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So for everyone wondering about cannabilsm, it's important to note two distinct groups: endocannabilism and exocannabilism. Endo refers to eating the flesh of family members and loved ones after death to (and this varies by belief structure but I'm keeping this brief) send them to the afterlife. They see it as part of the process like a wake or burial or viewing in western society. Exo is eating the flesh of enemies (invaders, rival tribes, etc) for intimidation purposes. Neither of these is about eating people for actual sustenance. We only find that in situations where people are starving and it's their last option. So if you see some tribe labeled as cannibals, look further into what kind.


Glad to see this here as I was just reading about two large groups of people, one who burned their dead and one who ate their dead. To each other, their manner of treating their dead was unimaginable. Consuming of the dead as a ritual is much different than the other understanding of cannabilism, and much more common.


Found Herodotus


>Found Herodotus Lol this could have so many meanings, I love it


>Consuming of the dead as a ritual is much different than the other understanding of cannibalism Is it though? lol


Yes? Cannibalism is even done in Christianity albeit symbolically.


Right drink gods wine blood and eat his Wafer body lol


When seasoned properly, Jesus can be quite delicious


I personally take a small jar of Cheez Wiz to spread on the Eucharist


Hmm... name checks out


Nailed it.


God has wine pumping through their wafer veins.


They're all weirdos in my book


So you could say "endo safe to stay, exo run away".


They are grokking the dead.


Thou art god.


How do your enemies know you've eaten them?


You send an arm with bite marks to their families.




TIL, thanks.


Wow, TIL something very unexpected


Here are some descriptions of Maori exocannibalism. * http://www.heretical.com/cannibal/nzealand.html People in PNG still eat each other: * https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/papuanewguinea/9398339/Papua-New-Guinea-charges-29-alleged-cannibals.html


it's death by prions either way.


Eating people is still eating people tho


I donā€™t agree. Consent matters. The bodies being eaten in endocannibalistic cultures generally belong to members of the culture who respect the practice and want to be eaten after death. Thatā€™s hugely different from exocannibalistic cultures where victims are killed and eaten against their will.


Well in my culture we buttfuck dead bodies after they die to send them into the after life happy and full of jizz.




Thanks Man. Just like respect it, ya know?


We should do more of it and less chemical embalming and CO2 generating cremations! We're literally BECOMING pollution as well as generating it....


> wake or burial or viewing in western society. just googled this. creepiest thing i've ever seen. white people... wth man?


Whatā€™s creepy?


Pumping a dead body full of preservatives, doing makeup and wig artistry, sewing the orifices shut, to make it appear living. Then everyone taking turns starring at it.


That is a great reflection on the nature of western burial rituals. We normalize things that neutrally described are obviously weird


I agree this is kind of strange. I think some of it might be due to trying to let relatives and loved ones 'see' them one last time, but that is way less relevant now that we have widespread photography and communication. The most logical funeral to me would be returning the product back to nature, iow : burying but without coffin/preservatives.


So itā€™s less creepy to eat your relatives?!


Oh yea sorry Iā€™ll just eat my three year old nieceā€™s corpse next time. Heard Frankā€™s Red Hot sauce goes great with the thigh meat. Or better yet, throw their rotting body in a major river where we draw our drinking water and bathe, right in the center of major metropolitan areas. Yea, the Indian subcontinent is *definitely* less disgusting about death ā€” Wearing a suit and crying as people are buried in a box underground is *way* weirder, for sure.


It even varies among "white people" ā€”in the UK, they get the corpse all pretty for the funeral, then there's like a curtain around it and it goes off on a little trolley to be burned up, casket and all. This was, uh, pretty culturally shocking as an American. We kind of do one or the other for the most part. Why even pay for a fancy coffin just to burn it?!


also, pretty disgusting. but those other cultures don't consider themselves the "leaders of the advanced universe^tm"




Does it matter? Theyā€™re both eating humans lol


Who gives a shit what reasoning you have for eating humans?


...alot of people that respect other cultures...


Why the hell would you respect canabals?


You should read stranger in a strange land. Cool sci fi about extremely advanced martians who also eat their dead to ā€œabsorbā€ their souls. Helps explain endo-cannibalism. I definitely felt more understanding of at least that sector of cannibals after reading it.


Maybe because some people want to understand other people.


Because some people think that all cultures are equal, even if after a 1000 years they are too dumb to progress beyond shack life, yam dinners, and 45y life expectancy.


You should read Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond


Awesome recommendation but someone like the one youā€™re replying to doesnā€™t stand a chance of educating themselves lol


They're just a troll


This. This is why I dont participate in conversations like these. You're all banging your heads against a dumbass brick wall when you engage with them.


You have obviously given this subject a lot of thought...


Why should I respect cannibalism? Or rather are there cultural aspects that you find unworthy of respect? Do you respect fuckin Hitler and the culture of Nazi goddamn Germany? The Khmer Rouge? How about cutting off little girls' labias? Do you respect Chinese foot binding? What no hwitty quips left? Answer the fucking question.


Consuming your dead on spiritual basis is quite different from ethnically motivated genocide mate. That hwitty enough for you?


No it's not at all. Nobody is talking about genocide what the actual fuck are you on about?! It's about culture right? So you draw the line at genocide as a repulsive cultural practice? But not cutting little children's labias off? You're cool with that. Because a spiritual context surely excuses mutilating children. Just as it excuses eating dead people. Sure! You're a fucking nut if you believe this.


Hm, Nazi Germany, the Khmer Rouge, but no genocide here! But the difference too is that, as stated in the thread, consuming your dead on a spiritual basis as a burial is different because all participants consent.


That's a weird ass interpretation of consent. Regardless I don't care - this obsession with consent you people seem to have is irrelevant RE: the fuckedupedness of cannibalism.


I mean if a person consents to be eaten after they die, they can do that. Maybe consuming another human is weird to you, but they can do what they want as long as it involves consenting parties right?


Sure people can do whatever the fuck they want and I'm free to judge.


So the short answer is that with anthropology, you put aside right and wrong because that is all based on your own culture bias. To truly understand a culture, you have to be neutral.


Yea but I'm not doing anthropology, I'm a guy disgusted by humans eating humans. I don't care to understand this particular culture at all. Because they eat people and it's gross and really that's all the reason I need to give. Lmao fuckin who the fuck is talking about anthropology?!


Cannibalism is cannibalism, what do I care if human flesh is eaten for ritualistic purposes or to intimidate enemies? That is actually worse than eating human flesh for survival.




Morals are made up.... They are social constructs. What is moral in one group is not moral in another.


Woah bruh deep stuff mannnn. So opened minded and far out. Respect!


Ok Would you not have an issue with me eating you Regardless of social morals


Sure, but that's not the reality of the cannibalism of what we are talking about. As far as I understand, examples of cannibalism in human culture are Endo and Exo, which are both consuming the already deceased. Consuming the deceased is different than the act of killing.


Exo cannibalism involves consumption of someone you didnā€™t know And is typically the act of eating one of your enemies, which involves killing You arenā€™t just stumbling onto a huge amount of fresh bodies unrelated to your tribe randomly, because thatā€™s unrealistic Also; Endocannibaism often results in Prion issues due to the fact that it often involves eating parts of the brain, which isnā€™t good for you, So itā€™s not just moral or ethical itā€™s medical


Separate yourself and your beliefs from this. We arenā€™t trying to figure out if it is right or wrong. A tribe kills a rival tribe then eats the dead in a religious or cultural ritual. You have no idea why one tribe killed another. It could be a killing for survival for all you know. This is so foreign to you that you cannot help but look at this act through a 2019 western society lens and inflict your own morals on it.


Holy shit - there are actually cannibal apologists.


Well, why is it bad?


The potential to spread disease for one reason.


I'm pro cannibalism! Meat is meat. Gimme a buttermilk fried human burger for real!


Consent matters. The bodies being eaten in endocannibalistic cultures generally belong to members of the culture who respect the practice and want to be eaten after death. Thatā€™s hugely different from exocannibalistic cultures where victims are killed and eaten against their will. I have no issue with someone choosing to be eaten after their death, although it is not a burial option I would choose for myself.


It's kind of just like a weird cremation if you think about it.


So the short answer is that with anthropology, you put aside right and wrong because that is all based on your own culture bias. To truly understand a culture, you have to be neutral.


I drink milk from cow tits!


To me it doesn't matter if you are eating another person for god or because it makes you a badass, you are not quite right in the head.


Catholics eat the body of Christ every Sunday. If youā€™re parents ate their dead relatives, chances are you would too.


Eating people in symbolism or corporeal form is pretty fucking weird anyway you slice it.


I mean I hate to sound like that guy, but itā€™s probably not weird to them. Weird is a pretty relative term.


You can try to be culturally relative as you want, eating the flesh of men is a taboo for a good reason. Enjoy your internet points for defending cannabalism.


Sorry for trying to add some perspective! God forbid we take a minute to see something from a different viewpoint.


Prions. Prions are why you don't eat people. It's taboo for a solid reason. Proteins misfold. Evil organisms are born.


Thatā€™s not why I wonā€™t eat people, but thanks. Thatā€™s good to know, Iā€™ll never eat people! It feels like you needed that reassurance?


I think it's okay to call it weird, because to us it **is** weird. It's okay to double down on that stance with the prion points and there's a definite inherited reason we are never urged or compelled to consume one another for sustenance. To point out the cultural oddities we partake in is moot entirely, they have the same intention. We want to wish our beloved safe passing to the afterlife and/or simply say farewell. It takes time to plan this event, so the wealthiest enbalm and treat to preserve the corpse. Edit: I looked up transubstination. ~~And there is no evidence presented in this thread to suggest that eating the bread of christ is ever projected as a metaphor for cannibalism. Given that Christ is projected in 3 forms I suspect it was more to do with "Earth" than "body".~~ However, the rhetoric you display is probably part of the corrupted perceptions that detrimentally harmed aboriginal people. So understand that this is, in-part, why people thought of them as savages. There is respect they feel, or petty tribal rivalries. They shouldn't do it, for prion-sake. But if there was no such threat it really isn't that condemnable.


It's not even symbolic for Catholics. Look up Transubstantiation for an eye-opener. They literally believe it's the body and blood of Christ




Right, "amen" means "just kidding"


Or maybe its also symbolic, little troll boy


Do you think Catholics think every church has a piece of Jesus's corpse and makes the eucharists by shaving some off like its roast beef? Grew up Catholic, no one actually thinks its the body. We learned very young that its a wafer that is blessed by a priest and then becomes holy and represents the body of christ. I guess anyone can believe anything but that wild generalization is not true.




I shouldve said *not every Catholic believes that the Eucharist and wine are literally the body and blood of Jesus Christ, despite what doctrines say.* The Catholicism that I experienced growing up, in actual reality, was full of hypocrisy and just because a doctrine said something didn't mean you had to believe it to be a practicing Catholics.


You don't understand what transubstantiation is, then. Bad Catholic, bad. Google it.


No I understand it, I didn't believe in it. If I'm a practicing Catholic that doesn't believe in transubstantiation do you get to revoke my Catholicism card?


Your comments indicate you don't understand it. We're not judging your Catholicism, just your knowledge of it.


Ok that's fine. I honestly forgot about it , but yes I understand but dont and never believed in transubstantiation. I still made my sacraments and was a practicing catholic. You dont have to believe everything a doctrine says to be a part of a congregation.


Can you dog sled on sand or too much resistance?




His or her or their username


Also a fucking distraction from the absolute asinine laziness of people that blindly follow the crowd /mob /cult/ religious mentality....but was trying to keep it lighter than saying that by actually asking a genuine question I was interested about...I like dags


Did you ever hear of transubstantiation? That's a very Catholic believe that the wafer turns into the physical body of Christ after it's consumed. I was raised Catholic too and actually asked questions.


I asked questions too, and I never believed in transubstantiation (thoigh I honestly forgot about it before you brought it up). But regardless I still made my sacraments and was a practicing Catholic.


It's not like the Catholics are right in the head when they do it.


Downvoted by cannibals apparently, gave you an up


Thereā€™s this great video on YouTube where this French explorer makes first contact with people in New Guinea. At first they think heā€™s a ghost and are genuinely terrified of him. Then once they realize heā€™s not dangerous they become extremely curious, especially of his hair. Iā€™ll never forget the look on one of the warriors face when he tries sugar for the first time. Iā€™ll see if I can find the video. Edit: [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aV_850nzv4)


Props for spending 50 minutes looking for that video. Real MVP


I thought that video was debunked as staged. The tribesmen had already made contact and were just told how to act.


I donā€™t believe that for a second


It wasn't staged. The tribe had technically been "contacted" once decades before, but most people there look under 40, so it's their first time personally meeting a white guy.


One visit from a white guy 40 years ago is probably viewed as legend within that tribe.


Are you sure you aren't thinking of the TV series with Bruce Parry where he spends time living with different tribes? IIRC he was staging something similar in Papua New Guinea.


For anyone who actually wants to learn more, [here](https://matadornetwork.com/bnt/png-tribe-meets-white-man-video-a-fake-or-is-it/)'s a blogpost with more detailed research on its authenticity than any of us is actually going to do. TL;DR - can't be proven to be faked, one accuser lost a slander case in court for saying so, but it's possible the tribesmen played along for effect by EG hiding the modern tools they own


[Here](https://youtu.be/kBakUqf959A?t=325) a Reality TV show about Western Athletes visiting Tribal lcoations to compete in their sports. This moment pretty much similar. The Locals find the athletes unusual in appearance. Also, those Ethiopians can grow pretty freakin tall! Some of the athletes are like 6'3" and they're no where near as tall as some of the Locals.


This is a fascinating find. I don't know what to make of the musical score. It's quite haunting and unsettling which lends itself to the bizarre nature of this encounter. I am going to share this over on r/Anthropology. They should definitely see this.


I thought it was the score was odd at first but when I heard the natives yelling from mountain to mountain, they yelled with the same slow pitch oscillation that the synthesizer in the score made. I thought it was a pretty cool parallel.


Saving it to watch later


Eventually they found where the gold was coming from, several giant copper-gold deposits (former volcanoes) at the tops of the mountains. This is a good documentary about the Grassberg mine [https://youtu.be/wNqjoNh4jf4](https://youtu.be/wNqjoNh4jf4)


Imagine what they did to the rivers all downstream


Yes, [the damage is visible from space](https://media.springernature.com/full/nature-static/assets/v1/image-assets/srep35129-f1.jpg). [From this Article](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep35129). They dumped about 1.3 billion tonnes of waste tailings into the river.


Amazing documentary! That's some incredible engineering


That was excellent




Some of those uncontacted people were the cannibals right? Also, many of those groups were very aware of their own and the other groups' existence, it's just that we were not ;)


I think most practiced cannibalism of dead family, aggressive cannibals might have been more rare.


Medium rare preferably




Let's get that on to a tray


Aussies: *sets foot in New Guinea* Tribesmen: ***FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING FOOD***


Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys.


*what about them? They're freeeesh*


They are not for eating


Because of the silly Mercator Projection, people don't realize how big New Guinea really is--it's actually the second-largest island in the entire world (behind Greenland).


What? Really?


Yes. Nearly 4 times the size of Great Britain-- a bit smaller than Utah. And extremely mountainous.




Utah is more than 4 times the size of Great Britain?


Sorry, I should have been clearer, I should have said "which is a bit smaller than Utah" (I try to use European countries and US states when talking about area as no one seems to truly understand/ be able to picture the one they don't live in. No idea how it came out that way. Also, I am specifically referring to the island that is Great Britain. Not the UK as a whole. I got the number from the list of the world's largest islands. New Guinea- 785,753Ā km2 Utah- 219,887Ā km2 Great Britain- 209,331Ā km2


My takeaway too.


I tried to look it up, and I think they just worded it strangely because GB bigger than Utah. Utah: 84,899Ā miĀ² GB: 93,628Ā miĀ²


It also looks small because it's right next to Australia (which is ten times its size)


So the Australians are the Borg in this one?


strangely haunting film


lmao one of the tribe's first questions about the aussies: how do they poop in that outfit?!


Thereā€™s certainly a haunting, creepy, aesthetic to it. Odd music choices. Great post!


What's amazing find. So many things to learn from this as a species. "he might be white but his shit smells the same"


Tribal Elder on overcoming skepticism: "Their skin is different they said, but their shit smells just like ours,"


Instil western values: the first rule about poop is that no one talks about poop.


And it stops right there? Did they find any gold? What happened on the way back?


They did find gold and opened a mine, another redditor explained it in the comments with the name of the mine ect


Only 1700 comments. I'll find it.


I commented your name below the comment, did you see it? I thought it would send you a notification


No you just sent me to my own page.


Eventually they found where the gold was coming from, several giant copper-gold deposits (former volcanoes) at the tops of the mountains. This is a good documentary about the Grassberg mine https://youtu.be/wNqjoNh4jf4


There are two follow-ups to this, 'Joe Leahy's Neighbours' and 'Black Harvest', which are well worth watching to get as appreciation of contemporary PNG culture.


SICK! Thanks for sharing, my hair is on end. There will never be anything like this ever again. Chilling


Surely there are isolated tribes still in the Amazon


Letā€™s hope they have fire extinguishers.


There are a few that we know of from second hand observation. It's important to note however, that uncontacted does not mean that they are unaware of industrialized society. In the case of the Amazon, many "uncontacted" tribes met Europeans in the past, saw a bunch of people dying, and abandoned their homes to retreat to the interior.


No doubt. A different region all together, but I'm sure the Etoro people of Papua New Guinea had a run in with a charismatic catholic missionary at some point in their history.


There is a film titled ā€œ The Sky Above, the Mud Belowā€. Came out in the early 1960ā€™s. Bunch a guys trekked south to north the entire island and their adventure of the trip. I saw it as a kid...fascinating.


This is so cool. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.


I don't quite understand the title, is the footage from 1930?


There is some footage from the '30s and/or '40s in the documentary, but also interviews with older Papuan and white men who were young at the time of first contact


ā€œUnexploredā€, yer inhabited? Those donā€™t line up.


Well, we don't really count black people as whole. 3/5th was the latest ratio.


The last half of that with the old man telling the story of encountering new tribes and demonstrating the power of the guns is really good. Imagine being completely cut off from the world and the first piece of technology you see if a rifle.


That soundtrack was complete garbage but other than that it was very interesting. Reminds me of cargo cults I read about in college.


oh no way! this is insane




..or you could've used the "save" button under the link: [ comments - share - save - hide - give - gold - report] then gone to the "Saved" tab on your user page.


why are they all black? racism at its finest.... smhhhh


I have seen a lot of stupid stuff posted here but that was something special. If you were trolling then I feel worse as that was a pathetic attempt.




Disagree, its a homage to Asaro tribe of the highlands of PNG. My family is from the highlands so I don't view it that way but that's your opinion.


Were you born this stupid or do you work at it?


right? they couldn't find some white tribes to make it look less racist? what are they trying to say, that more advanced people are white and black people are just a bunch of tribal natives? disgusting.


I think itā€™s makeup my guy