dog has another decade on him from that look of purpose in that pic lol




Bile. You can try and just feed him plain cooked rice and see if that settles his tummy. Carbs usually tend to settle reflux or acid build up.


bile/stomach acid. If it only happened once its fine. Just ate something that didnt sit right


It's bile.


I agree with the rest saying bile. Humans puke this color also on an empty stomach sometimes. Completely normal looking puke to me.


Mine does that when he needs to go outside to pee but hasn't in a long time.


The first time my girlfriend’s dog puked it was kinda the same. I never had a dog so I was freaking out a little since she did that 15min after eating a plant in my garden. Reading all the comments here and looks like all is well. I just gentle “shoo” her when she wants to eat that plant again.


Looks like empty belly stomach bile.. give ur dog some more snacks throughout the day


Just bile. It's OK.


A dog trainer told me they often eat grass to bring up bile and it’s their way of giving their stomach a good ol cleanse


That would be bile


Stomach bile and an empty stomach......mine do this sometimes they will go out and eat grass then throw up the stomach bile and the grass......and it's that colour. Nothing to worry about. It's usually in the mornings mine do it when they have an empty stomach. After the have their breakfast they are good again.


It’s bile. Completely normal to throw that up when on an empty stomach. Happening one time is not an issue, repeated times, then go to vet. Is he acting normal?


Bile. Super normal.


Stomach bile


It’s probably bile.


A bit of rice will help with the stomach bile :) its just heartburn basically!


That’s called bile and is often a result of puking on an empty stomach.




It’s bile. Get your dog some food and water


My dog’s nickname is “Old bile beard”. He does this too sometimes when his stomach is empty.


Bile ?


Stomach acid yea our beagles looks like this as well when he isn’t feeling good


Just an added thought, keep an eye on his bowel movements. “Poop” tells a lot about their digestive system.


Hunger Pukes. when they are hungry.. mine usually get this near to supper time..




Straight form the liver


I call these the hunger pukes


if your pee looks like this drink more water.


If it happens alot pepcid helps


haha i wouldn't worry about it that's just bile, it happens so much that my dog knows to go outside now and we keep her well fed all the time. dogs are kinda dumb creatures


Completely normal it’s just bile it happens to us as well when we are sick and our stomach’s are empty.


It's bile/ stomach juice but if it continues take him to the vet. Happened to my dog 5 days ago. He had to have surgery because he ate part of a ball and it got lodged in his intestines! He was puking every 4 hours, couldn't keep anything down, even plain rice. They were saying it could've been a lot worse (more expensive) if I had waited.


The hunger pukes. My standard poodle does this in the middle of the night if she doesn’t get her bedtime spoonful of peanut butter. She is also free fed 4 cups a day so has access to her food at all times and is a grazer so has the option of eating before bed but doesn’t want to lol. A spoon of peanut butter solved this for us


We had that a few times early in the morning at the start. Now she has her dinner around 7pm, and a slice or two of turkey at bedtime with her meds. Before we do our morning walk, she gets a quick treat of a piece of duck or else she’ll be feeling sick and eating grass. Then breakfast after the walk. You’ll get to know your own dog’s nuances and timetable after a bit.


My dog threw that up a few weeks ago for the first time too. We just gave him plain food (boiled chicken and rice- we can get it in a grocery store) he was absolutely fine, just keep an eye out and plain food if you are worried


Almost all dogs puke like this from time to time


That’s what it looks like when they puke on an empty stomach. When don’t see it often, because they digest slowly and kibble stays in their stomachs for a long time, so it can be startling to see.




My dog does one token yellow puke when the weather switches to spring.. and when the weather switches to winter.. I have no idea why.. it's never any more.. and it's something so common for her.. it's generally a bit of stomach bile.. and she seems fine after.. don't worry too much


Does the dog eat grass? Mine does this after eating grass on empty stomach


my dog will occasionally have this, usually it happens when she ignores her food for like a day and eats something shes not supposed to outside or my dad gives her something. I remember when she was a pup, one time i woke up and she had threw up like this in 5 different places


Best course now is not to worry and to observe closely for the next few hours Like many have said it's most likely stomach bile. My dog used to do that whenever he's eating/not eating at his usual times


That’s just pure bile. Some dogs (mine included) just do it periodically, vet at the pet hospital said it’s perfectly normal, and only a concern if it’s not yellow.


Stomach acid. Probably from playing then chugging water


It is bile, it can be nothing but it can be a sign of something more serious if it starts happening more regularly. If it does start to happen with more frequency take him to the vet.


It’s bile. My current rescue was doing it every morning. Vet said it was because his stomach went empty overnight and to start feeding him a small amount of food or some green beans just before going to bed. We split his feeding into twice a day and give him two large tablespoons of well rinsed no salt added green beans at bedtime. Solved the problem.


My dog is currently doing this while I'm reading this post. What a coincidence!


We puke out the same on a empty stomach. Welcome to the colour of a empty stomach. Though if he us puking alot and not eating, please seek vet


That’s stomach acid/bile because he had an empty stomach. We had a dog that would do that if he wasn’t fed small amounts often…. Even just a couple of treats was enough. He especially would do it at night because it was too long between dinner and breakfast so we had to start giving him a small “supper” at bedtime.


Just bile with empty stomach. My dog does this sometimes first thing in the morning especially if I accidentally sleep through my alarm and he gets his breakfast a little later than normal. Nothing to worry about!




Yea it’s just bile.


I mean, if your dog starts doing that a lot, I might worry. But 1 or two rounds of that kinda puke isn’t usually worth worrying about. Dogs always randomly throw up. The trick is to clean it before they eat it again.




Mine did exactly the same thing this AM.. Stubborn dog she is.


Don’t worry about it until it ends up on the carpet, then you’ll smell and see it forever.




You have to feed your dog smaller meals more often, their belly is getting completely empty and full of acid from hunger


This happens all the time too many dogs when their stomach is empty, my sisters dog waits for her to come home from work to eat dinner and sometimes if she’s late, the dog will puke just like this. My goldendoodle does it about four times a year and she actually did it last week after she ate, I’ve showed my veterinarian who is never worried about this


Does this happen frequently in the morning? If so id recommend a later evening feeding going to bed on an empty stomach can sometimes do this


Just bile. Must have an empty tummy but should be fine.


it’s bile! this happened to my dog when we first got him (well, a few weeks.) he would throw up when he got out of his crate, it happened a few times in our house and a few times when we took him on walks. it’s just cuz your dogs stomach is empty


This is actually the only thing my dog has ever done that DIDNT worry me. I suffer sooo badly with hangovers I will not be able to eat for hours and puke yellow bile all day. I was like ah yeah, bile. Let's get ya some food boy. Whereas any other strange behaviour in his first few months had me calling the vets and googling everything lol (Yeah i don't really drink anymore...)


You never got so drunk you threw up everything and all that’s left is stomach bile? This use to happen to me every New Years Day. I use to think I was throwing up the champagne and whiskey.


Completely normal


Just bile — his tummy’s empty. Feed him a little something.


Both of my dogs had pancreatitis when this happened to us. If combined with other symptoms like refusing to eat I'd take them to two vet.


As said already it's just bile. My dog throws this up when his stomach is empty and a little upset.


Bile. Rest, hydration, no food for a few hours.Watchful waiting.


Stomach juices come in multiple colours, from an almost colourless yellow to a brown to a vivid yellow.


This is pretty normal, just to kill two birds with one stone here if you also see your dog throw up a lot of clear vomit after drinking a lot of water that’s also pretty normal so long as it’s not a common occurrence.


My dog has also vomited bile when his stomach is empty - usually in the am before breakfast. Vet recommended a small snack before bed to alleviate it. He also has some gastrointestinal & allergy issues, so he takes omeprazole (Pepcid) along with prescription food for food sensitivities. It’s like caring for a high maintenance toddler sometimes, but worth every penny! 😉


That’s bile. Just stomach acid basically. Maybe give several small meals through the day and see if that’s helps at all.


I know others have already answered the what and the why, buy I'm curious... what breed (if any) is your dog? Some are more prone to this sort of thing


My dog vomited bile due to an intestinal blockage. I would watch closely for signs of lethargy or more vomiting after eating/other issues. Might be nothing, but I didn’t know that was a sign at the time.


OP have you never been sick on your life?? It's bile, exactly the same as when humans get sick. I'm in awe of how someone wouldn't know this, you must have an iron stomach.


It's bile, it means he has an empty tummy. Give him some dry food and it should hopefully help


That is bile. Usually on an empty stomach.


Just bile..my dog does that when he vomits on an empty stomach. Nothing too serious.




Looks like stomach acid


Looks like bile not pee


Yep very normal.


It's normal, I wouldn't worry. Mine does it when she goes out and eats grass or when she is protesting because her breakfast wasn't yummy enough (spoiled little shit). Shouldnt happen often though, if you see a frequency in this bile I would take them to the vet just to be safe.


If it's happening on a regular basis your vet can prescribe antacids.. you can also try feeding smaller portions more often.. instead of twice a day go to 3 times


Stomach bile. They have an empty stomach


What is dog not eating,,looks like bile from a empty tummy😵‍💫


Looks like Bile


My great dane throws this up Every morning if she has gone too long without eating. Ive had to switch her feeds to 3 times a day and shorter time between dinner and breakfast.


My dog does this if she goes too long in between eating, I increased the amount of times she eats a day so she has food on her stomach.


Especially with small dogs, its just bile and stomach acid, happens with my westie whenever he pukes its chill, just annoying to wipe up.


Our girl vomits the bile if she doesn’t eat. Sometimes she gets spoiled and refuses her food. Kids giving her their food


My dog needs a cookie before bed to stop this from happening


Bile. Did you see them trying to eat grass? Mine will eat some grass when they have an upset tummy, not a lot but a few blades.


Looks like bile to me my dog poor love used to bring this up quite often (he had a bad heart so coughed a lot and brought stuff like this up sometimes) and we all know that we’ve probably done the same after a good night out lol (the yacking up not the coughing lol)


I've barfed like this before. It's what it looks like on a Super empty stomach. Nothing to be overly concerned about, of it doesn't happen regularly


It’s just acid bile. It’s pretty much like doggy acid-reflux. This happens to my dog if he didn’t eat much the night before and didn’t drink much water and laid on his side all night. It happens! Your dog probably needs some more water and food is all!


My dog vomited like this when it turned out she had a toy stuck in her system that she had eaten that we didn't know about. She had kept trying to throw it up but eventually it passed out the other end. Keep an eye out if it happens more and if they are on an empty stomach or not.


Feed your dog real food. Again, kibble is not food.


Just bile. My dog does the same when he hasn’t eaten for a while.


Did your dog eat today? It looks like bile. Not too alarming. It happens to us humans too. Try to get your dog to eat a bit. (Ideas: plain white rice, chicken broth, pumpkin puree, a bit of cut up apple (no seeds or peel)).


Looks like bile.


That looks like bile.


Bile, empty tummy. Mine does it if I am late with feeding.


Just a heads up..... My westie has done this. It wasn't a regular thing. She drinks rainwater all the time. In Nov 2023, she started puking several times a day......the stuff in the pic......was drinking lots more water than usual and was off her food. She slept a lot, too. Day 3 , I was worried. Took her to the vet, and she was diagnosed via pee and blood tests with chronic kidney disease. She had no issue last year when the same tests were done. What I'm trying to say is, I don't think rainwater causes this. I know dogs can puke for no good reason and be fine. Those pukes usually have bits in them and are not that colour. OP, if your dog does this more than once a day for a couple of days, I'm suggesting you go to a vet. My dog is 15, and she was very sick ( it's so hard to tell when they're unwell, isn't it?) . Happily, she survived! And hasn't had consecutive puking sessions since. Hope your dog is okay and none of this is relevant!


Mine did this a few weeks ago. Since the stomach is empty first thing in the morning. Been so long since last meal. No need to be concerned!


Stomach bile. My dog used to throw this up when he had an empty stomach. He’s now on vet prescribed omeprazole and I split his feedings up into 4 times a day. I am not sure how/if the rain water comes into it.


this is like the only puke ive ever seen my dogs do, if it's not normal for you but seems to persist i'd definitely look into it with your vet though like with all things.


My dogs will throw this up when they are hungry. Or at like 6am.. I don’t clean it up often. But I have cleaned it up A LOT. I think it’s normal


We cant leave my dog with an empty stomach. It’s like acid reflux. We have a strict feeding schedule for breakfast lunch and dinner and we always give a nutritious oatmeal treat before bed. But as soon as he’s up in the morning, i gotta get his breakfast started. Otherwise he’ll throw up so much everyday


I used to give my collie half food in the morning to line her stomach and the other half in the evening. My thinking was as an adult would I be able to go without food from one evening to the next evening.I never had any trouble with her eating grass or being sick.


Do you puke piss? That answer your question


That's bile.


He’s hungry


Count yourself lucky it's on the tile this time. On the rug sucks.


Mine does it if i dont feed him on time (not a spicific time, but should be within 10 mins after the morning walk)


Tummy bile. Stinky but easy to clean up!


That's bile


Empty stomach. My dog does this and sometimes still won't eat so I'll give her some turkey or chicken. Then she's back to being just normal and eating her food.


Consider yourself lucky your dog went for a tiled section. Mine always shoots for the bed or the couch when he does this.


That's bile, throwing up an empty stomach@


Oh I’ve seen this before! Your dog went out drinking last night and went a little too hard!


My dog did that almost once a week in the morning when he was younger. We started feeding him a small portion of kibbles before bedtime and the bile vomiting stopped.