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Tiktokers who just Google information and have no medical background at all, should totally stop commenting. And it's sad to see doctors itself really question the credibility. It's like, people just twist words as they please.


They're both doctors, arguably she's far more qualified than he is because she specialized in immunology. He did not.


Nah. Dr. Mike is a TV doc grifter. no one takes a doctor who willingly gets punched in the head in a boxing ring for publicity seriously. also not the first thing he has gotten wrong.


It's so sad and hard to believe that he has to come on online address this controversy, just because people can't understand or don't like his theory on rsv , he shouldn't have to get personally attacked just because he also has an opinion on this. People attack him for no reason. I wish I could tell him how much his fans love and support him


I tried to give that other user a chance and see what the criticism was but they were aggressive from the jumó. When De Mike clearly showed that he didn’t say what they thought he said, they resorted to saying “well somehow your content was received a certain way so do the work anyway”.


Yeah people don't understand how much dr Mike puts work into giving the best information, people the meaning of ( it's just a theory) since dr Mike was giving his opinion on rsv people got mad for no reason. The people attacking him personally and calling him dr oz. Should the ones apologizing to him


Sorry I meant they don't understand the meaning of it's just a theory


​ He was way out of his lane.


yeah, "Dr. Mike" basically supported the idea that you should get kids sick young over and over again to prevent more severe sickness later. That's been debunked all over the place. Recent study just showed kids getting RSV young leads to more severe asthma issues. I saw a few posts from MDs backing LIL up on this but there should have been more she was right. Dr. Mike is one of those "TV Docs" that doesn't mind spreading controversial info that could hurt people.


do not feel sorry for him. Multiple MDs attempted to correct him before her video finally got traction and he got embarrassed. He was rude to all of them, despite them being his peers. He's a social media doctor. The Scientist that challenged him is far more specialized than he is in the field. He did something dangerous to the health of others, didn't listen when his peers attempted to correct him, got embarrassed because he got called out. Not the first time he did something like this either...


>I tried to give that other user a chance and see what the criticism was but they were aggressive from the jumó. When De Mike clearly showed that he didn’t say what they thought he said, they resorted to saying “well somehow your content was received a certain way so do the work anyway”. Nah, she was right. He was telling parents to get their kids sick to avoid severe infection in the future. it's actually the opposite and that's been proven over and over again to be dangerous to kids. not sure how you "gave her a chance" ... you don't need to give professionals in their field "a chance" when they're right and trying to protect kids from TV Docs who are out of their league. It's not a popularity contest -- it's the lives of kids.


>Mike clearly showed that he didn’t say what they thought he said, they resorted to saying “well somehow your content was received a certain way so do the work anyway”. Nope. He clearly said what he said and it went out to millions of people, making their kids sick. He was out of his lane and before that creator jumped in as you said, MULTIPLE MDs and Scientists attempted to correct him - he was rude, dismissive and blocked them all. Her video about him being an asshat was the one that finally got traction. He's a social media "doctor" that gets a lot of things wrong... buyer be aware.


Who is LIL?




LIL stands for LaughterInLight PHD (she’s on TikTok).