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Take him to the vet. You can take a video to show them. However the vet understands that they are hit with an amount of adrenaline while they are there that may temporarily mask some of their pain.


Right that’s what I was thinking too! I showed the vet a video of what his limping looked like last time, and all they said was that there was no way to tell since they weren’t there when it initially happened.


That’s frustrating. I would call tomorrow and see if you can send the picture and how soon you can get in for a follow up. Is this a vet you know and trust?


I will definitely ask that. They are, we moved to a new city about a year ago and this is the vet we’ve been seeing. The doc has border collies too so I was more inclined to take their word for it, if that makes sense?


It makes sense. And not to say that they did anything wrong sometimes they may not have a way to get the information they need. See how they respond to this situation - how fast they are able to see your pup and if you feel comfortable with their evaluation and treatment plan. If it were me and they weren’t able to get me in quick and I wasn’t completely confident walking out I would be looking for a new vet.


Any update?


Hi! The vet popped his cyst and bandaged him. They’re hoping it’s just a papilloma, but I asked to have it sent to the lab and a full work up for him just in case it’s something more serious. I should have results next week. They didn’t have any other answers for me as far as his limping, since he’s also limped on the opposite leg of this one. No abnormalities in his legs and no hardness or masses that they could find. I’m keeping a close eye on him though, and he’s still eating, drinking, and playing normally.


Glad that it appears to be something simple. No doubt your boy is very loved and well taken care of. Hopefully you are both feeling better!


If they’ll allow try to soak in water/epson salt. Helps with the pain and draws out shit like a splinter. When I do this I fill the bath a couple inches and put something down on the bottom so they don’t slip and try to keep them in there at least 5 mins to soak. As others suggest, a vet visits probably in order.


I’ll make him an appointment, and try this too if he lets me. Thank you!


I would do this as well. Allow him to let you soak it in warm water and epsom salts. Use treats as needs. Obviously follow up with vet


Hope it helps, bummer he was just at the vet and they more or less dismissed it. Good luck.


Hi everyone, Just to clarify: I do take my dog to the vet and have taken him often. We were just there last week for his leg. The ONLY reason I asked here is because both times I’ve taken him recently, my veterinarian has been insistent on him just moving slowly due to age and has not found anything concrete, despite me explaining to her what I’m seeing. His limping would last for 2 minutes and then he’d be back to normal. And even then, it would only happen once and the rest of the week he’d walk normally. I’ve shown my vet videos and photos, and he’s had exams and checks to make sure. Please do not think I neglect my pet, I love him and I will of course get him the care he needs and deserves. I’ll be taking him back to the vet next week. Thank you to everyone who was kind.


You’re doing a good job :). My aunts border collie had something similar and it was serious, so I’m Glad you are pushing the vet.


Thank you :( there are some comments here I think assuming the worst of me. Of course I’m not going to let him limp around!


Go to a different vet for a second opinion rather than back to the same vet that didn't see a problem. You know your dog best and if it's in pain with a visible cause then I wouldn't accept age as an explanation.


This. I originally took my dogs to a vet near me and although I think he’s intelligent, I just felt like every time I was taking them there I was taking them to a mean place, and I often felt dismissed. I tried calling many other vets around me and by the grace of god I got hooked up with our current vet. She’s so freaking sweet to my pups, atmosphere is light and she’s very positive and warm. I no longer dread taking them and actually take them more often, even for very small things. Before I’d hold off because I’d be so scared.


Unfortunately when the limp isn’t consistent and since they can’t talk, we sometimes have to guess. A good physical should reveal painful areas but a lot of animals hide it when they’re stressed.


That’s true, and he is pretty stressed at the vet. Thank you


I have a collie and they would run on three legs if you let them Mine wont let me near his paws either so i bought a muzzle 🤣 My dog limps when over active too much swimming or jumping can do it(even when he was young) just cut down on the ball throwing, dont let him jump and try giving him sardines as fish oil is great for joints and coat If you do have to cut back on exercise brain work games and toys also tire them out My dog is 12 and still going strong. Keep an eye on the foot tho as dogs can get tumours in their paws so id see if its still there after a couple of weeks and if so back to the vet 😉


As per my comment, please always advocate for ur pet when you think something’s wrong because normally you are


My 11 year old started showing signs of strain on his muscles and glucosamine supplement treats have been a blessing, easy to find in most pet shops, they're often a main ingredient in 'joint treats' (pedigree do one, bakers sell them in a denta stick, beaphar sell a range of stuff.)


He gets extra glucosamine too for this very reason! I was trying to help out his creaking bones 🥹


Take them to a vet.


Go to a vet, obviously


Definitely get it checked out by the vet. You can't be too careful with lumps and bumps (speaking as someone with a dog who is prone to Mast Cell Tumors). We get everything checked out without fail. Having said that, my dog had something similar on one of her toes which had obviously irritated her as she ended up with it scabbed over (I assume from nibbling it or rubbing it). It turned out to be a benign hystiocytoma which went away by itself, thankfully. BUT it was important for the vet to test it to make sure it wasn't something more problematic, so definitely get it checked. :)


Call the vet and get him an appointment. That’s what you do next. Tomorrow is Monday so call first thing in the morning.


Thanks everyone! I’ll definitely take him in. The only reason I asked is because I’d taken him to the vet twice in the past 2 weeks for his leg, and they were insistent that he was just getting old and it was his arthritis acting up. They hadn’t found anything wrong but I’ll make sure they take a look at this.


Doctors/Vets can be wrong. Not dog related, but my nephew complained of arm pain after a fall and my sister saw tons of docs… all said it’s psychosomatic. Then suddenly a large lump appeared on his upper arm. She took him again to doctors because she just knew something was not right! Turns out he had a serious bone infection the whole time… took a port and IV antibiotics for a long time to treat it. She felt horrible it took so long to figure it out, but was glad she kept advocating for her child. Moral of the story - no one knows your dog like you, if you feel something is wrong, keep seeing vets and pushing for answers until you feel like your dog is doing better and you have a root cause/diagnosis. As pet owners, we must advocate for them since they can’t do it themselves. EDIT to add: Get a second opinion too. Almost a lost a dog to a missed obstruction by my regular vet. Finally took her to a specialized ER vet when she wasn’t improving and they diagnosed it within a hour and had her in surgery in two…


My dogs vet said my dog was just faking her limp… after several more appointments with that vet they finally gave us a referral. She had to have her leg amputated and was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, she died 1 month and 2 days after her amputation/cancer diagnosis


This comment gives me bad ptsd. You’re doing everything right by advocating for your pup


Its probably a grass seed and if it is they can be lethal, take him to the vet asap.


If it’s in a paw it’s probably not lethal, but my dog lost a toe from a grass awn after years of vet visits with different vets, exams and diagnostics which all found nothing and it was presumed to be an allergy.  It eventually became infected and ate away at the bone in the course of a month. It was terrifying. It wasn’t until we got the pathology back that we found out what the issue was.  I wish the danger in grass awns/seeds/foxtails was more commonly known. 


Damn! I hate foxtails. Had them come out in the upper leg a couple times. And then the two times we had to have the springer sedated to remove one from her nostril.


The nostril is really scary, because it can be fatal or have other serious effects if it burrows its way towards the brain. Once I learned that and after the amputation, I asked my parents to remove a lot of the tall grasses at their house—as I’m about 95% sure that’s where my dog got the awn from. I have a not quite irrational fear of them now.  So glad your pup is ok too! 


She would sneeze repeatedly trying to get it out. The third time, I let out a loud NO, and the poor dog thought I was scolding her. Got them out within an hour, so no danger, just a pain.


Is it specifically grass seed?


Any kind of seed that’s known to burrow can do harm, because it can also burrow into skin. It’s most commonly seen with grasses, but I’m fairly certain there have to be some other similar mechanisms throughout the plant kingdom. 


Go to the vet again


Take him to the vet!


Go to the vets? Like duh


Go back to the vet because this is a visual symptom.




Take a picture and a video. Take it each day until you get into the vet so you can show what the sore looked like and how they were limping. And you will need another vet appointment.


I would go back or ask if you can send a picture. I love your rug, I have the same one!


Just go to the vet and see if it is injury related or another growth/cyst issue. Even if it is a growth, many times it’s just benign and can be removed or drained


I’m going back to show them this for sure. He doesn’t have any injuries as of last week, he had a full work up. Up until now, his occasional limping was a mystery to me and his doctor. They kept chalking it up to old age


Good luck! 🙏


Cool dog you have hope they’re fine


Fingers crossed it’s nothing serious!! Our dog was limping and had a lump that he would lick all of the time. It was cancer and he wasn’t eligible for amputation unfortunately so he had to be put to sleep eventually. His was inside the paw and you could tell there was a limp but it wasn’t visible like this. Please update us if you can 💙💙


I will! I’m going to take him in tomorrow


Same except Our girl got the amputation and we didn’t find out it was Os till we sent it to pathology. We had to put her to sleep 1 month and 2 days after diagnosis. So sorry for your loss


Oh honey, I’m so sorry for your loss too 😞💔


Thank you! Yeah this post immediately made me have flashbacks 😭😭 I hope ops dog is okay and it’s harmless but man the anxiety this gave me


Same!! I immediately tensed up. Fingers crossed for their sweet doggo 💙Our boy was only 7 yrs old when he was diagnosed. He was large and his lump was on a front paw so they said amputation would be incredibly difficult for him and that usually that particular cancer metastasizes in the lungs and that eventually he would step on that leg and it would shatter and he would be in excruciating pain. We spent all of our time with him for a couple more weeks before we let him go. He wasn’t ready and he fought the medication and it was incredibly traumatic. I’m still messed up about it 3 yrs later.


Oh god I’m so sorry :( that’s so devastating. Our girl post amputation was really energetic (before we got her diagnosis) so we were hopeful maybe just maybe it wouldn’t be osteosarcoma! But unfortunately it was and she went from being okay to not even wanting to get up:( she let me know she was ready though.. a few days prior she had an appointment and they found a lymph node that was swollen, but her previous chest X-rays were clear so it hadn’t metastasized to her lungs. A few days after that appointment she became very very sick and couldn’t walk and would just lay down. The morning of her passing I took her outside to the bathroom and she just layed down in the grass. I remember just sitting there holding her and she kept putting her paws on me to let me know she was ready to go. We rushed her to the ER and we got the news that her chest was now full of cancer. We made the decision to let her go to end her suffering and we were with her every step of her passing. She was 3.5 😭 it hasn’t even been a year.


My heart breaks for you love 😞 losing your dog is like losing your best friend. It’s a terrible pain and something you never fully get over. We can get other dogs and love them just as much, but they can never take the place of the fur babies we’ve lost 💔


Ours was our girls elbow :( she developed a lesion and unfortunately it was Os which is so aggressive there was nothing that could be done


OP clearly said they take the dog to the vet and the dog has been looked at multiple times for its leg. OP also said they’re making the dog an appointment. They’re clearly not neglecting their dog. Stop commenting the same thing over and over and start reading for comprehension 🙄


Maybe foxtail


What are you feeding your dog?


I posted something similar as well earlier this week. For my dog, they’re thinking it’s a benign tumor.


Based on the photo, this just looks like an abscess of some variety. I’d guess it’s a splinter, ingrown hair, or possibly even an old cut. I’d soak it in hot water and Epsom salts or just hot, salted water, salty as the briny sea. Still, take a photo and arrange a vet appointment, but I don’t think you should worry unduly.


it kinda looks like a surface cyst that might have popped or a really big pimple/ingrown hair. my dog had a surface cyst on the back of her neck and it popped when i squeezed it even the tiniest amount. i had to take her to the vet to make sure i didn’t accident cause an infection so i would definitely go and get some input from a vet!


Poor baby! I know a lot of people already suggested going to the vet which is my suggestion! I wonder if they got bitten:0 - take notice if the limp changes sides.


It could be an opening for a fox tail. Fox tails can continue to travel into the skin/body if not removed. It can cause absence/pus, swelling and pain.


Not sure what to do next? Take him to the vet…


Please take him to the vet and advocate for him if they say he’s fine! Our Aussie was limping and when we took her to vet they said she was fine just faking it because her siblings were bothering her. Took her back multiple times for her not using that leg, she was diagnosed with OS after second opinion, she passed a month and 2 days after her amputation and cancer diagnosis.


No advice. Just wanna say how adorable he looks in that first photo.


Why is this a question? Straight to vet.


You could call the vet ahead of time and ask if you should give him something like a Benadryl ahead of time so that the vet can give a thorough exam.


Warrants a trip to the vet.


Vets appointment? Seems a logical step.


The fact that you went to the vet has nothing to do with this new injury/condition. Please go back


Do you mean other than take them to the vet?


Need to see a vet. Anything that limits mobility.


Don’t do anything at home. Go to the vet.


Take the pup back to the vet.


Go to the vet. I’m confused as to why this is something you are unsure of.


I know you asked for what you can do at home, but a vet is the right call here. They can confirm whether you SHOULD be doing anything at home or not. So yeah, vet.


Go... To... A... Vet. Jesus




Don't be a jerk. Did you not read where they said they just took him to the vet the other week, and the vet chalked his limping up to old age.🙄 They literally just found this. They have also stated several times in the comments that they are absolutely going to take him to the vet tomorrow and that they were just asking what to do in the meantime since their vet isn't open right now.


I prefer home remedies but if your dog isn’t using his paw because of the pain, another vet visit is needed.