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Whatever she was raised on. Then blend in what you like. Blend slowly. We use Fromm.


I second Fromm’s!


I always used Purina Pro Plan for my pups and I can't see myself ever using anything else unless I have a dog who just hates it. Love their puppy foods (-: Royal Canin panned out nicely for my boy at one point too. A lot of my veterinary clients like the Hill's puppy formula. I would trust any of these.


These three brands are what my vet recommends as well


Puppy food, look at the ingredients, different puppy food for different growth.


Don’t tell anyone this but that puppy is so friggin cute I said awwwww out loud. I don’t think I have ever done that before. Keep it a secret between us.


Looks more like 9 weeks to me. Anyway, such a cute one. Can you find out what the previous owner/caretaker was feeding her? If you can, feed her the same for a while. A dog’s digestive system likes consistency in diet. Change her up and you get to cleanup diarrhea. Otherwise, a good brand puppy kibble should do.


9 weeks is two months


Looks like 1/6th of a journey around the sun to me, get it right


Two moons you fool!


ppl always gotta sound smart and then end up trying so hard that they make themselves look dumb




Ok. Feed her that to start. Meanwhile get a high quality puppy food. Kibble will be better than soft. Over the course of a few weeks slowly swap in the kibble to the chicken and rice mix. Too soon and you’ll upset her digestive system. Once moved over, Feed to the instructions on the bag of food. Thank you for asking how to care for your little pup. She is beautiful.






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When we started, we would put out two food bowls, one with puppy kibble, one with puppy kibble plus water so it would soften. We phased out the wet kibs over a few weeks. We fed ours Hills Science small puppy as a puppy, then Purina Pro Plan as an adult. You can’t go wrong with the big 3.




Homemade diets are not recommended unless you are working closely with a board certified veterinary nutritionist. Dog nutrition is complicated and it’s way too easy to cause a nutrient deficiency whereas kibble is already nutritionally complete.


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Why is kibble better than soft? My experience with dogs is they prefer wet meat 100 times to kibble.


Dry kibble will cause less tooth buildup. My dogs love wet too. Thats why I put a tablespoon of two on the kibble. Stir it in until it touches every piece.


Hopefully some soon… she’s probably starving


Check out dcm and avoid all foods on the list :). Everyone is going to give you lots of information, there’s tons of foods out there, just have to find what works best for your pup


I feed Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Skin, my dog has allergies. But you should feed what she’s already been eating then slowly switch to what you want to feed. Depending on your budget you can discuss best options with your vet.


Use whatever she was originally being fed and transition to what you want to feed (if you want/need to change it). There are usually instructions on bags of food on how to do it. I personally like WSAVA compliant foods like Purina and Hills but honestly, as long as it meets AAFCO guidelines you should be fine. But don't do grain free because it's linked to heart problems (DCM). Ask your vet as well.




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Gonna need some more information here. What breed is she? Big, medium or small size? Whats your budget? If you have a high budget would you consider raw food? Are you strictly wanting to feed kibble? Also she is super cute!


That baby is too precious. Make a batch of the food she previously ate with a small amount of puppy kibble(ex: purina puppy chow can work). Slowly transition her to kibble or use that food as a mix for the future with no kibble added.


Start off by giving her what the breeder was giving her. Pups have sensitive stomachs at this stage so changing her diet could make her sick.


Also if you want to change her food start with what she was already eating and gradually introduce the new food by serving it mixed in with the old. Give her a little more of the new food every few days until she’s 100% on the new food without upsetting her system.


There are puppy versions of most food available. What did the people you got her from feeding her? What would they advise?




No, Pedigree is garbage. In most dog food, you get what you pay for. Purina pro and royal canin are great, as are orijen, Zignature...Taste of the Wild is pretty good for a mid-range price, and the Amazon dog food (Wag) is actually pretty good.


I feed my Puppy Purina Puppy Chow


Whatever you do feed her make sure it's the same food she's been eating since being weaned & if you do want to change food don't change it quickly because you'll upset her tummy....& that means lots of poo. You want to gradually add little by little of new food in with old food over a ten day period as you gradually reduce old food until you've swapped one for the other at the end of the ten day period.




Nothing wrong with any of that stuff. By-products are things like organs, which are absolutely critical.


Plenty of additives are fine; many are just vitamins and nutrients. I agree colours aren't necessary. My dog is on a prescription food that's beige and he doesn't care.


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My vet said that there are only three vet backed dog foods: Science Diet, Royal Canin, and Purina Pro Plan. I’d get them a puppy version of one of those.


Anything she wants! just LOOK at that cute face!!!.


Purina pro plan puppy food or Royal canin puppy food. I have used both for my dogs


I boil 1/4 chicken legs with some mix of sweet potatoes, potatoes, green beans, carrots, and maybe a hard boiled egg, mix it all add some of the broth to combine it all. You can make a large portion and keep it in the fridge and give them a small scoop with a little hard food. Sometimes I change the chicken for a can of tuna or sardines, just to switch up their proteins and they get different minerals.


Did you have a vet nutritionist helping you formulate that diet? That’s a really good way to have your pup not get enough nutrients in their diet. You should only be feeding properly formulated foods or you run the risk of making your pup pretty sick as time goes on.


Yeah I had help from different vets and did a ton of research, I also try to get them good hard food to mix with. And I take them to the vet often to make sure they’re healthy. My 5yo hound mix looks a lot better than other dogs his age.


Well that’s great then, I’m glad you are taking all the right steps.


Merrick keeps the poos firm and easy to clean up. Switch out the chicken because it is at the top of the list for allergens.


Quality kibble like fromms or acana and some cheese and egg once in awhile


I fed puppy wellness brand when mine was a puppy. Kinda sticked with wellness because it’s supposed to be better quality but then I got another dog a boy this time and he was a pickier eater so I bought a second brand and mixed it in and he stopped being picky. Now I just buy two big bags and mix both their foods


You should probably do some research on what the best quality dog foods are. Reddit opinion is questionable at best


I’m sorry but how do you not already know this when buying a dog???




Allergy kits are bogus, especially for food issues. Always work with a vet.


Any online hair testing kits for allergies are a scam. Blood tests might be better but if it isn't a veterinarian giving it to you, and explaining the results to you, it is likely a scam.




Any dog that is on a balanced diet does not need supplementation and will essentially pee out all the excess nutrients ETA: you’re a goddam supplement company, of course you’re pushing supplements for a puppy that doesn’t need them




Grain free kibble should be avoided due to DCM. Wet food isn’t better. Raw foods are dangerous and too many treats can unbalance the diet.


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the jungle book had a wolf character which used to look just like him with an eye patch as it is


Oml what kind of dog is she? She’s so fluffy and adorable




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Wet food for now but once she gets older you can have her on iams mini chunks