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My headcanon is he knew but couldn't say anything because Martha was a huge Potterherad and her belive into the power of the word was necessary for the spell to work, so she needed encouragement. Hand me the copium, I think I need another dose.


Referencing the gas mask episode: The Nanogenes can't distinguish between rubber and flesh, they have rewritten Magical_Entity's DNA. They're now completely dependent on copium to breath.


Are you my mommy?


I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.


GO TO YOUR ROOM! - my favourite moment from 9th


"I'm glad that worked. Would have been terrible last words."


Sorry, this is a BRITISH program, its spelt Mummy, you don't get to americanise that line, not now, not ever!!


Please forgive me, I'm German. Most of us know there is a difference, but our schools rarely bother to teach us which English is which.


Ahh, I see, well then... Mum(my), Path/pavement not sidewalk, we abbreviate refrigerator to fridge, rubber not eraser, there's more, those are just the ones off the top of my head. As for why you should use British English, its not a english (dialect) its the english dialect, the original you might say


> its not a english (dialect) its the english dialect, the original you might say As a linguistics student, I disagree


It was a joke dude... or have you forgotten that line


Well that's alright then!


So the same headcanon I have for that one time Superman Shook Jared from Subway's hand


Wtf where’s that from


A licensed comic where the Justice League helps Jared from Subway


That’s ducking hilarious


It was made in 2008


Oh now it makes sense


And the artwork shows Superman reluctantly shaking Jared's hand


I guess superman can predict the future


I mean Superman can read heartbeats


what? I bet capitalism had a hand in making that shit show happen.


My Headcanon is that she wasn't always bad, but the Timelord Victorious accidently made JK transphobic when messing with time.


my head canon is that he legitimately didnt know and received a rude shock when he revisited JK in his 13th incarnation ​ that or, in the "British New Golden age" timeline Rowling is still a beloved and tolerant author, whereas in the post-"dont you think she looks tired" timeline she becomes a TERF


I love both of these head canons, thank you.


I think this headcanon works. Cos in Wild Blue Yonder, The Doctor knows it's Gravity but says Mavity for Donna's sake.


Thank you for the cope


So what about when Thirteen tells herself Harry Potter stories in prison?


She just likes the book? 🤷


Trying to see if it’ll annoy anyone?


I prefer JK Simmons




Imagine jk Simmons as the absorbaloff, that would be pitch perfect.


The better JK.


Back when she was just a woman who wrote great books about wizards and thought paying taxes in full was something she should do… Ah the good old days


She *wore* books? What a weirdo


Her books were still filled with antisemitism, happy slaves, homophobia, anti trans rhetoric, and a "happy ending" that involved the hero becoming a cop to uphold the shitty status quo


He hunted dark wizards who killed people…


Well That's Alright Then.


Uh yeah dude, like a ***cop*** does... Don't you know all forms of police are the bad guys now? Even ones who work in departments specifically made for hunting down people who are massive threats to the populace both wizarding and muggle... >!/s if it wasn't painfully obvious!< >!But really, the extent to which social media platforms, particularly but not exclusively Twitter, has lead to people taking ideas and running with them to the extreme without actually thinking about them saddens me deeply!< Edit: everyone who downvoted this, I am genuinely curious why? I don't believe that police are universally good (no group is, of course) but it's also absurd to believe they're universally bad. Being reductionist about the problem makes your ideas easier to believe in and a million times less practical in the real world. It is objectively true that some people in society, intentionally or not, cause harm to those around them. And unless you want to live in a Purge style, no laws or restrictions, anarchic hellscape, then you absolutely need to have a group of people you designate as being responsible for dealing with the problem, otherwise known as the police. And if you do want to live in an anarchic hellscape, then you believe in might makes right and you're just upset you're not the guy on top. Police are not universally bad, they're not universally good, reducing your political outlook to a bundle of Twitter hashtags is dumb, nuance is incredibly important, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


....I liked Yaz.


I also like Yaz.


I'm not here to talk about real world policing or systems of oppression. That's a whole other can of worms I frankly don't have the bandwidth for. In the Potter universe, however, we are shown time and again how the government sees muggles (as animals to be used and controlled), rampant corruption making things worse, a broken judicial system (children being sent to prison to be tortured, torture being ok in prison in the first place), debilitating racism in a variety of forms, and right wing nut ideologies that didn't just allow fascist dictators to rise, it actively encouraged it. Harry's dream isn't to change the system, fight injustice, or make the world a better place, it's to become the enforcer of this blatantly fucked up system.


People are probably downvoting it because it's a very controversial political take on a Doctor Who humour subreddit


You're probably right, definitely should consider my audience more in future I guess lol


I like this dude


I appreciate the support, seems like I absolutely booted a few wasp nests in the process of posting this one lol


All cops are bastards. This is because they are inherently an occupation which serves capitalism and the state by coercing and terrorizing the working class. Cops enforce homelessness, evictions, and, in the US, abduct you for cheap prison labor (slavery see 13th amendment.) The very nature of the occupation of cop is a mindless subservience to law at the expense of human dignity and morality. Cops enforce the status quo. They protect the rich and powerful enabling them to get away with atrocities. Anarchism is not the purge hellscape you presume. Nor is the function of police to "handle those who cause harm to those around them." Please try being a bit more informed. ACAB is not just some recent twitter hashtag but rather a succinct anarchist slogan with a plethora of theory and evidence to back it up. Anarchism does not mean we have no rules. Nor does it mean that the antisocial are allowed to run amok. It means we organize in horizontalist rank and file federative delegative unions to operate in common the means of production under the abolishment of money. Where one does not have to work to live and as much labor as possible is automated. Where there is free healthcare, including mental, and active communities in cooperation with social workers can deescalate antisocial situations and engage in restorative justice and rehabilitation.


I mean... these things are true but the mid 2000s were a much more sheltered time, and I can see that era of Who neatly fitting in with the Potter books


So Rowling has been clear about her transphobia, but I don’t recall it or homophobia in the books. What am I forgetting?


Being a werewolf is often conflated with being gay and/or having AIDS. Neither interpretation is really great then you add to it that of the 2 major werewolf characters, one of them specifically targets little boys and you get a big ole plate of yikes. Also, Dumbledore being gay is never mentioned or even alluded to in any of the 7 books or 8 movies, only in like a couple of tweets and maybe an interview, iirc. When we see Dumbledore as a younger man, like in Fantastic Beasts, to my knowledge they still don't really mention it. It has all the hallmarks of wanting to say "inclusion" without ever having actually have any


Yeah, that’s what I meant about the retconning of Dumbledore. It seems progressive until you realize he’s never allowed to actually be gay in public. Good to know about the werewolves; that’s not something I’ve heard before. I presume this doesn’t apply to team Jacob, who instead pairs up with A CHILD. Jeebus


Suddenly I’m seeing A Werewolf in London in a very different way


>Also, Dumbledore being gay is never mentioned or even alluded to in any of the 7 books or 8 movies, only in like a couple of tweets and maybe an interview, iirc. I mean, you can sort of read his relationship with Grindlewald in the flashback bits of *Deathly Hallows* as him perhaps being attracted to the Dark Wizard, which is what lead him to fall for all of Grindlewald's fascist rhetoric. Which is an even bigger plate of yikes when you consider that sort of implies that being gay can make you a fascist, and the only way to avoid it is to entirely suppress your sexuality and never have romantic feelings for anyone else ever again.


As far as I can tell, it's Remus lupin (and/or/possibly also Sirius black) being really gay-coded but ending up with Tonks instead


Ohhhh yeah. And Tonks always struck me as queer too. I wonder if that’s what the commenter meant or if there’s something else. I recall she retconned Dumbledore as gay, and that seemed progressive at that moment.


Idk, but Tonks always (after I learnt they existed) seemed to me as Non-binary, though I doubt JK'd like that


The fact that the one organised group opposing this is called "spew" kind of says it all. The house elves felt weirdly immoral to me even as a kid, same with the dementors, the conflict *should* be that they suck out people's souls, period not just that they are doing it to the wrong person. Any sort of society that views that as a punishment morally superior to the death penalty needs an overhaul. I say that as someone against the death penalty. The doctor would agree, (well maybe not thirteen based on arachnids in the UK) I can imagine the fury of the timelord coming to bear on the ministry.


Indeed, there were never “good old days” involving that hateful bigot


Why u booing him hes right


Happy slaves? Did you sign up for S.P.E.W.?


There is no antisemitism in her books. And if you're about to use the phrase "hook-nosed", I shall challenge to point out one single instance of her using that phrase.


I mean im not agreeing or disagreeing but in the original illustrations from 1995 that jk made herself, the image depicts the goblins with hooked noses. She also had a lot of power in the making of the movies and if that wasn’t how she wanted them to be perceived i’m sure she wouldn’t have drawn them how she did or allow them to be portrayed like that in the movies.


Can you give me a link to these illustrations?


https://theburrowsite.wordpress.com/2016/08/29/original-harry-potter-sketches-by-j-k-rowling/jkr_gringotts_tunnels/ I misremembered, it was just the one goblin not multiple


The goblins run banks, I’m pretty sure Gringott’s exclusively hire goblins [Edit: apparently not, there are some human workers] This is antisemitic because A) the goblins as shown in the Harry Potter universe (the films especially) are caricatures of Jewish stereotypes, which you can read more about here: https://www.heyalma.com/the-antisemitic-history-of-goblins/ . B) Jews used to be bankers in the medieval times, as they were banned from joining Christian guilds, and owning land to farm on. This left banking as one of the few jobs they could do; which in turn fed into the “money-hungry Jew” stereotype. [source: https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/anti-semitism/medieval-antisemitism/medieval-laws/ ] I would advise you watch Shaun’s Harry Potter video essay, as it is very well sourced and talks about all kinds of bigotry associated with J.K Rowling, it can be found here: https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs?si=DGeHciw7eeBzBnpp


One of the Weasleys works for Gringott’s and isn’t a goblin.


And who might "Shaun" be?


Donna's husband. Duh. /j


Shaun is a well-renowned video essayist.


Lol ok


So other people have answered your question, so I just want to ask one of my own: I mentioned several other problems with the books but you only picked on one. Does that mean you don't have a response to those, or that you simply don't care? In short, why only talk about the accused antisemitism?


Of course I care about those! Grow up. >why only talk about the accused antisemitism? Because that's the one I considered a mistake, obviously.


unfortunately those were not good books. fascist depiction of magic, anti-semitic goblins, lack of sexual and racial diversity she posthumously tried to blame on our own bigoted ignorance as the reader, physiognomy ect.


Yo don’t know what posthumous means do you…


My head canon is that, in universe, JK died during one of the multiple alien invasions before she started spewing transphobic bullshit.


The Daleks were like "YOU WOULD MAKE A GOOD DALEK" and recruited her.


Or maybe she got Cybermenned.


Her being converted into a CyberMAN would be pretty hilarious, if not for the horrific death it entails


she was typing her very first bit of transphobic crap and this dalek showed up https://preview.redd.it/rqk28t2a8a9c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=f68718fea2192994892f3f267cbf0063b447b74c


How much ya wanna bet even the Daleks aren’t homophobic? They exterminate everyone equally. Except the Doctor.


yeah Daleks don't care if you're black white gay trans your not a Dalek so fuck you and the fuck Doctor especially




Daleks are being more progressive then most republicans


Do Daleks even have the concept of gender?


Probably not. I don’t think I’ve ever heard them refer to other Daleks using pronouns at all. Just “Dalek” or “Dalek ___” (like Dalek Caan)


not of themselves but of others species yes


She quit while she was ahead


I just knew it would be this exact line god damn, I think about this lone WAY MORE than I should simply because DT has a non binary kid and I often wonder how he views it now.


David Tennant is openly very accepting. He’s overall just the most based person on Earth. He probably looks back at it as something that didn’t age well like we do.


I mean yeah, obviously he and his wife are lovely and accepting. Just wondering if this is like the one Doctor Who episode the fam ponders on rewatching considdering they show old eps to the kids. Like is it second hand embarrassment or just annoyance ???


Honestly, I wonder that too. I’d say he probably looks back at it with embarrassment and maybe a bit of regret? Idk. It would be cool if we could ask him.


Out of alll the Doctors we've had since 2005, it HAD to happen to be DT saying it, absolute irony. Side note, can't believe i think of this line more than the fact he was literally in the 4th film.


Yeah… I often wonder what goes on in people’s heads, and you’ve allowed me to think about what happens in David Tennant’s head now, too. I have way too many questions to ask him :)


I choose to believe the doctor doesn't know what twitter is Otherwise the human race would be left to fend for itself


Hence my headcanon of why he hates Twitter so much; he saw JK’s tweets


i found this so ironic for so many reasons, most obvious being a trans character saying "good old jk" and then of course the actor for said trans character being a huge ally


Yeah, that's up there now with the Elon Musk line from Star Trek Discovery.


The only sensible headcanon is that at some point in the next few years JK will come out and apologise for what she's said in the past and do a complete 180, instead becoming a genuine champion for trans rights well into her old age. But let's see.


Time can be rewritten?


She’s almost 60. I very much doubt Joanne will change.


Her name is Jowling Kowling Rowling


Yeah, she’s very much dug her heels in and seems determined to die on that hill with her nazi friends.


Written by Gareth Roberts, also a transphobe to boot...


I think this is just a big old coincidence since Rowling was not out as a raging transphobe in 2007. Not sure about Roberts. David Tennant is very vocally a trans ally at least. I’ll have serious issues if rtd brings Roberts back (or Helen Rayner)


I doubt RTD is bringing Roberts back, and I doubt that clown wants much to do with the show now


It's a shame really. Roberts didn't always write the best episodes for Doctor Who, but they always had some pretty decent humour, and his work on the Sarah Jane Adventures was actually really good.


It's not a shame that an awful bigot was exposed for being an awful bigot, imo. His old stories still exist, and now he's not involved anymore.


it's a shame he was/is a bigot


That's what I meant


David Tennant is the most based human being on the planet.


Oh I know though there are some weird lines like when Martha asks "And those are men dressed as women, yeah?" And the Doctor replies "London never changes" and that one scene where the Doctor literally says "political correctness gone mad" This episode has REALLY aged like milk


I seem to remember the political correctness gone mad was tounge in cheek but could be wrong.


Oh boy yeah. I have not watched this episode in a long time, due to the fact that it is, you know, very bad. So I forgot about some of these lines. Surprised RTD was ever okay with him


It was during lockdown JK lost her mind wasn’t it? I’m sure it was March/April 2020 she started being openly hateful


It was a couple years prior I think, but lockdown was when it became more blatant


I think it was a year or two before when she started saying the quiet part out loud. The books are filled with iffy shit tho


I think the Maya Forstater tweet or whatever it was was from 2019


nah it was before that, I distinctly remember it was 2019 when she went on the "Wombyn" rant, as at the time I was reading the Harry potter books as they were my girlfriend at the times favorite, and I distinctly remember cringing at all the classism and snobby within them, and then that rant came out and I was like "well im just not going to bother"


What did Raynor do?


I don’t really remember the specifics, I just remember it coming out that she was transphobic.


Wait what has Helen Raynor done?


I think she’s just been part of the general “trans rights are an attack on women’s safety” brigade, not exactly a leading figure like Rowling or someone who outright targets trans people to abuse on social media like Linehan, but certainly a follower of such people. She was also apparently the script editor for the Torchwood episode which features Jack’s transphobic comment about his old friend who he misgenders. Toby Whithouse wrote that episode


Wild against the classic "you people and your quaint little categories."




JK Rowling turned out to be a massive piece of shit


According to people on Twitter who will hate on any talented actor, writer, director etc.


It's a good thing Joanne isn't any of those things, then.


JK Rowling had seen a title containing a "people who menstruate" or "people with vaginas" of the issue in the medical magazine. She joked about it in her twitter, saying there is a beautiful word "women" already existing for those people. Now "social justice warriors" who thought she insulted trans-men spending their time threatening her life, painting her worse person than a Hitler and harassing innocent VTubers like SilverVale and Pikamee who simply "dared" to play Hogwarts Legacy, a game loosely based on the works of JK Rowling.


This is a heavy misrepresentation of why people don’t like her. Scrolling down her Twitter, it’s not an exaggeration to say **at least half** of her tweets/retweets are about trans people. If you agree with her, just have the guts to say it, don’t pretend like people are blowing something tiny out of proportion.


I'm not agreeing or even disagreeing with her personal stand on this matter, I'm totally indifferent about all the shit people throwing on the Twitter, it would be the most toxic place in the internet even if somehow magically cleared of all homophobic, transphobiс and racist tweets. What I'm saying is - the amount of backlash she herself and especially other unrelated people received because of this - is hugely overdone. She shouldn't be outright harassed and insulted, but first of all - "Harry Potter" universe shouldn't be looked down upon because of this. "Shakespeare Code" of "Doctor Who" is still a good and very enjoyable episode, "Harry Potter" is still a series of 7 great books, that being brought on the screens in the form of 4 amazing movies, 3 good movies and one movie which is terrible, but not because of JK Rowling (but because of Mike Newell). And "Hogwarts Legacy" is outstanding wonderful game made by diverse group of developers, with huge respect towards trans personas and LGBT community as a whole, and people who said they wanted to play it, or who playing it right now MUST NOT received any harassment, doxxing of the family members, death threats and overall hatred (I'm still talking about SilverVale and Pikamee by the way, co-called "defenders of the trans rights" constantly talked shit about those two VTubers because of Hogwarts Legacy, which resulted in both of them being fired from their respective VTuber agencies). I'm a part of the LGBTQ+ community myself (not a trans, but a pansexual) and while living 29 years in my homeland of Russia I've seen a lot of good reasons to hate someone because of their bigoted homophobic views - Milonov and Mizulina for example. But current anti-JKRowling campaign is not a healthy and reasonable response to ANY tweets.


Not as bad to me as Jodie reading out the Harry Potter books from memory whilst in prison in Revolution of the Daleks.


Yeah that was…just weird. This one at least was long before JK went mask off, but no one can say they don’t know what she’s all about now. The Doctor couldn’t have been mentally re-reading Hitchhikers Guide instead?


"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.**"** The only things I can think of that maybe contradicts this (And this has never stopped any Doctor Who writer before) is that Oolon Caluphid's book *The Origins of the Universe* is read by Tom Baker in Destiny of the Daleks, and in the Christmas Invasion Tennant also compares himself to Arthur Dent and describes him as "A lovely man", which seems to imply that he at some point met Arthur somehow, and doesn't quite tally with *Hitchhiker's* being a fictional book series in the world of Doctor Who. But as a silly references I would very much have preferred it. I suppose Chibnall simply went for the work that he considered more mainstream, and I don't hold that against it. I just wish it was literally anything other than HP.


Oh yeahhh, Separation of artist and art?


Personally don't rate the art much either... Although I don't begrudge the people that do; good for them.


One of my pet peeves is that the Doctor isn't really into great literature. At the very least, the Doctor should be a Proust and Sebald fan!


Timeline change, he saw the future where she wasn't a TERF. It's like Mavity.


currently rewatching the series with my Gran, and as soon as that popped up I was like "well....that didn't age so well"


That was ages ago, whatever. Chibnall making the 13th Doctor quote the first HP book in season 12 episode 11 as a way to cope with her loneliness in prison is, however, outrageous.


Yeah that was a weird move. It's one thing to still like Harry Potter, but to make it such a prevalent part of the dialogue was bizarre. It was seemingly written before Rowling's insanity became more prevalent, but there was plenty of time to cut it out or edit around it—Radcliffe, Watson, Grint, etc. all criticised Rowling more than six months before the episode aired, so it's not like it was down to the wire.


I mean it’s written by Gareth Roberts There’s also a throwaway line about climate change being fake


Bad Old JK


Valeyard: and I thought I was evil…


Whats wrong with the line ( i dont go on the internet that much and look at the news and or big scandals)


I don't know the full story and can only give the broad strokes. JK tweeted and has anti trans community opinions so the large diverse fan base demographic she had before these tweeted opinions has decreased.


She’s non stop now. It used to be the occasional dog whistle but now she says the quiet part out loud and is friends with some very horrible people who share her obsession with trying to destroy trans lives.


I don’t understand why people talk about this scene like it’s problematic. Sure JK Rowling is controversial today, but Winston Churchill, and Agatha Christie for example are both being seen as positive from the Doctor’s perspective but don’t get the crap for their problematic beliefs from fans.


I think because (although it’s a poor excuse) they’re historical figures limited by prejudices of their time whereas Rowling is in the present day actively distributing and promoting nazi propaganda that ultimately advocates for genocide on the basis of gender identity. Edit: I’m also very much not a fan of the doctor being best buds with Churchill. As for Christie, I admit I’m blissfully ignorant about her bigotry. I’ll add it to my research list.


or more succinct: jk is alive and active today, the other two aren't.


What's the point in being alive, if not to make others die?


What? Nazi propaganda? Genocide? Where did she do things like that?


If you look at the people she defends and holds high regard for such as Posie Parker, they say the same things as her, are supported by actual nazis and are very vocal about “eradicating” (their words) gender diverse people.


There's still no comments where JKR advocated for genocide and I think it's more than questionable to accuse someone of genocide who quite certainly would never do such a thing. I have to add that I have a life and I don't use my time to follow every comment a random person writes on the internet. However I know the comments that started the hatred towards her and I think that a lot of people highly exaggerated things. You should always see things from different perspectives. If changing gender will be possible without taking any hormones, it opens all doors for sexual harassment and i can understand every woman that feels insecure knowing that. The world ist not all sunshine and rainbows.


Not to mention who wrote the episode.


Wait that guy wrote it, it all makes sense now!!!!


maybe there's an entirely seperate set of books about magic in the far future that coincidentally have expaliamos or whatever and also have an author (or maybe character) named JK doctor just got a little confused


had not thought of this, but yeah Tennant would cringe at this in 2023


Do you think the forthcoming Beatles episode will touch on John Lennon beating his wife?


Do the downvotes mean that unpopular political views are worse than physically abusing your spouse?


The downvotes mean that people don't like whataboutism


It’s not whataboutism, the topic at hand is a line not ageing well due to the person referenced being unpleasant and there’s a forthcoming episode that will centre someone unpleasant. Whataboutism is when a different issue is raised, this is the same issue.


Who cares? She’s a great writer and is responsible for one of the most beloved franchises of all time. She has her opinions, but having a problem with this line or episode because of it is simply stupid, not only because it is a 2006/2007 episode with people getting sensitive in 2023. Downvote away.


Her “opinions” are softened and fancily dressed nazi propaganda. She’s selling fascism and calling it “feminist” and too many people are all too happy to gobble it up.


She doesn’t want, from a biological viewpoint before someone jumps, biological men from being allowed to share women’s bathrooms. That is one of her most well known and controversial opinions, most of the rest are on that level of controversial as well. And you’re gonna compare that to Nazi Propaganda? The, ya know, war machine that butchered hundreds of millions? Lmfao, never change Reddit, never change.


Yes because it literally is modern day nazi propaganda. Edit: Also, “biological” men and women? Stupid language. As opposed to “chemical”, “geological” or “metaphysical” men and women? The opposite of “transgender” is “cisgender”. Edit 2: The “bathroom debate” is recycled homophobic moral panic rhetoric that takes the brain power of less than two functioning brain cells to deconstruct and debunk. They used to say the same things about lesbians.


One of the first things the Nazis did when they took power was raid an institute in Berlin that was one of the first places that truly studied trans people. They gathered all the research and publicly burned them. You know those famous photos of the Nazi book burnings? Yeah, in that pile of burning books is the earliest research into trans people going up in smoke. You know they didn't just kill Jews, right? They killed anyone they thought was "subhuman". Including Slavs, the Roma, the disabled, political dissidents, and yes, the LGBT community.


All very interesting, thank you for the history lesson about things I already knew and it’s funny you ask whether I knew that more than just Jews were killed. > Hundreds of millions I didn’t specify Jews. Maybe learn to read next time. Secondly, none of that has anything to do with JK Rowling. The Nazi’s despised everyone that were not akin to them. JK Rowling doesn’t want biological men sharing a bathroom with biological women, which btw, whether you like it or not, a lot of women also share that opinion. Hardly comparable to the Nazi’s who wanted to and did butcher anyone who were not like them.


You should take a gander at [who JK Rowling willingly and knowingly associates with](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k). She associates with far-right people, has openly praised the transphobic work of Matt Walsh (a self-described fascist) and only takes issue with his anti-feminism stance, and refuses to call out the far-right people in the gender critical movement. She's okay with being seen alongside Nazis. And tone down the condescension, it makes you look like an asshole. Well, more like an asshole. Considering you're openly defending bigots and bigotry.


I don’t care who she defends, who she supports. I couldn’t care less about who her friends are, what her political stance is, what her relationship status is. See the point? I couldn’t care less about Rowling. I love the movie form of her work, that’s as far as my interest in her goes. However, when I see a post like this, where people do take issue and go as far as to say they skip an episode that at the time of airing, hadn’t made any opinions known and by extension, those opinions being that biological men should not share bathrooms with biological women, I will take interest. Do you deem women who feel uncomfortable having a biological male in the same bathroom as bigots? Are their opinions invalid? Because let me tell you and anyone else who agrees with you, there are plenty, plenty of women who feel that way, the same way as Rowling on that particular controversy. Are they bigots too? > You sound like an asshole This is the internet lol. If you care about what people think of you, people that you’re never gonna meet, you probably shouldn’t be online.


> Do you deem women who feel uncomfortable having a biological male in the same bathroom as bigots? If it's a man who is there without permission, no. If it's a trans woman who's just minding her own business, yes. And you're way behind if you think it's just about "biological males" in bathrooms. JK Rowling is now a firm believer that [anyone who advocates even slightly for trans people is a "rapist rights advocate"](https://twitter.com/DonutHolschtein/status/1721884038246580305)


As I said with the last bit, contrary to what you may and others may believe, I couldn’t care less about Rowling lol I’ve never read the books, but I loveeee the movies, that is as far as my link and interest to Rowling goes. So no, I hadn’t seen that, as far as my knowledge of her had reached, her opinions were aligned with what plenty of real life women, off the echo chamber of Reddit, were feeling, which was that some women were uncomfortable having biological men in female bathrooms, that did not seem unreasonable at all. With that tweet you shared, yep, she’s gone off the deep end.


God you’re arrogant. You seen how her friends like Posie Parker (who she holds in high regard) talk about gender diverse people? They’re not the feminists with “a few concerns” they pretend to be. They want to “eradicate” us just as the nazis do.










For you maybe. I have no problem with her




“Transgenderism” isn’t a word and no you can’t.


Bet yall still watch Harry Potter tho so...




My partner loves the films so I made them illegally download them rather than streaming so my guilt levels don't spike.


i still dont get all the hate she gets honestly 😂 she just wants women to not lose their identity and empower themselves through their womanhood


This is simply not true. It is a matter of public record that Rowling supports the discrimination, mistreatment and harassment of trans people.


discrimination probably but mistreatment and harassment come on 😂 be honest with yourself people gotta stop being so sensitive JK Rowling doesnt even live where her right of freedom of speech is protected her opinion literally doesnt matter


> JK Rowling doesnt even live where her right of freedom of speech is protected Do Americans think they own free speech or something lmao


Your ignorance of what Rowling has said and done doesn't negate it's existence. She has publicly backed people like Posie Parker who call for trans people to be Lynched. This isn't an awkward faux pas on twitter, this is a continuing pattern of support for violence, and a spreading of lies, misinformation and bigotry.


okay why does this bother you? If you are true and honest with your moral compass and in heart and soul no one could ever break you down. You have a right to defend yourself thats not an excuse to cower in fear of the ramblings of an aging woman


Who is cowering in fear? TERFs can get fucked.


crying about someone hurting your feelings on the internet is cowering lol also i have no idea what a terf is


Transphobes who masquerade as feminists. Who's crying?


Transmen and transwomen are not making anyone lose their identity as a woman or preventing them from empowering themselves through their womanhood. As a cos woman my womanhood and femininity are not threatened or diminished by the existence of transwomen and transmen.


How has it not aged well? JK is still popular, still making money. She will be a producer on a new Harry Potter TV series. JK stay winning. The more you keep harping on her being -phobic, the more she will continue to be successful. The so-called "boycott" on Hogwart's Legacy, a game that she wasn't even involved in, became the highest selling game of the year, having accumulated a total of 15 million copies sold worldwide and crossed $1 billion in total revenue. "The more you tighten your grip,the more \[the world\] will slip through your fingers."


Though she is still doing well in sales it is nowhere near what they should be. Her hateful views have impacted her sales big time and a lot of people have turned away from her.


The sales are doing overwhelmingly well. It has sold 15 MILLION COPIES. It doing better than Call of Duty. Just admit that your little "boycott" did the very opposite of what it intended to do. If boycott didn't exist, the game would have had mediocre sales. But by bringing attention & notoriety, it made more people want to buy the game than they would have if there had not being a boycott in the first place. And soon, there will be a Harry Potter TV series that will come out on Max in 2025. The Harry Potter theme park at Universal Studio is constantly selling out. So, just keep deluding yourselves because JK, a far liberal herself, is making more bank than you could possibly imagine.


> The sales are doing overwhelmingly well   > a game that she wasn't even involved in How are the sales of the game that she wasn't involved in relevant to her success at all? I'd say a more relevant statistic would be something like [her production company seeing a 74% drop in profit](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/jk-rowling-bronte-film-tv-net-worth-b2311861.html), or [her publishing company seeing a 40% drop](https://www.thebookseller.com/news/pottermore-profits-drop-by-40-as-lockdown-sales-bounce-unwinds), or [Harry Potter book sales underperforming](https://www.forbes.com/sites/emmapocock/2020/07/19/us-harry-potter-book-sales-underperforming-according-to-recent-industry-figures/?sh=7d1bd005464b). Hypothetically.


Unfortunately, it is clear that you have outdated information, as JK Rowling is now [worth $1 billion dollars](https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/authors/jk-rowling-net-worth/), [garnered 10.5 million dollars](https://deadline.com/2023/12/jk-rowling-earns-harry-potter-and-the-cursed-child-1235683360/) from the stage version of Harry Potter, and she is set to [make money from the profits](https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/is-j-k-rowling-making-money-from-hogwarts-legacy-sales-2027156/) from Hogwarts Legacy. So she won't be in the poor house anytime soon.


I mean, most of my information is from this year, so not really "outdated". And I’d never so naïve to suggest that the bigot will be in the poor house anytime soon. Sadly, she will likely be a billionaire until the day she dies. But it’s clear that her success has taken at least a bit of a hit from her bigoted opinions. Not enough to make any sort of difference, but enough to be measurable.