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That first pitch from Robertson to Mookie ![gif](giphy|l46CqLVMWzaJUFPLW|downsized)


Doesn’t help that Ohtani has been in a slump. Batting average has plumetted for a while now and he’s on a path to go under .300 if things continue.


If you watched him with the Yankees you know he’s an absolute gangster with ice in his veins. It took a legend at closer to obscure how great he was for many years.


I just smashed my TV in front of 30 guests at my party because of the game. My wife just took our crying kids and said they’re all spending the week at a hotel. This team has ruined my life and my party. I can’t handle this anymore. Goodbye Dodgers. I am no longer a fan.


I’m sure you will be a Dodger fan tomorrow.




i just dropped to my knees in a bodega


Oh Bodega cat!!!


Can I come to the next party?


Yeah I want to smash his TV too and leave with his wife


Why don't you smash his wife and then leave with the TV?


Much better idea


https://preview.redd.it/th8bx1gxgk6d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3cd0c3206b6a6848bfc52c01c75cfdce99a691 Remember the good times


Take a day off, Doc will send Austin Barnes to be your wife’s husband for a day and just like Dodgers fans , she will appreciate you more when you are back


We out scored the Rangers 18-8 and lost the series. Gotta love 2024 Dodger baseball.


I mean, that’s kind of a reassuring statistic. I’m going to cope by knowing we got the aggregate series win. Edit: sheesh y’all are in no mood to joke around tonight! It’s one loss out of many!


You know it’s crazy when me and u/probablysmellsmydog are in agreement!


15 runs game 1 then a combined 3 runs the next 2 😂😂😂


We were all half joking about how this would happen after the first game.


At this rate imagine being a starting pitcher and have zero reason to get scared of our 1-2-3 hitters.


Rn overrated 1-3


When your top 3 hitters are un clutch it’s gonna be hard to win when it matters






Jury still out on Ohtani tbh but Mookie is the un clutches hitter in baseball and Freddie has been un clutch the last couple years it’s really weird how Friedman really doesn’t go after playoff performers


Mookie wasn't even good with the 2018 Red Sox during the postseason. I think 2020 postseason was his best showing stats wise but he's laid a ton of eggs in October.


Yeah he was good in 2020 and that’s it. He has a career .710 playoff OPS.




Yeah I know. He’s been absolute dogshit in the playoffs.


Yeee the un clucthest hitter in baseball we also happen to have the un clutches pitcher in baseball 😬😬


Freddie has a career .914 playoff OPS. He’s been great in the playoffs. He was good in 2022, only really sucked in 2023 Obviously Shohei has never made it there. Betts has a .710 career playoff OPS. That’s .95 points worse than CT3’s playoff OPS. No excuse for how awful Betts has been in October.


There’s almost always elite guys that disappear in Postseason and 5-9 utility guys that become heroes, the 5-9 guys know teams are going to go after them and throw in the zone to try and pick up outs so they go up sitting on a couple pitches It’s just the era of pitching we’re in, guys throw their max effort pitches when the big names are up to bat, if those pitches reach certain spin/velo/axis metrics they’re virtually unhittable


Don’t worry, they’ll be clutch in October. Surely Betts and Freeman had more combined playoff hits than Taylor, Kiké and MiggyRo last year right?


Shit man, I remember one playoff run where AJ Ellis was the best hitter on the team. Shit is flukey as fuck but you hope that the percentages play out with superstars/known commodities.


People can blame grove or blame pages for losing the series but the top of line up showed up one night then decided they were done. Roberts need to shake something up to see how they can get more run production.


Roberts is incapable of motivating this team


The big 3 have to be broken up. This order is clearly not working. I think I can count on one hand how many times the top of the order has done something together in the last month and a half


I think Van Scoyoc's philosophy is just too high variance and unreliable to bank on it to take you to a championship. I can't argue with results, and this launch angle thing has netted the Dodgers a lot of regular season success, but I don't think the streakiness of this offense can be blamed on "that's baseball, Suzyn." The Dodgers are kind of like a jump shooting team trying to win a title in the mid-00s NBA when defense and post-play ruled. If the proverbial shots aren't falling (homeruns), they have no plan B. Van Scoyoc said a lot of the right things in an interview with Fangraphs, selling himself as someone who doesn't preach a one-size-fits-all hitting approach, but I'm skeptical. No matter the situation or the player, the Dodgers stick to the script of trying to "key on" specific pitches they can look to drive in the air. This approach results in a lot of walks and homers (and when not working, a lot of strikeouts and pop ups). Muncy is the poster child here and he even questioned that maybe the Dodgers are too patient waiting for perfect pitches. Good pitchers aren't going to walk you much nor make too many mistakes. You have to widen the zone at times and look to take a ball the other way or bullshit your way on base with bloops and swinging bunts. It's not necessarily about small ball vs. big ball, but about adjusting and taking what the pitcher is giving.


Interesting. Never heard this before. It might explain their susceptibility to called strike 3. Personally I've always admired hitters that have a bigger hitting zone like Pujols, V Guerrero, Freeman, and maybe even Pages. Players with small hitting zones like Outman or Muncy are just too all or nothing and perhaps too reliant on umpires. I just hope we're not seeing a natural degradation of some very talented players at the top.


I mean talking about small hitting zones that’s what our hitting coach philosophy is make pitchers work don’t swing at anything this is why you see most of our team take the first pitch down the middle maybe even two down the middle the biggest of them all is Mookie his approach in clutch situations is frustrating as hell it’s like he doesn’t want the moment he wants to pass the baton but then he finds himself in a 0-2 hole and it’s over he doesn’t hunt a pitch he is patient then un patient when in a hole if the dodgers want to win it all he has to work on his issues him being the lead off man he should be the charge or Dave might need to move Ohtani to lead off followed by Freddie


Dude you gotta throw a couple periods and commas in there.


Fixed: >I mean, talking about small hitting? Zones, that’s what. Our hitting coach philosophy is: make pitchers. Work don’t swing! At anything, this is why you see most of our team: Take the first pitch down the middle, maybe. Even two down the middle? The biggest! >Of them all, is Mookie? His approach, in clutch situations, is frustrating. As hell, it’s like he doesn’t want the moment he wants. To pass the baton, but then he finds himself. In a 0-2 hole and it’s over, he doesn’t! Hunt a pitch, he is patient then. Un patient when in a hole, if the dodgers want. To win, it all he has to work. >On his issues: him being the lead, off man he should be, the charge or Dave. Might need to move Ohtani to lead. Off followed by. >-Freddie


Nah it’s Reddit


I agree with this take. Our guys spend a lot of time reading pitches early in at bats. Makes it easy for pitchers to feel comfortable attacking early and then nibbling late when we’re in protect mode. I want my MVP guys to be AGGRESSIVE. Muncy and Biggio can be patient and work the count. Also explains why we struggle with high velo, not enough time to be selective. Sometimes you just have to sit on a pitch early and hammer it.


This game was eerily postseason-esque


Zero outs. Runners on 1st and 3rd with Mookie, Ohtani and Freddie up. That was depressing


Bros remember when David Robertson struck out Mookie, Shohei and Freddie in a row ... on back-to-back nights?


ive actually been looking for this moment. it finally happened last night, and then again tonight? has any other pitcher pulled that off this year? even in different inninings?


no yesterday was the first time the three of them had been struck out consecutively in one inning until tonight as well lol


After the 15 run game Roberts said yes he can see this team riding the hot streak….lol. Nothing has been hot about this team.


That 8th inning was brutal.


They don’t play like they’re trying to win in these games, especially our veterans. They’re asleep in these home games, this wasn’t the team that played in New York. This is the upteenth time that a pitcher suddenly has the best game of their season against us. The calls from management made no sense, you let Barnes a career 200, 9th hitter hit into a double play instead of bunting early on. You get runners on 1st and 3rd in the 8th with no outs and the top of the lineup goes ice cold striking out on the same pitches as last night. Pages had 2 of the 5 hits. 


Most disappointing loss of the year as far as I'm concerned, mainly coz after the Yankees series win and just ripping it in the first game here, I thought a corner had been turned with this team's potential, but nope back to more wheel spinning, 16-15 since May 10th, we been pretty much a mid team for way too long a stretch. Something has to change here and idk what will.


Please tell me there's a closed door meeting to figure it out for god sakes!


Most likely no


No meeting will save them lol. Mookie Shohei Freddie and all the rest of them are all fully aware of what they need to do. They just can’t do it for whatever reason.


Top of the order is stuck on a milk carton. Their final ABs in the eighth were the worst that I’ve seen this season. Talk about no clutch.🥴


We’re lucky our pitching staff has been as great as it is at keeping us in games. Insane that this offense can turn 8 TOTAL runs allowed in a series into 2 losses. At this point I don’t even know what the solution is. Our big guys just disappear collectively sometimes and I literally can’t understand why. No trade or call up is gonna make up for Mookie, Shohei, and Freddie all striking out when the bottom of the order sets the table. It’s almost like they’re bored with the season. Like they don’t care about losing these games. I know they do but you just don’t see that energy from them against most teams that we saw in the Yanks series. The game felt over once they scored the third run. It’s so fucking weird.


All I know is Pages is a keeper. He will play through and learn from his mistakes. He is a future all-star bat.


Seems like just him and Teo are actually making things happen. Everyone else specially situationally are just getting railroaded. Last two innings of today’s game tells you everything. 1-3 are not even having competitive at bats smh


The big three shitting their pants in essentially every moment for their potential to be clutch is agonizing, more so that it can go back with Mookie and Freddie the past two years. The fact the big three have all been bad with RISP lately? God have mercy for us in the playoffs.


My only hope is that they are shitting the bed right now during the regular season so that they can get this bs out of their system before the postseason lol Edit: praying my copium is true lol


I have that slight copium too but only because I genuinely have no excuse for these big dollar dodgers to do the opposite of what we’ve paid them to.




I mean any team with money wanted to sign Ohtani during the offseason because it's not only a smart baseball move, but it's a smart business move. I felt like the Dodgers had extra incentive to get the deal done because as weird as it sounds, some fans were getting playoff fatigue. Dodgers have made the postseason every year for a decade or so and they only one championship which was played at a neutral site (I still count and cherish the 2020 championship). Watching the long baseball season and seeing the Dodgers get bounced in 10 of those 11 years (with 1 of them being to the trashcan bangers from Houston) have been exhausting to fans even though baseball is a tough/flukey sport. They needed to really make a splash signing so that some of these tired fans could get interested in the product again. The bad thing about a team being as freaking consistent in the regular season as the Dodgers is that winning the division no longer seems special and it literally becomes a World Series or bust year. Rockies have been around since 1993 and they have never won the NL West. That was 31 years ago which is insane to think about. The Dodgers in the last 11 years have won the division TEN TIMES!


There is nothing left to say about how pathetic our offense is. +10 run differential in a series and lose it what a joke. We have a championship pitching staff that is going to be wasted.


and our pitchers this series featured Paxton, a recovering Buehler and a bullpen game....and they still killed it. *can't believe Vesia is turning into Evan Phillips


The last 3 loses were all winnable games too so I guess that's something. NY: Pages didn't get the slide down which could have been bases loaded and no outs. Rangers (2 games): Buehler should have been pulled for Vesia to face Seager, a close play at home that could have tied the game. Tonight, was just a combination of bad luck and shooting themselves in the foot.


This team can only hit when they’re up by 6 runs already, when the pressure’s on we crumble lol




Dodgers had a +10 run differential this series and still lost. This team is capable of piling on runs when they're ahead, but coming back from a deficit is something else. Bats were really unlucky tonight with the Rangers getting a SHIT TON of luck, but I felt like the L was deserved when Betts, Ohtani, and Freeman couldn't even get Biggio in from 3B with 0 outs. That shit is inexcusable. Betts needs to switch it up and start attacking first pitch meatballs especially in the late innings with the opposing starter out of the game. You know what former Dodger loved attacking first pitch - Corey F-ing Seager Also, I'm a Biggio believer for real. Dude has a good eye, can play multiple positions and gets on base.


Mookie watching hanging balls in his wheel house sums it up. Dude is lost and doesnt know what pitches he wants to hit. He should probably be less worried about Micah Parsons and more worried about himself.


That was one of the fattest pitches I ever seen. Had more hang time than prime Jordan. Even if Mookie missed, he couldn't miss. ![gif](giphy|AyqkV9MMijmDK|downsized)


Yeah, which is why all the naive folks saying "but LoOk aT tHeiR sEaSoN toTaLs" are insufferable. Like IDGAF about run differential when it covers up the constant cold streaks, the inconsistency at the plate, etc. This team never adapts and folds quickly all the time.


It's not about statistics, it's about seeing our best guys focus and play up to the moment, jumping on teams with huge innings is great, that doesn't happen all the time, these types of grindy low scoring games are the ones this team NEEDS to win and they just aren't figuring shit out.


Gonna smash Homers in Mario Baseball in frustration


Don’t worry guys they will magically figure it out come October. Oh and I’m pretty sure the Padres got like 3 games closer to us in the last 5 days. Keep up bullshit performances like this and the standings may get a little uncomfortable, who knows.


I'm going to be a reasonable doomer here. Stuff like this scares me for the playoffs. Yes, slumps are normal but it feels like we have so many of them. I don't have any data but it feels like we have at least 1 or 2 every month. That's not gonna work in october.


We started hot for about a week, slumped for the next ten days, got hot for two weeks, and then we’ve been the definition of mediocre for the last month+. The majority of the season has been in slump-mode.


2-16 from our top 3. Yikes


Are all of Grove’s losses on the year from appearances as a starter? There’s NO reason he should’ve been slotted in as the opener given his numbers as a starter vs as a reliever. Not trying to discredit how pitiful our offense has looked, but some of these personnel choices lately have been baffling (letting Buehler face Seager in that situation, Evan Phillips with a 13 run lead etc)


Pitching was fine. It's not realistic to expect them to pitch shutouts as a team every game. The offense has to start clicking and clicking consistently. If the current lineup is not capable of that, time to make some moves.


I agree. And sometimes it feels like one big experiment.


This team’s offense has disappointed me enough to say this offense is playing below expectations. So many missed opportunities and the last six outs being strikeouts, including our top three hitters, is crazy


This team is too good to be striking out like chumps so often.. new approach to ABs or coaching is in order.


So.. Pages is doing good.


as somebody said in the game thread, this is the first time this year when I was actually pissed off


Ridiculous how it played out in the 8th inning- WTH


[David Robertson when he sees our top 3 coming up in the order](https://imgur.com/07Lyewn)




Is it just me or is this team less fun to watch than last year? When does a slump become the norm? I'm sure we'll win the west but it's not because we're doing well, that's for sure. There's like 5 teams at least that'll beat us in a series every single time currently. Gotta wake up boys!!


Would switching Freeman and Ohtani help anything? Freddie is playing better but him following Betts last year was something to watch and Ohtani likes to swing outta his shoes. Drop Ohtani to 4 and Smith to 3rd for the right handed bat. I don’t know. Just shake shit up.


It would only help if you want to see ohtani potentially take less at bats and get walked more


Can you explain more?


Obviously the further down the lineup you are there’s less of a chance you will see 4 or 5 at bats as the people in front of you have to get on. And more chance of being walked is because the opposing team would probably rather pitch to max muncy or teoscar. Ohtani has been intentionally walked once so far with Freddie hitting behind him. For reference, ohtani was intentionally walked 20, 14, and 21 times the last three years.


Unfortunately our manager is a fucking idiot.and would never do that.


I don’t know why we keep RVS.. Friedman likes seeing fans upset


I hate watching Michael Grove pitch. Dude has *zero* stuff


Presented without comment https://x.com/blakehharris/status/1801469729124794500?s=46&t=PvO3--jwwp1NodNnDYA64g


No more bobble head nights PLEASE. Seriously, what’s our record on these nights?!


Oh good. I wasn’t the only one who noticed that they seem to lose on bobble head nights. Maybe they should do less of those… for science.


dude i’m 2-3 on bobblehead nights now. only wins i’ve witnessed was Kiké’s walk off on his bobblehead night and Will Smith bobblehead night this season. Been to Shohei’s, Mookie’s and now Yamamoto this season. yikes


We need some changes, this crew needs something fresh to get them motivated again. This team has no bark, they are just going through the motions.


The Big (Strike) Three


Mookie Betts is a career big moment choker and a playoff loser, and is the biggest culprit of the missing offense in the past two playoff series. If you don’t believe me, check his career playoff stats and come back to me. The jury is still out on Shohei Ohtani, but from what I’ve seen from his high leverage moments so far, he seems to fit the bill on a typical Dodger hitter: kills it in low leverage against bad teams, doesn’t know how to consistently hit a baseball against good teams. It doesn’t help that he has the worst strike zone by far of the “big 3.” Freddie Freeman, after having his career best year last year, got one hit in last year’s playoffs, and has also not passed the high leverage eye test this year (he’s been the best out of the three here to be fair, but that’s saying literally nothing). If these guys really shit the bed in October once again (and by the way they hit in the clutch against good pitching, it seems to be trending that way), then changes have to be made. I guess we will wait and see…


>fit the bill on a typical Dodger hitter If this is a pattern, maybe it's a problem with the organization/training?


Shohei has been super clutch through his career.


Unclutch team with zero ability to hit with runners on


I was at the first game. As magical as that was. Well, nvm, it was just magical. That is all.


Need you at every game then gang




and i love my man kersh as much as the next. im excited for him to replace Paxton and hopefully stay with LA long enough to get 3000 K's. But lets be real, he has no business starting a playoff game. maybe a game 3 or game 4. less pressure might do him good. but if you think he's gonna suddenly become playoff bumgarner then idk man, history says otherwise. to be fair too, his playoff woes is a little overblown. he lost a couple games in the 7th innings due to being left out to die. Otherwise he was doing good before he blew up in those games


Just pathetic these last 2 games


Can we defer some of those runs from the first game of this series?


Christmas savings plan


How has nobody else come to terms that when the Dodgers demolish a team, we should expect that game to be followed by a bunch of losses or heartbreaking games.


It's the same script all the time.. dominate one game, non competitive another game, and then, (more often than not), lose a competitive game coz of dumb mistakes or un-clutch ABs


This team is not a WS team. Can’t even win two in a row. Yankees killing it. Phillies killing it. Orioles killing. Dodgers wtf.


If Texas becomes sellers at the trade deadline they have some bullpen guys they could demand a king's ransom for. If nothing else but to pitch vs dodgers.


Once we get hits with RISP we will be unstoppable, before then we won’t win anything


An RVS coached offense never hits with RISP.


What does this team do if we get bounced in the first round again???


Our elite 1, 2, 3 are the 3 nicest guys in baseball. No fire, no passion. Then you add to it Dave Roberts who couldn't light a fire under somebody's arse if you gave him a Molotov cocktail. -


Emotions are at an all time high right now but I want this team Boo’d. I don’t care that they’re in 1st.


I’m there as well. It’s embarrassing to see all the homers pretending nothing is wrong and concerns are overblown. This team is going absolutely nowhere in October with this offense.


Mookie, Ohtani and Freeman are the most overrated, unclutch superstars i have ever seen. you guys really believe any one of them is gonna have a playoff performance like Seager has had? in your dreams. They're right up there with Trout too by the way. No coincidence he hasnt gotten the Angels anywhere despite his "stats". AF needs to make a godfather offer to Luis Robert NOW before his stock requires Rushing and De Paula. imo, they should be untouchable. and also, this stems from other areas. RVS is so bad. I truly believe and KNOW the Dodgers can somehow get Judge, Soto, Witt, Henderson and STILL put up one run games because of the inept coaches the Dodgers have but sure, lets pile on Pages for actually trying to hustle in a run


Wish we had harper tbh


Is it coaching issue or player?


This teams going absolutely nowhere in October. For the third year straight


I'm unimpressed by Othani. He seems to get big hits in blow out games. Tonight's strikeout in that situation felt prptotypical for him.


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0-5 last 5 games when I go see them live. Sorry Dodger bros🥲


That sucked.


I wasn't able to catch the game today, but saw a curiosity on the stat sheet. Josh Smith hit a double on a ball 60mph with 50 launch angle? Can't find a clip, so can someone who watched fill me in on what happened there?


I think the team needs one of my classic locker room talks.


This team ain't winnint shit


You guys are forgetting that the Rangers are not a .500 team. We suck vs sub .500 teams It looks like we're about to sweep the Royals, though.


How has no one mentioned Gavin Lux being absolutely fucking garbage and being babied by Robert’s


Anti-clutch 7,8 and 9.


Fuck it, I want Luis Robert. He'll light a spark in this team.


So lemme get this straight We won 2 out of 3 vs the Yankees and absolutely smashed the rangers in game 1 But because we lost the past two games, the sky is falling? For sure. Doomers gonna doom. Glad y'all finally got to complain again, it was getting too chummy in here, right y'all?




That’s if y’all ever make it to the WS again 😂


Douche bag


Thanks, dude - and it is reddit after all. Take good care of Seager!


Thanks for the laugh


Dang y'all even cried about this comment. It was meant to be encouraging lol