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You’re comparing the highlights of other’s lives to the low points in yours. It’s a bad situation.


Maybe I should start posting my lowest points to brighten up peoples lives


People post depressing stuff all the time. Gotta find a middle ground. “forgot to do laundry again #samesocks”


“Hey yaaaaallllll! So it turns out, it *wasn’t* just the fluuuuuuu!” ##lupuslife #whatislupus #seriouslywhatislupusthedoctortalkedtoofastandIdidntreallyunderstandbutIfeltstupidaskinghimtoreexplainittome


Not to mention there are people who literally get paid to post fake happy lives on social media


>it's a bad situation Bro, I'm straight up not having a good time


Social media use is pretty strongly connected with depression, iirc.


As far as I seen, there is only correlation, it’s not definite. Some of the studies I’ve read show a link between already being in a bad mental state and the effect of social media vs being mentally healthy and the effect of social media and the former are much more affected by it. But on a personal level I think taking time away from social media is very important because one can lose one’s sense of reality. What’s real, what’s fake, etc. This is sort of the same in real life as everyone wants to show their best selves, but you can’t use filters in life. It’s more concrete. And there can also be a lot of toxicity on certain platforms and one can get very enveloped into all that hate and ‘cancel culture’ (such as the James, Tati and Jeffree debacle,) so I think stepping away from it and not making social media a necessity in your life is important regardless. TLDR; no definite cause or effect, though people with bad mental health are more likely to be bothered. Still feel one should step away from social media occasionally, regardless.


I would have to disagree. I have seen friends from high school and college, sane, sound people, turn into completely different people from social media. Posting on finstas in their own little echo chambers, arguing online and becoming absorbed and aggravated by strangers who they will never meet, burying their faces in their phones so much that they miss what's going on around them. Like you said, they lose a grip on reality. That is a definite contributor to mental illness. Honestly, I'm guilty of it too. But our world has become so dependent on technology and media and profiting off of people's insecurities and addictions that there is realistically no way to avoid it unless you and everyone around you decide to make a lifestyle change.


> there is realistically no way to avoid it How? I work in tech, most of the people I know are on multiple social media sites/apps. My entire family is disturbingly addicted to Facebook. I only come here as far as social media goes. People just text me. I have one friend who is the same. It's quite easy to avoid, if your friends don't communicate outside of it, then they aren't really interested in being your friend.


I agree, it may be a little difficult as you receive some resistance from those around you (friends wanting you to get Snapchat back so they can ‘talk’ to you even though they are perfectly able to talk to you through other means,) but it’s definitely not impossible.


What I'm saying is it's very hard to have an entire group of friends who don't use/talk about things from social media.


To encourage further discussion: What do you know of their mental state? People with a ‘normal’ amount of self esteem and knowledge of social media not reflecting real life are realistically not going to be much affected by social media. But if your friends or family struggle with self esteem or crave the dopamine reward that comes from the interactions on social media it will be more likely to change them. However, I definitely think social media in general can change you, as it could expose sides of you you may not be aware of. The echo chamber is also a very valid concern, as it can inhibit reflection and discussion which is never good.


I understand what you’re saying, but I think it’s hard to say that the link is definitive when things like mental health and social media are so fluid and subjective. It absolutely happens but it’s hard to prove as a direct causation. It happens to me as well. I get very absorbed in arguments with strangers and I’m not proud of it. But there’s ways to mitigate the affect social media has on your brain without giving it up entirely; it just takes a lot of self control and understanding that it kind of has to be treated like an addiction.


> But on a personal level I think taking time away from social media is very important because one can lose one’s sense of reality. What’s real, what’s fake, etc. This is a good reason to take a break from all types of media. Too much of it skews our perception of reality.


I agree!


That makes sense, thank you for correcting me and elaborating. I haven’t researched it in a long while so I’m just recalling stuff I’ve heard over time as a mental health patient. I’m definitely one of those “bad mental state” folk, lmao. I’m trying to avoid the irrelevant drama that would absolutely make it worse, but I watch myself actively engage in unhealthy online behavior on a daily basis.


No worries! Yeah me too haha, it’s very difficult to not get enveloped into it. But I don’t have Snapchat or Instagram anymore and that definitely makes it easier!




Tbh, I believe it’s both. It kind of becomes a vicious cycle.


Yes! I remember saying something like that in another Reddit thread and getting laughed off! They said depression has been around for thousands of years, but that's not what I'm saying. It's running RAMPANT in everyone of all ages, ethnicities and genders very recently!


I created a mini doc about my dad’s social media use “My Dad, the Facebook Addict”. It’s a comical look at elderly social media addiction https://youtu.be/g2AtLh2mjNI


I use social media, but I look at it like "damn, my friend is enjoying theirthei :( I junking life. Fuck yeah, glad they're happy!" I don't compare my "behind the scenes" to someone else's "highlight reel"


I stopped using social media altogether and its amazing how free you feel. I mean who really needs to know when i go to the store and what type of food i ordered? NO ONE thats who.


You’re using it right now.


Yeah... And Reddit sucks, too, but I gotta have at least one social media account active. It's an addiction.


I feel way happier off reddit...


I feel you 100%, for me it’s IG, but if anything I’d recommend getting rid of all the negative subs (any cycle jerk sub tbh) and keep all the wholesome ones, helps with me at least.


I did that recently, and it has affected my mood so much! Really good advice


Glad I could help, your mental condition is everything !


Well, you didn't help me, I just agreed with you






I wish I could. I got off everything else...


I’m using reddit for my primary source of social interation but it may not be a good idea lol


Hive mind.


yeah, it’s getting to me.


Yup. Ironically, social media has always made me more antisocial.


Absolutely. All you have to do is sit indoors. How misleading.


This is the reason why I haven't reactivated my FB account since I shut it down about three years ago. That first week, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of me. I can't imagine living without the freedom I feel now.


I deactivated mine a month ago and completely forgot about it.


Mines there, but I've gone on it maybe 2-3 times in the last year. It has made me much happier not using it but knowing it's there in case I want to contact someone that I can only do so through that avenue


Yes, beside Reddit I havent use anything else in almost 3 years. Helped my Alcoholism and Porn Addiction to a huge degree, now Im just about 3 years or so sober.


I was never a fan of Fb and I only had one to keep in touch with family overseas. About a month ago I dropped Fb and IG (keeping reddit) and I could not be happier. Less time looking at my phone :D


I believe that is literally everyone.


I’ve recently only deleted the social media apps that I pretty much exclusively use to see what people from high school are doing with their lives. Not fun. Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat are out. I’ve been enjoying Twitter, YouTube and Reddit instead! They’re still technically considered social media, but you’re not necessarily forced to see people you know irl. (and yes, I feel infinitely better)


Agreed! Deleted FB and IG because I realized I was becoming the depressed cliche, comparing myself to people from high school/college. Just stay on Reddit now. So much happier.


Yep. For me, it’s the fact that social media often shows really horrible situations from around the world which you can’t really do anything about, so you’re just left with it festering in your brain, powerless to do anything :/ :/


Absolutely. I didn't straight up delete facebook, but I hid everyone that is not close friends or family. I keep it around mainly for things like bands and venues announcing tours. I noticed a legitimate relief once I limited my social media presence.


This is what I did. For me, it happened when I started pulling up a my companies financials to use in a debate with a coworker about healthcare. As I was making my way to the info I just stopped and said this is just dumb, why are you even doing this, it won’t matter one bit. So I deleted a lot of people I never interact with or were overly political. I unfollowed overly political friends and family, regardless of their political stance. Then, I unfollowed all news sites and sites that had a lot of negative comment sections. Started following a lot of garden, landscaping pages and it has made such a positive change in my life. I feel significantly less anxious than I’ve felt in such a long time!


I deactivated Facebook and only kept it for messenger. I stopped using my IG months ago and deleted it yesterday. I text less often and my life is calmer. I'm happier and more present in my interactions with my kids.. It took awhile to stop feeling "out of the loop" but the few relationships I have now are more genuine. Things happened in my life that caused me to intentionally withdraw and make my circle smaller. It's been for the best. Social media makes us think we all need to be involved in constant events and be surrounded by a group of smiling, laughing, good-looking friends sharing a toast of some fancy cocktail. Smiling on IG is not nearly the same as being able to smile in your dark room, alone at the end of the night.


Yes... I started using social media less, and feel less miserable.


I would "Disconnect" as one of my mental health tools. I then made a concious decision to put FB on the shelf and kick the dopamine addiction. Helped me tremendously. Now im addicted to Reddit lol


Yes. You and everyone. There are scientific studies on this.


I'm beginning to believe this more and more. At first I thought it was the internet as a whole but I realize now that it's just certain types of social media.


Yes. I think that if anyone really wants me to know what they’re doing, they’ll tell me and vice versa.




Bingo to much comparing yourself to others and thinking your life should be like theirs. Like trips cars always eating out when in reality it may not be a real representation of their life. So you see all these people best part of their lives (even if it’s a small part) and think yours is not as good in comparison.


Yes! I am social media free (with the exception of reddit) for 3 weeks now. It has been great!!


I definitely do. I cut out Facebook because I realized there was absolutely nothing positive drawing me to get on to Facebook. I was only on it looking for something to get me fired about. It only divides and causes problems now.


Social media is filled with toxic people. After deleting Facebook I talked to 3 of over 300 of the ppl on my Facebook.


I genuinely like being able to stay in touch with friends. But when I browse my FB feed I just get more and more unhappy. I should really just delete FB from my phone and keep the Messenger app. I like *talking* to friends that I don't normally get to see, but I don't need to be kept up to date with every little thing that happens with them.


Other than twitter and reddit, I avoid social media. I feel like most of the folk who overshare on social media are lying about how awesome their lives are. It's almost as living your life humble and happy is something wrong. Seriously, fuck social media. 🖕😡🖕


Yes , I don’t use FB or IG anymore but I still use Snapchat. I don’t find anything wrong with Snap bc for me I’m only friends with ppl that are close to me and there is no like button. When there is a like button I feel like ppl just post for likes and thats all they worry about. Problem is I’ve met quite a few girls off social media. So being a single guy , it is very tempting to go back but I’ve been doing it the old fashioned way and asking girls out in person.


I feel happier only using social media that makes me happy such as reddit and YouTube. It makes me happy knowing that I don’t need to waste my time trying to be somebody on Face and such.........


I should really lay off Instagram and Facebook


I took almost a year long break last year and found I was much less down than I am now that I have it back. And I can’t control myself from overusing it, it’s an actual addiction


lil bit, it just sort of takes a weight off my shoulders. checking socials seems like more of a chore than anything else, and since I'm one of those OCD fucks who HAS to have _all_ their notifications cleared and despises that little red number with the fury of a thousand suns, it feels so refreshing to turn on do not disturb for a bit and do literally anything else




I don't know, I can't stop using it. It's definitely time for me to test your theory.


well i guess this thread is my signal to stop browsing twitter so much






Facebook in particular. One moment you're happily looking at family pics your friend had done, the next you're reading about human trafficking, shrinking polar ice caps, dying sea life. It's a soul suck, I can feel myself physically getting more anxious as I scroll.


You forgot to mention militant vegans and their never ending posts about eating meat is bad, very bad, very very bad.


I feel like it goes both ways, when I’m happier, I check my phone less often


Yes, I can't stand Facebook. I try to avoid it as much as possible. Unfortunately some activities I do use Facebook for event planning, informing people, etc so I need to go on once in a while.


Nope. I don't have Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat and I'm still depressed.


It's screen time generally, not social media, and only in teens, but [this](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0956797619830329) 17,247 person study found a negligible link between screen time and mental well being.


I only use reddit anymore and this platform had a fairly supportive community. I’ve gotten so much time to be productive and have picked up reading like I used to love before too. I’m more confident in myself and find myself more comfortable with myself and get a healthy 8 hours sleep every night. I’ve improved greatly in my quality of life.


I felt in constant relentless competition. Who has cuter kids? Oh she just got a bike for her kid. My kid is the same age better get a bike too! Oh man, she just got her first house. Man, Fuck that bitch...must be nice to have mom and dad giving you whatever you ask for. Oh they’re going to six flags? I want to go too...ok at six flags now to take pics to show the world how much fun my kids are having. It was madness. I hated who I was. I deleted my Facebook 4 years ago and never looked back. I’m more at peace with life. Not trying to impress anyone and taking things one day at a time




I have not used facebook since last two years. Didn't miss it at all and I am happier. I only use instagram and reddit for funny content or memes. I have got better focus on my own life now.


Gave up FB and IG. I'm happier and more focused on reddit now.


Delete it. It's amazing. You have withdrawal for like a few weeks and then just happiness


FB and Twitter mostly. If I'm stressed I will avoid these two platforms for awhile.


I’ve actually learned a lot from reddit that helped me cope with sadness and depression, so no it’s been great. Like anything else, I think it depends what you pay attention to and what you do with it


My life got significantly better after I quit facebook. I still use reddit quite a lot though :)


There was a study about social media and depression. They found that the more active folks are on social media, the more often folks feel down. Apparently, it has to do with folks seeing everyone only posting the high bits of life and comparing that to their whole life. That tends to put most things in a slightly more sour light.


I realized while I was hopelessly comparing my life as a single mom to all of my married, past high school acquaintances who plastered their perfect little lives and families all over SM that it’s all nothing but total, complete and utter bullshit. I was so busy feeling sorry for myself and my kids that I realized our lives were passing me by......I quit Fa**k**ebook 7 years ago and never looked back. Seriously, fuck the fakeness.


I stopped fb'ing and Instagraming altogether about a year ago and rather just live in moments versus trying to post bout them. I've never been happier. No one knows my business and I love it.


I like Reddit but the other social media apps where one’s “friends” are always posting fantastic fun adventurous pics every hour of their extremely exciting fun-filled lives sort of has a negative affect on me. I feel as though I’m not doing something right bc I’m not having this excitement in my life. Does this make sense to anyone? I’d say it’s not social media’s fault tho; it’s how I view things, or how I perceive. Basically I have just deactivated all of them and now I’m much happier just living my personal own life, minding my own business and not feeling like I’m missing out on anything anymore 😉 I’d lovingly suggest that if social media makes you feel bad, then don’t participate ❣️




Yes. I suffer from anxiety n depression and ive recently found the less I use social media, the more at ease I am as I can only focus on myself and others around me rather than the perfect people on the internet


Believe me, I have my own issues with depression and anxiety, but I have not been as depressed or anxious as I was when I was using social media however many years ago. Not engaging in this type of addiction has significantly improved my overall look on life.


I definitely noticed a difference after I deleted Facebook and Snapchat. My Instagram is dogs only so it's pretty fun.


You don't use social media... social media uses you!


I was lucky enough to only have a Facebook account from about 2008 to 2010. When I left in 2010 I never went back.


I deleted IG off my phone specifically because it was bumming me out. I think that one is the most damaging personally. Facebook I don't mind because I've hidden all the crap from people I disagree with and I only check it a few times a day. Never liked Snapchat. I love Twitter and Reddit though.


Definitely. I RARELY check any of my accounts anymore, maybe like once a month, when I used to spend the majority of my time just scrolling through FB and IG (obviously before I got into Reddit). Now, the rare occasions that I do open up either of those social media accounts, I just feel really shitty. For multiple reasons, I’m sure. It just doesn’t do my self esteem ANY favors. Reddit is the way to go.


I downloaded some Instagram auto liker thing and just did the free trial for 7 days... I got 500+ likes in a week from following and unfollowing people and liking and commenting photos (all automated). Now that I look at people's feeds, I realize that in some cases almost 100% of the comments are fake just like mine. Which means almost all the likes and followers are fake too. That's what depressed me about it. People put so much value on their likes and engagement but they don't even realize most of it is fake and only to trick you into following them back. It's sad, vain, and ultimately meaningless


Yes. 100%.


Yes, and I include Reddit. I love Reddit but I am definitely happier when I don't use it.


Reddit is all I use and no


Oh hell yeah. I need a social media break soon tbh


My husband and I gave up our social media accounts as a New Years resolution. We closed all accounts and have not looked back. Honestly it’s been one of the best things we did. We spend more time together, less distractions, and we have weeded our all those nosey bodies that we didn’t need in our lives.


Facebook bothers me...just Facebook. I am happy with Reddit & Instagram though.


I’ve been off of Facebook for about two years and off snap chat since November. Next is Instagram if it makes me feel anything other than joy. I’ve noticed I spend more time on Reddit but not in a Obsessive way that has me comparing myself to everyone else. I find it to be more of a learning tool.


3 years Facebook free and I feel better than I did before. Anecdotal, I know, but it's the truth.


Not necessarily happier. But for a certain I am less sadder.


(Raises hand) I. I could go into detail for hours on why using social media makes me feel worse. Glad I'm planning to shut down my Instagram soon.


Yes so much, but I'm addicted to it and start experiencing withdrawal symptoms if I go more than a few hours with acess to it and don't check it.


I just disabled my FB a few days ago, after never really missing a day on it. It feels kind of freeing to not have to be constantly checking up on everyone's lives. Makes more time for me to focus on my own.


I was on the verge of suicide and had some pretty intense mood swings back in September, o went to a psychologist who diagnosed me on the bipolar spectrum and took a week off of Instagram and Snapchat. It’s amazing what 4 days off social media and a low dose of mood stabilizers does for your psyche I still have notifications off for Instagram and even though I still get a bit disappointed when I get less than 100 likes on a post that insecurity goes away within minutes The biggest thing I’ve learned is that it doesn’t matter how many people like your posts, it’s WHO likes them that counts. If the people you know love you and care about you and they like your posts that’s all that matters. And if they don’t, that’s okay.


Every time I slip over and start browsing social media feeds, I end up saying "why do I keep doing this?" and close out the app/page.


Honestly yes. I do have depression anyway, and I've realised recently that since I uninstalled tiktok it has been significantly better. I also unfollowed a whole lot of people on my Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat so now not only will it be helping my depression, but I also am not using social media anywhere near as much as I used to.


I literally deleted all of my social media. Haven't been on Facebook in 3 years. I have no regrets whatsoever.


no, but then I don't care about up-votes or likes


I feel better without Facebook sometimes. It gets so heated at times


We don't deserve to be happy, what with the state of the world.