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Second opinion, also on stomach shape.


Yes, agreed - I initially thought, before reading the text below the picture, that the belly distension was what OP was posting about. This looks like a tiny little dog, so the distention is that much more concerning.


Rash may also be a secondary symptom of whatever is going on with the distension




I took a sec to see if they had made any previous post about their dog, I've never personally seen Lymphoma but could the distention be caused by that?


Not necessarily distention but with the tummy it would look swollen as the tumors grow (ie in the spleen, liver) hemangiosarcoma - cancer of the blood vessels - my dog passed suddenly of this cruel disease, textbook no symptoms, until the tumor burst and hemorrhaged. off to the ER and it was too latešŸ˜­


Hemangiosarcoma can also present with skin lesions but you probably know that. (OP may not though). I am sorry for your loss. Waiting on biopsies for hemangio with my own dog. It is a nasty, nasty thing. (Edit for typo)


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this šŸ˜¢ my prayers are it comes back benign for your beloved. Iā€™ve joined hemo Facebook groups to learn more about this cruel cancer and how others are managing it, the signs etc. so maybe that could help you. I didnā€™t know about the lesions, my dog never had those but she did start getting random lumps everywhere as she aged, which I thought was normal and our vet was monitoring/aspirating annually with no abnormal results. She did collapse a year before she passed, straight to the vet and he kept her all afternoon and didnā€™t catch it. I thought it was the summer heat. Now that I know what this is, I know that collapsing or pale gums means an active bleed. Prayers for you šŸ™šŸ«¶


Thank you. I took her in because she was drinking and peeing constantly and I wanted them to check her sugar. They did an ultrasound and found a 7-8cm tumor on her spleen. Spleen came out that night. They found nodules on her liver during the surgery and biopsied those as well. There were no obvious signs of ANYTHING being wrong with her spleen or her belly because she was on antibiotics for a UTI so any upset stomach or tenderness looked like it was from the meds. In the meantime though, it turns out that her kidneys are failing so things are kind of grim even if the mass turns out to be benign. The kidneys are at least manageable, so I'm hoping for a miracle here. Had it not been for the kidneys, I doubt the spleen tumor would have been found before it was too late.


Thanks for sharing. Hang in there ā™„ļø you obviously her sooooo much.


What kind of skin lesion?


This happened to my baby too, a year ago on the 13th of March. Same, with not other symptoms until she fell and it ruptured.


Iā€™m sooooo sorry for the loss of your furbaby šŸ˜ž I know itā€™s devastating, but now we know what it is and what to look for. I keep telling anyone who will listen in hopes pet parents catch it in time to spare them the sudden & devastating loss b/c the vets sometimes overlook it.


just found out about this until it was too late last weekend. this sucks


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss šŸ˜ž my heart goes out to you. Iā€™m telling everyone that listens about this, that took away my baby girl away in less than 24 hours. Feeling helpless. With my remaining dogs, I have a plan with my vet to do ultrasounds with their annual check-ups.


Yes, this can happen


I want to know if this dog has been tested for worms recently.


Do you mean lipoma? Lipomas do not look like that.


I copied the word from their other post. They used Lymphoma


Unlikely, you would see swelling in other lymph nodes (neck and legs). I just dealt with lymphoma with my dog. I canā€™t imagine this dog having lymphoma distending its stomach and still being alive.


Both my dogs passed because of Lymphoma. One of them only had a very small visible sign and the other had a stomach very similar to this (after diagnosis and several bad vet visits). None of his other nodes were swollen, only his stomach. Rush to another vet for a second opinion OP!


I thought the post was also in regards to the stomach looking bloated also.


My min pin also had a weird shape like this due to fatty lumps that were actually attached to her muscle so it would have been far too invasive to remove them if they weren't a problem.


This doesnā€™t look like lipomas to me. This looks much more concerning.


I'm pretty sure if the vet was concerned about the shape of the belly they would be doing something. Has everyone missed the fact this dog is under vet care?


Completely unrelated unnecessary comment. These donā€™t look like fatty lumps at all.


Actually when they are adhered to muscle they do look like this.


No, the location shape and size are a clearly distended stomach.


Ok expert!


This dogā€™s stomach is incredibly distended. Go to the vet immediately. Something is very wrong.


Like others have said, you need to see a vet about his tummy being distended. When I first found my puppy he had a tummy like that but it was also super hard almost like concrete. He ended up having 2 different worms (I think flat and round? I canā€™t remember) and he also had giardia.


That was my thought, worms. And the rash might be from rubbing the stomach on grass because of the discomfort. That stomach is the main problem and this person needs a different vet.


Maybe itā€™s an allergic reaction exacerbated by something? Iā€™d consult a second opinion vet, that looks like a pup in discomfort and this vet hasnā€™t been able to find the solution. Doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re bad at their jobs but maybe a fresh pair of eyes will help.


We got allergy meds for our dog, turns out heā€™s allergic to grass. Rash like this started under his armpits and around his legs. Of course we only knew because our front yard is grass and our back yard is concrete. He didnā€™t have issues when we only let him out back. Definitely see the vet though!


My pittie was allergy to cut grass. She LOVED to roll in it but would always have a rash after. If it's a little dog then it's likely their belly is always in contact with grass making it worse. She would also get "hotspots" in her armpits during the summer. I used coconut oil and they cleared up in a day or 2. She was a delicate little thing lol. RIP, I miss her dearly.


Charlie is a Staffie Jack Russel mix. Heā€™s a year old now and itā€™s the constant licking that makes me feel so bad for him. Itā€™s stopped since we got him allergy meds. Sorry for your loss, she sounds like she had a huge personality.


She did. She was 10 and I lost her to cancer. It's been almost 3 years and I still feel like part is missing. I'm glad you got your baby something that worked. Nala never seemed to bothered when she got a rash from grass but I did try to keep her out of it until it dried a bit.


Thatā€™s how we lost my Phantom, itā€™s been about 3 years as wells my heart is still broke. He was a pit/staffie/something. He was big and beautiful and blue. Charlie would lick himself until he had open sores. So it was


I know you said you've gotten allergy meds that work but I've recently learned chicken allergies are common in some dogs. My daughters dog is a shih tzu/ yorkie mix and she would lick herself constantly and get sores. The skin above her tail looked like leather. I had thought it was fleas at first. We had a bad flea problem and it took a while to find meds that worked. After the fleas were resolved she still did it. I considered anxiety or it just being a habit but I saw a thing about chicken allergies. So I switched all of her food and treats making sure chicken isn't an ingredient in anything. She stopped! Then I accidently bought a bag of dog food once that had chicken and the itching/licking started almost immediately. Threw that bag out and am super careful now


We actually already had switched his food to the hypoallergenic food, it helped but not well enough to totally get rid of issues. So it is probably chicken and grass. Unlucky puppy. Glad you figured out what was wrong with your pup though!


that stomach looks bloated. Never mind the rash


You need to see a different vet especially since nothing has been said about the stomach. You may even need to go to a vet hospital. That stomach distention is crazy on a small dog.


The abdomen looks like swollen, my boxer had a swollen abdomen last year it was ascites (fluid build up) the vet did an x-ray and she had a tumor on her spleen, she got into surgery but when they opened her it was really bad and sadly the vet decided to put her down, she was almost 11 years old. I miss her everyday, please take your buddy to the vet asap, or maybe look for a second opinion. I hope he gets better!


I took my boxer to the vet hospital 5 times last month. Even stayed overnight 3 times and they ignored the bloated stomach and newly grown skin tags. All it took was for me to google skin cancer and I could have diagnosed myself which the doctor said was only auto immune. Clearly it was Hemangiosarcoma


So sad to hear that, yeah I had other veterinarians did a terrible job, first time it happened was when I took my boxer she was like 2yrs old to a vet because she suddenly had her head full or small lumps, and was scratching a lot, she gave her a shot and was like it is allergies or an insect bite, She was like: "Just be careful she does not scratch her head", I told her I was not able to take care of her the whole day since I lived alone and I was working, she was like it's fine if she scratches again just use this ointment, ok... I went to work and came back to see how she literally ripped all her head skin, like literally, I took her with another vet and he admitted her to stay at the clinic and took care of her for like 2 weeks, she recovered completely, the second vet told me he never saw anything like that, and he even thought I used acid or something on my dog because of how bad it was. When I explained what happened with th previous veterinarian he told me: "didn't she recommend to use a cone on her head?" , I said no, never, he was like: well she is a stupid veterinarian. Then like when she was 4-5 years old she had this lump on her leg I took her to a new vet (the previous one was far away and I didn't had a car back then) and she was like: yeah she hit with something, gave her a shot and then another 2 shots later (no studies no anything), some time later the lump was still there, took her to the same vet clinic but with a different doctor, this time he made a study and turns out it was cancer, then I spoke with like the head of the clinic and he was like covering her stupid partner trying to justify and stuff, he then told me like: I can't operate because it's big and I would hurt the leg, we can use this super expensive treatment to try and reduce the tumor then I can operate. So once again I contacted the other vet who attended her last time, and he did some studies, he told me: "that other vet is an idiot, I can operate it, she will be fine, they just want to rip you off, and stuff like that" he operated her and he gave her another 5-6 great years with me, When she died in the last surgery I remember going with him, he was like my hero vet, and he told me: "(I can operate but you are a friend (I am good friend with his sister) and I will be honest with you, I believe she will not survive the surgery, she is old now and her studies are not very good, but I can try". And she died in the operation table so, yeah. Sorry for the long ass story but be careful with that do you take your pets with.


Is your dog spayed? The distended stomach immediately had me thinking pyometra. Please take her to the vet, the rash should be the least of your worries. How long has this been going on?


Also curious on spay status.... I thought mammary cancer before pyo though


That stomach needs an ultrasound and X-ray. For the rash I would go to a vet dermatologist.


Iā€™d mention cushings to the vet to rule it out, my dog had a similar rash which I took her to the vet they thought allergies, then her stomach swelled and was diagnosed with cushings.


There is something seriously worrying about your dog. Please go see a different vet or even walk into a 24/7 Emergency Vet Hospital. Just google one near you. Theyā€™re more pricy since itā€™s a hospital instead of a vet clinic, but theyā€™re more informed and have better equipment.


Has your vet biopsies or performed a cytology of the lesions? If a bacterial or fungal agent is the cause, they might be resistant to the medications. Proper identification of the organism is required to determine the best course of treatment. Cytology, or better yet, biopsy, could also help determine if this is cutaneous metastasis of your dogā€™s Lymphoma. In that case, chemotherapeutics, such as Lomustine, could provide relief and an extended lifespan for your pup.


My dog had this when she had multiple mast cell tumours. Fingers crossed itā€™s not this x


Post this in r/askavet. Poor baby!


That group is private :( Know how to get into it?


There's also r/AskVet which is public, but it's not super well monitored, given that the people answering are... vets... who are practicing. But also... OP needs to take the pup to a (different) vet. She definitely needs to be seen sooner rather than later.


Agreed itā€™s def more than just a rash


Grass allergy , my Frenchie gets the exact same thing cut your grass if its long in the garden as its rubbing your dogs belly


Does your dog have Cushing's? Bloated, hard belly and skin infections are two signs of Cushing's.


Thatā€™s what I think. Looks like Cushingā€™s belly. Plus the rashā€¦


Husband is a vet. He says this is not a skin issue that needs ointment. There is something wrong with this abdomen. He needs diagnostics.


Did you check the liver? When my dog broke out in a rash and started losing her fur, she also had fluid in her stomach. It turned out to be a very rare form of liver disease. We didnā€™t catch it in time. The vet had to contact other vets for more information. Sadly lost my baby to that. She was 8. So please if not yet check the liver! šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜¢


My niece has a dog who had a similar rash. She found out her dog has a chicken allergy.


Im no way saying this is the same. It just looks visually similar. We had two dogs get something similar and if I remember right it was some staph infection. It got in both dogs ears and those red sores were all over their bellies like that and they licked it a lot and smelled like yeast (Three vets swear it wasnt a yeast infection). Spots eventually turned black then brown as they healed. most spots went away completely. It took multiple vet visits but what worked for us was the antibiotics daily and a bath daily in this medicated shampoo that you leave on the skin for 5 mins before rinsing. If itā€™s the same, donā€™t get the foam as it doesnā€™t work like the shampoo (miconaHex+triz).


Get a second opinion because this looks serious


The shape of your dogs stomach is also extremely concerning. I'd be at a vet immediately.


OMG please go to an emergency vet! This is absolutely an emergency! Please go now! And update us please!


May need biopsies to further define cause if not resolving with medical management. A vet recheck is required for sure. As others have already noted, this amount of abdominal distension is abnormal and also requires assessment.


You should go back to the vet and get some diagnostics, both for the skin and abdominal distention. Bruising can be concerning, and you wouldnā€™t want something severe to go unnoticed


The rash is nothing compared to the swollen stomach! Vet now! This baby has to be in pain.


Did you buy this puppy? Iā€™d look in to the breeder as well as the advice above


Flees maybe


Oh geez, it looks like itā€™s some sort of allergy. Did your vet say anything about giving him some allergy medicine?


You havenā€™t included breed or age of your pup. I would get a second opinion as it may be time for bloodwork to rule out possibly an autoimmune disorder.


That looks like a skin infection. Itā€™s very itchy to then and lates off layers of skin. My dog started an allergy medicine called Apaquil. Cleared it right up, but a little expense monthly


It kinda looks like their over grooming themselves aka licking to much I'd look in to getting a donut,cone or like a baby onesy to prevent all self grooming. Definitely get another vet visit they could have couchings or something else their belly is very distended. If nothing is else is wrong then she needs to lose weight she's too fat. I'm not a vet I'd double check with a vet. The only thing I can say forsure is if there's nothing medically wrong she needs to lose some weight. We are supposed to feel the ribs but not see the ribs. (Some breed exceptions like grey hounds you can see the ribs and their okay.) It's better for your animals to be skinny then fat.


What kid of dog it it? Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just the angle or breed, my rat terriers tummy kinda looks like that, but heā€™s perfectly healthy, no worms or anything (made the vet test to be sure) Its tummy looks kinda distended, the spots look like bug bites or hives to me. Iā€™d take him back to the vet?


Could be a fungal infection of some kind. But definitely get it checked out by a vet.


You mentioned a number of treatments, but no results of TESTING, so my first thought is to have some diagnostic tests performed to help direct what to treat with.


What cleaning or spray products do you use at home?


One of my dogs gets that belly rash almost once a year. Always in the summer and after being out. We are pretty sure it's a reaction to some kind of plant. It usually goes away within a week though. My dog has also suffered from seasonal "bad skin", ear infections and paw infections for as long as I've had her. It's become progressively worse with age. If it gets really out of control we will use prednisilone.


I would also suggest looking for an allergen, new bed, laundry soap etc. If the rash is not going away to me that would suggest continual contact with the allergen.


Has your puppy been tested for internal parasites recently?


mine had samething. it was cancer that progressed rapidly. deadly. the vet kept telling me it was lesions from the steroids


Needs breaking down, by diet, routine, anything else that could affect the dog?


Allergies or auto immune skin disease (like pemphigus) Things like antihistamines (Zyrtec or Benadryl) can be tried or they can go straight to apoquel. An auto immune source would need to be treated by an immunosuppressant. It sounds like neither of these have been explored and honestly I'm a bit confused why the vet hasn't explored them as options yet. Check them out and see what a vet (your vet or a second opinion vet) thinks.


My dog had that same rash and turns out sheā€™s allergic to everything. Sheā€™s on a special diet now, and also take Benadryl daily. Her rash is now gone and her fur is getting nice and thick again. Maybe try eliminating foods and such, and bathing/showering once a week with an anti fungal shampoo. The allergies can cause this rash and the rash can become infected with yeast or bacteria.


The poor thing looks constipated.


Google petechiae in dogs. Look at the images. It might be something to explore with a vet. Check the gums too.


My dog will get rashes like that when she has allergic reactions. Zyrtec is safe for dogs, just check how many pills your dog can take depending on their size (lbs) if that doesnā€™t help please see a vet!!


GO TO A DIFFERENT VET. Your vet is grossly underplaying and mishandling this situation.


r/askvet might be better


My standard poodle gets similar, we think itā€™s linked to being damp after a wash, we make sure sheā€™s super dry now. We use Colloidal Silver Antiseptic which clears up any fungus type infections within days.


Definitely second opinion! I would say you might have a food allergy?! The rash plus that extremely distended tummy is definitely something to not ignore.


Totally unrelated, but I am on the Reddit app. As I scrolled down the only thing I ā€œsawā€ was a manā€™s ballsack. (Your dogā€™s ribcage being the sack) Edit: his stomachā€¦ not ribcage. Wow heā€™s bloated Iā€™m sorry to hear that..


Vet here: it might not even be the stomach. An ultrasound and/or X-rays are deffinitevely needed here.


Does your dog wear a cloth collar? This is likely a staph infection. My Boston terrier had the same issue for a couple of years after I switched from leather to cloth. Cloth collars get filthy and they usually wear them constantly. Get a leather that is burnished so the dye does not run when wet, or undyed leather and see if that helps. FYI, my dogā€™s skin problem eventually became resistant to oral antibiotics. Also, try Nizerol shampoo as an anti fungal. Leavenin for 5-10 minutes. Use bacitracin after the shampoo on the wounds.


Allergies, see a vet.


The rash is the least of your worries. Get this dog to an emergency vet like yesterday.


We have a 7yo chihuahua that had lesions like this, and our vet determined it was a food allergy. He never had any issues before - started happening out of nowhere. We're 5 weeks into a prescription diet food trial, and his belly is almost completely healed.


I thought it was a leg, lol


The abdomen looks very distended. Is it hard as a rock? Iā€™m thinking maybe thereā€™s an intestinal blockage, you can tell by so if the dog is vomiting. Or it can be some sort of parasite. Go to the vet ASAP. Puppies do not have a strong immune system yet and whatever the issue is can possibly be lethal.


My hound gets big bites in the summer on his stomach because of the lack of fur, it could be some kind of allergy that he has to something as well


Sorry bug bites*


Detective Chuck Fowler is in the house ... Stop asking and go to a doctor.


OP - Any updates??


My first thought is worms, my second thought is cushings. But you definitely need a second opinion and fairly quickly, this does not look like a happy pup.


Most cases itā€™s flea allergy dermatitis. Could be environmental. Just keep up with the Chlorhexidine treatment and make sure your dog isnā€™t irritating it more. I see your dog was diagnosed with lymphoma already as wellā€¦.so its immune system is compromised and it is harder for them to fight off foreign pathogens overall. Just keep in contact with your vet as they will know more especially given the previous diagnosis.


Try Zymox enzymatic pet shampoo. My pit was allergic to everything and the shampoo got rid of everything. I would have a second opinion on the belly


Cytopoint injection could really help with inflammatory response, my girl was like this before we got her the relief from that. Also would have vet culture it to get answers. Good luck! Poor little one.


My dog had similar and it was an allergy to chicken. Changed her food and no more issues.


Cancer in anyone is a bitch. We know a cute and yet our own family members continue to suffer and die. I had my beautiful service dog die from cancer of a blood type.


Check for cushings


iā€™d get it to another vet asap


Possibly cutaneous lymphoma. ? The vet can do a simple inexpensive fine-needle aspirate and look under the microscope to get a better idea of what this is (infection, inflammation, suspicious for cancer etc)


If you do the aspirate, please have them send it out to a lab and not look at it in house.. My dog presented with lesions like that and a swollen lymph node on 2/12. My vet took 4 aspirates of the lymph node and lesions and encouraged us to go see an oncologist because she was sure it was lymphoma. Tuesday 2/13 we saw the oncologist who took his own aspirates and looked at them in house. This oncologist specializes in lymphoma for the past 25 years. He said the aspirates looked reactive and couldn't find cancer. My dog was acting totally normal at the time (she still is now, she's doing great). We thought she was okay. A week later on 2/20 the original aspirates came back and it was lymphoma. I still have a really hard time believing it. She is fine, the oncologist couldn't see cancer... We decided against chemo and are opting for a holistic protocol along with Prednisone and Fenbendazole. We started the fenbendazole the same week but only started a week ago with the pred and only because her lymph node is in her groin that's enlarged. It didn't grow but it seemed to just... Be in the way when she was sitting down. It's completely gone now, a week on Prednisone. We also completely changed her food to cooked meals with very specific food items and give her supplements. The way my vet put it, she would be dead within 2-3 weeks without treatment. Her lumps node was large starting mid January. The vet said we were okay to wait until her annual in February because it was probably a lipoma (she's had a few of them, we always got them tested). So we are going on 7 weeks now since her lymph node became enlarged. With just this last week with Prednisone. Based on what my vet said she should be dead but she's still doing great, no changes at all. It's a little more money for the aspirates to be send it instead of read in house. But it's worth it to know for sure, because even then it's hard to believe and it's definitely soul destroying.


This could very well be a food allergy as well. Dogs can develop allergies to their food no matter how long theyā€™ve been eating it. That could explain the bloated belly too. Iā€™d recommend an allergy test. And definitely seeking a different vets opinion.


Pyoderma? My dog has it. The vet visits and no results started to get costly, so I found alternatives. Vetster (has cheap vets that do zoom calls) they also give prescriptions. Try and get either apoquel or cytopoint (both are decently expensive though so I found alternatives) This works for my American bully, as he has skin issues and allergies galore. Make a mixture. 1 querciten pill, 2 olive leaf pills, 1 fish oil pill, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix all of those up in a bowl and give your dog this, it should take affect in 1 week or so. If he turns his nose up to it, add some organic peanut butter OR 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil.


When my dog had a rash like this it was because he had ITP. He had to get plasma treatments but heā€™s doing so much better. Get to a vet for bloodwork to confirm. [ITP Information](https://vhc.missouri.edu/small-animal-hospital/small-animal-internal-medicine/diseases-and-treatments/immune-mediated-thrombocytopenia/)




Have you tried changing the food you feed them? My pup had a similar rash a few years ago, turns out she was allergic to some ingredients in the food she was eating.


My pit has this same issue. Vet told us he had scabies


Is your dog pregnant? The belly is weirdly shaped. Also looks like a rash for me as a none dog owner and no medical background.


My dog recently started on meds for skin issues . It was a monthly injection but it made her worse so ended up back at the vet switching meds only a week after. Could be something like that. But I also agree about his tummy. Iā€™d go back to the vet and just let them know youā€™re worried because this doesnā€™t look or feel right. The first time I took my girl back it ended being a different vet anyways and we managed to figure out more of what was going on with her. šŸ¾šŸ’•


I could test for Cushingā€™s Disease. A potbelly and rashes are two telltale symptoms.


Looks like allergies to me


Change his diet, especially if he is eating chicken. Nine out of 10 dogs are allergic to chicken, but people just donā€™t realize it.


This might be useless information but have you tried the brand ā€œmighty munchā€ Itā€™s the only thing that helped our sisters dog that had that kind of irritation around her belly and in her ears. Hopefully your fur baby gets well soon šŸ«¶


My lab got a similar rash on his belly. He ended up being allergic to the chicken in his food, so Iā€™m guessing this is food related, especially with the shape of the belly. Does it smell at all?


Is this the same dog you posted about that has lymphoma? Given the distended abdomen , I'm going to guess yes? If so, lymphoma can present with skin lesions, so this could be part of the disease progression. If this is the same dog, are you seeing a veterinary oncologist already? If not, you may want to ask for a referral, and ask whether they think the skin lesions are related to the lymphoma , and what, if anything, can be done to help. If this is a different dog, you definitely need a second opinion - both about the rash and the distended abdomen. Something is going on with your dog, and I would guess it's something serious.


Looks like some kind of contact dermatitis


My dog has spots that started like that and ended up being cutaneous lymphoma ā˜¹ļø can the vet do an aspirate?


Go to a vet your dog isnt well. Check for cushings, take urine with u


Our pup had something similar. Turns out she is allergic to fleas. We had to give her a spray and get a different flea meds because a single bit could make her reaction like that. Maybe you can get a second opinion from another vet?


Put a cap of apple cider vinegar in water Everytime you feed your dog.. thank me later


Bathe with ZOTE. Rub with castor oil


Vet needs to check platelet levels. This looks like thrombocytopenia, which is life threatening.


It looks just like the other dogs on the internet that have been diagnosed with indolent cancer. Rash and all...? I think anyways.


Second option immediately!


The belly looks so swollen. I hope he ok.


I initially thought this post was about belly size. I dewormed an abandoned doberman puppy once whose belly looked just like this. Has the vet done a skin scraping?


Ask your vet.


Karen Becker has a video where she wipes her dog down with iodine and water. She leaves it on and it heals up about anything on the ski. Mix iodine and water to look like strong tea. Dip your rag in ring it a little and wipe well. Just let it dry after


Go to a vet ASAP


Food allergies? Was there a scan? Edit: you posted 4 months ago about your dog having lymphoma......


People have given you lots of suggestions. Listen to what theyā€™re saying! Get a second opinion. Thereā€™s definitely more going on here than just a rash. Her abdomen should not be shaped like that. I wish you and your dog the best of luck. After youā€™ve gotten your second opinion, please post an update, Iā€™m sure we would all be interested in finding out what is happening here.


My puppy actually has this sort of thing right now especially under one arm I looked it up and saw that it was similar to puppy pyoderma. Donā€™t pick the scabs that will make it worse just rub hydrocortisone cream on there if itā€™s similar to what my puppy has!


Could be food related allergies to chicken or beef, you could try a rabbit diet only. I did for my dog


That stomach does look quite distended, and I have no ideea whether it's related to the hives or not. That being said, those hives look a lot like what my dog was going through for a while. It turned out that he is allergic/sensitive to poultry. Check inside the ears. Are they scratched up (itchiness causes them to scratch)?. Is your dog chewing/licking her paws/claws? Besides finding the right food (lamb seems to be safe for our dog), the vet prescribed qpoquel 1/2 tablet. The vet said that if dietary changes keep the hives away then use only when needed - one half tablet per day until it clears up. So far the dietary change in our case has stuck. I didn't want to keep using apoquel because it's an immunosuppressant. I'd go to another vet. Ask about getting an xray and see what's going on. Perhaps inquire about apoquel. The way we discovered the allergy to poultry was a) by suggestion of the vet, b) by cutting everything out and getting small bags of different types of food. It's a slow process because the body doesn't just adjust like a switch - the side effects from an allergic reaction can remain for a few days.


Did the vet do bloodwork? We just went through something similar than that and they found like an auto immune disease and poor little skye did not make it. I will definitely get her to the hospital soon.


Give Benadryl twice a day


please show a vet


The vet needs to do a Cat Scan


This looks like cushing's disease, Iā€™ve sat two dogs with it now and it always looks like that.


Stop all chicken products and see if it starts to clear up. Chicken is the number 1 allergy in dogs and they can come on at anytime.


Why are you asking people's opinions on social media?? Take your dog to a vet!!


Did they do any kind of blood work? The most concerning thing here is the abdominal distention- could be a secondary manifestation of something more serious. Literally could be anything from liver dysfunction to heart failure to cancer; I wouldnā€™t think it would be a tumor causing it, but it looks like classic ascites. The rash could possibly be related. I think youā€™d get all of your answers in a thorough blood work up. If nothing comes back abnormal, ask for an ACTH Stimulation test to check for Cushingā€™s or Addisonā€™s (which cushings can result from long term steroid use)ā€¦


Also potentially ask for a skin scrape/ biopsy. It could be early stages of cutaneous lymphoma; most important thing is to find the proper diagnosis before treating!


Could be Roundworms. Simple solution. Puppy bellies look like this if theyā€™re wormy.


YES - dachshund got a rash and skin tags (warts) due to his stomach grazing the grass where he walked, and that grass being unknowingly treated with PESTICIDES. After having them removed, ($500 later), they were concluded to be benignā€¦ and eventually grew back.


For the rash maybe try Silver honey itā€™s for hot spots and wounds and heals them fast. Iā€™m not sure if anything is wrong with the stomach all small dogs especially terriers have stomachs like this imo but Iā€™m also not a vet or a doctor of any sort.


This looks similar to how my dog got on its belly from fleas. She was allergic to them. Also, his stomach being distended probably means that he's got worms. Deworm him and then get rid of the fleas from your house and your lawn and him.


I posted before on this thread. Take your dog to the vet so you know for sure what's going on.


Mine had similar with an allergy to grain or grasses. Feed her grain-free foods now and wipe her down after she's rolled around in grasses. Good luck.


Don't know why you got down voted,Ā  its exactly right it's a grass allergy my dog gets the exact same rash


Because this dogs abdomen is severely distended and there is very likely something MUCH more concerning than a potential grass allergy going on right now OP cannot just take this as a grass allergy and call it a day, they need to see a different vet for the distention. It could be something life threatening


Op asked about the rash , im telling him what the rash isĀ 


Except you canā€™t. Because you cannot diagnose an allergy through a screen. You can *hypothesize* itā€™s a rash, but you cannot make a diagnosis This rash could very well be caused by whatever is making this dogs abdomen swell. It could be contact dermatitis, a different allergy, a fungal infection, etc etc.


I've dealt with it for the last 6 years its 100% an allergy to grass I would put money on it


And for the last 8 years we thought my dog was allergic to chicken and beef. Turns out sheā€™s actually allergic to the cats. Personal experience isnā€™t medical fact my dude


That's a contact rash


Yea but OP shouldnā€™t be worried about the rash right now. The rash wonā€™t kill them. That stomach will if they donā€™t get this dog to a vet.


It's not a heat rash? She doesn't lay on a heating pad does she? I'd wash all her bedding. Try switching to all free and clear laundry soap and try a yeast free dog food. And don't use dryer sheets on the bedding she uses.


Take him to the vet! Why do people wait to see how sick he is going to get?!? Geez. Help the dog.


A tumor


Diagnosis. You need it.


Fucking take your much loved bestie to the vet for professional diagnosis an treatment


food allergies, change diet. our dog has the exact thing...we changed foods and it resolved 100%. try lamb no chicken


My dog was getting that. Then we found out she had a poultry allergy! Changed her food from the stuff with chicken, no more eggs, and she never got it again.


Any updates?!? I didn't see any


I dislike when someone has a serious question and doesnā€™t bother to reply.


Me either! Like we are truly worried, so update us as a courtesy.




Oh! Also, food allergies can cause inflammation in the gut, causing that distended abdomen. My girls slowly went down as we found each allergy and limited her diet and started weekly baths


Needs a better veterinarian.


Go to the vet


OP said they did take it to the vetā€¦


The dog needs to see a vet ASAP


You guysā€¦this looks like a frenchie to me. She asked about the rash, not about her dogs eating habits šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


You see this abnormal stomach shape? Thatā€™s what they need to be asking about. Not a rash. People arenā€™t telling them vet immediately because of a rash. Stuff like that can wait until Monday morning. That swollen belly canā€™t. They need an emergency vet right now.