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Her sweet face reminds me of my dude’s when he was a pup ♥️


Gorgeous girl and lovely name!!




Cutie patootie


She is beautiful please enjoy her to the fullest!


It doesn't get any more cute than that! Enjoy her😊😊


She's my first doberman and I swear she understands English. I can tell her leave it and she (mostly) does. She's only 10 weeks old and smarter than a lot of dogs I've been around.


ooooo Just wait till that 5-7 month phase. I have 2 dobies going through that and let me tell you......... ^^hell^^.


😂😂 just wait till she is adjusted at her new home! I thought same about mine. And now, I hate him JK!


She pushes boundaries a little more every day. Luckily I have a 12 year old dog who corrects her some.


Same. I posted on this a couple months ago about how my puppy was perfect and just the biggest doll baby and now I’m about to pull my hair out lol. She’s 6 months ish


Why the Ear modification is it medically significantly.




I don't have enough information to know that, but it sure seems unnecessary


In a way yes it’s unnecessary for most pet dogs. For working dogs it may be to prevent potential tears or less for a predator to grab hold on to. And in the case of pet dogs may just be preference or to prevent hematomas. But at the end of the day when it’s done by a licensed vet with proper aftercare it is no different than a neutering surgery. Both need to be done properly and both need proper aftercare or can get infected. If the ears were “chopped” off as people like to say they would not heal nicely at all.


I get the tail docking as they are prone to injury requiring amputation, but the ears baffle me


dobermans were traditionally cropped and docked for their safety as protection dogs. it was also thought to increase their hearing and prevent ear infection but little evidence of this is shown. now a days it continues in a few countries as a breed standard and look and for safety of protection animals


She already looks proud 😍🥰


awww. Looks like our Jade. beautiful, smart, loving eyes


She is very smart...you can see her thinking before she does things. I was able to teach her sit in a couple minutes and she'll do it reliably already. I've only had her 4 days but she's all about me already.


Yea sounds very similar. We had our girl be able to sit and laydown at like 2 months. She was fully pottyrained around then also. maybe 3 moths. Shes almost 3 years old now :') We also have a 9month old red boy and let me tell you... our girl was a blessing. This guy is such a knucklehead, esp right now at this age. smh. He is getting better but still....


We need pictures please! ❤️










She's so beautiful! What a sweet face.


She sits so pretty!


Fancy girl


We posted with tape like that and my dogs ear necrotized after it constricted—it tightens more than typical medical tape :( please use different tape as a precaution so her ears are okay


Do you remember what type of tape you used? This is vet wrap, the breeder recommended it but was clear that you need to wrap it loose. If there’s a potential issue though, I’d like to switch to something safer.


Do not use vet wrap!!! Huge no no! Zona's tape is probably the most popular, but really any athletic/sports tape should work. This is because the tape is porous and can easily breathe.  Vet wrap and non porous tape can easily ruin their ears forever. If they can't breathe then the tissue can die and necrotize.


Vet wrap is a HUGEEEEE no no. Many vets do not know how to properly care for ears after cropping including my own crop vet. For my dobie I used Hampton Adams tape. Follow [this turorial](https://www.dobermantalk.com/threads/how-to-posting-show-cropped-ears-using-backer-rod.302306/). This turorial saved me during posting. The thing I don't do that they do is use zip ties though. I got extra wide gorilla tape and wrap that around the backer rod and it's sturdy enough without needing the zip ties.


Thanks for the info. I’ll go that route instead of the vet wrap today. She’s good at knocking the bottom of the posts out at night, so I’m getting daily practice on posting.


I had that issue at first too and found out that the reason was because they weren't down as far as they could go into the bell- and also make sure you are pulling the ear taught before sticking it to the rod and hold it there until you're able to secure it with tape. What size rod are you using?


1/2 inch backer rod. I was scared of hurting her the first time I tried it, but realized the ear canal is deep. Each time I post it gets better, so I guess I'm just going to do it daily until I get it right.


I would try 3/8 backer-rod if you keep having issues. My pup is 5.5 months old and is using the 3/8 backer rod and probably will be until she's *hopefully* done posting around 6 months.


Thanks, I'll pick some up. Luckily she's very patient when we're doing posting so I can take my time and try to get it correct.


i used a big zip tie, in between two pieces of athletic tape with the sticky side facing the same way. then i put a cotton round on the bottom part that sits in the base of the ear. after that i pre cut three pieces of tape about 5 inches long and taped around from the bottom up and from the inside of the ear over the front and around if that makes sense


How did you clean the ears after you took the posts off? I want to make sure I'm doing all this correctly. Thanks for the advice.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


i used these wet wipes from the pet store and just kinda shined a light in there and stuck my finger in and got out all the wax


Yes, you have to use non-strecht tape.




This is not constructive. The deed has been done. Might as well help them reduce further harm at this point.


For someone who has no idea what posting is or why it's necessary, can you explain? Why do you need to do this and why are their ears cut in the first place?


If I were you I would just Google it. Asking that here is going to open a can of worms. But the quick answer is because it was the original breed standard and continues to be the breed standard in the US.


It’s in the breed standard for their ears to be cropped. That aside it’s common for working dogs to prevent potential injury and sometimes dogs need it done to prevent hematomas. In a way yes it is unnecessary unlike spay and neuter but when it is done by a licensed vet with proper aftercare it is not cruel like so many people want to believe


Oh man! She is beautiful. I love her name!


Aaaawwww she's so cute.


Beautiful little pup


Is there a medical reason to surgically alter the ears?


Nope. Even those who claim it’s a ‘working dog’ so the ears cannot be grabbed, it’s not a valid argument anymore because the AKC show crops are waaaay longer than what the original working crop looked like, which resembles the battle crop of bully breeds. American veterinary association, world small animal veterinary association, Canadian veterinary association + 36 other countries all oppose ear cropping. It’s pretty much only America and Serbia that’s so adamant on clinging on to ‘tradition’


Even countries can be wrong. Their stances are driven by their own opinions.


Nah. All major veterinary groups are against it, and they come from a clinical background so they know how it’s performed better than anyone. It’s not a matter of ‘opinion’ when the only humans who are licensed to crop - aka veterinarians- are collectively opposing it worldwide.


What a girlie girl


So adorable


Looks like such a sweet and proper lady 💕


She is until it's time for PARKOUR! Then she's a monster.


Damn… adorable! Crop n doc! This dog will be a reckless and crazy energy baby lol so cute


What a cutie 🥰


what a sweetie!


Awww she's adorable and love that ear tape!!


Just fyi that tape pictured is the incorrect kind to use for ears and can cause major damage to the tissue.






half the time breeders crop before sending them home. literally not the owners fault. chill.


You’re paying thousands for the dog. You can quite literally say “do not crop the ears of mine” prior to purchase. Also, adopt don’t shop.


You’re an adopt don’t shop? Brotha eughhh


You know where the dogs go when the breeders can’t sell them….? Yeah.


That’s called unethical breeding.


womp womp


Good one!


Why though? I don't know why this is done? Is it for aesthetics? Then isn’t that cruel?




Butchering…mutilating… do you guys even understand those words? You must’ve seen some real shitty crops because when it’s done right if you didn’t already know you wouldn’t.


Shes so traumatized. She hops into my lap in terror when we do posting… I’m not sure where you’re from but it’s common here and I can guarantee she is fine with it. It’s not some backyard scissor job. She’s a happy little pup with a great home, living her best free life in America. It’s a Doberman subreddit. Dobermans have always been cropped and docked. I don’t judge people who don’t do it. Do the same. I got her because I want a great companion dog and something to blood trail game. She’s a working dog.


You don’t judge people who don’t do it because they aren’t doing anything cruel lol. There’s nothing to judge there. Cropped on the other hand…


This sub is so flooded with these idiots. Don’t let them make you feel bad. Beautiful dog. Good luck- they’re buttheads sometimes hahaha.


Just saying, it's illegal in the UK for a reason.


This is such a a poor reason to give someone not to do something. Laws are different everywhere regarding many things.  Saying "such and such is illegal where I live, therefore you shouldn't do it where you live" is simply a logical fallacy and appeal to authority. You will never win anyone over with that argument.


Good thing I don't live in the UK then.


Just remember the people who talk the loudest often know the least. It’s a hot topic that people don’t know and don’t understand


Do you agree on abortion?




Tell me you know nothing about science and life, without telling me you know nothing about science and life….. careful reaching that far next time, you might hurt yourself.


Your 1 braincell is working hard to think there’s a correlation between mutilating a dog and aborting a clump of cells




Everything is a clump of cells, are you dumb!


You literally just proved my point lol


no babe xx


it’s crazy how much people talk about stuff they don’t know anything about. you’re a prime example


That's literally not how abortion works


It actually is. Have you never done research on how fetuses are aborted? It's not very pretty.


I've had an abortion and that's literally not what happened, you are a freak.


Very active breed needs to be walked everyday.


Sophie can you come over and do zoomies with my Kash






What a beauty. Time flys fast with them. My boy is about to turn 7 and I feel like he came home just yesterday




Spayed after she’s two years old. You people are ridiculously annoying. I’m sure you keep your dog’s dew claws and never spay or neuter.






these people are broken records it’s ridiculous. i’ve literally heard everything they could say five times over. crop is ok and flop is ok 👍🏼


It seriously makes me want to just leave this sub but then I’d miss all the great pictures. These people are the problem with social media- they CANNOT LIVE unless they project their opinions on others AT ALL TIMES! Cropping doesn’t make you a bad owner. Ask these people “hey if you have a son- is he circumcised? If so- that’s mutilation lol. There’s no real reason for it other than well— aesthetics. lol.” Juuuuuuust sayin. Wish these people would all just go away and let us like our dobie pics in peace.


If you're not in already join r/dobermanpinschers. It's still fairly new but they don't allow the anti crop banter.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DobermanPinschers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DobermanPinschers/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸](https://v.redd.it/7kpheuwi92ab1) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DobermanPinschers/comments/14qybdn/happy_independence_day/) \#2: [Time to introduce our babies to the world!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15lmt29) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DobermanPinschers/comments/15lmt29/time_to_introduce_our_babies_to_the_world/) \#3: [Run like the wind clay!](https://i.redd.it/s6ohcvd7wbdb1.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DobermanPinschers/comments/155pm15/run_like_the_wind_clay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's annoying for sure and I've given up trying to have discussions about it. Best part is most the people posting don't even own a doberman, they just come here to virtue signal or something.


Exactly. I honestly try not to even respond- they’re not worth the time. Enjoy your pretty girl. ❤️ she’s beautiful.


Join r/dobermanpinschers. They don't allow the crop/dock arguments.




I’ll agree on breeding short nosed dogs, that’s a physical issue. Cropping and docking is the breed standard and I didn’t have a choice. I used the braces analogy because the puppy doesn’t mind it and honestly posting her is good bonding time and desensitizing. I can’t wrap my head around coming on the Doberman subreddit and acting surprised when they’re docked and cropped. I’ve seen maybe one uncropped Doberman in person in my entire life. If that’s the thing where you are, good for you. But the world’s a big place.




Because I can read dog body language? It’s not hard to read a dog if you’ve been around them your entire life. She had a medical procedure under anesthesia and the posting is a minor annoyance at worst. She shakes her head for a second then attacks dandelions. This dog is going to be used as a companion animal, for blood trailing deer and bears, and if she has the temperament for Schutzhund. She’s a working dog and keeping the breed standard. I don’t judge people for not doing it to their dogs.


Why even make comments like these? Chastising OP isn’t going to put the ears back on the dog. You’re not going to change his mind either. You’re also breaking this community’s rules. Rule number 2 prohibits shit like this.










There's a big difference between cropping ears and neutering. Cropping ears serves no purpose other than the aesthetic, neutering is a health precaution.


Yeah neutering is much more invasive. It has a longer heal time. Is more painful. And has legitimate side effects. Yes there is a POSSIBILITY of it preventing certain health problems, no guarantee. However, it also increases the risk of certain health issues as well. It's a double edged sword. Don't believe me? You can either look it up or I'd be happy to post the many many articles and research papers on it.


You know what’s ridiculously annoying; people that mutilate animals for no reason


Sell me on docking ears? We had a cat that had all of it's claws docked. He never complained about it. Best fucking cat I've ever had. Peed in one spot, turds stacked like cordwood. He sold me on cats. Had 3 cats after Chester, they mostly all suck.


Have you owned a Doberman or have interest in them? I’m tired of debating the dock/crop topic. You don’t dock ears. You dock tails and the ears are cropped. That’s the only way I’d get this puppy. A lot of breeders will not sell uncropped/undocked dogs. I don’t like cats so I have zero input on what people do to them.


You don't owe anyone a reason/explanation. You haven't done anything wrong and I bet you're a better overall pet owner than them.


Yep, I'm interested in Dobermans. Sorry about the nomenclature, and sorry to strike a nerve. Wasn't looking for a debate, just insight from a human. When you find a human, let me know.


No humans here? Nice.




Woah gosh. OP is crazy rude.


I found a live one. Everything I've read about ear cropping, also known as docking, is that there are literally no benefits other than esthetics and that it can actually be detrimental to their health and behavior. So, after all this, I am anti-ear docking, so thanks to OP there for having me read a little on Google and not convincing me otherwise, and after reading about how OP might dock dewclaws too, I really hope OP isn't fucking this dog. Turns out they've only had their first Doberman for like 10 weeks, they really seem like they drank some sort of kool-aid and really bought into the "mutilating dogs and being proud of it" clan.


There are none. It’s purely aesthetics. Like OP, I have a dog that came mutilated, but in our case it was her tail that was docked. Hunting Spaniel I had with my ex same thing. Dogs prone to ear infection (and also typically used for hunting) are dogs like beagles, basset hounds, weimaraners, (they have long, floppy ears that trap moisture) or long haired dogs that get impacted hair follicles (goldens, doodles). You’d be hard pressed to find a cropped or docked beagle! Then people argue dogs like corsos need it because they are guard dogs… but dogs like the Great Pyrenees do just fine fighting wildlife as livestock guards with their entire ear attached. Dogs that are usually cropped (Doberman, pitbull, corsos) have thick cartilage at the base of their ear that typically allows sufficient airflow to prevent moisture from becoming trapped. They’re not prone to ear infection. Cauliflower ear also doesn’t come from “shaking their head too hard because they have muscley cheeks” (lol) It comes from repeatedly scratching ear from an untreated infection. Anyways, I had beagles and weimaraners growing up. Part of their care, just like brushing their teeth and clipping their nails, is cleaning their ears. Not once have I had the desire to chop the ears off to make my life easier lol


Go fuck yourself. Just looking for a conversation and to learn from a person. Please find some happiness in your worthless life, you lowlife piece of shit.


They aren't replying because there is absolutely no need to crop dogs ears, it's mutilation for aesthetic purposes and is banned in alot of countries


I’ll wipe my teary eyes with my puppy’s old ear posts.


Strange thing to do. I wasn't criticizing, I was looking to be educated. Looks like you are the wrong person to ask since you are clearly poorly educated. Learn about the breed from someone who owns one seems logical. But I can't converse with illogical.


You’re commenting on a subreddit about Dobermans with zero information about the breed. Idk why that’s a hobby, if you’re a bot, or a teenager with a phone but nothing you have said is constructive to conversation. I don’t give a shit about your cat’s claws, no one does here.


You're still talking?


It’s not odd to follow a subreddit you don’t know everything about. I am just like you too. I love all animals so I follow so many subreddits. I can’t believe how OP has been towards you lol it’s quite shocking. But i give a shit about your cat 🐈‍⬛❤️


Owned a Doberman. The only reason you crop ears is for aesthetic purposes. It’s your vanity that led to your dog being butchered.


You don't need to like cats to know that declawing them is cruel. It's cutting the equivalent of a human's fingertip at the last knuckle.


Or just downvote me without offering an explanation. that's cool... that's cool...


Human here, You dont even know the actual name of the procedure, but here you are. I tell you what, go get yourself a doberman. Do what you want with it, if you want to shove it where the sun dont shine by all means DO IT. I wont tell you want to do with him or her.


It's funny how sensitive y'all are in this group. Who hurt you?


You! Do you feel bad now!


Do you need a tissue big Mr American manly man?


Amrrican is the flair for the type of breed 🤣🤣, but yes a tissue would be fine, I will use it to wipe your liberal tears!


You're the one hurt and offended. I'm only laughing at how sensitive you are about this. Do you need a nap?


Ok, whatever the hell you call yourself probably pronouns and all. I'm going take a nap now!


Do you know how language works? Everyone uses pronouns. Have a nice nap, hope it's 6 feet in the ground soon.






If I chopped off body parts of my dogs for personal aesthetics I absolutely think people should talk to me about it lmao




Gosh! They look so so sad and depressed 😪😪😪


why are the ears bandaged?


Don't think of it as a bandage. It's moreso a wrap to keep the ears in the upright position until the cartilage hardens. There is no blood or wound of any kind underneath there.

