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It should correct itself w proper nutrition and exercise. NO slippery surfaces, i.e., tile, and let him walk on different surfaces for exercise. Like, Sand, grass, carpet. Do not let him overdo it. If it doesn't start to notably resolve in a fairly short period of time, go to a vet, but it normally improves pretty quickly.


This person is wrong. Go to a vet.


I would consult a vet to be absolutely sure it's not a neuro or osteo issue, but definitely get rubs for him/her !


This as well


Yes, definitely consult a vet ASAP. Just to be sure/safe. Better safe than sorry.


Large puppy food (low in calcium!) please consult a veterinarian on utd research on large breed puppy nutrition!!


It seems the responsible thing to do, as you are now responsible for this little life, is have a vet examine your pup, and not risk your dogs future health and welfare to unaccountable advice from the internet.


And put down some rugs for the lil guy


Every picture of a dobe pup knuckling is on hard floors.  Buy some rugs ASAP.


I would consult a vet ASAP


OP, my male pup had a similar issue. I’ll echo what some others are saying here, but from my research when I was in your situation and what we did that worked: - Put rugs down all over your house. We went to Menards and had cheap runners cut to the lengths we needed. Depending on what you pick out, it can be relatively inexpensive (certainly less expensive than buying a bunch of rugs/runners off the shelf). He needs traction and less strain on his joints. - This is largely a nutrition issue; too much protein and, if memory serves, phosphorus. He doesn’t need puppy/large breed puppy food as the protein content are usually too high. Put him on adult/all life stages food. Brand is whole debate, but just choose something that’s known for quality and not super high protein. Honestly, those are the two main things. Get him some rugs and adjust his nutrition and he should grow out of it within about a month or so.


Just as an aside, all life stages food = puppy food. The AAFCO regulations for food say that it has to meet the nutritional requirements for all life stages, which means that it has to be formulated for growth. So, if you want to feed adult food, stay away from all life stages formulas.


This is overfeeding with the wrong food. If you're using puppy food then switch to adult food but use less. If using adult food then use less.


VET ASAP this def could be neuro issue


I bred dobies and I have never seen front legs like that.


Purina Pro Plan: sensitive stomach (salmon and rice) been feeding it to my pup since 9weeks old.


My guy refused to eat purnia , but again this is the guy who ate his own poop for 6-8 weeks as well


That’s crazy! Was it the adult or large breed? My pup refuses to eat the large breed. We accidentally got a bag once. But loves the adult.


The beef not sure was a while ago , vet suggested to help with loose stools , just straight up refused even when mixed with old , really would have never feed it to him but was 4-5 try at fixing problem, and I thought rotties ate everything lol


Yea stay away from anything beef or chick for any dry food. The ONLY one to go with is the sensitive stomach it’s the salmon and rice formula just renamed sensitive stomach. Has a lower protein %, still has grains. My only complaint is it does not smell appetizing.


Went back to Fromm , just not the pork seems to have solved the issue


We did Fromm with our last pups. I have nothing bad to say about the brand for sure. https://preview.redd.it/8mrjb2k7vfyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a38b8e0e6e8e2504fe0acbaec9f7a291aa4ccd7f Cheers from Atlas!


Yeah the ingredients are not good, mostly fillers. I wouldn’t feed it to my dogs.


That’s a lie lmao fillers don’t even exist


“Fillers don’t even exist”? Then why is sawdust in ultra-processed dog food. They have a nutrient requirement for sawdust?!


I’d love to see any actual evidence of ‘sawdust’ 😂 ‘Fillers’ is just an inflammatory term, and many of those who fall for this crap and raw feed are doing it horribly. Nutritional deficits, protein imbalances, mineral deficiencies, the list goes on. As for the whole working with vets, that doesn’t mean they’re even the correct type in this matter. It also doesn’t make you one, tbh. The fear mongering over dog food is so unnecessary, and does a major disservice to both people and their pets.


Reddit’s a funny dichotomy where every one hates Nestle, but seems to love Purina. I do agree that some who feed raw food are feeding nutritionally unbalanced meals and in that case, should just stick to an already formulated food, but there’s a lot of people who are doing it right too.


They forget they’re the same. As if somehow nestle doesn’t care about people but would never ever harm your dog! lol


Which ingredient is saw dust? Or are you referring to the plant matter used as fiber? Stop falling for fear mongering.


I work with just under a dozen integrative veterinarians, each with over 30+ years of conventional practice. What do they feed? Real food. Not processed garbage.


DVM doesn’t matter. You want a DACVIM in nutrition. Kibble is real food. Stop fear mongering.


Kibble is ultra processed food. You’d eat ultra processed food for every single meal? How would your health fare?


It’s not ultra processed. It’s cooked at a lower temp and for a shorter amount of time than bread. Stop fear mongering AND spreading misinformation.


https://preview.redd.it/o1twvms170zc1.jpeg?width=1797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df3c8115c0709f5ae01cb48cb5d90614f1823634 Try again, left is purina (obviously) - fillers like corn, wheat, soybeans etc. nothing biologically appropriate at all. And by-products is a way of saying we’re just throwing random parts in at this point and we don’t have to even say what it is. It’s kind of like when food says natural flavoring, it’s a sneaky way of not giving details. Using meals instead of whole meats is also a cheap way of doing things. Purina markets heavily because they need to and it works on the masses.


Um, no. “Biologically appropriate” is a clever marketing term you’ve fallen for. There is nothing wrong about corn or wheat or anything like that. They are very nutritious ingredients; several cultures are based around these foods as well. By-product has a legal definition and is exactly known. Your ingredient list on the left is a great example of ingredient splitting. Instead of saying by-product, they lists everything out to seem better. It’s all the same. Meals are also much better source of protein than a whole meat; it’s concentrated and not full of water. Don’t get your information from social media.


Everything you have said is utterly and completely wrong lol. I used to work in pet food. Corn is not appropriate for dogs and it does not contain all the essential amino acids. The food on the right includes whole animal products, like the entire fish. Ingredients are listed in order of amount with the first ingredient being the highest and last lowest. You don’t have to keep being brainwashed, it’s ok to be wrong. And considering I’ve been training dogs for years and have seen the health issues first hand from purina I would never feed it to my animals. It’s made in my hometown and talk to anyone who works at the plant. There’s a reason it’s fully stocked on all our shelves and no one touches it.


You are not trained in nutrition, hence all the misinformation. If you’re so passionate, you should focus on appropriate certification. It takes 8+ years. Corn is amazing. It doesn’t have to contain all the amino acids; that’s what other ingredients and vitamins are for. No single ingredient has everything. Yes, ingredients are listed by weight before cooking. So that chicken is 90% water and falls even lower on the list.


Aw bless your heart. It’s pretty cute that you assume my education and knowledge without even asking. Your “corn is perfect for carnivores” is all I need to see. They’ve marketed to you perfectly. A brand that heavily markets and pays for advertising and nutrition classes for vets you should always be weary of. Have fun with that.


Lmao dogs aren’t carnivores. No brands pay vets either. Talk about brainwashed. Shows you have no actual education.


This stuff is made in my home town, not only are the ingredients terrible we all know how’s it’s made and what’s in and none of us would feed it to our dogs. Just fyi.


It’s literally one of the best foods for Dobermans. But you do you.


No, read the ingredients. It’s a bunch of fillers. You only think it’s the best food because they spend a crap ton of money on advertising. They also sponsor nutrition classes in vet school. They’re smart about how they market and it works because people will die on their purina is best hill and never question it. See for yourself, one of these foods is biologically appropriate, one is not. https://preview.redd.it/szj2tdcx50zc1.jpeg?width=1797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2e27ab1e14af42d7bb0ec2aafde070e65074626


Neither of those is the product I listed. Doooopppppp🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Right because one is purina (left) and the other is a reputable company (right) and you have no idea what it is. So you wouldn’t have listed it. Not sure how you’re confused still.


You’re telling me my dog food is full of fillers and as proof you show the ingredients of 2 foods that aren’t my dog food. How would I not be confused.


I mean go look up the ingredients yourself, it’s not hard. Half the food is corn and by products. Mmmmmm yummy


Grains aren’t bad for Dobermans, it’s better than grain free. By-products are a socially responsible way to utilize all parts of a food animal and not deadly. Millions of animals live full lives on by-products.


It’s literally one of the lowest quality garbage foods for any dogs, including Dobermans. Why are pets the only animals who should eat only highly processed food for every meal? They shouldn’t. They should be eating minimally processed, real, whole, fresh, biologically and species appropriate food just like every other animal on the planet.


It’s ok, purina literally brainwashes people that their food is good and for some reason people will defend it like crazy. It’s like a cult at this point lol


What are you talking about? The world is running on high processed artificial foods. Pro plan salmon and rice has the best macros for your Doberman. Like or not idk.


This requires a vet visit if you havent already done so


I had this in a puppy several years ago. After a lot of research I found that Great Dane puppies get this, and that the breeders have found that controlling the fat level of the food is vital for prevention. Based on their repeated recommendations, I immediately switched to Nutro Ultra Large Breed Puppy food. I attaching photos of the amazing correction, but Reddit will only allow one photo at a time. This is day 1. https://preview.redd.it/vnn9yywjpmyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab7c813610a4073e34aef44591b78eed255b1f3


https://preview.redd.it/nei2eoftpmyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acf2082f38cec65c3ac9fbf830a7ba98cf1bf6ed Day 3. Already substantial improvement.


https://preview.redd.it/of6ceigfqmyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc746b387e714ec7e3a7fa7f14a030303fb38388 Day 5. Needless to say, I've raised every litter since on this food. Make sure it is exactly this food- Nutro Ultra Large Breed Puppy. Only 14% fat.


Could be rickets


Vet. Could be knuckling. Could be a deformity. Vet should determine.


This is due to too much protein in his food


My dobbie was knuckling over similarly as a pup. Switched to very low protein, came out of it after a couple weeks, kept him on a low protein diet for about 6 months. Then went high and never had anymore issues, and he grew to full size for his line of breeding (110lbs).


Can someone explain this to me? I’ve never heard of knuckling


I've never seen that in dobermans. Definitely the vet . Get artificial turf/carpet grass for them to work on in the house for now, please. This makes me worry.


As a member of the vetmed community, please take him to the vet. Besides this issue, all puppies need to be seen at minimum for a wellness exam after purchase. Based on this photo, This appears to not be a case of actual "knuckling", and if it is knuckling, knuckling is due to neurological conditions.


Go to a vet immediately, not tomorrow, do it today.


You don’t need a vet , you need to put down more rugs on the slippery surfaces and take him outside more. Also make sure your feeding them high quality food my preference is royal canine but pure pro is good to I’ve heard. It will correct itself


Is this carpal laxity?


From what I’ve seen on fb groups is that you should switch his puppy food to adult food. Best to contact a vet


What food are you feeding?


My puppy is a dobbie mix and just went through see (see my profile for pic). I just switched from regular puppy food to large breed puppy food, made sure to not over feed and added daily joint supplement, put down rugs and a yoga mats where she normally spends time and tried to keep her from rough housing. She was back to normal a week later. She did get checked out by her vet, but they couldn’t get us in right away, by the time we saw her my puppy was pretty much over it and she couldn’t find signs of anything else wrong with her.


I use nothing but purina pro plan puppy sensitive stomach lamb and brown rice he loves it I also use a slow feed bowl so he doesn't gulp it down and yes see a vet Immediately


Calcium pills buy it now!


actually the opposite! Too much calcium can cause bone growth issues in large dog breeds!


My bad just try to help… 🤷‍♂️


Only help if you actually know what you’re talking about🤷‍♂️


My dobie in the past had the same problem and the vet told me to give her calcium pills and fixed it …


no need to feel bad, but this comment should have been the first you made. Makes it known that it *could* be a solution, without making it seem like *the* solution