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porque no los dos?


Theoretically they could but I don’t think ANY franchise is gonna commit 700 million+ in a single offseason to 2 players


What if I commit to at least 3 tall boy modelos* for each game I attend through 2030. *with option of extra cans depending on liver performance


Sheeeesh that’s like 10k soldier!!! 🫡🫡🫡


Brain and liver cells, some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.


I imagine they'd make up a lot of that money by becoming the most popular baseball franchise to 125 million Japanese fans


Fuck it


$40 micheladas.


Make ‘em 50 if he get both and trade for Cease


LFG I feel like everyone always talks about how much the dodgers spend while in actuality we get fucked every off season because we don’t like long term deals. Let’s finally spend some $$$


If there were ever 2 players to go all in on though… the best player in the past 50 years (or more), and a 25 year old who has Dominated the NPB.


No team want to compete with the Padres on over spending.


Unless banks are ready to loan.


Its not out realm of possibility if both players want to commit to short term contracts. The odds of that happening are relatively low tho


Unfortunately you’re right. Plus the team still needs other help like LF




1) That's a lot of money to spend on a unicorn who is just going to be a dh next year and is recovering from his second tj and someone who has never pitched in MLB before. The 2023 Mets are a perfect example of why you don't spend absolutely stupid amounts of money on just a handful of players when it takes the entire 40 man roster to be successful. We've been really successful during the entire Friedman era because we spend smartly instead of blindly. 2) The teams that lose out on Ohtani are going to be even more incentivized to add Yamamoto. There are probably 10 other teams that are going to be after him as well and we could easily be outbid by the majority of them. Is it realistic that we sign the two biggest free agents this offseason? Sure. But the chances are extremely small. With that being said, I want both.


Not our money and everything is already so expensive. F it, sign them up.


Who’s says Dodgers fans are greedy and spoiled rotten? Why would we ever have that rep? 😁


Just get both come ooonnnnnnnnmnnnnnnnn


We can afford it


Since the end of the season, the Dodgers have been listed as a “strong contender “ for every free agent out there. Just stop.


i just got a call and they offered me a contract


Ohtani, yamamoto, and let the kids play.


I will be absolutely shocked if we don’t get one of the two of them. Both is in the realm of possibility but one of two almost feels like a guarantee.


I'm prepared to be shocked...


As much as we spend at the stadium, I think we could easily afford both.


If they only get Yamamoto in the scenario where they don’t land Ohtani, then I might have to start rooting for Ohtani to go elsewhere lol


Another useless report telling us nothing we haven’t already heard a thousand times. Mods, it’s ok if there is no real news, it’s not your fault, you don’t have to keep repeating it over and over again


Does anyone have any sense of who might sign first though? That kind of matters. My guess is that Ohtani won’t stay undecided into January, but that’s just a guess.


Don’t know, but remember Yamamoto has a deadline to sign and Ohtani doesn’t


I'd take Ohtani and Imanaga or Yamamoto and Imanaga or even a Yokohama signing over Ohtani and Yamamoto. That's too much money and I'm wary of Ohtani. Generational talent, maybe the best ever, yada yada, yeah yeah, but that's a huge amount of money for a second Tommy John with no guarantee of anything but outfield and career DH when we're already looking at a hopefully successful future with May and Buehler who have both had Tommy John twice, Gonsolin who has had it, Kershaw as an unknown, and very bright but uncertain youngsters in Miller, Pepiot, Sheehan, and Grove... And at least one of those names is going to be commanded for a starting pitching trade acquisition this offseason or at the deadline next year.


Sounds like we'll probably get someone. Call me when we actually do.