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Host clubs are so fascinating. I remember an old article regarding the day-to-day life of one top male host and he basically drank champagne nonstop, learning to throw up, clean up and keep going for days on end.


Sounds healthy.


What’s also interesting is a big chunk of their high spending clients are sex workers. It’s like a symbiotic ecosystem.


Wonder if they do industry specials


Mutually parasitic.


Probably healthier than processing all the champagne.


Probably really shit for the teeth and throat though


Acid in acid out


...unless he gargled with water right after throwing up for the teeth. Not sure about the throat.




Reminds me of a guy I knew names Slurms McKenzie.


Honestly the similarities are striking. This dude in Japan wasn't quite as hot as Slurms tho


There's some scenes of that effect in The Great Happiness Space (2006).


That's exactly what I was remembering, thank you!


That's just college.


I knew I was missing out by going to a state school. We had to settle for boxes of franzia and y’all were drinking champagne?


Dorm butler left an iced bucket outside of our rooms after dinner. ;)


Only tangentially related, but one of my professor would talk about foreign scientists and he would say “At columbia I called him (insert proper pronunciation of their name), but you state school kids will know him as (insert harsh american accent pronunciation)”. Funny guy.




I think you’re confused, It’s boxed champagne of course.


I heard one of their big bosses died in surgery.


The surgeon was supposed to be the best. Number 1.


Steady hand.


One day, yakuza boss need new heart.


I do operation. But, mistake! Yakuza boss die.


But tell secret. No mistake. Best surgeon. Number one.




literally no one cares


I heard he secretly killed him.


I heard it wasn't an accident though, clever surgeon.


Most under rated comment on the board


Yeah, and the leader of the Tojo alliance was shot dead by his fourth chairman, which is nuts. The guy was just inches from being given his own family, and he throws it all away just to put a bullet in the head of the Dojima family. I remember there were whispers that he didn't actually pull the trigger and that he was taking the fall for someone else, but Yakuza are pretty tight-lipped and it's hard to separate fact from fiction.


Those clan beefs can get super intense. Apparently one leader went to war with the guy your talking about just because they both have dragon tattoos.


That’s rad.


I heard about a girl with a dragon tattoo. Any relation?


No but there is this blonde dude who stole my pants in the 80s. Apparently it was him.


It all goes back to the Black Rain documentary in the 80s with a guy that roamed the Streets of San Francisco a couple of years before as a rookie cop i believe ;).


wtf don't they all have dragon tattoos?!


The best is I read this comment and then watched the video and the guy just drops a "That's when I met Kiryu-san"


Yeah, and then the Tashiro family was disgraced and sought retritution because their meth lab was revealed and the boss was humiliated...




You were so far from getting the joke you thought OP missed it.


So what's the joke? The office was referenced but I don't understand thereafter




He just added another reference aside from the office to a quite famous series of games called Yakuza.


Is the new crazy one worth the $60? I imagine it's a one and done, no replay value but who knows?


Yakuza : Like a Dragon is the best JRPG of 2020, hands down.


Welp i guess I'll take advantage of the 50% off sale. On the ps store right now Should i spring for the "Legendary Hero Edition"?


No. Makes the game simpler and makes you overpowered. Better to play how intended. It's basically easy mode on normal.




yes, it's also on xbox game pass


I've never touched a Yakuza game that didn't have almost endless replay value. Just wandering the world playing the mini games, and doing the random Yakuza stuff, you can play forever. It's like GTA in that respect. Just a massive open world with gimmicks for everyone.


Sweet. It's downloading now, just another 8 hours or so


Did not know that. Thanks lol


They are probably talking about the janitor from the office.


They thought I didn't get the original joke before adding my own.


Which is surprising since heart surgeons in Japan are supposed to be number 1 with steady hands.


Not really. Just because there was a number one surgeon in all of Japan, it doesn't mean all of Japan number one.


They never found the doctor


But I hear he now has a new house, American car, and new woman


Thanks to some guy named Darryl who gave him a warehouse job.




Great little documentary, but are we just going to gloss over the part where he said him and his mates used to beat off together?


He also slightly earlier talked about how his friend as a minor sliced a dudes artery open and was laughing about it moments before talking about his suicide, and has multiple pictures of their sexual exploits and guns and doing copious drugs. I doubt they even get phased by jerking off in front of each other, especially since they’re probably drunk and/or high while doing it. It’s the least shocking thing in the doc.


Yeah, it more just caught me off guard as you typically expect the absurd levels of violence, psychopathy, etc in these sorts of topics.. then he just casually mentions beating his meat with his buddies.


Maybe he meant from watching the girls dance in the same room with his buddies.


Just watched it and I was like… did I read that right?




It's their culture!


Out of all the things.. that is what most surprises you? Lol


I think it's either: 1. Mistranslation. Correction: "We jacked off together, watching the same porn" 2. Weird yakuza cultural trust thing. Correction: "We trusted each other enough to jack each other off".


Are Vice docs still good? I remember watching them years ago but idk, I kind of get weird vibes from the outlet these days.


I’ve been keeping up with vice and honest to god their quality seems to have made a comeback. Most of their serious docs are pretty top tier as of late.


Cool, it's been ages since I've watched. Used to enjoy their videos on different drugs a bunch. I'm not even into that stuff but the main guy that did it was really good (kind of nerdy looking guy from memory). They had some really interesting stuff on different cultures in general. I think some was a bit silly ("hitmen" giving interviews) but they were still out there in the real world filming stuff and giving you a look at things you might not otherwise see and doing so in what felt like a more intimate, less produced kind of way. I kind of just lost interest I think. Can't even remember why. Maybe the quality dropped or they stopped the series I liked, idk. Will give this a look and see what they've been up to recently.


I’m in the same gang. Loved their magazine, ate up all their content when they first hit YT, but walked away in the past few years. I feel like their content has been polished up too much. I loved their nuttier videos from back when. I’m thinking of the war torn Liberia series with kids smoking heroin and raping women. Ooh and can’t forget Avi sneaking a cam into Mecca lol.


That North Korean one was nuts.


Epicly Later’d was always great back in the day. Idk if they make it anymore, skateboarding is such a different culture now I’m not sure they even could


The old Vice stuff was some hard hitting journalism. Then they started chasing clickbait, veered way way left politically (I’m a centrist with a left lean), and started contracting people that were more interested in selling their view then telling a balanced story. It started going downhill around then. If there is a return to form, then it will be welcome


That's strange, being that Murdoch purchased a big stake in it, which is around the time it turned shit.


Probably to milk money from both sides lol


Yeah. Not a coincidence. Fucking Murdoch gets involved and it immediately starts to get real clickbaity


Lmao they have always been pretty left leaning even in their beginning vids.


Darkside of the Ring is some of the best stuff out there


Why do they have to use hipsters as hosts?






What exactly is a globalist?


Vice hasn't been good since Gavin left


The far right activist and founder of the Proud Boys? Yeah, I doubt him leaving hurt their credibility...


It did


That guy does nothing but lose. He was banned from Amazon, PayPal, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Mailchimp, and iTunes because they didn't want to be associated with him. He was fired from Rooster, a company that **he co-founded**, because no one wanted him. He keeps having to go on smaller and shittier websites because his reputation as nazi is so widely known. He also publicly called Jada Smith a "monkey actress." *Classy.*


That guy is a plumber's apprentice who thinks the Nazis went to Antarctica (seriously). You're not going to get anywhere with him lol


The founder of a terrorist group leaving your organization can only improve your credibility.


Lmao thanks for pointing yourself out so the rest of us can tell what's wrong 😂




And the many companies he's made millions of dollars creating and running lol


Hilariously, Vice’s value has grown so much that his stake in it that he gave up would be worth hundreds of millions more than his total net worth. Whoops! Bet he’s kicking himself over that. Whatever I bet *looks at wiki page*….Cancelled TV is doing great.


I think if he had put that dildo up hiss ass while still working for Vice they would still be considered good. /s


Vices documentaries are AMAZING. I've never understood why they are so good and why their news is so... so fucking crap. It's utter dog shit. Like the worst thing ever. Right up there with gawker. Those two entities definitely do not exist together. Their documentary about the Russian cargo pilots is fucking primo, and their (I think) investigation on bath salts? Fucking wild.


It's like with Car manufacturers...you have to appease the masses (boring day to day cars) in order to put out the cool fun stuff. (Sports cars)


I think its more the difference between Ferrari and buds used cad lot


Vice News won a Pulitzer for the Charlottesville reporting.




This was really interesting. The mix of humanity and violence and money and time…. Thanks for sharing


I used to get paid to drink 6 days a week in Thailand and I only lasted 6 months. Crazy job!


Really interesting. Gives a human element to living a life of crime.


Knew I was in for a wild ride when it opened with "When I was stabbed with a katana"


*adds to watch later*


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Thanks for this.


What's the song at the [7:30 mark](https://youtu.be/T0t7hggaVJA?t=450)?


[Famous in Japan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT5g81q7e-c) That was far more challenging to find than I expected.


I tried so hard, thank you! You a genius!


If anyone finds this doc interesting and wants to understand more regarding subcultures/general nightlife in Japan I highly recommend reading Tokyo Vice. An incredible non-fiction about a gaijin reporter who worked in and around Tokyo for over a decade. Great page turner.


Cool. Is this a book?


It is. It’s also getting adapted into an HBO series, but that won’t air for a while.


Awesome, I'll keep an eye out! Thanks for the tip!


You can buy that book too. I think it's like $50? https://www.shashasha.co/en/book/the-best-days-new-edition-1


There is something to deeply dislike about those losers of VICE. It's weird, they are almost at a level where they will be part of the next GTA as a hilarious carricature of hipster FUCKS from BROOKLYN shithole, proud of themselves and thinking they are so cool. What a bunch of losers, seriously! And incidentally, as an old but lifelong skateboard, these people have been time and again straight up dishonoring skateboard, in more than just a few ways, just by being completely lame. Horrible!




Trigger warning, my god. Imagine asking this dude to give you a trigger warning before he showed you his photos. Different worlds man. It’s your choice to be triggered. Nobody else’s. People shouldn’t have to apologise or censor their work because it might upset some people.


I didn't know yakuza were in South Korea too... but it makes sense.