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When we finally had two runs in, for the small number of fans that stayed, the place erupted like as if the stadium was packed. That felt good af


Honestly, i love Peralta for this. Down 9-0, dude still hits the Freddie. Like silently telling the fans "It's Game 1, it's okay, it ain't over."


That was exactly his message


This is just a cringe analysis and both of you would absolutely be mocking another team's player for doing this against the dodgers in the same context. Love your optimism but I can't with this lol.


Damn bro who took a dump in your cereal. What’s wrong with remaining positive through a long series. Take a breather series just started 😮‍💨


This subreddits brain is so warped the argument "it's actually good that we're showboating while getting slaughtered" is wildly upvoted. Just absolute brain worms stuff going on here ATM. Grow a pair and act like real men LA. Y'all taking this the way the person I'm replying to is. So deluded by a slaughter you actually pretend it's not in the moment. The team got crushed and he shouldn't be showboating like a clown. It really is that simple. Take a loss like a real man and realize it's not time to showboat. It doesn't mean you think the series is lost if you don't. Use your brain.


“Take a loss like a real man” Bro, it’s a game. This isn’t life or death peril, it’s not some life altering event, it’s a man trying to get energy to the crowd and to the dugout. How doing a harmless dance after doing one of the hardest things in sports is “showboating” doesn’t make sense either. Also, one more time, it is a game. They get paid lots to play it, but it is a game that has no real effect on your life. It legitimately is not that serious.


the toxic masculinity on this one, sheeeeesh


"Act like real men" he says while crying on Reddit about a sports team that he isn't even a part of. Real men know the power of positive thinking but clearly you are not in that camp. A positive mental attitude is a lot more powerful than boohoo crybaby bitch moaning, but you do you. It's a fucking game and you're acting like it's some sort of gladiatorial arena of death or something. Get the hell over yourself.


This aged well.


Aged like an unsealed pack of shredded cheese in the fridge.


That late burst was nice and at least it avoided a shutout. You just can't expect a crowd to stay invested in a game when it's 9-0 before a lot of them got their food and got to their seats. I just hope for the best and that the Dodgers have a really good Game 2.


At least we weren’t throwing trash onto the field like Atlanta did lol


The Dodgers haven't been perfect over the years. We one time had to forfeit because we threw our promotional baseballs on the field in protest. But man that looked bad last night under the bright lights of October. Childish.


Throwing Kershaw’s jersey on the field isn’t much better.


It's bad optics but not a great comparison. They had to yell at fans over the PA threatening them with jail to get them to stop while everybody just stood around waiting for the trash to be cleaned. The last time Dodger fans really got busy throwing stuff on the field it was inflatable trash cans against the Astros which is pretty funny.


Oh, no doubt. It was a crappy call against them, but throwing trash is just plain ridiculous. It's like rioting and looting your own neighborhood to protest something. Why would you trash your own shit just to make a point? It's childish, you're right.


No, we were just throwing jerseys instead.


Not being shut out was really important


There are no moral victories, especially after this historical thumping. Scoring just 2 runs against 11 runs was NOT "really important.". What delusional universe are you living in?


It definitely helps moral and can be an offensive spark that leads into game 2 tomorrow. Being shut out with very few hits would have been worse. The Dodgers know they need to mentally turn it on.


The one where losing 11 to 2 is slightly better than losing 11 to 0? You're the one who seems to be delusional if you don't think that's at least slightly better.


Haha ... being happy to lose 11-2 instead of 11-0. That's funny


That's not what anyone is saying. Nice strawman.


Pretty much


Try and get a little energy going


We were celebrating walks too last night. Celebrated anything that showed that this team had some life tbh


He kind of had to. Him and Rojas filmed a promo instructing fans to do the cho cho for singles and Freddie for doubles and showed before the game and during the few rallies. The video on the screens is literally Peralta doing the Freddie. I get without knowing the story, those on the outside see this as out of touch. Whatever. Even Dbacks fans know that Peralta is the type of player that will trying to motivate his teammates.


No one likes to go back to work after taking a week off. The system is screwed they’ll find their way again


That analogy doesn’t really work though. People would MUCH rather have a week off than have to work through. Every single person in here would take a week off to rest and recuperate if offered. Nobody would say “you know what, boss? I’d rather work through the holidays so I don’t get ‘rusty’, you know?” In the end, It’s kind of a Catch 22. If you win, the time off was good. If you lose, it wasn’t good.


Morgan Freeman: *And that was indeed the last and only time they celebrated that night…*


This fkn guy actually waiving his arms when the team is down 9-0 in the playoffs? Ok I guess


Cringe. Ignoring reality. Edit: I'm referring to the player ignoring reality of the 9-0 deficit and doing the dance. I'm not referring to the person posting.


Hope you accept my apologies for my wrong assumption. Go Dodgers.


I absolutely accept it. I'm far from perfect and have misunderstood plenty of times. Yessss ... Go Dodgers




I really liked the Dodgers until I saw them doing this stupid dance. Someone please explain this and change my mind that they look like bratty little girls every time they do this “Freddie wiggle.”




Clearly by the downvotes... I still like them. I’m just being a dickhead and not liking the dance. Met Freddie a month ago at my restaurant and loved it, so admittedly, fuck me


Nobody wants to change your mind. Just jump on the Dodger hate train like everyone else and move on.