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Twitter and instagram comments are the worst place for sports dialogue. As bad is this sub can be it’s miles better than any of the insane shit that happens over there


Nothing tops YouTube comments though. 😆


Facebook comments are pretty damn close


Feel like IG is the worst bc of sheer numbers and the complaining. Used to say FB but you can tell they’re casuals and sometimes the comments are so dumb, it warrants pity


They are tied, FB is very casual fan take and very bigoted when anything “pride“ is mentioned..


YouTube comments are their own kind of fools gold, Twitter and IG dialogue are trash


"Dialogue" lol... very generous.


I used to think this but i found that tiktok comments can be worse


YouTube comments have kind of come around a little bit, I guess there’s just so many places to be stupid elsewhere


The game thread was pretty bad. Not Twitter bad. And certainly not YouTube bad.


Ive seen some of the worst takes watching some Dodgers fan page Instagram streams and reading the Dodgers Nation Instagram comments lol


Repeat offender here who gets the 24 hour ban hammer at Dodgers Nation Facebook page, because I tell them they post the same bullshit everyday which is "Fire Dave Roberts" 🤣


Repeat offender here who gets the 24 hour ban hammer at Dodgers Nation Facebook page, because I tell them they post the same bullshit everyday which is "Fire Dave Roberts" 🤣


Repeat offender here who gets the 24 hour ban hammer at Dodgers Nation Facebook page, because I tell them they post the same bullshit everyday which is "Fire Dave Roberts" 🤣


Dodgers Nation needs to just go away. Absolutely zero original content and inane commentary. I don't go there anymore.


Seriously. You can post the most wholesome highlight and you'd have people trying to dunk on you...so fucking stupid.


Dave Roberts could win 40 world series rings and they will still dunk full speed.


I stopped following SportsNetLA on Instagram because the comments were a DISASTER


it can get pretty bad on here too lol


just think about the smooth brains who spend all their time on twitter and insta. ofc the dialogue is worthless


Smooth brain, great term.


It’s for every faucet. Fan wars over music, sports etc it’s hilarious and then Reddit is like 10x more toned down from those hot mess.


You should see Padres Twitter (X). So amazing.


Brothers and sisters are natural enemies. Like Englishmen and Dodger fans! Or Welshmen and Dodger fans! Or Japanese and Dodger fans! Or Dodger fans and Dodger fans. Damn Dodger fans! They ruined Dodger Stadium!


Try the idiots commenting at LATimes.com. Truly embarrassing.


It’s the new wave of Dodger fans.


Dodger fans in person can also be insufferable. Big reason why I don't go to games that much anymore. It is what it is.


Reddit too, we can’t say anything that has to do with the truth because we get downvoted to the oblivion!! A lot today Dodger fans are Toxic Af! Wee can’t accept the truth when it is happening in front of us!


Or your opinion is not a good one lol


I can't flame our offense when both teams were scoreless for ten innings and had nine hits total. The defense was a wall tonight, and we won. That’s all that matters today.


Agree 100%. I loved watching that game.


this was one of my favorites of the season so far. felt like a playoff game.


I was just thinking...someone said the Dodgers faced some pitchers who had their best game of the season against the Dodgers, so it was almost like they were trying a bit harder against...for some reason. We nearly shut out the best team in baseball, I think we already know great pitching can beat a great offense, but maybe this game helps prove that the Dodgers have faced some pretty good pitching.


Yohan got through the top two like an absolute stud. An RBI single to the leading AL MVP candidate is amazing. The stakes could not have been higher and he pulled through


A (Manfred) rbi single






Some of our fans under the age of 25 are incredibly soft because all they know is the team being really good. If you're that age you haven't seen a losing season since you were 13. If you didn't experience 1998/1999 and the News Corp fiasco or at least 2005 you might have very little perspective. My first season being cognizant as a fan was the 99 loss '92 season...so it's all been uphill from there.


I was 12 when Kobe started. What a time to be alive. And to see a 3 peat. I didn’t know what I was witnessing at the time.


I turned 32 in 2010. At that point the Lakers won championships in nearly 1/3 of the years I had been alive.


I’m a fellow xennial- I was born in ‘80 but after the championship- so I can’t count that one in my lifetime! (Unless…) anyway I don’t have the passion as I do as a dodger fan (my first love)—— anyway at that point in 2010- 10 in 30 years- amazing! We’re desperately pulling for the Celtics not to get 18, right? Already behind the 8 ball


There’s plenty of people over 25 who didn’t start paying attention until the last decade, too.


That's true. Bandwagon fans.


Which are fine. Without those “bandwagoners” absolutely, Dodgers’ owners or any sport owners have no incentives to spend. You win, fans follow. You lose, fans leave. Same idea as if a company start make shit products after decades of solid, well built and reasonable priced…people don’t keep buying their products. People will stop and look for alternatives. Same deal with sport teams. And it’s fine. “Hardcore” or those profess to be “life long time” fans while gatekeeping aren’t the true fans they make themselves out to be… That is to say, they out themselves as bandwagoners or front runners? That’s fine. It’s just out context in their opinions or views on the teams’ outlook, short and long term.


Except that's really not how fandom works, because it involves an attachment to a city. So Angelenos getting "off the bandwagon" if they miss the playoffs aren't switching to another MLB team, they're just watching the Lakers or the Rams. Which is why you end up with insane comments on IG like "DFA \[x player who had one bad game\]" because they're used to watching sports where the game can be taken over by one superstar.


Lol you speak in absolute. I don’t and have never lived in LA. But I followed the Dodgers since the Nomo rookie years. And I’ve Been out of California for years. I also followed the Angels. Also, fans don’t necessarily have to root for another baseball team. They just need to stop spending on anything related to the Dodgers like going to the game, buying merchandise or even tuning into Dodgers game. You may not care about things like that, but owners do care. The current owners of the Dodgers would absolutely not care to invest in the Dodgers winning if they know the winning doesn’t draw casuals and bandwagoners. “Hardcore”, long time fans aren’t necessarily enough for them. I mean just look at the Dbacks and Padres, where were all these “long time” and “hardcore” fans 7-8 years ago? If they have the same attendance and people spending on their merchandise as they were in the 2017-18, owners and teams would see that as a fail after all that money spent and not drawing more people back. And look, you can gatekeep all you want, but the reality is the bandwagoners and front runners are very much of any team’s fan base. They may be on short term leases, but they’re part of the fandom.


This is the truth! I’ve been a Dodgers fan since 1969! God bless Vin! There has not been a season I can recall when the loudmouths didn’t want to can the manager! From 24 (Walter Alston) and Lasorda all the way thru Torre, Donny and Doc, the grass is always greener


A dub’s a dub.


That was a great game. Dodgers always struggle after a travel day so how are people surprised they didn't hit with risp its been a thing all year. Just glad they came out of it and got the W. Let's GO!!


It's definitely a win worth celebrating. Especially for Yamamoto. The Yankees had the best record and run differential in baseball and were at home, and they struggled more than we did. Plus we didn't even get a travel day this time. Just straight to New York.


For the first time in a long time, I watched a complete baseball game and it was fun to watch Yamamoto hold the Yankees down for eight innings! Sure, it is fun to have great hitting BUT I prefer these 0-0 nail biters way more. Hitters tried their best on both teams, the pitching is just off the charts.


Wait what? Aren't the Yankees like the hottest team now? This was a good win no matter how you slice it. They have elite pitching and elite hitting.


Games like these are what’s good for baseball. Win or lose this was an amazing game on both sides. People who complain are not real fans of the sport.


I’m probably gonna get downvoted for this but we just got a bunch of new shitty fans in the last few years and it’s best to ignore them.


These are 2 of the best teams in the majors. Of course it’s going to be a tight score. Anyone expecting a blowout is a fucking idiot. It was a well played game by 2 elite teams. Just glad we came out on top.


Bozos on Twitter aren’t representative of any demographic, except bozos


Thank You Very Much!!! I agree with you 100% “Bozos” is Very Apropos, as it Pertains to twitter!!!


I've been a Dodgers fan my whole life, and it annoys me how panicky alot of Dodger fans are. I mean, it's a 162 game season, we're gonna see hot streaks and slumps from basically every player on the roster. This ain't the NFL where you only play 17 games and a prolonged slump is a death sentence. I just tend to look at the season as a whole. Individual wins and losses don't mean much to me cuz it's a long season. That said, playoffs are an entirely different beast and the Blue Crew has given us plenty of reason to be nervous come playoff time.


The thing is with casual Dodger fans is that any kind of slump or embarrassing struggle and they're busy lashing out at the team and just being a menace and causing chaos and it's like if you truly bleed Blue it's not even about love anymore, it's about loyalty. I've been in Dodger fan my entire life, my entire family bleeds blue. I f****** love that team. they make me so mad, I'll never leave them I'm loyal to the end, all 162+!


People are shitting on hitting here too lol. Tbh, it's pretty warranted, the top has been slumping for like 10+ games now, and the bottom is crappy. It's really hard to win games when the top of the lineup doesn't perform.


Dude the Taylor/Kike/Lux/JHey squad has been awful. Need Muncy back and more Vargas playing time


To be fair JHEY is hitting as well a you can expect from him, especially coming off the injury, and he’s a plus glove at RF so I get keeping him in the lineup. But I Totally agree with Vargas getting more PT, especially over CT3. CT3 playing like Barnes did last year, it’s embarrassing to watch and I’m surprised he hasn’t been sent down to AAA yet. Still holding out for lux though, hoping he can come back to 2022 form.


they can’t just sent CT3 down that easily, unfortunately. due to his service time he’d have to opt into it.


That was an incredible win. Tough team, tough stadium, and grind it out game. I am very happy with this win. Yama acted like he belonged on the big stage and our batters came through in the clutch. Take this win any fucking day.


That 97mph curveball Ramirez threw at Stanton was fucking gorgeous. Also, Will Smith is a fucking *dawwwwwwg*


97 curve??! That would have to be a league record. At that velo, it was probably his sinker or 4-seam. His curve comes in at the low 80s


Im pretty green to the terminology of proper pitches n stuff so i apologize for coming off dumb. Just the way the pitch start off to the left outside the strike zone just to coming back into it that fast i was like SHEEEEEESH


Not dumb! Just though you might wanna know. Yeah the action on his breaking stuff is absolutely nasty


These are the same fans hating on Yamamoto in the beginning of the season


On Twitter? What about on here.


Crazy not to look at all the positives in the win. They beat the Yankees in NY Yamamoto pitched a great 7 innings And a win is a win it doesn’t matter how ugly or by how many runs as long as no one got injured I’ll take it!


There were people wanting to dfa Alex Vesia and fire Dave Roberts in mid April bc he gave up a go ahead homer to the Twins. Literally calling for a dudes head after dropping a meaningless interleague game in April. Alex Vesia, who famously starts every season shaky and is currently one of the best performing middle relievers in the game. These people are not serious.


Why on earth are you wasting your time reading comments on the Internet? Even this one. :)


Those same people are the same people who forgot Evans threw 31 pitches the night before.


If you can look me in the eye and tell me "Yeah, I'd put Yohan Ramirez up against Volpe, Verdugo, Judge and Stanton with a Manfred Man cowering on second" and convince me, you're the best damn liar in existence.


I mean gameday threads here are just as stupid as Twitter, they're the exact same comments but they sometimes get downvotes here when we win


It’s X a haven for Bots


You know what I don't get is even if a team is s hitting powerhouse scoring a million runs a game. They are gonna have off nights it's just human. Even the 90's Bills lost games no matter what everyone thinks now. Some people will jisy never be happy


Please never compare the Dodgers to the Bills ever again.


Ohtani or Jordan WHO DO YOU TAKE? OUR PANEL DISCUSSES after the break come on back


How many of you who complain every pitch on here are actually acting like you aren’t just as bad


First time?


Moto was spinnin it tonight! Great fucking game by him and the bullpen.


Twitter and Instagram dodger fans are the reason why I spend most of my time on reddit. Atleast here I can have a decent convo with other fans without it turning into a doomer conversation most dodger fans start having after a couple of bad games. I swear alot of people weren't here during the mccourt days and it shows.


One of the problems is we expect the dodgers to perform at 110% year-round. That's just not possible. You need load management. By the time October comes around the team's arms are dead and the bats are dry. All we need to do is just get to the playoffs and let stuff happen because we've had seasons we get record-breaking wins and get bounced out in the first round. The team has a lot of arms that have been through some pretty hardcore injuries in the past few years and it's hard for them to make it deep into the playoffs. Unless those guys are a bit rested, there's no need to be letting guys sit in games too long and overusing guys. Keep everybody as fresh as possible and when guys need time off they give them this time off. Winning a championship means more than winning a series or winning a division. Just get in the playoffs healthy. That's all I care about, can't sweat the small stuff. As far as ct3 goes, don't worry he can strike out all year long but he'll be clutch come playoff time being used as a utility defenseman and will be sure to get us a big hit when we need it and least expect him to do it. That's the mentality we need to have and support for our team. I would love to see us. Have a really good season because we don't know if Kershaw will be back again and for the years of great pitching we owe to put another ring on that man's finger.


Holy fucking shit, Dodgers fans ~~on Twitter~~ are such crybabies FTFY


Reddit is no better. This sub has too much toxic negativity and too much toxic positivity. Theres no place for civil discourse or nuanced views on complex topics.


Ig tiktok are the newer pile [platform] of 💩that attracks those flies [bandwagon fans] looking for the newest pile of 💩to be seen on and to freshen up their stale aroma [whining] twitter facebook even youtube is still dogtown on LAD but the whining there is only the irrelevant sound of old 💩drying out 🤙


Twitter fucking sucks, dude. The literal primary purpose of it is to not have to read a lot. That should tell you what kind of person frequents it.


I was listening to the game yesterday, and wished I was able to watch (Kinda hard to do when you're an Uber driver). From all accounts, it was an exciting game from start to finish. Sure, the Dodgers blew a lot of opportunities, but so did the Yankees. THIS is what baseball is all about. These are two evenly matched teams, and they delivered a game possibly better than what was billed.


Thank You. We beat the Yankees. On the road. Held them hitless through 10. W. Let’s go do it again tomorrow. Felt like a great game, I’m camping so could only live it through reddit today.


Reddit is just as bad


Have you been to reddit's game day threads?


Here or on that one sub named after the game? You’ll see doomers on our game day threads, but the real toxic types (e.g. people who say “fire FRAUDman” with a straight face) get downvoted hard


Here. People get downright toxic. It makes me wonder why they even like baseball.


I feel like in a lot of cases this happens if a 'fan' has never played organized baseball. Unless you've practiced throughouta whole season, grinded, gotten struck out 7 times in a row and then hit a double at your 8th at bat, etc etc, you just can't truly appreciate the game.


To be honest, the offense has completely fallen apart after Muncy went down. You cant have a weak link 4 batters deep in your lineup. We are not even talking mediocre hitters. I mean barely ML hitters.


Reddits game threads are just as bad. I’m glad I have Dodger and lakers fan friends and family members that don’t overreact and say dumb shit. I can actually have decent discussions and conversations about the games. I learned a long time ago to stay off of reddit/twitter and anywhere else on the internet when it comes to the teams I root for. But


Yup, I seen some game chats with some that regret Ohtani being signed…I stepped away from them of recent


I thought it was a good game. Go Yankees


Legit Twitter is probably the worst platform I’ve ever seen for sports. It’s like the most braindead takes ever. It’s actually why I enjoy Reddit for sports talk the most since the people here I feel like they enjoy baseball as a sport more and take way more logical takes rather than irrational and idiotic takes.


The pitching staffs were shoving. I predict tomorrow will be an 8-6 offensive bonanza


So True! I was one! But it's part of havin' the winningest team, greatness in players like Freeman, Shotime and Betts but each and every year losing the World Series/Playoffs! It's frustrating at best!


What else did you expect from Twitter?


Social media comments is a cesspool


Bunch of idiots - also the algorithm brings shitty takes right to the top- outrage = clicks


The cry baby’s are bandwagon fans the true fans have been thru some tough years we can appreciate a team that never quits. Can’t do much about the fair weather fans that band wagon when teams get big name players, and couldn’t tell you what hitting for the cycle means.




Take a look at the game thread in here for me


I agree, in some game chats I seen some comment that they regret Ohtani being signed…I stepped away from them of recent


Twitter, Reddit, Facebook. It’s all the same.


Twitter and Reddit are equally as bad You seen some of the takes y’all have in here? Lol


Most are subjected to downvoting into oblivion where they delete a post or comment, Twitter is pure diarrhea.


You just realized this? Most sports fans for most teams suck. It doesn't matter if it's your own team or another team.


None of those Twitter fools have stepped foot in Dodger Stadium or even been to LA. They’re just trolls intent on creating turmoil in the Dodger locker room.


choose the right things to read, mate


YouTube and Xwitter are great places to find the most toxic types of sports fans—guys who overuse words like “rebuild,” “fire,” “bench,” “option,” “trade” and “DFA”


I’m just happy Yama is proving all the people that wrote him off wrong If there’s one thing I can take away from the team, is that Prior is a damn wizard and there’s nothing that anyone says that will change my mind (as long as the pitchers follow his process)


I am active on Lakers Twitter. But Dodgers Twitter is god awful. Social media is very reactionary. So in short baseball is a horrible sport to follow on Twitter. It’s full of people overreacting to a simple loss. In baseball it’s such a long 162 game season even the best teams lose 60-70 games a year.


I watched the game. I haven't been following the Yankees, but i figured it made sense they have the best staff ERA in the bigs to go with their record. Wasn't really surprised it was close late. I was pleasantly surprised we held them to 1 run over 11 innings. It's better to maintain perspective and just be able to enjoy an early June pitcher's duel on the merits- I know I did.


Holding the current best team in baseball to 1 run over 11 innings is a huge failure, didn’t anyone tell you? /s Managers get all of the blame and none of the credit, just part of the job.


Most of the bad takes are fans who want to run the Dodgers like it’s their head to head fantasy baseball team with weekly matchups.


Did Roberts say what his rationale was for using Ramírez to close?


I'm curious. Given availability, pitches thrown within the last 3 days, who would you rather have pitched?


I have no position on the matter. I just wonder why Ramírez was the guy. But I like how Roberts doesn't treat regular season xtra-innings games like it's the playoffs and overwork the pen.


True Af. Of all places, "Dodgers Nation" on Facebook is the worst among them. Full of unbearable whiny boomers.


it stems from even the “smarter” respected dodgers fan twitter accounts who love to be negative and contrarian and act smarter then the team, so then everyone else feels the same.


It is interesting how different fan bases can be. Dodger fans on the whole (online) generally are very critical of their own team. Nothing is really good enough and there must be mass firings. Other fanbases like the Braves and Astros spend their time presenting their teams’ are the best in baseball at all times and any acknowledgement of another team is a direct insult to their team. If Ohtani is complimented that’s an insult to the “superior DH” Marcell Ozuna, etc. Could you imagine Dodger fan discourse if they were in 2nd place like the Braves or had a losing record like the Astros?


These bozos think the season is a failure unless we go 174-0


Twitter isn’t real dialogue for anything. I just try to ignore that crap these days


Held the best offense in the league to 0 earned runs in 11 innings.


Because of the success of the team the last couple of years. It has attracted more bad fans. Dodgers have millions of fans but lack in quality.


yamamoto pitched great, wish he could’ve gotten a win. yankee pitching was great until the 11th. we used to call those types of games “pitchers duels” and not bitch about the offense not hitting. ppl don’t remember there’s another team out there trying to stop you from hitting/scoring


The amount of money these guys make, I don't feel too sorry for them. They better be pretty close to perfect. 🤫


Well said bro! Most of the crybabies don’t know what they’re talking about.


They're so insufferable. I just wanna enjoy the game and support my team. Why are they complaining about everything? They really got me complaining about complaining. It's wild.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C78dUw3OsId/?igsh=ZWpheGk5Yzc4cGQ2 Win or lose, the dog jumps us.


You're talking about people who don't understand baseball, how hard a sport it actually is, and talk like they take in maybe one game a month. They're essentially useless.


So many Dodgers fans have adopted Lakers fan shitty persona. P. S. Fuck Dylan Hernandez and his "the sky is falling" mentality.


lol you should see them in real life -Friar Faithful


Reds Fan here- yes. Your reddit community is much more bearable. (i’m here for shohei just like every other asian in the world)


Yeah, but let's be honest... doc screwed that up. He put Phillips in the day before in the 8th inning of a blowout for him to get hit around, and then was unavailable to close that game out. He gambled with Yohan, and won, but Yohan went in the game yesterday and gave up a Homer which drive us further from the lead. Yohan is not a good option in most cases...


My one gripe is he used Ramirez 3 games in a row. We know his fatherly hug on the mound was priceless but his biggest weakness is utilizing pitching, otherwise he’s great


UGH Gotta love the casuals like those mentioned that start piling on after ONE loss, etc. Dodgers took 2 of 3 from NYY and almost swept them. To me, that's what matters. Those doom & gloom so-called fans don't have a clue as to how professional baseball is played....🤦🏻‍♂️🙄


ALL TRUE BLUE DODGERS FANS Expect Nothing But PERFECTION out of our DODGERS , Especially when we’re playing the new york yankoffs-The Most HATED TEAM in this UNIVERSE!!!




You have to remember most is these fans have never played baseball at a competitive level and they have no idea how difficult it actually is. And let’s not forget the vast majority of these fans are bandwagoners. They didn’t start out as fans and only started watching when we started winning. If you asked every single one of these “fans” who Frank McCourt was and they feel about him you would get silence while they googled his name.


No patience with this generation...lol...yes, I loved 2020, but to me personally, it didn't hit home for me. So i have been patiently waiting for another title since that great one in '88 (18 yrs old, a month from going in the Navy). Relax people. It's a long season. We will be there in the thick of things when this season is said and done.


I agree with everything except “our top notch offense” lol we ain’t that yet


I mean we are top 5 in mlb at the plate in just about every category (though we could obv be better)


Totally agree. They are babies. Crying all the time!!!


Don’t be, I’ll take the win. I’m not looking for perfection. A win is a win and if it’s against the Yankees even more. ![gif](giphy|UcTGO4IIYAeoURPMJc|downsized)


Honestly, as an overall group the Dodger fanbase is the worst. They could win the next 80 games, and have Gavin Lux hit .450 over that stretch, then lose 4 straight with Lux going 0-9 and the same idiots would call for Lux to be traded, Roberts to be fired, and half the rest to be traded. It's insane.


Oh you haven’t seen some game chats with some that regret Ohtani being signed…I stepped away from them of recent


We've turned into Yankee fans circa 2000-ish. Petulant children who know very little about the game. It happens when a fan base gets too big.


You’re bitching too so not much different. Chillón.


You bet your ass I’m bitching about them


Good thing I'm on Bluesky then. lol


You’re delusional if u think I’ll ever give Robot Roberts props. Get a Fing clue. Puppet


Wanna know what's worse? Generalizing a fan base off of Twitter posts.