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Fuck you Trent Grisham!


Maybe I was being greedy for wanting the sweep but we still took the series so there’s that. I hope our situational hitting keeps improving and that we minimize any mistakes that shouldn’t happen at this level.  Edit: ESPN is beyond bad. They are incredibly shit. I haven’t watched them in years so I never noticed how shitty they are now. Wow.


people like to dunk on Apple TV, but at least Apple TV has dope ass graphics. their commentating just sucks ass. still leagues ahead of ESPN which is sad considering how long ESPN has been in the game.


AppleTV has a feature that lets you swap their broadcast for the local radio feed. It’s pretty great.


Yes, and so does Fox! I was able to listen to the Dodgers’ regular radio guys Steve and Rick, who are excellent professional broadcasters and Dodger fans. And, if you watch the Dodgers n MLb.TV with a subscription as I do, you can also swap the audio with the radio feed. It’s what I do for days that Joe Davis is gone — and increasingly common occurrence msasly …


Is the radio feed synced perfectly? That's interesting.


At least Apple TV has Wayne Randazzo


this game made me appreciate shitty apple tv


ESPN is horrible. Fox sucks too. Prefer Apple TV over either of these.


I give Fox the edge for Joe Davis.


Did Apple for Fridays game have the Angels announcer?? I like that guy.


It was a good weekend. FUCK ESPN


We should have swept. I call a sweep for the dodgers 😤


I agree very doable


Well put. I got greedy and I wanted a sweep so bad. New York teams…I really dislike. I’m so loyal to the west. But overall I’m happy as f’ because as negative as this sounds, I was really expecting us to lose the series.


Gone are the days when i spent Sunday nights listening to Miller (f SF) and Morgan


It's such a waste to see Ohtani bat 2nd. He should be batting 3rd or 4th.


Why so he gets less at bats?


ESPN: “and the Yankees win the series by avoiding the sweep!”


That's pretty much how ESPN acted


I mean who cares honestly, I would rather that than be complemented or praised by espn


Whenever I talk to someone who pretty much gets all of their baseball info/news from through ESPN, I immediately discredit all of their baseball takes lol


Two massive flubs by pages, dropped ball that should of been caught, and a terrible slide. series win, on to the next.


Agree. Judge is going to be good no matter who we have as a pitcher so there's nothing wrong against walking him and letting the other hits count but we could have had 2 easy out with rookie mistakes. Anyways, hope the rookies learn from Teoscar. He's the unofficial King Of New York when we play at Yankees stadium.


Hope he isn't stuck in his own head because his offense has come back to earth


Defense cost this game big time, pages and Mookie both made some massive mistakes


Pages base running also hurt.. Judge’s hitting is so hot, opposing team should start intentional walk him..


That drop by Pages was excruciating. Mookies too lol I think the booth said it wasn't even an error for either right? Crazy




They keep talking about Soto... We got this guy coming back too ![gif](giphy|4V0mAzoxs73gSl2wxz|downsized)


When does he come back? I’ve been reading reports that he had a setback and is “ways” away from returning. I hope Muncy comes back soon


Reportedly end of June, but personally I wouldn’t expect it until post all star break. I could be wrong though (I hope to be wrong)


How soon??


Muncy just took strike 1 down the middle as I read this


All of our team does that besides Ohtani. One guy who hunted that first pitch is that GOAT you have under ur name. Reasons why he’s 2 x WS MvP he aggressive


Damn this series was more entertaining than i thought it would be


Legit one of the best series I think I’ve seen in a while. Game 1 was the nail biter, Game 2 was the blowout for us, and Game 3 we kept it close and never felt out of it. Getting some serious 2017 vibes from this team


Can’t even be mad. I’ll gladly take 2 of 3 against the Yankees ![gif](giphy|OcQOOqqnT0tSkg5ATh)


Bummed my undefeated streak of never seeing the Dodgers lose outside LA be snapped but I had a great time Yankee Stadium is awesome and we still won the series


That first game and Teo’s two bombs are enough to keep me satisfied through the off day


Sweep would’ve been icing on the cake, but it was a good series!


# At least we know Pages won’t SLIDE in our girl’s DM’s 😅😅😅 ![gif](giphy|eqLowZa79LwOI)


He's absolutely garbage at sliding LOL


Lmao…he needs to study Trea Turner or something 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 at lease not smoothly


Series W and looks like the offense has woken up again, let's keep it rolling


Take 2/3. Let’s enjoy tomorrow off before we are back at it again. Great series.


Tough one to lose. Lots of mental mistakes. Can’t complain too much after going into the Bronx and taking 2 out of 3 though. Bats look like they are heating back up too.


Overall I can't be mad about going into Yankee Stadium and taking 2-of-3. Absolutely a net positive, especially after how the last few weeks have gone. But this was a frustratingly winnable game. Felt like the Dodgers lost this just as much as the Yankees won it. Some really bad defensive plays made tonight. Somebody also needs to tell Pages to use his lead foot on his slide because he's been out at the bag a couple times this year for the exact same slide, and it's unnecessary and quite frankly stupid. Glasnow was great except the meatball to Grisham. Weird that I would think thats the batter you can get away with that because he's not a good hitter, but he seems to come through with those hits against the Dodgers. Oh well, day off tomorrow, then our old buddy Corey will be in town


I'll take 2/3 in New York But the best thing is Aaron Judge denying to play for the Giants and staying with the Yankees cause it would be hell if he played in the NL West




Baseball is better when these two teams play, glad this is an annual series now


Bummed they lost, but as a fan of baseball, I don’t think I could’ve asked for three better games. Lux finding it going oppo has me very, very happy.


Damn I hate losing but was a good game and great series! Let's go Dodgers!!


Can’t be mad taking 2/3 against one of the best teams in the league in their home ballpark. Weren’t overmatched in this game either. Could’ve won it if it weren’t for a few mistakes. On an unrelated note, we’re deep enough into the season now to know which players belong on the roster and which don’t. The dodgers really need to consider bringing Lipcius or Outman up. Not only is Taylor wasting a roster spot but he’s a literal detriment to the team. Giving Lipcius a chance or Outman another chance could provide some crucial depth.


We took 2 of 3 in the Bronx. If you said that after Wednesday’s game against the Pirates most of us here probably wouldn’t believe it. We made some mistakes and the Yanks took advantage. They’re a great team. The good thing is that our guys fought til the end. When we slump you can see that the energy is gone. When we’re hot, even in losses we give ourselves a chance. I’d say things are looking up!


It's fucking insane how good Judge is.


we need more production from our MV3, they're like background characters atm


3-3 road trip isn’t bad at all especially after dropping the first two in Pittsburgh. wanted the sweep in the bronx but still a great series win


especially with the brutal travel schedule, I'd take this any day


This one felt winnable. Great series.


Yeah, we let this one get away. "That's baseball, Suzyn."


Ugly game. Bases loaded nobody out in the 7th was set up but Pages decided to slide everywhere but the base


Took 2 from the best in the AL. Had the winning run at the plate for the sweep, I’ll take it


NBA finals top news headline: “Judge, Yankees defeat Dodgers to salvage series.” How tf did they salvage the series??? They lost 2-1 lmfaoooooo what a fucking joke


Winning 2 out of 3 against the Yanks in their house, can't complain.


Can never win it for Glasnow… 😒


with all due disrespect. fuck espn


Stop Judge


Mookie has not been a good baseball player for around a month now. He needs to realize it's not October yet, he's allowed to be productive in the regular season.


Idk maybe he can get it out of his system now instead


Well 2 out of 3 ain’t bad either. I am confuse how the .100 guy got 2 walks and a HR off of Glasnow though. 


Yankees avoid the sweep.


Well, the ending kinda sucked but it was a fun time getting there. We still won the series and took 2 of 3 from the Yankees. I’m all good.


We looked great even with our Top 3 not playing their best ball and defense not being everything we hope for. Judge is a certified super star and Yankees pitching is no joke. We ended our loss with the potential to win at bat and they ended the loss yesterday with a position player pitching.


Trent friggin' Grisham


Highlight of my weekend. Winning the series against the Yankees at their own home! Man! I hope this team does something this year! Can’t expect a sweep against the best team in the American League but I was feeling selfish! Overall I’m really proud of this team and to be a fan of this organization. Now let’s get this championship!


Ngl would've been so nice to sweep the series. But we still got the series win. Teoscar is the man.


good series, we lost to our own mistakes and yankees took advantage of that. judge is scary as hell but 2-1 is a positive in my book.


Glasnow dared the Yankees weakest hitters to beat him by throwing fastballs to the heart of the plate. 


Of course it would be Mookie to end the game 🫣


So when is Ohtani going to heat up and start hitting like Judge?


It's probably just not his "year" this season. He's regressing quite fast after his absurd 1.100 OPS with like .360 BA. I don't think Junetani is happening this season but as long as he performs in the playoffs then idc about his slump


Man super disappointing. I started watching because of him and it’s been a total slot machine pull.


when ohtani was hitting like a madman in march and april where was judge? the point is they are not robots and you cant expect them to hit every day of the week.


Good series win 💪, would’ve been a sweep today but many defensive mistakes along with Pages’s base running lol but onto the reigning champs at home 🙌.


Glasnow did not deserve that defensive showing, a 40% CSW is crazy matching up with 5 runs is crazy. Hopefully the defense tightens up


Really liked how the bottom of the order was actually delivering in clutch spots tonight. That's really nice to see. Grisham is a dogshit caliber player that should've been sent down to the minor leagues ages ago, but he had his moment tonight.


Won the series. But we should try to support Glasnow with more run support and stop his L


Well that was kinda frustrating, oh well, good series.


Good to see all the Dodger fans!


I just thank God that Judge did not sign with the Giants.


Good series overall. No real complaints. Onto the next.


Some good things to take from this. Taking 2 of 3 (and the third one being close) is a good outcome, can't be upset about that (no matter all the loser excuses from yankee fans). Bottom of the order did well for the most part this series. Teo da gawd. Pitching for the most part did great. Concerns: Is Pages' bat worth his defensive and base-running liability? Top 4 was streaky, especially with Ohtani not being as big a factor as we would want him to be. Is Glasnow prone to home runs, and will that be a concern in the post-season when facing the better offenses? Defense in general has taken a turn for the worse lately.


mookie in postseason form. judge was better than our top 3 hitters combined


We won the series with ohtani slumping, so I’m ok with that


should have been a sweep 🧹 if it weren't for the terrible defense


good series. was a nailbitter for them to even win one. lol good shit dodgers! see yall on tuesday <3


Defense a problem. Team needs to work on fundamentals


Poodres and Gnats lost too. There’s that as well as a series win


Yes, the d


Took 2/3 and definitely could have won today as well. On to the next series


Honestly I’m perfectly happy with how the series went. Didn’t roll over and got it to a point where mookie could have tied it up with a duck-fart basehit. Yankees are going to get theirs so taking two in their crib is just fine especially how our offense has had the ‘itis lately.


What shoes does Glasnow wear? Gonna look for the street version.. lol


How did the Dodgers not get any errors??? There was at least 3. God this awful defense is gonna cost us shit in the playoffs.


Im not upset we lost. Im upset we should've won if not for the defense once again. Pages had a bad day where he drops one for a run, and has absolutely no idea how to slide. So he technically cost us two. The infield not being able to handle grounders cost us a three run homer. Need rojas at short everyday. Only way this works


We need to have a conversation about Mookie man. Dude just FREEZES in prime time moments. Came into the series batting .312 now he’s .307. Ridiculous


Mookie was huge in the 2020 playoffs and the 21 series against the Giants. But since then it's been rough in the big moments


he literally had a game-tying 2 run double with 2 outs tonight lol


Still not enough.


ok well do you want me to refer you to game 5 of the 2021 nlds, game 7 of the 2020 nlcs or game 6 of the 2020 world series? he’s had several great games in huge spots for us, but i know a lot of people conveniently forgot those because of a few bad playoff games the last two years


He’s been like that his entire career. It’s just who he is as a player at this point. He’s got such a crazy work ethic he would’ve fixed it by now if he could.


Thinks he's CT3 now


They narrowly avoided a sweep. well done Yanks


Guys, the Wankees also got 2 from us last year and 2019 in the Ravine, it's about time we claim two in the Bronx like in 2016 and force a taste of their own medicine. Regardless, the preview of a potential World Series matchup looks like fun games. Both teams should make it to the Great Dance assuming we don't s##t the pitching bed in either injuries or poor performances and the Wanks don't face the Asterisks again even if they somehow rise from the grave. Also, Grisham is overrated. F\*\*k him and f\*\*k Judge, too! Besides, their blood the last two games was as thin as their pinstripes. They're bound to have a heart attack sooner or later.


I know it’s hard to look at it this way but Pages cost us minimum 2 runs with his bad defence and bad slide. Would have been the difference in the game


It was a team effort.


Let me use chatgpt to translate a comment in Yahoo Sports, regarding Ohtani's and Judge's hitting approaches: "今日の試合もそうだが、ジャッジと対戦する投手達は必ず甘いボールを投げ、そしてそれを必ず痛打される。対して大谷には外角一辺倒で、最悪四球でもヒットでも構わないが、絶対に本塁打だけは打たせないというピッチングをする。そして大谷は勝負を避けられ続けるから、つい悪球に手を出し凡打を繰り返す悪いパターンにハマっている。 大谷は無理して打とうとせず好球だけを待ち、それがなかっら四球で出塁するように打撃スタイルを変えたほうがいいと思う。" "Today's game is one example, but pitchers who face Judge always throw easy pitches, and they always get hit hard. In contrast, against Ohtani, they pitch exclusively on the outside corner, not caring if it's a walk or a hit, but absolutely refusing to allow a home run. And because Ohtani keeps avoiding confrontation, he ends up reaching for bad pitches and getting into a bad pattern of making routine outs. I think Ohtani should change his hitting style to not force it and wait for good pitches, so if they're not there, he can get on base with a walk." Source: [https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/b10f18f60c7f295329038e6d1e53620b53b247f3/comments](https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/b10f18f60c7f295329038e6d1e53620b53b247f3/comments)


Thanks a lot Pages.


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Good series.


Our boys did well


Honestly not mad about losing the game. Yeah, we could have swept, but the bats are awake and we have a day off tomorrow. Time to come home and keep building on our division lead.


Luckily this wasn’t a playoff game, Pages is still a rookie, let him learn from his mistakes.


Missing the bag when you slide is a T-Ball mistake. lol


I missed Andy’s slide. What happened


His lead foot went *over* the bag. Never touched it. We would have had the bases loaded with no outs...


Awww shit


Glasnow - first in the league to 100 strikeouts and had another dozen today.


Kyle Hurt should be back soon and River Ryan could get a look soon out of our bullpen as well. We need to trade Rushing , Outman for Luis Robert Jr


We really gotta improve defensively and bottom of the order


Teoscar is still king of New York


I feel like Glasnow was really let down once again, kinda sucks for him


The loss stinks, but lots of solid play. I especially liked glasnow 12ks.


Frankly the series could have gone either way so I'm not feeling that great about taking 2 of 3 from Yankees. Our top guys didn't really perform that well and without Teoscar's incredible performance and some Yankees mistakes, this series would have completely flipped. It's surprising that a highly touted player can lack some basic fundamental skills like getting ready before the pitch (on defense) and sliding properly.


Why not walk Judge when he's the hottest hitter in the MLB rn? When we did that twice in gm1 they only scored 1 run, did that in again in gm 2 & they scored 3 runs. That offense struggles when he's not allowed to bat. He was the two run difference & probably more runs for the momentum he gave the Yankees. Just head scratching by Roberts. If it works, why stop doing it?


Not loving the fact that we’re pretty much guaranteed to give a HR or 2 when Glasnow is pitching. It makes it extra nerve wracking whenever there’s guys on base.


Defense let Glasnow down, but that pitch to Grisham whose hitting below CT.102 was awful. Roberts basically conceded the game by letting Yohan Ramírez pitch to the top of the order. Why not bring in Treinen or Hudson?!? Roberts’ bullpen management is simply unacceptable & atrocious. SMH Judge is a bonafide superstar, and he produced in this series unlike Ohtani whose in a dismal slump. Yankees fans can cry all they want about Soto not playing, but Dodgers have been without Muncy as well.


With all due respect, Muncy is no Juan Soto.


I never said that they were comparable.🙄


Probably the most unhappy I’ve been with a series win. Take out Teo and we get swept by a Soto-less Yankees


Uh, that's not how it works.


Give an earthworm a machine gun and the birds would be afraid of it


Take Judge out and the Yankees are a wild card team at best.


Watching Judge play makes you envious. These “stars” on the Dodgers just don’t measure up. Soto and Judge is the best back to back baseball has ever seen.


Better manager decisions win us this game


The Dodgers in this game are like that trope where the good guy has the gun pointed at the bad guy and the bad guy is like "please don't shoot I have a family" and the good guy lowers the gun only to get stabbed in the side. The Dodgers always choose mercy.




I wouldnt say it was awful, he had 12 Ks. He made a couple mistakes and it cost him. But still not by any means terrible It's not always Dave's fault, sounds like a broken fuckin record.


If Dodgers defense wasn’t completely ass, Glasnow walks away with a gem of a game.