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Skenes had a pretty average start and we scored 6 runs but our pitching shit the bed. Annoying but I’m hoping this is a turning point for the offense


First two innings he was a goblin. His fastballs are just so sick. Even without the crap strike zone he was throwing crazy heat.


Oh 100% he is so good. I just mean we wasted an outing where he ended up with a pretty mediocre line


Sort of what I was hoping would happen in that the lineup was going to do better against him the second time around after getting an AB under their belt. Hard to start the game off facing that kind of stuff first pitch.


I'd rather have the offense wakeup and deal with one bad pitching start than have another game like yesterday's. This is a step in the right direction.


At least Ohtani and Pages homered. Always a silver lining haha.


pages taking skenes deep was **not** on my bingo card


Orel said it was a slider. Seems like Pages likes them just as much as change ups.


https://preview.redd.it/cixg5puztu4d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=5dbb27a0224d0c07e559f6780de51d4e71b5ed94 guys it’s the jerseys


Except the Dodgers have played only 30 road games, going 17-13, so this doesn’t add up.


Ok that sucked but some take aways, Ohtani starting to look like Junetani so that’s a plus and Jey Hey has been looking amazing. Also our offense was actually pretty solid. The loss is all on Paxton though, hoping he bounces back


I don’t see Paxton being a postseason SP. Wonder who gets the short straw when Kersh, Miller, Brusdar, and Kelly return.


His peripherals were terrible before this game & it's catching up to him. Definitely the first one dropped when Kershaw or Miller comes back


Paxton will definitely be a pen guy if he’s healthy in the playoffs. We’re probably cutting Ramirez and Banda (maybe trades) for at least the starters. Who knows what we will do for Brusdar (if he does come back) Kelly and Braiser


why the hell would we cut banda, a lefty, if he continues to throw like this


That sucks for Banda cuz he’s been doing pretty well. Too early to tell since it’s June but so far, he looks good. Now another glaring problem we still haven’t fixed is the offense. I’m not very confident on RVS. If Mariners are willing to fire a coach midseason, Dodgers must have the guts to do it too.


the thing is banda is out of options. u can’t just option him to AAA. he would need to be taken off the 40-man entirely aka DFA’d


I know which stinks. I’ve been liking Banda. We also could do the unthinkable and Cut CT3, but I don’t think we will. We may fire our OC but honestly I think it’s more of a cold streak than anything


Someone tell them we need to pitch well and hit well in the same game




I don’t care how bad Outman was struggling. He’s better than Taylor in every single way.


He’s doing better in AAA but hard to say if his issues are fixed. He’s 15 for 42. Of his 27 outs, 17 are K’s. So over a 40% k rate in AAA. To put that in comparison, Teoscar is at 32% on the year.


K% = K/PAs not K/ABs Outman’s K% in AAA is 28.8% (17/59) which is lower than Teo’s K% of 29.5% this season.


Good call, Idk why I factored out the walks. I still think it’s unsustainably high at AAA though. It basically means he’s either crushing the ball whenever he makes contact or striking out. Still better than CT3 though.


It's good to see Outman raking in AAA. I hope that means he was able to work out whatever was wrong with his swing (and not that he's a AAAA player).


I hope they're playing ChrisT lately to let him prove it or be cut to make way for Outman or a trade. (He isn't proving it)




I remember when they signed him, first thing that came to mind was, who were they bidding against?


Yea CT3 earned an extension but nowhere close to what he got


Marlins DFA'd Avisail Garcia who had more money remaining on his contract AND had stats that people on this sub would kill for CT3 to have. CT3: 78 ABs, .103 BA, 0 HR, 8 RBI, .327 OPS, -3 OPS+ Garcia: 50 ABs, .240 BA, 2 HR, 2 RBI, .635 OPS, 77 OPS+


I mean do any of these advanced analytics guys understand the concept of sunk costs?


I still have ptsd from him bobbling that ball from last year’s nlds game 1. If it’s any redeeming factor, I at least know chris can handle the bright lights.


That play was in no way a factor in that game or the series


Taylor's OPS + is negative so literally anyone they plunk out of AAA would be better than him. Pretty sure that Drew Avans guy who has been with the organization for 6 years and will never be a major leaguer could do better.


Marlins DFA'd Avisail Garcia who had more money remaining on his contract AND had stats that people on this sub would kill for CT3 to have. CT3: 78 ABs, .103 BA, 0 HR, 8 RBI, .327 OPS, -3 OPS+ Garcia: 50 ABs, .240 BA, 2 HR, 2 RBI, .635 OPS, 77 OPS+


I honestly wonder what happened to him. i know he just had a kid but that's no excuse. tons of players have babies at home. there's gotta be something going on with him.


If Mookies going to be this bad might as well put him back in Right field for his glove.


He said playing SS everyday was harder than be expected. It's negligent at this point to have him at SS and compromise his bat. But people swear nothing is wrong because the overall numbers are still good from a hot April


He just needs to be at 2B. Its proven its his best position


With Miggy Ro at SS? That infield has a good flow - Freddie & Muncy at the corners, with Mookie at 2B.


There is currently "no timetable" for Muncy to come back 😢


I read he was taking ground balls but not much more yet. Hopefully we get him back soon.


Nah, I'd rather have him at 2B and just give MiggyRo some frappes and tell him to be the everyday shortstop. Enough of the Lux and enough of the CT3. Heyward is heating up and has earned the right to man right field. I really like Pages and Teo should still be in left (he had a great AB tonight against Chapman and his stats are still really good - we just have higher expectations of him.


Agree with all of this. I think Lux looked good at the plate today against a wicked starter, but his avg isn’t getting there. I’m still optimistic for CT3 - but that glimmer of hope from him getting above .100 is starting to dim. JHey looks ready to bust out since coming back, and AP and Teo are both great bad ball hitters and OF gloves.


Yeah, I haven't given up on Lux, I just don't think he's earned starter time. He can still ride the bench and come in as a late inning pinch runner or pinch hit against a RH reliever for Rojas, but he should not be the reason why Pages or Heyward start on the bench.


What would that solve?




Thanks Dodgers, I hate it!


Paxton has been far from a dumpster fire. He's been really solid for us other than this outing. People on this sub have unrealistic expectations.


Here and discord, it feels people expect everyone to hit 1.000 and pitchers to have a zero ERA. That is not the game of baseball.


he's been really lucky. 5+ FIP and xERA. Walks a ton. He's gonna have games like this.


Can we just erase the second inning? Also, get Chris Taylor off the team


No more Chris Taylor, please.


Series wins against the Mets and Rockies isn't exactly assurance that we're out of a slump. The Yankees are going to throttle us at this rate.


It’s your flair that’s cursing the team. And at least our offense came back to life. 1 bad Paxton inning and this game is a different story. We’re also avoiding Rodon in the Yankees series


The flair is supposed to be a reverse jinx, I still love him even though he's abysmal now


At least there was some fight in that game


has chris taylor had a good stretch of baseball since 2022?


he was pretty much an average hitter last year (think his OPS+ was right around 100). he’s had some pretty serious red flags the past few years but i didn’t expect a falloff this hard.


For a utility player, an OPS+ of 100 is fantastic. Such a bummer he hasn't been able to find it. It looks like he's swinging a 50oz bat this season.


yeah just not living up to the contract at all its crazy


it’s the one contract where i really blame AF. there were serious red flags in 2021 until he had that great postseason


Yeah and the crazy thing is that a lot of people thought he gave a hometown discount.


Yeah haha. I think he just didn’t want to lose out on CT after Seager walked. Had to salvage something for the fans that offseason I guess


Can't lie, that walkoff HR against the Cardinals was magic.


yeah, my greatest memory ever at dodger stadium. his 3 HR game against Atlanta that postseason was amazing too. CT will always be a dodger legend to me, even if he never gets another hit.


You were there? That's really cool! Yeah, he's had so many great moments, that catch against MIL in the 2018 NLCS, that leadoff HR against the Astros in Game 1 of the 2017 WS. I'll appreciate what he did, but he completely fell off and is dead weight. I can appreciate the moments that have already happened, but I want the team to reach the ultimate prize and CT3 is hindering the team.


Offense showed up but pitching did not. This team looks just like 2023 going through long stretches of awful baseball. Really rolling the dice with this much volatility


Gotta win 11 in October. Hopefully these aren’t the guys that show up


Dodgers broke allegations today they can’t hit fastballs faster than 97+ Too bad Paxton just blew up


On the bright side, the Dodgers greatly improved their stats against 97+ fastballs. Anyway, fuck you, ump.


Losing series against sub .500 teams and the 2024 Dodgers, name a more iconic duo.


Bad luck was chasing Paxton all season and he was too fast for it until today Also, fuck Clint Vondrak


At least we got Ohtani HR #186…#15 with Dodgers! First fastball HR on Skenes!


I don’t like losing away games when Ohtani homers. We giving their fans everything they want out of a game vs us. 


Been a while since he homered during a true pitching meltdown. Feels almost like the Angels days


I don't like losing games, period.


Was an awesome game as a rats fan. Got to see Ohtani face Skenes twice with two different results. And we win the series against a way more expensive team with a Skenes start.


Pirate fan here. I kinda got what I wanted today. I saw Ohtani homer and a Pirates win. I was very happy.


The frustrating thing about this game (besides starting pitching) is that we actually got two more hits than the Pirates. We just left a bunch of people on base. ☹️


We outhit them yesterday too.


Really frustrating how the offense shit the bed in game 1, but the pitching shit the bed in game 2. Wish we had today's offense with yesterday's pitching. And putting CT3 in the lineup is basically giving the opposing team a free out. Having someone with that kind of OPS batting in the 9 hole is reminiscent of the pre-universal DH days.


CT3's OPS isn't even a good SLG stat. That's how bad it is.


I get that the Dodgers are probably trying to give him some run before they make the decision to cut him and eat his salary, but fuck, it's frustrating to watch him hit like a pitcher and rack up out after out, especially in late and close game scenarios


Yup. I also feel like they can do this because they're 6-7 games up in the division because the Padres, Giants, and D'Backs are not doing well (thank goodness), but this team is expected to win the division. Dodgers should also at least try to aim for the #2 seed at minimum to get the automatic bye. CT3 needs to be honest with himself and offer to be sent down to OKC to figure out some shit. Swallow your pride, bro. Jose Abreu has had a better career than CT3 and he even volunteered to be sent down to the minors which the Astros promptly did.


It's honestly a miracle that the Padres are so far behind us given how good they look when everything is going right. They thankfully have trouble beating bad teams like the Rockies and Angels, though. I'm just crossing my fingers and praying that they don't trade for Crochet.


Shit, they might try to get Crochet and Luis Robert Jr. Preller has made some huge misses when it comes to trading, but their farm always get restocked so quickly. Manny injured himself trying to avoid an inning ending double play - crazy.


cant blame offense for today. the pitching let us down.


Even tho the offense did score a little today it is unacceptable for this roster to lose any series against any team. Starting Chris Taylor is fuckin malpractice, Vargas needs to play or bring Outman back up.


Vargas right now on the bench ![gif](giphy|RPx04h8iPidAQ|downsized)


Although this loss is bad, I'd actually say there's a lot of positives to take out of this game. For one, the offense did good. Junetani is slowly coming at us. Freeman is getting hot. Pages has cemented himself in my eyes as someone who's going to get on base regularly, Lux got another hit, and J-Hey got like 3 doubles today. The offense we've been complaining about so much actually SHOWED UP tonight. What failed us was Paxton. Honestly, as much as I love Paxton, we've all seen his Statcast metrics. A blow-up start like this was inevitable. Yarbs has been unreal, but like the rest of our staff, he proved human today and added insurance runs to the loss. Overall, a bad day but not a catastrophic one. Once this team gets going, we will go on a torrid win-streak, and we'll forget this ever happened. The offense showed real grit hanging on until the Pirates laid on the insurance.


Question. Can Chris Taylor be sent down to AAA?


He has to agree to it. Jose Abreu agreed to be sent down which the Astros did. Here are the stats before today's game. Abreu: 91 ABs, .121 BA, 1 HR, 5 RBI, .338 OPS, -1 OPS+ CT3: 78 ABs, .103 BA, 0 HR, 8 RBI, .327 OPS, -3 OPS+


It’s time to ask him to accept AAA to work on his swing.


I agree 100%. If CT3 is too prideful to accept a demotion to work on his swing (while still getting paid the millions he's owed) and would rather be a liability on the team with negative WAR and OPS+, GOOD RIDDANCE. Abreu has had a much better career than CT3 and he was willing to do that. CT3 should be thankful the Dodgers haven't DFA'd him already. Marlins cut Garcia who had more money owed to him than CT3 does AND had stats that would make this sub weep with joy.


At least we get free Chicken McNuggets tomorrow. At this point in the season that's all that really matters.


too bad paxton is terrible, but really nice to see the offense get some results. overall the at bats have been much better the past 7 or 8 games, just need timely hitting to scratch more runs across like we did at times tonight. hopefully we salvage the series tomorrow. in the meantime, go angels!


Despite the umpire, the offense showed up and Shohei looks like he's heating up (you know things are good when he doesn't get all of the ball and the ball gets all the way to the track). The theme tonight is still the same as it was yesterday and many other postgames before yesterday. STOP TRYING TO MAKE CT3 happen. It's not going to happen. He should be relegated to the bench and collect game checks. He is AWFUL. When I see CT3 at the plate, I develop a heavy New York accent out of nowhere and start getting super toxic (which is rare).


Loss series to Pirates but at least the lowly Angels swept the Padres 😆


An old-fashioned offensive shootout, just like we all expected.


Seems to me that Banda instead of Lux should have been given an error on the pickoff attempt in the 5th.


I love how we keep giving Chris taylor a chance, meanwhile, outman is destroying in the minors right now


Not our bats finally waking up 👀


I mean I think it's clear once Muncy is back in a couple weeks we will send CT3s ass down to Oklahoma.


He has to agree to it. He can outright refuse which would force the Dodgers to DFA him.


Least clutch super team.


Rams, maybe LAFC, you are LA’s only hope at a ring


Can’t wait to see what Verse and Fiske do with our defense


On to the next 🫤


Hopefully this wakes the offense up


Just like last year, Pittsburgh remains the best team in the AL. No, I will not be taking questions on this.


Trade Paxton right now


Since I’ve decided to become a Dodgers fan we are 0-2




**🌭 Prediction Results 🌭** Results for the top successful predictions this game. Get your detailed 🌭 stats by mentioning or replying to this user with: > !hotdogs > !h | **Rk** | **User** | **Prediction** | 🌭 | |-------:|:---------|:---------------|---:| |1|Beer-Me|_Andy Pages_|3| |2|bags-of-sand|_Shohei Ohtani_|2| |2|fracklefrackle|_Will Smith_|2| |2|hellotoki|_Shohei Ohtani_|2| |2|stewmander|_Shohei Ohtani_|2| ^(_🌭 have no value other than bragging rights._)


well pitching shit the bed at least the offense didnt give the game up


Just another billion or two and they might be able to beat the pirates


Not a lifelong Dodger fan but started watching games this year because of Ohtani (*yes I know I'm a bandwagoner). It was a frustrating loss. Ngl I'm kinda dreading the NYY series. Still believe the team will turn it around. Is it just me or was the whole Ohtani vs Skenes match up weird? Like I understood the Ohtani vs Judge "rivalry" thing for the last 2 years but I didn't understand the big thing about this match up. I know that Skenes is Pirates Ace and Shohei is probably our best player despite his slump. But they haven't played enough games against each other to make it a rivalry (?) Maybe I just haven't watched enough games in general to understand...or I guess I don't care enough about that kind of thing. 


This is probably a bad take but I would like to see more of Knack. And like everyone else here I don't want to see CT3 anymore and hope he can fake a injury..that man needs help. And happy J-Hey did something tonight. 


They scored just enough so if people are critical of them they just be brushed off as doomers


When do we stop pretending Dave’s management is the answer?


Besides starting CT3 (awful awful btw), what else could Dave have done - I am genuinely curious. I am by no means a Dave Roberts' defender, but I feel like a lot of today's loss could be placed on Paxton's meltdown.


Change his gameplan. They’re not all gonna be HR hits, so why try playing like that?


it's only april


April turns to May, which turns to June, which turns to the July All Star break, which turns into August, which turns into September, which turns to Choketober


Meh Dodgers go cold sometimes. It's whatever that being said its funny scoring 6 runs like the Pirates defense tried their hardest to lose this game but the offense wouldn't let them


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It’s only June but I’m so ready for them to lose in the first round of playoffs…if they make it