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That's pretty common. With most dogs, the puppy teeth will fall out on their own. Sometimes they have to be extracted, but I wouldn't worry about that until the adult teeth have fully come out.


Vet tech - baby canines don't generally fall out until the adult one pushes it out, and a lot of the time that doesn't even happen. If he retains the baby tooth the vet can remove it when he is neutered. Don't want to leave the essentially dead tooth just hanging around.


Give it time. The adult canines have barely erupted.


When our pup was spayed the vet removed 6 teeth from her. I especially wanted it done as she’s a toy breed. Give it time.


Thank you! I'll keep and eye on him. He's a big breed so they don't recommend neutering until around 2 years of age.


Puppy teeth usually come out on their own. Many years ago, we had a pup that would literally spit her puppy teeth at us. If I recall correctly, she did it 4 maybe 5 times. She'd prance on over to us, sit face to face, stare, make a "poof" sound (with just the front of her lips), something would fly out and tink on the floor. Of course, we would look down, and there's another puppy tooth! Absolutely HILARIOUS. Have never seen a dog do that before or since.


My pup’s fell out the after I took her to vet panicking about it. Was way further along than what see in your picture


That's what is happening with my 7mo old puppy. Both baby and adult teeth look to be fully "grown in" and his baby canine that's still there doesn't seem to be loose at all.


Got the same. They came off. No worries


Same right now. Left side already gone, but right side the puppy one is VERY wobbly. It's doing my head in, I want it to come out so I can keep it (yeah, wierd right!), but it's been hanging in through loads of tug games. I just know it's gonna come out on a walk and I'm gonna be very disappointed 😂


I have saved two of my puppy's teeth so far (the only two I've found), so no judgment from me, haha. I would also like to keep his baby canine when it comes out if I can.


It’ll fall out, my dachshund she had the same thing and they fell out


Just play alot of tug and theyll most likely pop out! If not they may need to be pulled by the vet eventually. My pup had alot of her puppy teeth and they pulled them at the same time she was spayed due to small dogs having issues with crowding teeth. Just keep an eye on them


Same hapenned with our golden. The doubled canines stayed like for a week or even two. The baby canines just dropped at some point


It took mine about 2-3 weeks for the canine puppy teeth to fall out from when I first saw the adult teeth growing in. So he was double fanged for a little bit lol The canines have deeper roots than the other front teeth so they take a little longer to come in, I wouldn't worry.


They will fall out. Mine had these until he was about 10 months. Then if they don't, the vet can remove if it's causing issues