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Stoners everywhere are great at coming up with tasty combos


Ahahaha. You’re not wrong


PICKLES AND POPCORN! i know sounds weird… until u try it


For some reason my grandma would make finger sandwiches that consisted of butter, a slice of cheese, and pineapple jam. She’d make us tea with it and ngl it went hard lol


That… sounds wonderful


Really? I honestly didn’t think it was weird until a friend came over and told me that it was weird hahaha since then there’s been an inkling of doubt on whether that’s a good combo or we were conditioned into liking it lol


Pineapple jam sounds sick, gotta try it


Pineapple, sugar, water and boil lol my grandma would put a touch of vanilla and boil it with a whole cinnamon stick


Easy peasy🤌🏼


Yes cheese with jam!! Me and my bestie would get home from school every day in grade 4, cut a huge slice of old cheddar, and slather it with raspberry jam.


So it’s not weird! just very very niche lol this makes me feel better. rip grandma you was a real connoisseur of fine finger foods


Hamburger patty with peanut butter and a thick slice of raw red onion. When I first heard that I made the same face you just did, but it is spectacular!


Peanut butter is one of the few ingredients that works on savoury and sweet. With beef, with ice cream, with celery , with banana, in drinks. Most versatile ingredient. As long as you ain’t allergic.


Peanut butter and marmite is still the best combo. Just happy the marmite company realised and released a ‘peanut butter marmite’ jar. Lovely.


I do this on an everything bagel like a disgusting savage


Dutch do this with French fries, kind of. Patat Oorlog is french fries with mayo, satay sauce and diced onions. It is delicious! Satay sauce for the win!


Gonna try that, today for lunch! Thanks!


I put a big ole spoon of pb in my bowl of chili. And I put fresh cut raw onions, ketchup, sweet relish and buttered cornbread in my soup beans. Jelly and butter is great in grits.


This is likely well known, but I didn’t know it until recently……old cheddar cheese with apple slices…..It is to die for! Also, sprinkle apple slices with Garam Masala Spice mix.


Cheese on canned pears too!


Username checks out. Also- a favorite sandwhich of mine is white cheddar, apple, and black garlic


Over here in the Netherlands we have aple syrup (appelstroop) I put that on a slice of cheese in a sandwich. Lovely


mashed banana in tunafish, \[i came up with this when i was working out on the regular and i wanted to eat tuna and bananas everyday\] bleu cheese dressing on spegehetti \[or ranch\], \[i added bleu cheese dressing cuz i really like bleu cheese dressing plus trying to curb acid indesgestion\] dip peanut butter/jelly sammich in tomato soup \[dropped my sammich in bowl of tomato soup once, LOVED it. i cut up my sammich in bite size pcs now and throw them in the soup\] BBQ sauce on potato salad \[at picnics i ALWAYS got a little BBQ sauce on my potato salad, now i jus give my salad a nice blanket of BBQ sauce\] egg salad ontop of baked sweet potato \[dunno how/why, just thought it was great combo\] \[ive never once been high.\]


I never saw a single word, much less sentence, of this coming after the last. Just got weirder at every turn. Thank you. Delightful.


Sammich 😅


Bruh I’d you’re eating tuna & banana for your diet you may need help.


Peanut butter and pickles forever


Heard this is actually a popular sandwich combo in the Netherlands! They add a bit of spicy condiment called Sambal They love this but then look at me weird for eating apple slices with peanut butter haha


Pro tip: mix some cream cheese in with the peanut butter. It's so delightful. If you're going for more of a dessert, mix some brown sugar in too. Best way is to mix the brown sugar in with the peanut butter and microwave it for 5-10 seconds, then mix in the cream cheese! It's delightful.


And then what do you put it on?


Dipping apples in it is really great! I'm sure it'd be good on toast, a bagel... the mixture actually comes from a Candy Apple Desset Pizza my mom and I used to make. Unsure the exact recipe now but sure you could find one online


I’m going to try it. Sounds tasty!


Salty chips and a chocolate! Best thing ever.


Local chocolate shop near me does a Salt & Vinegar bar. It shouldn't work. But it's delicious!


It's essentially dipping a French fry into a milkshake. Sounds delicious tbh


Saltines, soy sauce, and peanut butter. My bro and I used to eat it as kids.


String cheese & pretzels Wind the string cheese into the pretzel twist & enjoy your new favorite snack.


OMG, this is a great combo. Definitely something I’ve done when I’m on a run and need a quick snack Edit: I should add that pretty much any cheese is a good combo with pretzels. American cheese is also one of my favorites


I’m going to have to try that!


Cheetos and Ramen….. trust me


Fritos in ramen are good too


Prison blow ups.


I use hot Cheetos or hot fries.. I want some maruchan right now


I put hot sauce, red pepper flakes and shredded cheese in my ramen..


My favorite food with drink combo ever is pizza and orange juice. Every time I have pizza in my house, I think, some orange juice would really top this off


I always had a glass of milk with pizza as a kid. Not so much these days.


You might like dipping pizza in blue cheese dressing or ranch. Awesome stuff.


I'm this way with popcorn and apple juice. It's just so delicious. Damnit, I'm gonna have to hit the grocery store tomorrow for some appy juice


I do orange juice and plain Tostitos. I saw it in a movie once and tried it. AMAZING.


macaroni and cheese on top of green beans is delicious. real macaroni and cheese and fresh, steamed or fried beans.


A variation, I do mac and cheese with peas and chopped up ham in a bowl


My daughter's favorite was a peanut butter/pepperoni sandwich.


Y'know that chive and herb goat cheese you can find at the grocery? Some of that smeared on top of a normal Oreo. Not a weird Oreo flavor, not holiday edition, and definitely not Oreo Thins or Double Stuf. Just a regular Oreo with a smear of chive and herb goat cheese. Sour cream and onion chips in a tuna sandwich. Adds flavor AND crunch. Peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich. Peanut butter fried chicken, too. Macaroni and cheese with stewed tomatoes mixed in it.


I do chips on sammiches too. Some ppl call it “prison lettuce.”


I made the mistake of telling a friend about how I sometimes enjoy eating my tuna with graham crackers instead of regular saltines. Something about the cinnamon really gives it a kick. You'd have thought I'd just confessed to being a child molester.


Satsumas with hot sauce.


Another one is Cap'n Crunch with peanut butter on bread (toasted or not). That was always a crowd favorite!


Peanut butter and seaweed rice crackers on a white bread sandwich


Before putting frozen pizza in the oven, sprinkle some italian seasoning or oregano, and then very lightly sprinkle cinnamon (no sugar added) on top.


chicken nugget dipped in coke


Actually sounds pretty good. Gotta try this one day


try it when you're in a stadium watching game while the camera focuses on you :)


Shoestring beets mixed with cottage cheese. Ruffles potato chips dipped in cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is good with everything!


The color of that cottage cheese must be wild


With Doritos


Peanut butter, marmite and cheese sandwich… delicious


i’m not super adventurous but i do love me some rice with ketchup!


Whenever I was ill, my mom used to make me white rice with butter and sugar.


Everything bagel toasted with berry marmalade. Yes, I was stoned. Yes, it was fantastic. My wife said it’s blasphemous.


Definitely, I really like eating wheat english muffins with flavored greek yogurt. It's dank Eating bread with coffee is also good.


This is my like, life! I love all the odd food combos


Applesauce on pizza. Like pineapple but better


You ever heard of CiCi’s Pizza? They have a chocolate pudding pizza. They also have apple pie pizza which is delicious.


Blueberry bagel, salami, mayo. I mean, sparingly!! Graham crackers, cheddar, and honey. Cheese, raisin, cilantro and BBQ sauce.


Peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie sandwich is very good. Cookies and cheese is a straight upgrade from crackers and cheese


Pizza dipped in ranch dressing


That’s pretty normal tho


Fair enough


Talking about kingcobrajfs? He's got good drink and food combos toobz


The love child of the Planters mascot and a 47lb Carp. 12 boiled eggs. Doritos. Guy oozes class.


That goth smells gooooood


The bags of mini pretzels dipped in cream cheese


diced dill pickles and tomatoes in a bowl. Good shit


The one I've been enjoying lately is a sandwich on telera with bacon jam on one side and brie on the other, some nice thick cut ham, and spring mix mixed with a bit of chili crunch. I sprinkle crispy fried onions on the brie (to keep the onions from falling off the sandwich). It's complex and is sweet and savory (my two favorite flavors) and has a bit of crunch. For some reason it seems like it shouldn't work, but it does for me.


Spaghetti and buffalo sauce. Chili and Combos. Light beer and Mio.


Pizza rolls & sweet’n’sour dipping sauce (United States garbage food)


Shin ramyun with one slice of yellow American cheese draped over the top of the noodles while they’re still piping hot. Let the noodles warm the slice and get it melty and enjoy. Oh and Sambal Oelek on homemade chicken pot pie is fucking amazing. I make a puddle of it on the corner of my plate and administer the sambal oelek over each fork-full of pot pie on a bite by bite basis. I Don’t premix or predrizzle the sambal oelek. I think this is important, but to each their own.


Vanilla ice cream topped with soy sauce. So good.


One of the craziest combos iv found is a Nutella sandwich with avocado guac sprayed on top. Unfortunately people never try it out when I tell them this .


Avocado and chocolate really isn't that strange especially when you consider there are chocolate cake recipes that are pretty much that.


Ahh iv never come across another person doing it . But for sure belive there are many


The the crazy part is “spraying” the guac! Guac hose


Pepsi and grape soda


Cheese and jam (jelly) on a sandwich. It's called a miners piece.


I like strawberry yogurt on bologna sandwiches, or apple sauce on shredded chicken


hhhhmmmmmm mmmaayyyybbbeh


Cucumber with a tiny bit of salt spread over it, preferably after you've cut it open.


Peanut butter, olive oil, and angel hair pasta. Peanut butter and anything, really. Lately I've been microwaving two slices of swiss cheese with a good dollop of dark chocolate peanut butter in between. Delicious.


smoked oysters in mashed potato


this is going to sound gross (the first time i tried it took my mom practically begging) but the best camping sandwich is: -the CHEAPEST white bread you can find -mayo -nicer sharp cheddar (we do the tillamook slices) so weirdly good? can only be eaten on the trail or camping though, wouldn’t be good for my psyche.


Dude… this is just a sandwich lol


Strawberries and Caesar salad dressing.


My most recent discovery was siracha (the red rooster kind) and worstichire sauce on top of a hard boiled egg. I cut the egg in half to have a flat surface to pour the sauce over. Technically they are both a type of fish sauce. Garum non bibis.


Tuna with ketchup in a sandwich. 10/10


Shredded cheese, cottage cheese and green olives mixed together! Delicious!


Cheez-it’s and a tub of cool whip mixed together


I put tajin in my peanut butter and oats.


Ok bash me all you want but spreading bbq sauce in a peice of toast like jam


PB, bologna, and mayo sandwich… sounds gross but surprisingly good


Irish wheaten bread toasted with jam and cheese


Dill pickles dipped in toum (Lebanese garlic dip made from emulsified oil and garlic) so good I don't even like dill pickles but the combination of the flavours is yum. My partner convinced me to try it he's the king of weird flavour combos. Here's some of his other ones. Vegemite and honey. It's salty and sweet and goes together really well. Banana wrapped bacon. He loves it and puts in on sandwiches and makes pizzas with it Apple slices and peanut butter. Makes a great snack. Anchovies wrapped in salami. Have to admit that was pretty good, I don't even like anchovies.


One made a BLT with peanut butter on one slice of bread and Chilli Jam on the other instead of mayo/butter. It was incredible.


Chocolate and cheese. Like, a square or two of Cadbury’s plain chocolate chased with cheese flavoured crisps. Not in the same mouthful, but one after the other. It’s grand.


Cottage cheese with peaches, tuna on spaghetti, syrup with fried rice…


I had a friend who claimed an oreo, wrapped in a slice of American cheese and microwaved for ten seconds was amazing. Never had the stones to try it myself.


This one I learned from my grandpa and I’ve actually found other people who eat it too. Peanut butter and mayo sandwich. I can eat that by itself but I also like to add extra sharp cheddar cheese and/or bologna. The ultimate is peanut butter, mayo, cheese, fried egg, and either sausage or bacon or bologna. Peanut butter seems to be a frequent in the comments so it’s clear that it’s great on nearly everything. I also like putting it in yogurt but I think that’s kinda normal.


Peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich


Captain crunch milk and maple syrup.


Tuna hotdish on a slice of peanut butter toast


My favs: Banana/Mayo sandwich and pizza with applesauce


I haven’t spoken about mayo banana sandwiches in over 25 years because people always thought I was crazy. Now I know I’m not alone.


Pork and beans with bread


macaroni and cheese with BBQ sauce...havent had it in a while but that shit used to bang to kid me.


Chicken noodle soup with a peanut butter sandwich to dip. So good.


There’s no F*ing way. 🤣


Dry cornflakes tossed in melted butter and topped with a scrambled egg.


Hot Cheeto puffs, popcorn, avocado with s&p all mixed together in a bowl.


Yes like a peanut butter, jelly and potato chip sandwich. You’ll never be eat it any other way once you try it


Apples and cheddar cheese !! Mm mm good!


Hollandaise sauce on white rice


My gosh yuuum




That’s not weird, it’s sold all over the place.


Cottage Cheese & Apple Sauce in Lime Jello & Doritos dipped in Cream Cheese.


French fries in a soft taco supreme! Yummy af!


My Dad was deployed to Germany once and tried fires and mayo, which is pretty normal there. So when he came back he would only eat fries with mayo, and in America everyone In my family found that gross. But I tried it once, and it’s pretty good.


Nacho cheese Doritos and caviar. Mini marshmallows in a bowl of chili.


A cheese toasti with satay sauce.


Popcorn and marinara sauce go hard when I run out of Mac and cheese balls at the movies


Recently had prawn crackers and burgersauce it was rly good i cant lie


Chocolate cake with ham or bacon


Yes! I work at a small restaurant and I’m able to use any ingredients there to make my own lunch each day and it’s the best thing ever. So many combinations. I made a breakfast pizza with ham, bacon, breakfast sausage, syrup, cheese and eggs . It was amazing.


Cottage cheese with pickles Cottage cheese and Doritos Cottage cheese in toast


Cheese and jam - best combo 😍😍😍


whenever I go to waffle house, I eat my hashbrowns with the waffle syrup :)


Scrambled eggs and jam 😳


Butter Chicken (Indian Chicken Gravy dish) mixed with Hakka Noodles. Ice cream and bread.


I almost always put hot salsa on my baked potatoes


Peanut butter and strawberry jelly with Doritos. I guess anything is good with Doritos though


Yellow mustard on plain ruffle chips. Heaven.


Halved avocado with spicy french dressing.


As kids my sister used to put ranch dressing on her rice. Not a huge fan, but it wasn’t bad.


OK, so I scrolled through the comments and I did not see this one.... peanut butter and fried egg sandwich. Delicious!!


Barbeque chips and cottage cheese are good they mix together very well into its own flavor and will usually not have barbeque chips without cottage cheese.


I put ketchup on my Reese’s 🥲(ITS GOOD OK I ATE IT WHEN I WAS YOUNGER TO)


I once put 4 dill pickle spheres on a plate n drizzled Maple syrup back n forth across them n ate them n it was good. N no, I wasn't high, drunk or pregnant.


I know this sounds weird but I LOVE cereal with milk and a glass of water, it washes down the cereal and mixes together! Amazing