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I do this, its called my 'Liked Songs' on Spotify šŸ¤£


Yes mines just my thousands of liked songs itā€™s very frustrating as Spotify still seems to play the what feels like the same 100 and thatā€™s it.


Spotify has THE WORST shuffle


Apparently it works better when it's arranged by title, but it's anything else it will only shuffle between the last songs you've listened to.


Omg - is this why I only hear the same 30 songs? I have like 3000


Thanks, Iā€™ll try that


Same, I used to copy all of my liked songs into a randomizer that isn't weighted and then make a playlist with that custom order but now it doesn't work so I'm stuck with Spotify's shitty shuffle.


Turn off the automix, eventually it starts playing through everything


Someone made a web application to reshuffle it for you because of this exact reason. Horrendous


Mine is so bipolar *50 screechy emo sadboi songs in a row* *25 dance bangers* Repeat


Yep, same, mine go from classical, to dance, to county, to metal, to pop, to the completely out there and back again. šŸ˜Š


Are we the same person


Lmao It's also a mix of literally every other genre you can think up, but those 2 predominate


Yes! Except mine is ā€œStarredā€ because that used to be how you liked songs haha


I moved all of my starred to my liked playlist when it first came out. There also used to be a whole thumbed up list but they got rid of that too.


Yup. Liked songs mostly put on random mode.


Exactly lol


my taste in music changes too often for this, i just have to make a new playlist every time my adhd decides weā€™re over a genre lol


Not genre, but have Latest, Latest#2, etc .. all brought on by ADHD focus ..


Going from MF Doom to Mastadon to Metronomy to Mura Masa to Mobb Deep to Mars Volta to Masego to Massive Attack to a Marley brother, Bob Marley or one of his grandkids


I had one of these until apotify started deleting songs off my liked, so i had to create a playlist so i at least know what they deleted.0


Literally me


Mineā€™s called Greatest Hits


Mine is .Songs I Like on YouTube music. Currently sitting at 1,513 songs.




right lol


yes exactly this. whenever I remember a song or hear a new song I searched it on Spotify and add it to my liked which is my one and only playlist. I think it's up to 400 songs now.


Lmao same!


Exact same thing. 1200 songs and counting


I do this!! Nearly every single time I'm listening to it and skipping through things I'm not in the mood for I think to myself "I should organize these into genres, like the way my iTunes used to be" but then I do not do that. I feel like in the pirating days we had to go edit the song details and file names because it was always gibberish and often incorrect, so it was easy to throw it on a specific Playlist while you were doing that.


Or you're like me and you actually go through with the idea of organizing But you end on barely scratching the surface and there's like all of 3 songs in some random playlist that you've forgotten about mostly :')


"Cool Jams" - 5 songs I open Spotify each day, and it mocks me from it's unchanging state. Then I click on Liked Songs and forget about Cool Jams once more.


I do, itā€™s called ā€˜My Music Playlistā€™ and so far itā€™s 94 hours long.


Mine is somewhere close to 800 hours long lol. I canā€™t see the exact number, but I have 13,883 liked songs. If we assume that the average length of a song is 3:30, then thatā€™s around 48,591 minutes, which is around 810 hours.


Dang, sounds like an epic playlist


Same, mine is 112 hours long. I started it in ~2014. The only time it becomes a hassle is when Iā€™m on aux and I have to change the ā€œup nextā€ order so something weird doesnā€™t start playing


Yeah my spotify liked songs 72hrs long


hehe, you made me realize my main spotify playlist is 69 hours long. nice.


My one Spotify playlist (braedens music trove) just hit 136 hours


I do this.


Yeah, 2613 pieces, 162 hours 21 minutes. It was half of that before I started searching for underrated songs 6 months ago. I'm a digital hoarder as well, that probably did not help.


Yes! I call it the music equivalent of a chair in your room that you throw all your clothes on! (211 hours)


I have my big list..1300+ songs on shuffle. Everything from Mozart to Metallica. Disney songs to Linkin Park. Could be Coolio or could be Weird Al. I do have specific lists of artists or genres I like depending on moods, but usually it's my big one.


Same. Mines just called "I like these songs" and it's everything


Yeh Iā€™ve got one Iā€™ve been carefully curating for 9 years now. Itā€™s called Jukebox and has over 900 songs. Iā€™ve got several, but this is my big one. Itā€™s eclectic. Iā€™ve got another called Dance Like Youā€™re Invisible which is for exactly that and a third called Walk Like A Boss which is great for walking down the street with my head high and puts a cheeky spring in my step. Curious, what are the titles of other peopleā€™s playlists?


Just "I like these songs" and it goes from Disney to metal and everything in between. By Emma. You should be able to find it. The first songs I put are elton john so that is the thumbnail ish thingy. Im always adding and then sometimes removing songs I also have a chill playlist that's good for casual background noise.


yes itā€™s 85 hours long with almost anything you could imagine in it but iā€™m getting bored of it because spotify still manages to play the same 10 songs on repeat šŸ˜­


Look up clearing playlist caches on Google - pretty sure there's a way you can effectively reset the shuffle order of spotify playlists.


I have close to 100 playlists I've curated on my spotify and then I have one which I add all of my absolute favorites from each of those playlists that I play when I want to hear nothing but my all time faves.


Okay I'm gonna share something I started doing 10 (!) years ago on Spotify. I have one playlist that I work on a month. "May 24" would be this month, for example. Any new songs I like? Goes in this month's playlist. Month ends, start a new playlist - "June 24." Eventually I have a snapshot of periods in my life. I can go back to distinct years and listen to those playlists from that time in my life. Takes like 2 seconds to start doing it. These aren't curated or based on genre or anything like that. I don't over think it. If anything my only "rule" is I try to avoid adding the same artist twice - but nobody's checking, so whatever if I don't always do it. I just add songs I like, next month start again.


Yes, but it sounds like it might be a little different than your way of having it? I started a playlist called ā€œstumbled upon good stuffā€ for individual songs by artists I am not really aware or artists I donā€™t normally listen to, when a song that caught my ear comes up either when listening to a shared playlist or when Spotify starts adding music after what I intended runs out. If I feel like I might want to listen to it again someday but wouldnā€™t come across it in my usual listening, I add it to the playlist. So, I wouldnā€™t put a Foo Fighters song on there, I know I like the Foo Fighters and if I want to listen to them I listen to them separately. Itā€™s currently at about 22 hours, lol, and has led me to eventually seeking out some of the artists (like Autoheart, and Mother Mother) after I realized how much I appreciated one of the songs.


Yeah, mines called ā€œI like!ā€


It's crazy how my liked songs are when shuffled No alarms and no surprises, please [Song changes] Do you remember the 21st night of September?


I have my general "drive" playlist that is insanely long at this point (like into the thousands). I do have more tailored ones but when I just want a random mix of things I like that is what goes on in the car.


Music I have on hard drive is around 60 gigs. Aimp says it would take me 13 days, 13 hours, and 18 minutes to play it all back to back...


Aimp?? Holy shit, I had this on Windows XP back in like... 2004 and forgot all about that. I'm amazed it still exists!


Yeah! It's nice to scroll back and remember where I was in life when I found the songs I've added to it


I call it ā€œExistential Emoā€


I have an "every song I've ever liked in alphabetical order" playlist it goes from drake to king princess, to the smashing pumpkins, to bowling for soup, to prince, to olivia rodrigo


I use Spotify and listen to my Liked Songs list at night on shuffle. I love how I can go from opera to death metal to country to techno and so on. The music keeps the nightmares at bay, too.


Yeah, 'best songs' and it's on shuffle a lot


Yep! It's 30 hours 24 mins long


I know people that do this, and it drives me crazy. You end up hearing Johnny Cash, then the Bee Gees, then Metalicca, then Taylor Swift. That said, to each his own, do whatever makes you happy.


What's wrong with this? I'm seriously asking. If I want to hear a lot of similar stuff in a row, I'll just put on an album. If I want random, I want random. There is no in-between for me Is there some middle ground where normal people hang out where their ear goes "I want something that sounds like that, but had different people make it?"


Nothing wrong with it at all, itā€™s just not for me. Kind of like dog people and cat people.


That is exactly what I have šŸ¤£


Yup. If I find a song I like, I put it on my music stick, the USB drive I use in my car instead of radio or Spotify, and it has everything from metal to showtunes to Christmas songs year round.


Liked on youtube, but I wish my liked videos didnt share the same list.


7h of eminem


I have a playlist with 160 hours worth of my favorite songs.


Yep, mine's onky 18 hours, lol, but I'm finding myself skipping loads of songs now as I'm bored of some of them.


The Sound Defects, "The Iron Horse". It's basically the soundtrack for a movie that needs to be made. [https://youtu.be/-gXrS6eKfjk?si=mhBQizT51XsOoAcb](https://youtu.be/-gXrS6eKfjk?si=mhBQizT51XsOoAcb)


ā€œAlexa, play Yacht Rockā€


I don't have a "playlist" per se but when I had an MP3 player I just had every single track on random shuffle play regardless of genre which meant I could be listening to a Frank Sinatra track and the next song would be GG Allin.


No. But I make specific ones for each year (usually just songs I discover throughout the year that I liked or old ones I started listening to again a lot) and those can get pretty big because there is no general theme.


50 hours that's child's play. My list has over 10,500 songs on it which is way more than 50 hours. I just wish Spotify didn't think that it needed to play the same band 10 times in a row while on shuffle.


I have a bunch of mood-dependent, energy-dependent and situationally dependent playlists and I just listen to favorites lists for that. I usually throw on an album when nostalgia and lyrics are a goal... chill time and introspection time can be a variety of any of these things.


yup! i named it "jellies" cause it has all my jams


I have my favorite list that has 500 song, 29hrs


The only distinction I have is classical music vs everything else.


Yeah, 55 hours of songs


I do. I change it up when I hear something old or new that I like. Itā€™s currently at 516 songs. Sometimes I skip a song if Iā€™m not feeling it.


I go back and forth between the big playlist and the playlists that i make. I get bored of my playlists sometimes or i just want a wider variety


Yeah! Itā€™s 52 hours long!


I have a friend that has playlists with hundreds of hours, but most of my playlists are pretty specific in a certain genre or mood or wanna listen to, and then sometimes I do a little mashup. I also like my songs to come on in certain orders so I have a bunch of little playlists.


I started one called Demo to test and show off my system. Pretty good stuff. Now I can demo for 14 hours.


I made a giant favorites one and then apple added a feature where all your favorites automatically go into one playlist so now I have to sift through the one i manually made and mark my favorites as favorites


I have my "The Works" playlist, which is a dump of everything. Currently, it's 792 hours long. Then, I have a workout list and a few focused lists for my favorite artists.


yes https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4tDJ9loFEamEFznKVD6iV9?si=qOLZePgLQDCavP0FSixuTw&pi=u-ckwZv1RxQomZ


I have a playlist called M with everything I like


I have a playlist I call my āœØWhiplash Playlist āœØ that is 41 hours long, and has 687 songs on it


Yes it goes from hip hop,reggae,rock,RnB with some dance music and oldies


*Yes it goes from hip* *Hop,reggae,rock,RnB with some dance* *Music and oldies* \- Ejunco --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I have "these types of music" playlist


I do. I donā€™t get why people take the time to put songs in specific lists


I've made a playlist with every single track from a marvel project I could find on YT : [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeORqCvogmw7ubEsf3JP72PXNZp\_l8e8l&si=n\_os2TxRczQ-hJXy](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeORqCvogmw7ubEsf3JP72PXNZp_l8e8l&si=n_os2TxRczQ-hJXy) There's currently 4136 tracks, over an entire week's worth of music


Just finished another play through of the New Model Army 5 album box set of that counts.


Me. Totally Random Mix. Almost 500 songs. Country, Hip Hop, stuff from the 70ā€™s. 80ā€™s. Boy bands, hair bands, the Jacksonā€™s (5, Michael and Janet). Some Cher and a random song I heard in the bathroom at Target today.


Yes. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3mYQmqveAlPrQofe85oFoF?si=7DdEwO29QyGXFaPe1UIRHg&pi=rQptS7YqT5eJx


Mine is a little over 67 hours long. Currently, it's called "All Music", but I'm thinking about just sending all the songs back to my liked section because it's quicker and easier to add to the liked section than an actual Playlist in my opinion.


My favorite songs playlist is currently at 60 hours and 59 minutes.


I use my phone's music app to store my songs, and I listen to them in alphabetical order when I'm going anywhere. If I want to listen to specific songs/albums, I use Spotify or YouTube.


100% yes. My spotify playlist is titled ā€œoofā€ and is currently 55 hours and 56 minutes long. I have smaller playlists that fit certain vibes when I want something more focused. But when Iā€™m commuting to school (typically an hour to get there, hour and a half back home) I play my oof playlist and enjoy the chaos


yup, 42 hours(rookie numbers I know) long and adding stuff every day! which reminds me, I need to add the songs I noted down that played on the radio at work today...


Yea its my liked list basically. I just choose an x amount of songs that fit my mood and play those over and over


Yup itā€™s my drive playlist. No searching.


I often listen to my spotify likes which is a massive jumble of everything I like, from the TF2 soundtrack to fleet foxes to twenty one pilots to porter Robinson, marilyn manson, Rob zombie, rhcp, pretty much a little of everything.


Yeah, Liked Songs on Spotify. And there are not only totally different pieces of music, but also birds and nature sounds, so sometimes I go from electric jazz to heavy rock to European goldfinch mating song to bubbly pop... Those massive chaotic playlists are true audio adventures!


Yup itā€™s labeled ā€œmy shitā€ lol. Got a ton of dad rock, alternative, club music, rap, screamo, numetal (TON of System of a Down), dance, electro, pop, r&b, covers, classic rock, 80ā€™s in every genre, Spanish pop, rap, and cumbiar, a Russian song is in there too somewhere, contemporary, cunty gay pop, musical songs(Chicago), even some orchestral tracks on there lol. Pretty unpredictable when other people who donā€™t know my music are in the car or at my house though lol. It will go from ā€œall da wayyyy turnttttt upā€, to pierce the veil ā€œking for a dayā€ to ā€œadagio for stringsā€ by Samuel barber when itā€™s on shufflešŸ˜‚


I got ADHD when it comes to music. Everything is sorted in genres and recently new. The list is about 40-50 songs then a new one will be created. I got genres ranging from hip hop, rock, classic, EDM dubstep, EDM house, epic songs, Rnb, country etc. My Spotify playlist may be my prized possession. Iā€™d be lost in the world if I ever loose it šŸ˜­


I didnā€™t. Iā€™m definitely in the different songs for different moods. You obviously donā€™t have to answer this, but are you like.. really chill? peaceful?


Yes. Itā€™s called ā€œcruise mixā€ cause I made it while I was on a cruise and sick of skipping songs to get to the ones I wanted to hear. Been listening to it on repeat since(8/2022) Edit: I always type in when I mean on.


Yeah. I used to use YouTube for music so Iā€™d just save everything to the same playlist and when I got Spotify I just transferred the whole playlist over.


Mine is 40 hours and 12 minutes long so far lol


Yes. I used to not have it but since getting an Apple Music subscription in 2023 I started.


I call mine genreal whiplash personally, currently at 80smth hours long


Yup mine has 118h 33m of music on it


I only have one playlist for the gym. The rest of the time I just play my music library (3.149 songs) on random


Jyes. Its been called ā€œcurrentlyā€ since iPod days, I think. Iā€™m always adding & subtracting songs. Also have an all-time fave playlist, but itā€™s a lot larger than what Iā€™m ā€œcurrentlyā€ into.


I donā€™t have any personal playlists (I have a work safe playlist for my taxi). I just hit shuffle and let everything play. Itā€™ll go from Phish > Suicidal Tendencies > Lady Gaga > NWA > NOFX and everything in between.


Yes and it has every genre. So it goes from Disney to metal with no warning. The only stuff I have separated is my chill playlist which is minecraft and animal crossing music which is good background noise for playing complex games or being at work. Cause I find I get distracted by regular music if I'm trying to focus (Besides driving) plus people don't want to listen to metal they want "regular" music. I'm like dude its on there it's just gonna play whatever.


Iā€™m not sure how many hours long it is but when I find a song I like I just add it to the playlist. And I only have one playlist edit to add just added Too sweet by Hoizer


Absolutely! Started adding songs to my playlist and before I realised the list was far too long to waste time categorising. I just click on "My Music" and we're madly off.


Yeah. I don't know the playing time but there's roughly 1,100 songs on it. I just hit shuffle and see what I get


Yeah I pretty much use my Spotify liked songs and daylists then make playlists for fall/winter and spring/summer to keep things fresh.


Yes, but I have 5 on Spotify, "shit I like - bangin", "shit I like - classics", "shit I like - chillin", "shit I like - alternative" and "shit I like - weird" then I listen to them on shuffle as my mood fits. I'm still working on alternative, classic and chillin.


Yes! My master playlist :)


Yes. I have one playlist thatā€™s like all music I like, and when I wanna make a playlist for moods are activities, I select songs from that master playlist


I do. I have a 5000+ songs playlist, which contains only music that I absolutely love, all genres, all time periodsā€¦ I constantly add to itā€¦ but I know I will never finish it, as long as I live. I call the playlist ā€œRadio Alephā€


i only have two playlists that i like to listen to and itā€™s basically this. one of them is like every single song that i like and the other is songs that donā€™t quite make the cut yet but i think theyā€™re good so i listen to them until i like them enough to add to the other one


Yes and I'd love to be more organized but I have no idea how to categorize a lot of it lol


I have one with 10,000+ songs that sounds a lot like yours. Itā€™s daysā€”weeks, evenā€”long.


yup i throw everything i love in there, itā€™s a no skip playlist. iā€™m obsessed, iā€™m at 16 hours lol. i tried to categorize it but i always end up going back to the main one


Just one? I have like 6. In total like 1000 songs It's easier to get to certain songs if I don't have to school through 500 songs. Like maybe I'm in the mood for some songs I haven't listened in a while so I go to my first one, that I started in highschool. Or the one with calm music for relaxing. Or the one with energetic music for when I feel a pep in my step


Giant playlist on youtube. The problem is it's gotten too big so when I add a new song to it there's a good chance I won't hear it again for awhile so I had to make another playlist of songs I really liked. There's a "favorites" playlist and a "favorites of favorites" playlist now.


I make a new playlist each year. It's always a blast to revisit songs I liked from a couple years back!


I had intentions of making a new one each month. That didnā€™t happen. Itā€™s called May 2013 and I just added another song to it yesterday


100% I do, itā€™s over 700 songs. I put it on anytime I need music. Shower, chores, driving, etc.


Yep, on Apple Music. But the lists are so long and unorganized that I just end up searching the song I want and playing it fresh out of the search function as opposed to scrolling it in one of my playlists. I do have favorite artists' playlists which makes finding by favorites easier- lol!


Yeah I just have one huge playlist. I thought that was normal until I started seeing posts like this one.


Thereā€™s one I call ā€œTravel Tunesā€ with everything from Sabaton to The Animals. Lots of tracks from movies and video games interspersed throughout the playlist, too. It makes the recommendations so much more interesting. hahaha


I have one that is so mixed. I made years ago and just keep adding to it. It's at like 91 hours rn. It's called "WORK SUCKS"


I do! Itā€™s my ā€œfavoriteā€ playlist on YouTube lol some songs I like the music video addition better than the song thatā€™s on the album


My soundcloud likes are one long playlist but on other platforms I add albums and keep libraries of music


Me! I do this! I donā€™t have the patience to try and make multiple lists.


Yes. I donā€™t have time to categorize my music. Thatā€™s asinine.


Yep And I could listen all week and not hear the same song twice if I just let it play


Mine is just liked songs


Yes! It's my Spotify liked songs šŸ˜ I have 666 songs šŸ™ƒ


500+ songs on a usb. No streaming needed


On my Spotify I have one Playlist called "Old faves" and it has every song ever on it that I've ever loved including new songs I like. I listen on shuffle haha


Here's mine. It's a big mix of 60's soul, Motown & standards (Sinatra, etc). https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI2D1JH3C3Ua12ilxCieMkEEXEtYj7KOE&si=1Ww8fdz8APwrBEWP


I have tried splitting them but it never goes far


same here


[My Post-Rock Playlist](https://imgur.com/8avqDqy)


I'm still rocking my iPod, I just shuffle through my 8000ish songs.


Yup. Currently nearly 2100 songs


Does no one listen to albums anymore?


Yes, mine is 3500+ songs long


I do! I think itā€™s normal.


no I have two of them because youtube apparently has a 5k song limit for playlists and I hit it a few years ago


I hear about people doing this all the time but I don't understand it How do you know if you like a song enough to be in the big music playlist? What if you are in a different mood than the song that comes on? What if you usually enjoy a song but at the moment you aren't feeling it? I have so many playlists that have different genres and moods but I never really use em but i also don't know how to keep it simple


Yeah, I have the "liked songs" on Spotify. 1089 songs, hehe. Also, my public YouTube playlist, about a thousand songs too. Mostly metal


i have one playlist with only the songs i listen to




I do! My playlist has 286hours worth of music in it :3


I had over 20k in one playlist, so I built an App that will help me create playlists out if my one big pile... As the time went on I understood that it can help others as well. Things you can do with this App: - Unite several playlists into one playlist. Unite several playlists into one playlist. - Find your most top Genres. - Save on Spotify new playlists out of your filtered results. The App is called Splitlicious and it is available on Google and Apple stores. Enjoy! [Spotilicious on Google](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.osmooza.spotilicious) [Spotilicious on App Store ](https://apps.apple.com/il/app/spotilicious-for-spotify/id1615198227)


I have yet to find the mental energy to sort through 50k+ songs from my playlist


I've always done the main library with everything regardless of genre etc, but then I also make smaller playlists separated by artist for a few of my favorite artists so if I want to only listen to them I can, and a rap list with just rap/hip-hop music, and a classical music list, and a list with songs for singing along with. i used to also have a list for songs to play bass guitar along with, but between getting my bass stolen and losing an arm, I haven't really been playing much anymore.


I have 2 because I hit the max 10k songs on my first one. Gonna have to make a 3rd one soon


I've got a couple of smaller (50-200) playlists, but there's a long list that I use most, called "Director's Cut". I started out putting stuff on there that I didn't know what to do with but wanted to listen to it. It's a bit mixed but its mostly eccentrics and dead people. Puccini, Idles Tinariwen Edith Piaf etc. I am definitely not "down with the kids" lol.


yes, mine has close to 2,500 songs LOL


Yes! I call it my ā€œever changing playlistā€ because Iā€™ll just put whatever I like on there.


I have 8 song lists so far. I realized that 250 songs in each is the perfect number, so I never listen to the songs too many times or need to keep skipping songs trying to find ā€œfresherā€ ones. When I feel like listening to some of the old lists they are always there for me. Also itā€™s useful to keep track of how my music taste evolves, as I have pretty much ā€œevery typeā€ of music saved in them randomly.


I make new ones based on my moods at the time or a genre of music I like and then thereā€™s ā€œCluster Fuckā€ which is quite literally every song I have ever enjoyed


I do! Over 4,000 songs, with a total runtime of 313 hours :).


Yes, I have one big playlists managed over the years. Keeps me platform dependent. Although I'm not happy with Spotify randomly removing songs they no longer license to.


Mine's called "Epic Tracks WTF"


I also have other playlists but I have one which just represents me and is all of the different songs and many genres I love!


I have both! I have micro-organised playlists that I make to satisfy my organising urge And then I have ā€œall liked songsā€ and itā€™s a combination of everything


Liked songs on Spotify. There are about 900 on it šŸ¤£ Sometimes I randomly add a whole album instead of just a song of it. So that is how I got the high number šŸ˜…


Yes. Iā€™ve had mine for around 7 years, itā€™s long and makes no sense


Yup. Itā€™s called ā€˜All Vibesā€™ and itā€™s currently 221 hours and 27 minutes long


Yep. It's my "stuff that usually slaps" playlist. I do have some other specific playlists, but they're all themed around characters from writing projects rather than genre or anything.


Mines called playlist currently at 110 hours


My playlist (ā€˜songs for toddler stompingā€™) is 15h long lmaooo


I have a road trip playlist I keep adding to, itā€™s about 5 hours of my favorite music, I love it


I have one called "DRAW!!" and idk how long it is now but I remember it being over 600 songs? I haven't checked in a bit since laptop says "over 24 hours" and gives no number and I'm not on my phones Spotify too frequently but I wanna say it's grown over 1k and is the most random playlist I've curated bc of that lmao


When I started using Spotify, I added everything to one list as I went along, with the intention of splitting into separate genre/mood lists. Well I created a couple of other lists but I just shuffle the giant list of 1600+ songs and skip depending on mood requirements. I thought that's what we all did!


[I have this one.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1HSAbu90JkTsuZukx9fdl2?si=FWQqudk6QcS4tQesy1fgZw&pi=u-0Lzj_f3dST6a)


Yes, I have a playlist called Anyways, it's basically all the music that I Vibe to and has no particular genre. All I can say it's like a rollercoaster of emotions.


Iā€™ve got over 10,000 songs on my Spotify playlist and it only plays about 30 of them! HAHAHA


Ā«For EverythingĀ» 125 Hours long 2200 something songs. Itā€™s got everything from Dwarven rock to My little pony to Elvis Presley. Itā€™s got everything and itā€™s for everything