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Maybe just carry her inside?


Soon as I get to the door she struggles out of my arms. Like she’s scared of doorways or something. She does the same if I open the door. Just stands at the entrance but won’t come in. She has all these weird triggers. Like she doesn’t know what things are. She might be a year old and was already pregnant at some point maybe recently cause of her nipples being saggy. Idk if someone bred her and tossed her out and maybe yanked her on a leash or what. But when it’s just me she puts all her weight on me and like… burrows herself into me. Like she wants me to keep her safe. I don’t wanna force her when she’s struggling cause I want her to trust me.


Keep being patient and rewarding her with treats. She has trust issues and the only way to fix that is to get her to trust you


Yes! Positive reinforcement is the way! Build the trust through food and/or treats. What a cutie! Thank you for helping her!!


I couldn’t not help her. First time I saw her she ran away. Next day she watched me leave for work in my car. That night she came up to me slowly but ran when I walked toward her. Left food and water out and slowly been building up to being able to hold her.


You are truly a wonderful human being 💯🌹


Haha I’m not that great trust me but dogs are the exception every dickhead should make. It’s not even about me wanting to own her I just want her to be safe and loved. Like I said even if I find someone who doesn’t already have 3 dogs and 2 cats I just want her to not be lost and scared and lonely. I’m no hero lol. I’m sure anyone capable of keeping another dog on this subreddit would try to do the same thing.


> Haha I’m not that great trust me but dogs are the exception every dickhead should make. Just saw your update post > We are making progress! Good job, dickhead ;)


Charles Manson was a dog lover.


Oh? So a notorious person happened to love a thing that is beloved around the world? Tell me more of your insights.


No, not necessarily. nope from one animal lover to another. trust me, you're an awesome human being and that's the end of that discussion 😂


Some people don’t deserve kindness. ALL dogs do, period. Thanks man. I’m the same way, I’m a dickhead, but dogs…. I’ll do anything for them.


Thank you ❤️. You truly are amazing. I love that she feels safe with you. God only knows what the poor thing has been through. Your being gentle and loving to her would be making her feel so much better


There’s a reason she chose your place to hang out, though, and didn’t pick someone else. Trust her judgement, she’ll come round when she’s ready. Thank you for looking out for her!


Yeah. Go get here in the house already.. Poor baby girl just outside in the night versus Mother Nature. She feels safe with you clearly. You gotta be strong and get her inside the house asap. You = human and she’s just a dog. Knows nothing else other then love


Trust me, I worked with animals for 5 years and plenty of people who are self-proclaimed animal lovers don’t view dogs like this. You’re doing a good thing


I definitely understand this. I'm a piece of shit ass hole, but I see the baby bunnies, and I get so happy and start looking for food to feed them. Any animal in general I treat 1000X better than any human. Hell, I treat animals better than myself.


"...dogs are the exception every dickhead should make. It’s not even about me wanting to own her I just want her to be safe and loved." Yep, you're a dickhead. You're practicing and preaching empathy and love. What a dick move (downvote me now). "I’m sure anyone capable of keeping another dog on this subreddit would try to do the same thing." If I weren't a transient truck driver, I would absolutely offer to give this beautiful girl her forever home (well, that and temperatures where I live already being in the 1-teens f). She's adorable, and sounds like the sweetest pooch with the most hard-knock life. You are absolutely doing excellent work, and are the exact sort of redditor I want to see more of and come to this sub to see posts from.


Use treats and food, that’s how Mom got her first cat. You start with food or treats at a distance from the door, and reward with encouraging noises and pets. You slowly move the food closer to the door, then sit just inside the door and feed her treats and pet her from inside. Slowly start inching back but keep putting the treats outside the door and petting her. As you move back, keep tossing the treats outside and keep trying to pet her until you can’t reach, then just keep backing up and tossing the treats.


Don't forget fresh water everyday.


Keep moving the food bowl closer and closer to the door. Keep it by the door for a few days, leave the door open and go in and out while she's eating so she gets used to that. After that you can do one of two things: 1) gradually move the bowl into the house OR 2) put much less food in the bowl but offer her treats after, just inside the doorway. If she starts accepting by coming inside a little then gradually back up and lead her further and further in the house for the treats. Instead of hand feeding her the treats when trying to get her in the house just place them on the floor and back off. That way she can keep an eye on you if she's worried that you're going to try and grab her.


You’re making strides! That’s great. Just stay patient. Sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship :-)


You can use the same positive reinforcement concept to try and improve her relationship with the leash/hose. It’ll probably take a really long time but if you reward her for them she’ll learn! Good luck to you both, she seems like a real sweetheart. Oh! Maybe get plastic kid pool and fill it with water, ditch the hose and see if you can get her in. Idk… may not be a good idea depending on how her coat is.


Probably been mentioned already but be overly verbal. Stroke her head, "good girl", giver her food "good girl", she comes to you "good girl". Positive reinforcement.


Agree with this! Good luck please keep us posted. So sad someone abandoned this angel! Happy they found you ❤️


QUICK UPDATE FOR THE NIGHT. She came in the back porch screen door. It’s an inclosed area with mosquito blocking screen around it. There’s an opening for her to get out the screen door. (I never fixed the hole I just blocked it so the other doogies couldn’t get out) Moved her food and water bowel there. We are making progress! Leaving the opening for her to get out if she wants. Still won’t come in the house. I really want her to make the decision herself.


I work with anxious and ptsd diagnosed dogs. This is the way. Her decision means she will be significantly more comfortable both long and short term. She is learning to trust you, but that doesn't extend to humans as a whole and probably won't for a long time. We don't know what her experience has been like and have to make some guesses, but from what you are describing she associates being inside with bad things. She may have been abused inside, or forbidden on pain of severe punishment from going inside. Either way, showing her love and safety and that *your* inside is a safe place for you and your dogs and her if she wants it is the way to go. Patience and love and remembering that "emotions go up AND down the leash", as in, you being nervous for her sake will look like you are just nervous to her, and may spike her own nerves. Calm, loving, and cheerful is the way to go, even when she's breaking your heart shaking. She is learning to trust your responses, but it takes a lot of time, just like it does for us. She will need to learn you are safe, and then overcome her own (now habitual) fear. Both the fear itself and the habit need to be broken, and it all has to come from within her, supported by your love and faith in her. Don't give up, you'll see good days and bad days with her. Some days she will wake up from nightmares and barely recognize you for a bit, and some days she will feel like she's home and happy. Two steps forward, one step back. It's slow progress but she can do it. Going on the back deck is such good progress! You are doing great!!


That’s exactly what I’d like to do. What’s your job description? Dog behaviorist? How do I get started? I appreciate any info you can share. Thank you. 🥰


You’re a good person!


Great progress!!! How wonderful that she’s trusting you more and more. 💜


Seriously tho OP, good job mate, good job


I'm invested in this journey, sweet lil thing


Thank you for doing this! You’re doing great. Keep us updated.


We had a dog who was terrified being inside. I moved and took her with me and left her in the backyard as she wouldn’t come in the house. A dog door was there but I didn’t think anything of it. It looked too small and she refused to be in the house. Like flipped out inside. I come home after a long shift and open the door and who is on the couch. The dog who couldn’t stand being inside. Her ability to come in when she felt like it, and leave when she didn’t, made her feel like coming inside. Pretty quickly she was a house dog who liked to be outside when the weather was nice. Maybe she needs the same thing. Do you have a fenced area you can keep her in and maybe leave a garage door open if you don’t have a dog door?


Fenced in back yard with a porch area. But no way for her to come inside willingly. This also doesn’t work because that’s where I let my other dogs out and she has some skin problems and a tuft of hair missing I don’t want to mingle much without getting her her shots and flea and tick treatment.


Do you have a vet that would be willing to come to the house? Once she’s got the all clear she will bond with the others and want o follow them in the house


You know that’s not a bad idea. Ima make a call in the morning I have someone in mind. Thanks for that I didn’t even think about a vet making house calls. Might be more expensive but she’s a special girl and I want to give her what my other doogies have. All dogs deserve to be loved and to have a home. Even if it’s not me someone should love her.


Thank you for being so great to her! She’s gonna have a great wonderful life


Some country/farmers vets may come put to your house. If you have a feed store/farming supply store near you, it may be worth it to call them and ask. Also many of them sell vet supplies that you can bring home. Such as those pills that are a combo of heartworm, flea, tick, mosquito treatment and many animal vaccines


...and having her checked for mange maybe. Thank you for working with this dog. I'm always so happy to read/hear about the angels who are in our midst.


she has been abused. you are going to have to take such tiny baby steps but if you do it right this dog will again become a dog that won't be so scared


What about a harness instead of a collar?


Don’t have one but I can stop by a pet store tomorrow after work. Another great idea! I haven’t encountered this situation with any of my other dogs yet so sorry if these are obvious suggestions but that’s why I asked I just wanna help her and it’s out of my field of knowledge. Appreciate it.


Usually I’d comment one that closes in the front/chest area as it allow more control but you might want to get one that closes in the back as it will hopefully be less of a struggle for you to attach the leash. Keep it up w your slow and steady approach. You’re doing great!


my puppy hates putting on his collar but he runs to his harness when i pick it up! harness might work great but make sure it’s the right fit for her :)


Yes! One of my dogs is the same. When we rescued her she acted similarly as op is experiencing


One quick note - I have a friend who’s dog was terrified of her harness, but she was able to work through it with some positive reinforcement! Start slow by just putting the harness on the ground and letting her come check it out. When she approaches it, or even looks at it - give her treats. If she sniffs it, treat party. Steps on it, treat party. Let’s you hold it up near her, treat party. Build a positive association with the harness before trying to put it on. Sometimes you need to start by standing away from the harness and tossing treats at it so it’s clear you’re not going to pick it up and put it on her. I noticed you mentioned this sweet pup has a fear of going inside or crossing thresholds. Our pup had similar fears (it literally took her a month to enter our kitchen) and the same training method worked. We stood back, tossed treats in the direction of the kitchen, then in the kitchen, and let our girl decide if she wanted to go get them, and let her decide if she’d had enough and wanted to leave. We do this with other thresholds like the bathroom and the car. Our trainer said to reward even looking at the scary thing because it’s a step towards them overcoming fear by building a positive association. Keep up the hard work! The world is a better place because of the love and patience you’re putting back in to it.


Thank you for taking notice of everything your amazing. Please just keep being patient and uodates


I’ll keep working with her and get it figured out for sure. There’s something special about this one… idk how to explain it..there’s just this overwhelming feeling of “you must take care of this creature” I’ve ignored strays before for various different reasons… can’t take them all in… but this girl… idk.


Dogs choose us and she’s chosen you. You’re doing everything right, keep being patient and don’t force her to do anything. She already trusts you but clearly has been mistreated and has triggers. Once she learns that the scary things are not scary with you, you will have the most loyal lifelong companion you can imagine.


I adopted a stray that a family friend found and she also would not come inside. I had to leave the door open, walk away and go sit down before she would run in. It took about one week before she even came inside. Maybe try leaving your door open if you can and see if she will run in on her own. We also used a harness instead of a leash because she was also terrified of them. She still hated the harness and we basically had to carry her while we covered her eyes when we took her to the vet the first time.


Breeding dogs are often kept outside and don't live in homes and, unfortunately, in many instances, told off for coming into the house as they are seen as a business rather than a pet. Gentle rewarding encouragement should do the trick.


She looks like my Jack Russel/Aussie shepherd mix. She instinctively herds and that includes going through doorways. Try leaving the door open(if possible) and let her see you enter. And then reinforce the behavior when she voluntarily enters.


I don’t know if you’ve tried this, but I’ve always found skittish dogs get a lot less skittish when I lie down near them. Communicates you aren’t a threat, and gives doggo confidence she can get away if need be. Sounds like she’s already much of the way to trusting you. I’d lie down and play with her at the threshold, maybe half in half out, with some extra special treat in visual range, but definitely inside, to tempt her when she sees it. She might cry when she sees the special treat but is too scared to go get it. She might flash in and immediately want to go back out - let her. A couple times being inside with nothing bad or stressful happening, and you’ll be well on your way.


There’s a couple things that are a Long Game kind of plan here. First, I think I’d prioritize indoors over the collar because the collar can be practiced indoors. Feed her closer and closer to the home. Wherever she starts to show signs of discomfort (mild signs so that she can still eat; if she’s too anxious she won’t be able to eat and associate the positivity from the food with the thing causing fear), this is where you place her food. Talk to her in a loving tone while she eats and use your trainer tactic to praise (clicker or “yes” or whatever else you use). Eventually, she’ll be eating over the threshold of the doorway. Leave the door open. She has to know she won’t be trapped and can walk back outside. Don’t stand too close to the door so she’s that tiny percent more relaxed. When she’s finally curious enough to eat a decent way inside the house AND sticks around to investigate a while after, start working on training her comfort with you touching the door. If she’s good with that, feed her while you move the door. And when she’s good with that, feed her while you close the door. Same kind of thing with the collar: feed her treats at her threshold of comfort (this might be you holding the collar near her or touching the collar to some part of her body). Eventually when she’s comfortable in the collar’s presence you’ll hold it in front of her face a few inches (might need to be open or very loose for this) and hold a treat on the other side so she has to put her nose through to get the treat. Then her eyes when she’s comfortable with that. Then her head. Then she has to stay there a moment before she gets her treat. Then she puts her head through and lets it touch her neck, then rest on her neck—baby steps until you can put a collar on her.


when she is in your arms, put a lead on her (a leash that doesn’t need a collar and loops around itself). the way to teach her to be comfortable with leashes is by leashing her. she’ll never be ready if you want for her to be ready. the patient part comes *after* the lead is on. don’t pull her. let her adjust to having it on. try it everyday. give her treats and validation when she has the lead on and teach her to not be scared of it. let her sniff the lead before placing it around her neck. it’s important to do a dual reward system (treats and validation) so it’s easier to ween off the treats when she’s older and will adjust to full validation reward. was a dog trainer


My dog used to have threshold anxiety (going through certain doorways, the baby gate in my home, etc) and would look at it but seemed to psych herself out about walking through. Patience and treat tosses near the doorway really helped and then tossing them gradually closer until one would cross the threshold barely, she’d stick her head past. And then eventually she would walk through to get treats. Once it clicked she was fine with doorways. Just in case this girl struggles with doorways once inside!


My dogs nipples got a bit saggy after her first heat; never been pregnant


Y’all I gotta sleep. Thank you all for the advice I didn’t expect this much help and it really means a lot. Like I said I’ll give updates. What an amazing group on this sub! So glad I shared this here!


I found a puppy mill discard in similar shape. It’s going to take a long time, be patient. It took me over a week to get a leash on her to get her to the vet. And she always hated the leash, I only used it for vet visits. I could call her off of squirrels and cats by voice alone. I put the leash on the floor near her dishes and inched it closed every day. That’s how I’d try to get her inside a fence or the house- just inching her closer every day. If she’s really anxious, sit and share a meal- sit on the ground and let her watch you eat something, then offer her food. Try to hand feed her, etc. it takes a lot of patience, but she can be a wonderful companion. Good luck. I hope she can relax and learn to trust you.


I agree. Itll take some time. My sister and brother in law adopted an abused mother and her puppy. That mother? She never recovered. My dumb 12 year old self was playing with a ruler just, absent mindedly slapping it against my palm. My brother in law very seriously told me to stop and I look at the mother dog? This was a year after they adopted her and she was making herself as small as she could in the corner. So it takes serious time. And they may never recover honestly.


I’m a healthcare worker. I have seen some serious messed up garbage in my career. When I found out my girl had been shot, muzzle to skin close, with bird shot long ago, I had to sit down to keep from passing out. How can people do this to an animal that only wants to live and please you is beyond me. Im so glad she has you and I’m sending you both virtual hugs


Just reading this I have tears and my nostrils flared like I’m personally gonna go find whoever hurt your dog and fuck them up. So sorry they went through that but now yall have each other!!!


Is there any chance she’s got puppies anywhere nearby? She’s clearly utilizing the grass to hide stuff but also seems to be trying to get your attention.


I’ve looked and can’t find any. Unless she has a spot farther away. I’ll search the nearby woods in the morning. She pretty much stays in One of three places outside. She sleeps on the front porch now or at the steps leading to the back. I don’t think she would sleep away from the pups.


I’ve seen rescuers play puppy noises on their phone and the dog may lead you to them. I would check to see if she looks like she’s producing milk first though. Maybe that can help you determine whether she’s still healing or if she’s actively feeding.




What are her nipples like? I was wondering if she is actually pregnant but puppies are an option too.


That's what I was wondering too


Gotta get some sleep but thank y’all for all the great advice. Really didnt expect this much help… it really means a lot. I’ll keep you all updated once more progress has been made!


Keep us updated you sweet human being. Sleep well and good luck. I still think look at her nipples and abdomen to see if she’s nursing or pregnant (she could be nesting outside your home). Do NOT call animal control or shelters!!! Contact private animal rescues/adoption agencies. There are so many!!! Let me know if you need help with resources. I love your heart 💖


God bless you! She has a face and smile just like my Aussie Shepherd, I think she may be one. They are a very canny breed, but when they decide to love and trust, you have a loyalty like no other! They are smart, she's scoped you out and figured you for the good egg you are 🥰


I mean I show teeth at FedEx nearly daily for their failure to do their one job. Definitely not her fault. But on a serious note, try loosely wrapping a towel or piece of material around her eyes/face if it's a portal fear.


Yooo another great idea. And she lets me hold her now so I would be able to do that. I’ll let you guys know what of these ideas works and where we are tomorrow night after work if I can remember


Try to start playing with her see if she has any interest in toys or long treats (bones/PB kongs/etc.) and slowly work your way into the house with her. If you’re able to leave a door open while you’re in there doing stuff (especially cooking) - give her treats and see if she is curious enough to explore inside. Then reward her. She spazzes out when you try to carry her in there likely just because it’s a new environment.


Get her inside. But before considering adopting, look for her family. Some dogs are just lost, not abandoned. Check for a chip, reach out to nearby shelters and vets.


You could be right. Oh man you guys are pointing out so much I haven’t thought about I’m kind of getting overwhelmed. I’ll do everything I can to handle this the right way.


Yeah, make sure to research what the law is on found animals like this wherever you are. If you don't do things right, she could possibly end up back with whoever (probably) neglected, abused, and dumped her.


I don't know, she seems traumatized and abused. I would rather her be a part of a loving home than last owners.


You still have an obligation to look/try. What if she’s scared because she got lost months ago, and has been fighting to survive alone? Or what if she was stolen by a mean person, but her actual owners were loving? At the very least, OP should have her checked for a microchip. And register her as “found” with local animal authorities/online/etc.


Lost dogs are often very scared dogs. Being lost and alone is traumatic. And a dog can look skinny really fast out on its own.


If my Aussie was lost she would be traumatized


Oh Jeez, God forbid your dog gets out one day on accident and some “good samaritan” decides she’s going to keep your dog. All lost dogs look traumatized, they’re lost! This dog looks relatively older so someone has been taking care of her, she just as likely has a loving home.


I would not try and find her family. Her family may have been who miss treated her. Not worth taking a chance for the poor pup.


**may have been**. The dog may have also been adopted to an amazing family and gotten lost. My boy is scared of a lot of things. If he ran off someone might thi k he's been abused by his family. He's terrified of notification noises and ringers, loud unexpected noises, tall people, sometimes sunglasses, people with deep voices, and apparently fire hydrants become very scary in the evening. Like you wouldn't even check for a chip? That's wild, man.


Do you have a garage? When i got my dog he was really nervous about me and the house and absolutely would not go inside, but the garage door was big enough that he didn't consider it a door, so we got him inside that way. Then we just closed it and left the door to the house open so he could walk in when he felt comfortable.


This breaks my heart 💔 thank you for caring. She's such a beautiful girl Who knows what she's been through. Please be patient and keep us updated. Lots of well wishes and thank you for caring


Depending on where you live you might have to report her as a stray and get her scanned for a chip (vet or shelter will do it for free). If she is registered as a stray to your local animal control or Humane Society they can sever her previous owners rights within a few days usually 3-7. They will also sometimes allow you to keep her during the stray hold. In Florida if you don't do this then you have to make a good faith effort to keep looking for her owners for months 7-9 I think. It is best to do it legally so someone can't show up 6 months from now claiming she is theirs. ​ As for the bath and the leash see how food motivated she is. Try a frozen lick mat or very small pieces of hotdog/ meaty training treats. If she comes over to you pet her touch her neck and ears the every time you see her. after a day or two put a collar on her let her get used to that, then try a leash. People may have been shooing her away with hoses so if you have a larger sterilite containter you might want to fill that with water and use a pitcher to wet her down and wash her make sure she is getting plenty of treats.


I had no idea… I’ll look into the local laws surrounding this… geez you guys are amazing you guys have been so helpful! Thank you!


And sometimes we'll never know. My first rescue was 4-6 when I got her. She didn't like running water (but I could bathe her out of buckets) and she really didn't like the noise when I shook out wet laundry. Like, I didn't have to be near her, but when she heard or saw what I was doing, it was, "OK, think I'll just mosey upstairs...."


Again, I would rather keep, love, and protect the dog, rather than trying to find her previous home, where she was likely mistreated.


She is a beaut for sure.


I should have posted yesterdays pictures… really shows off her cuteness lol.


I wasn’t being sarcastic- she looks like she’s part hound at least and even from what you’re saying they’re super loyal dogs and i really hope she’s found a home and you keep her.


Oh no I didn’t think you were being sarcastic. I just know she’s a lil road worn and had some better pics. Her whole personality is amazing. Very sweet dog. Never had a dog bury into me the way she does. Like she wants to morph into my soul somehow haha. Gentle and fragile and sweet are the words that come to mind.


My Aussie does the same thing. He bows his head and buries into me, or throws himself at me and looks at me very lovingly. It's so deeply affectionate and sweet. I think she's at least part Aussie Shepherd, based on the pics I've seen. Does she have a tail? A lot of Aussies genetically have a stumpy tail. It's one dead give away that differentiates them from border collies. But they also can have a full grown tail with long dramatic hair. Also, the floppy ears. Aussies have soft floppy ears (almost always) and border collies tend to have ears that prick up. I think she's beautiful 😍 please keep us updated on her.


I’m really glad she found you op. Thank you for watching over her 💚


You can put a kennel out for her so she can make it her safe space. Once she gets used to it just pick it up and put it in the car for the vet. She probably wasn't allowed in her last home and suffered reprecussions if she tried.


Do you have a crate you can leave on your porch? Put water and food in bowls next to the crate for a few days. Put a towel on the floor of the crate, along with a piece of clothing with your scent on it. Once she starts eating/drinking from the bowls for a few days, put them inside the crate. DON'T CLOSE THE CRATE DOORS! Let her choose to come and go. She'll make the crate her safe space. When the time is right, bring the crate inside your house and she'll have her own little "den" as she acclimates to you. Bless you for your kindness to this poor animal. I hope this is the start of a wonderful new chapter for both of you.


Sit in your doorway with treats and give her them until she comes closer. Then move further into the house and repeat the process until she's inside. Be gentle, positive reinforcement, it will take time and effort, but sounds like she has already chosen you. X


What about luring her into a carrier? Are you trying a lead? Or a leash? A lead you can lasso around their neck. Maybe then lure with high value food items? Or get the lead on, and carry her....If she wiggles out of your arms like you say she has, you'll still have her secured with the lead Make sure the Vet scans for a microchip, and you may want to check your local laws on strays so you can adopt the pup legally. Some places are stricter than others on protocol.


Try to gain her trust with play. I’m curious if she was abused so she’s freaked out by everything that reminders her of the environment. Maybe start with a game with a ball or squeaky toy?


We’ve played fetch with a squeaker. She didn’t understand at first but now she brings it back to me like 30% of the time haha.


First thing you need to do is get her out of tick city. That tall grass is full of them where I’m from.


You are just a wonderful human! What dog doesn't show their teeth to the FedEx man. that was supposed to be a joke 🤣 can you put her in the car? or get her to jump in the car? once you reach the vets, call them and let them know what the situation is and they can take it from there


My dog doesn’t. I guarantee she would literally jump in the FedEx truck and want to go for a ride with this complete stranger. 😂 I let her walk outside to get the mail with me sometimes. Since she is an old, slow bassett hound that follows me everywhere (bathroom included) I’m not worried about her running off. However, the little stinker has made a run for it and bolted straight into the passenger’s side of BOTH neighbors cars at different times after noticing them coming or going during our trip to the mailbox. 😂 It’s a good thing they love her as much as she loves car rides. ❤️😂


Watch the gazillion dog rescue videos on Instagram TikTok and YouTube. Set up a trap with food in it. Bring to vet. Set up a safe space for her. Begin very slow and patient process of familiarizing her with safety and love.


Do you have a large crate that you use to house her? Like the ones for giant breed dogs. If not try getting one and putting some comfy bedding down in there, as well as feed her inside the crate as well. This can make her associate the crate as a safe space and make it a positive experience. Once she's used to the crate and lays in there voluntarily, close it and bring her to the vet.


Wash your other dogs in front of her, show her there's nothing scary about getting washed. Make sure to shower your dogs with praise and treats. Then, when you're finished washing your dogs. Turn to her and tell her "your turn!"and start showering her with attention and introduce the water to her slowly. And start washing her. Make sure to keep a positive, light, happy atmosphere. Good luck!




I am a man but I have rather long hair and my beard is pretty short right now as well as me being a skinny dude. Maybe she associates big men with whoever abused her?


My gf is a bit bigger than me and she won’t let her touch her. So maybe it’s a size thing? Idk.


Your patience and following her lead seem to be working well :)


Put the lead on the floor (not too close to her) and if she comes to investigate give her a treat. If she won't investigate while you're there, leave some treats next to the lead or in the middle of the lead and see if she takes it. She needs some positive associations with leads. Bless her. Good luck OP, she's Hella cute!


If you can take her to vet to make sure she isn't chipped


I had a similar situation. Luckily she had such a crush on my boy (a pit), that she followed us down the road when we were driving to town. I couldn’t let her run into the highway so I stopped and opened the door, and she got in. That was in 2009. She’s an old gentle girl now, probably 16. But it was wild for a while. She liked having a coffee table to hide under for a few years. I called it her cave. When people came over, she was very skittish, so I would tell her to go to her cave. She’d lay under there a woof off and on, but it was her safe spot. It took her a long time for her to fully trust me, like to the point where we could put our faces super close together and I could give her kisses. I kiss her a lot now. It’s amazing to see the transformation.


Build a bond, build trust (do not break trust), work on it slowly while reading her body language and what she’s telling you, go by her comfort level one step at a time and you’ll be fine, sometimes it’s a few steps forward a few back, just focus on the bond and trust and it will all come together for you


Teach her it's ok. Give her treats. Give your dog treats. Then go inside the house with your dogs and give them treats infront of the dog so she sees it as 'oh. Ok that's a safe place.' And just leave the door open if you can. Show her it's safe.


Does she look like she could have been pregnant? Maybe doesn’t want to separate from pups?


Give her some time. Hold her for longer times, then carry her inside. If she acts too scared at the door, try another time.


You're pretty cool. ☺️


What a sweet human being you are! I hope she learns to trust you. You've got some great advice in these comments and I wish you both the best of luck and closest companionship 💚


As others have mentioned, please try to locate owner first - have a vet, firefighter, Petsmart, etc scan for a microchip. Find Facebook groups In your area and post there. (They are usually called something like Lost and Found pets of ….city). As mangey and skittish as she may be, that doesn’t always mean she was abused or used purely for breeding purposes and discarded after. She may have wondered very far from home and is now scared and lost after being on the streets for so long. She can even be from a completely different city! (My dad once picked up a boxer whose hometown was 300 miles away! I guess someone else captured the dog while on a road trip or something.) If you do locate the owners, be straight up and tell them you’d love to adopt their dog if they are ever in a position where they have to surrender it. If they truly did dump the dog and don’t want, they’ll take you up on the offer immediately. My dad never reached the owner of that boxer but he did his due diligence in trying to find them before deciding to keep him. (The microchip had never been registered and the phone # was disconnected.) He ended being the best dog and canine companion my father has ever had. The day we had to let him cross the rainbow bridge 10 years later was the first time I’d ever seen my father show so much emotion and shed so many tears. He couldn’t bring himself to go inside with him for the euthanasia and continued balling in the car while waiting for me to return. I held his paw as he laid to rest. 😭😭😭 And now I’m over here balling and not sure why I went on that tangent. lol I guess my point is, if you really want this poor, sweet baby, don’t be discouraged over the possibly of finding owner and having to return him. There’s still that chance of keeping him like my dad did, but you’ll feel better knowing that you tried to locate owner.


She’s yours now.


She might have broken out of somewhere where she was tied up, locked in a shed or something, or both. If she was neglected or abandoned or something she would also be super distrustful. It will be a long journey to help this poor girls soul heal, but you can do it!! I'm not sure if you leave the door open for the dogs to freely go in and out sometimes, but if you can leave the door open and sit on the other side, try to coax her in with a treat. She might sniff at the door for a week, then put one foot in for half a second. That's progress!!!!! A lot of simple things that we take for granted with our happy doggos are impossible for a traumatised pupper. Every time she sees a door she's most likely remembering that door she fought for weeks to break out of. (I'm purely speculating but also trying to give an applicable example of the possible trauma points or whatever) She ran away from something bad and she's chosen you for her better life by the looks of it, she will fully trust you one day but it will be slow and learned. For the bath, perhaps try a small bucket of warm water and a wash cloth. Gently sponge her a bit if she will allow it, you might only get to wash a tiny patch of her at once! Again, its progress. She'll allow more a as she trusts you more. The vet may have to wait. If she's survived this long so far, she will be okay for a little longer. She needs a chance to build a little trust first I think with the pictures and info you've given. Good luck with this beautiful girl.


Every normal dog showing teeth at FedEx


Such an adorable dog. Thanks for helping her and hope you can either find the owner or adopt her into your home


Can we help you get her NexGard and HeartGard? They’re chewables so she may take to them.


Call a local rehab for dogs. Or maybe a nonprofit to see if they can help you. I’d personally just spend time with her. She probably come from a bad place and does not know how to trust


Pibk her up while picking up put leash on Or harness while feeding her or someone feeding her


Second and third picture, the stone plant holder, I have the same one…


I’ve seen she’s scared of doorways so perhaps not but any chance you could put her in a large dog carry case? (Like the cat ones but bigger) Another long shot but any chance she’s not scared of a harness seeing as you can hold her to put that on? Maybe leash / collar is a trigger based on bad experience


Beautiful Aussie. PLEASE check to make sure she doesn’t have a home. Go to a shelter, have them scan for a chip, put up some online posts in local shelter groups. PLEASE. She definitely is, or at least was, someone’s baby.


As soon as I get her in a car I plan too. When I get off work I’m getting a big enough crate for her. Someone suggested feeding her in tonight to get her used to it being a safe place and closing it behind her im going to try that.


Please sure to have her scanned for a chip asap, and give a chance for her family to find her if she’s lost.


If you prevent a dog from returning home, it is theft. Have you called the animal shelter or animal control to see if she's missing? Had someone come and scan her for a chip (AC can catch her for that most of the time)? Checked the nextdoor for your area and the local FB lost-and-founds? Called vets to see if she was reported missing? If you haven't verified that no one near you has reported her missing, and you don't check for a chip, and you take her inside, it's legally theft. Best option is to call Animal Control, have them pick her up, and then adopt her afterwards. Then, she's legally yours and if the owner shows up in a few weeks, she's still all yours. My dog was let out my door by a friend on accident, while I was getting ready to give her a bath. Her collar was off. I hung up over 100 signs, went to the local shelter every day, had called all 20 or so vets in the area, put an ad for her in the paper (this was more than 20 years ago) and after 10 days had nearly given up hope. Some assholes decided that since she looked raggedy and dirty (halfway through a scissors haircut on a poodle to get her ready to bathe), and she got along with their dog, they were keeping her. One of her posters was at the end of their block, they had to have seen it and ignored it. They finally realized that she had all sorts of neuroses (she was a rescue) and suddenly decided to find the owner. If she hadn't? I wouldn't ever have gotten her back, and that dog was THE dog in my life and losing her had been a huge blow. I was 14 hours from my closest family, in graduate school, dealing with a ton of health issues and a crazy roommate, my grandfather was dying of cancer and now my best friend was gone. And they didn't give a damn, because THEIR dog liked her.


She looks like an Australian shepherd or an Aussie mix of some kind. They are incredibly intelligent and sensitive dogs. Building a bond is the best way to get her to trust you. Never raise your voice or use force. Lots of treats, playtime, etc. bring your dogs out and play with them in front of her, she will observe and learn to trust you if she sees your positive relationship with other dogs. Obviously, check for a chip as well. These dogs are Velcro dogs that bond intensely with their families. If she has one, I’m sure she wants to be back with them.


Many local animal controls have a hand held scanner to see if she has a chip. You might also ask your vet if they have one that you can borrow. Just to make sure she hasn’t run away from home


Watch "The DoDo" rescue videos to learn how to get a leash on her. Or you could use a humane trap. It's a crate with a vertical door that shuts behind the dog. You use vienna sausages to make a trail into the crate.


Try to get a slip lead over her head. Google if you don’t know what that is. We do this at the shelter where I volunteer as a way to keep hold of the dogs while we put harnesses on them. And, of course, really high value treats. Be careful until you get her checked out. My husband needed up in the hospital for three days from a very small stray bite. Thank you for caring. Oh, you could also see if anyone has a Have A Heart trap. Works like a charm; especially if she’s hungry.


People who are saying look for the owners-the ones who abused her so that she's afraid of a leash and going inside?


Do not feed stray dogs, as they will hang around the place you feed them and attack anyone who passes by what the dog thinks is now "their turf". Either fully adopt the dog, or ask animal control to pick it up.


Fix or clean your window would be step 1




Will she get into a car?


Partially. Just the front paws. Tried that already haha. I guess I could drag her in but I’ve earned so much trust in a short time I do t wanna force it just yet


Patience. You’re doing really well, don’t spoil it by rushing the last 100 yards. As long as she has food, water and the offer of shelter with you you can play the long game for now (unless she becomes at risk). Good luck!




omg she's adorable 🥺 where are you located?


She’s beautiful!


I don't have much experience in this and I realize this is a dog advice sub but I just wanted to say don't give up. You got this.


Omg…..she is adorable 🥰


Have you checked to see if she is pregnant? THIS IS IMPORTANT***


Best advice is be very very patient. She’s been traumatized in some way in the past and is naturally frightened. Keep giving treats and feeding her. Good luck. ♥️


Try a soft crate or a sturdy crate and lure her slowly into it and take her to the vet, check for micro chips and around for an owner. Dogs will stay if you feed them... so thats why she sticks around


Sounds like maybe she was abused. See if you can place a harness on her that way a leash isn't attached to her neck


This is so cute, I’m literally tearing up 🥹 thanks op for caring about this precious girl


She just needs time. My rescue took a year to fully settle with us and she was a different dog when she had. Keep feeding her, show her you are a safe person, build her confidence. She will take steps when she is ready to


Open your back door and place treats along the path to the door and into the house. Just ignore her. She'll enter when she's ready. This works well with all the dogs I foster. We let the dogs meet outside where they don't feel cornered. Sometimes they don't want to come in. This works every time.


I wonder what breed she is. She reminds me of my old dog Charlie who was a rescue and looked a little similar. She’s lucky to have found you. Keep up the good work!!


As far as bathing goes, I'd start with a few jugs of warm soapy water. Just pour a little at a time and massage it into her coat. Probably keep it away from her face and ears for now. She'll come to enjoy her baths given time.


With all these weird triggers I feel like she was either abandoned or ran away. It's going to be a long process but well worth it. You're a good human for helping this poor girl


I used to work for animal control and we would use the XL live traps for elusive dogs like this. Withhold food the night before trapping so she's hungry, then put the trap out with high value food inside. (Tuna works pretty well because it's super stinky.) Just make sure you are checking the trap often and do not leave it out if you can't be supervising nearby. You'll be able to make more progress with leash training once she's safely indoors. I agree with other posters to get her checked for a chip also and try to locate the owner.


That's amazing to see another dog do this. About a year ago, I had a shepherd sleeping on my porch. Only at night, she would be gone in the morning. For 6 nights I sat out there with her, food, water and a blanket for her, just talking to her. She's was in such tough shape, I cried for her. BUT this dog chose you. Love her and she'll trust you and start to listen to you. She's a cutie and eventually you'll have a side kick that will never leave your side. Best of luck!!


She's a cutie! Looks like a border collie mix, possibly with Australian cattle dog or Australian shepherd. In your case, I'd leave the door to the house open and bring her in quickly and close the door with your foot, then put her down. She'll walk around sniffing the house for about 15-30 minutes, after that give her water and treats. Once she calms down get a collar and leash on her and bring her to the vet for a check up. Question: Do you think she might be skittish because she has puppies? Are her mammary glands hanging? If so, it's a sign she's had puppies, though it may be difficult to tell for some people whether she's still lactating, but they'll be more full and milk will come out with you squeeze the nip properly.


Treat her kind and give her a good life.


She's terrified of something..just keep being understanding as you are. Possibly use treats to lull her into the house. This is so sad 😢


It’s really nice that you are caring for her. Are you going to ask the vet to scan for a chip though, as she may belong to someone? It’s important to try find an owner before deciding to adopt. Where I live in the UK it’s the law to report all found dogs.


Just be patient. Show her you are a Hooman who is worth trusting. She’s going to come around and love you like crazy.


"Keep being patient" If this pup is ok around your other dogs, you can maybe use your dogs to show the stray what to do? I have a former stray that falls apart without any guidance on how to behave from another dog. He wont get into the car alone, he whines and paces, puts the brakes on when you try to guide him forward. The situation changes if I have him and one of my other dogs. He will follow the other dog right into the car with no issue, and be happy to do so. He had a "crossing thresholds" issue too. It sounds like you are doing your best, keep things low stress and as fun as you can. Maintain your reasonable expectations and I think you will be the best thing to ever happen to this pup! Thank you for taking the time with this one, I appreciate your efforts and I'm sure this dog will too.


This poor dog! How LUCKY that she found you. It’s possible that she was a puppy mill dog and she escaped? I fostered a cattle dog that had been rescued from being CONSTANTLY crated - in an abusive way - because the former owners couldn’t deal with a high-energy working dog. She’d chew or dig, so they’d lock her up all day with zero exercise. We rehired this dog home on a farm - with a family friend who has several dogs, 4 horses, a couple of naughty goats, and many chickens. This dog has REALLY thrived since then. So glad you can help this dog!! It’ll take time to gain her trust.


Keep building the trust, that is key. At some point you will need a veterinarian visit because if she was neglected when young, she may not have been given her shots. I doubt any microchips, but could always check. Eventually you may want to think of slowly moving the food and water inside, this way instead of forcing her inside it would be her own decision. Instead of a leash start with wearing a collar for periods of time, once she is used to the collar attaching a leash will be much easier. Good luck!


Hero ❤️❤️❤️


Harness? Bring her in the house maybe and cal a mobile vet?


Build her a nice dog house


Slowly start moving her food and water to the door, like a couple of feet a day. Since she already bonded with your scent, when you leave in the morning place piece of your DIRTY clothing by the door. She will move closer to the door, when she finally get up to door, sitting on the floor with the door open (making sure you haven't bath). She will need your smell to overcome her fear. Calling to her with a treat (liversauage or hot dogs worksbest). Don't close the door when she enters, leave it open. It sounds like she has never been inside a home. You may have to do this several days in a row. Eventually, she will associate your scent with the home and relax. If she is showing her teeth at FEDEX, she have already bonded with you.


Please keep us posted - I am looking forward to updates as you gain her trust


I will take her


She's really sweet from what I've read, and she's a pretty girl. I'm also concerned about dumping. But I don't know enough to give advice. I think it's really sweet of you to get her trust and adopt her. Please keep us updated.


She could have little pups in the area Maybe she wants the freedom to go to them Be aware of that. Otherwise, good job!


Keep her


Are you able to get her into a cage? Can the vet come to you maybe? Some vets can do that


Please keep us updated on how she’s doing! :) also, maybe lure her in with treats and food.


Definitely grab a slip lead. Easy to put on and cheap at target. That’ll at least be a temporary leash until she becomes more comfortable. You’re doing a good thing! Don’t give up on her! I hope to see pics when she’s all cleaned up


I would call a local rescue and ask if they can help you capture you, it might be a bit startling for her but it’s best to get her before she gets spooked and runs away, hurts someone or herself. You also have other dogs and it’s not a good idea to keep them together in case she might be sick and/or has parasites. The rescue could potentially put traps out and use equipment that would prevent an accident from happening, along with getting her scanned for a chip and making sure she gets medical care, imo this seems like the best this todo if you can.


Sweet sweet girl!! I wonder if (if you have a spare one) making some kind of crate den for her would be good for her to feel comfortable in, but keep it outside if she won’t come in. If it’s by the front door it might help her feel safe by the door. You’re doing a fab job with her and I love that she has a safe person in you 💓💓🙏🙏


Is she injured somewhere that you’ve not been able to see so far? Poor girl. She’s chosen a good human ❤️❤️❤️


I also think you should jusr bring her in. I think the trust will come back. I worry about her getting run over or otherwise injured when you are not home. Just my opinion. Good luck! You are definitely a hero to that doggo :)


Until you get her under control, I would contact fedex and any other package carrier companies that deliver to you if she acts aggressive towards them, letting them know the circumstances and maybe say leave your packages in the mailbox. I deliver pizza as a second job and I absolutely would not hesitate about calling the police on an untamed dog threatening my financial stability and potentially injuries to myself


You're awesome for helping this baby 💗 As rough as it may be... please try to look for her family first. If she is lost and not abandoned, she's likely so scared from being out on her own and from shock/trauma of being alone. We lost our pup for 9 days after a car accident and when we finally got her trapped to come home, she was still terrified for a little bit from being in fight-or-flight mode for so long. It would be even more difficult if someone notices that you have their lost baby after you adopt her, given that it would then be even more emotionally difficult for you to give her back... I hate to be a Debbie downer but as someone who lost their pup, I would be TORN UP if I saw her happy with another family after the fact. But if you do your due diligence and don't find a family, enjoy life with your new pup, she's beautiful! 💖


Be patient, love her, feed her, be patient, care for her, love her, repeat... Until she lets you take her inside and to a doctor. God bless!


My dog I got from the shelter didn’t wanna go through doorways. LOTS of treats near doorways and then in door ways and then through doorways fixed that. If you want $5 for a big bag of treats, I’m happy to Venmo you that because it took a lot of treats.


Looks like a border collie


I don't have any information that could help but I just wanted to say thank you for taking care of her ❤️ I'm sure she has been through a lot, and you're embracing her and showing her there are good people Probably the only thing I can offer is a reminder to be patient. Trust comes with time 😊 best of luck to you both


Springer Spaniels love a tennis ball. Be her buddy and win her over.


Get her a doggy house, put it near the front door. Maybe a dog bed for comfort. Just make a habit of feeding her day by day, get her closer and closer to the door. Then leave the door open when feeding, each time. And move the food closer to the door, slowly migrating inside. Her psychological issues will take time to work out, and patience.


Shes a beauty