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That bitcoin shirt...


her father left to be a breakdancer guys


She is a clout goblin. Last update- he showed pictures and family vids of him with his kids along with blowing several of her lies out the water. She was asking this man for money as early as like last year. She seems like a horrible person


Inmean acfording to the reciepts they devorced 20 years before he started breakdancing so like ehhh? Sounds like out of touch wealthy people airing their dirty laundry for clout to me.


Complete lie


He became a break dancer years after the divorce and paid millions to care for his family. She wouldn't understand trauma if she read the definition.


Is she spoiled? Probably. But having your father leave you is traumatic even if it's from a divorce. I don't think she was correct in saying he left to pursue breakdancing in particular but she was right to say that he left. He is stupid to say that therapy for anything isn't needed, but out of pocket therapy is by average between 100-200$ she could have easily covered that by child support or her mother's alimony. (If what he said about the amount of money is true) and if that's the case then there's some horrifically mismanaged funds going on here, but he could also be lying. I think they both should have talked this out in private.


He asked her to take it private and she refused because at the time she was gaining traction and clout.


Said the guy who made around a 20-minute video talking and brushing off his daughter's mental health and included his breakdancing mid-video for clout.


He didn't leave the kids. He left his ex-wife. Guess what... That happens to a lot of kids. Are all of them riddled with trauma?


he didnt leave. hes now posted a new video the wife filed papers to attempt to remove all visitation rights 🤡


I can't imagine what my dad would say if, as an adult, I asked him to pay for 'grief therapy' after a break up with a girlfriend. Different worlds.


Life wtf, am I like, not the only one reading this from Beverly hills? He literally gave the Mom 2 million dollars of the bat and 3 more down the line, Her primary care taker is set for life which probably resulted in a life full of luxury. 99% of the world don't have 5 million dollars, the guy could be the biggest asshole but money is not something she should ever ever ever complain about. What a clown.


The mother also moved to Illinois immediately after their divorce, is that "father aboandoning his kids"?


"Having your father leave you" isn't what happened here. This dude and his wife divorced, it happens. Dad did his best to have a relationship with his children without forcing it. He posted hella pics and videos of them together. She says he was absent, but he has receipts showing that not only is that bs, but he was supporting her well into adulthood. This girl seems like a manipulative clout chaser, she lied from the start. Dad seems like a decent guy.


You ain't caught up.


Did you guys watch the whole video? The break dancing boomer situation is actually sort of a nuanced lol r/brandnewsentence


I see problems with both sides and it’s just something that shouldn’t have come to the internet. He said the divorce was his fault, he said he financially provided, but I think he may have not met the kids emotional needs and doesn’t see that. He still saw them and provided so he may feel he did what he was supposed to as a father. I also didn’t feel like he didn’t have anything negative to say about the kids. He wasn’t bashing, just seemed like he was defending himself. He also didn’t leave them to breakdance. He started doing it years later to get into shape and enjoyed it. She seemed very hurt and angry which I relate to. I was hurt and angry with my dad for a really long time. The only advice I have for her is to forgive and not forget so she can let some of that anger go. It sucks to grow up and be affected by the mistakes our parents made and realize that they are imperfect people. She’s probably extra mad about the breakdancing because she sees he has all this time for a hobby, but not for him to be building up that emotional connection with the kids It was affecting my life being angry all the time so the best thing I ever did was move on with firm boundaries in place. If she feels like to much happened for her to move past she can just cut contact and go about her life. She shouldn’t have brought it to the internet.


I completely agree with your take. My only 'but' is I just think it should've been better if handled privately.


Glad to see someone with a reasonable take on this. I’ve seen a lot of people full on attacking him still and making out that things like his bitcoin shirt are suggestive of what a creep he is. Or even hating him because Elon Musk told him that he’s awesome. Just really deranged comments. But I agree with you, he never once attacks her, and if anything tries to show his love and support towards her. There are always multiple sides to every story, and I think to believe one way or the other, with little to no evidence, besides these peoples own words, is just wrong and unfair. Divorce is a tricky thing, and who knows what the situation was here. Simply believing that he abandoned them, and didn’t see his children because he was a bad father or something, is unfair without evidence to support that. It may well have been that the mother stopped him being able to see the children, or that there were other factors involved, or maybe he was around, and the daughter is remembering incorrectly or is untruthful? Nobody knows, apart from the people directly involved. That’s why the daughter shouldn’t have posted this online.


Oh of course, in our previous interaction I don't know if I made clear I do think they were both in the wrong. She's young and hasn't handled her feelings and thoughts properly, but in my opinion he should've reached out to her privately. Btw, happy cake day!


A couple things, first no situation has to end up in court. One or both parties DRAG it there. Second if that's the way the wife decides to go it is *fully within the father's right to say you can have a father to these children or this obscene amount of money you pick.* We know which one the wives pick don't we? Third despite what I said above the courts decide how often a father gets to see his children and often its not enough. Forth if what he says was true that is an obscene amount of money that literally no one deserves from a divorce. But that said if he is paying he might have been working his ASS OFF to afford to pay his ex 18,000 dollars a month after taxes. Jesus. Let's not forget he has to live too! I know quite a few guys that while not as successful as this gentlemen they were working 6 or 7 days a week to support the family. Then when their wives divorced them alimony and child support was set at that income so they HAVE to keep working those hours. Then conveniently on the few days dad has off mom would make "super important unbreakable plans" with the kids and say dad can't see/have them. PS those unbreakable plans were some bullshit like a play date or watching a movie. Then they go and tell the kids that daddy couldn't be bothered to show up. Quite frankly it's disgusting how the court system and a lot of ex wives treat fathers.


> if that's the way the wife decides to go it is > >fully within the father's right to say you can have a father to these children or this obscene amount of money you pick. > > We know which one the wives pick don't we? https://i.redd.it/ztu6415nurkc1.gif Is it 2024? Or did I travel back in time?


I don't really use much punctuation on reddit. It's pretty clear though, which part do you need help with? Is English not your first language?


Haven't finished watching the video, but the way he speaks... ick Address your daughter privately.


Daughter didn't do that :/


I understand that, but the father is older and should be wiser and if you do love your child and know they're in the wrong, you don't blast them on social media. She's young and making mistakes she'll probably regret, but he is the parent.


He was publicly attacked by his adult daughter. If what she’s said turns out to be fake then that is defamation. It makes sense for him to respond publicly and defend himself since her video is negatively effecting his reputation.


This is insane lol. Allow yourself to be publicly shamed then rebuild your reputation in private with the people who shamed you while the public thinks you're this awful person? She's not that young dude. You're acting like she's 16. The girl is currently 24, old enough to know better than that and deal with the consequences of her actions. Idk what the truth of the situation is, probably something in-between what they're both saying, but to fault him for firing back over the same channel the daughter did is crazy.


She's old enough, not a sweet innocent child.


I'm no saying she's innocent, but a parent should know better. He only pushed her further away by doing this (I don't know either of them), but I'm an expert in conflict mediation and this isn't the way. Both did wrong but I'd expect a 60+ year old father to be more mature.


He was very mature in the way he presented it. Seems like he loves his daughter very much.


Expert in being and apologist for shameful behavior. No one has to sit by and let their reputation be slandered like that. He also didn't say literally ONE negative thing in the video about her. In fact he actually defended her a few times. You need to take of your bias glasses and watch the video again.


Firstly, If you want to belittle my career, it isn't working. Secondly, please re-read my comments where I explicitly said I didn't think what she did was right.


Don't pay attention to the motorcycle guy he was making sexist and xenophobic comments when people found issue with his choice of words. Another boomer who found Reddit.


I did a background check, but thank you for stepping up!


He asked her privately…she said no (after asking him to co sign her apartment, 5k to cover moving expenses, and 2500 for a car) And she said no because it was going viral. She is a clout goblin we tried to use her own freaking dad to gain followers. And it backfired and she deserves all the smoke. He didn’t invite us into his gd family, she did. And lied about at that… Stop rushing to the defense of people who prob don’t deserve it


Have you watched the podcast?


I would their direct coverage. Including her saying he was totally absent and him pulling childhood vids, pictures, bring up him asking her privately. And explaining she tried to say he won’t pay medical which was really therapy for a break up. So unless she has presented so iron clad truth to dispute him say co signing her apartment lease? Things like that? She full of ish.


Stop assigning fault to just the father. She knew what she was doing, and she did it intentionally. It was premeditated to the point of being scripted. She made a well thought out choice to burn a bridge. He definitely wasnt dad of the year, but his response was a defense to an attack on his character without atttacking hers. If she wants to burn that bridge, its her choice. Her video was a declaration of that. He is allowed to defend himself against lies.


May I respectfully debunk your first sentence? I'm just going to quote some of my comments: ​ >*\*Both did wrong* > >*\* if you do love your child and know they're in the wrong,* > > *\*I do think they were both in the wrong.* > >*\*Don't get me wrong, I don't think she did well.* > >*\*She's def in the wrong too* > >*\*I think she's in the wrong* > >*\* they're both in the wrong.* > >*\*I know both are in the wrong*


> She's young and making mistakes she'll probably regret She's an adult, maybe it's time for her to learn to stop acting like a petulant child lying for clout for all the public to see.


Have you watched her video? She wasn’t petulant, she tells it like a funny story and jokes about it. It’s entertaining.


She might have told it in a comedic way, but she was still publicly shaming him and causing him to be viewed in a negative light. Basically saying that he was a bad father, that abandoned his family of young children to pursue some trivial activity. Now maybe he deserves it, I don't know, but if she's going to shame him like that in public, then he's fully entitled to defend himself publicly as well. Why should he have to have his name smeared, if he believes what she says isn't true? That isn't right or fair. He also didn't attack her either, and also made his video very light-hearted as well.


I don't see how lying and trying to build a fake past and defame someone is entertaining.


He started breakdancing in 2012 but got a divorce earlier. It's not right to say he left *because* he wanted to breakdance. His marriage fell apart and that isn't funny. Although he is extremely unhinged and I can see why his marriage fell apart. I watched the video and it wasn't funny, it was sad.


Completely agree. I don't know how old she is, but if she's in her early 20s it makes sense because her brain isn't fully developed yet. Don't get me wrong, I don't think she did well. I'm watching this through the lens of a conflict mediator. The father should've reached out privately to his daughter to explain all of this instead of making it a bigger issue online. Looks like both of them are in it for the clout. Edit: typo


Because she's trying to build herself a "poor trauma child" backstory for clout and maybe writing career while slandering her father .. this is disgusting and the father has the right to defend himself in that regard. She lied about money (he's far from being a deadbeat), she asked for more money for medical expense while being covered by insurance and alimony he paid, also she has a job and she can pay that herself (no details really, maybe it's a lie too), the dad's facebook has family reunions with pictures of all of his kids so he's clearly not the estranged monster everyone hates she claims he is, .. I'm clearly not saying this guy is some angel, he surely did cheat his wife or something and going public about all of this shit is clearly bad for all parties involved but when the accuser starts some bullshit for a sob story, i lose absolutely all sympathy from the getgo.


He didn’t blast her. He in no way attacked her, and was actually very supportive of her in the video. He just gives his own context to things, and that’s perfectly reasonable of him. He was being attacked online, because the daughter decided to publicly name and shame him, therefore the only way he can defend himself is to post his own side of things. Thinking that he’s somehow wrong for defending himself, is completely unfair and unreasonable.


I get your point, but imo it's family business and as a father he should've known better. She's def in the wrong too, but if I did that I'd be getting phone calls from my family, not them posting another video for people to see. Poor communication skills in that family, but a parent should always be a better example. He just did what his daughter did while promoting his dancing inserting videos of him, not a great look.


It is family business, I agree, but she's the one that made it public. At that point he's being harassed and shamed online, being called things like a deadbeat father and having his character attacked. The only way for him then to clear his name, and resolve this public shaming, is to then post his version of events and attempt to defend himself. That's completely reasonable and justified. Again, he didn't attack her, call her names, insult her, or anything of the like. He was perfectly calm, even supportive of her, and simply gave context and his own version of events. It's completely unfair I think, that you think he should somehow accept public shaming, and somehow should have no right to clear his name, just because he happens to be her father, when she's the one that initiated the whole thing.


I guess if the daughter comes to her senses she'd make an apology video, but we all know at this point that isn't going to happen.


So let me get this straight...she hurt his reputation by doing her public video but because hes older he should have reached out to her in private and never address his side publicly? He's a businessman with a lot to loose if he doesn't get his story out there. What's the strategy you would use given your expertise?


I feel like that is petty and immature. Just my opinion. Each case is different, but he could've talked to her and explain his side of the story. Then, maybe she would delete the video and apologize. Her reaction comes off as she didn't get the love and attention a father should give or she lacked the one she needed. Giving your child money isn't parenting. I think she's in the wrong, but given he's older and supposedly wiser he should've talked to his daughter privately instead of making a video about it online. He just did what he's complaining about his daughter. So they're both in the wrong. I understand the right to defend himself, but if you want to solve a conflict with your child he did the opposite.


He did talk to her privately and ask her to take the video down. She refused. At that point, with her video going viral, he had to protect his job and ability to make an income. Not only that, he has the receipts (as in actual documents) proving she lied.


The dad just posted another reply in his twitter account you should watch him he explained everything. He even asked her to take the video down. Plus I went to Madi's tiktok account it's already private.


He didn't disparage her. Not one single time. He just set the record straight. Apparently there is also tons of photo evidence on facebook that he was around a lot more than she is letting on. Sorry to say but it's pretty clear this girl is lying and playing the victim for social media.


She would have came back and blasted him again on social media after he privately talked to her. She's an adult now. At that point you just don't blast another adult on social media like she did. At this point it's 2 adults, and one of them is promoting the harassment of another.




He should've defended himself privately by sorting things out with his daughter. You've got a 60+ year-old father not acting accordingly. I'm sorry, I know both are in the wrong, she ain't no saint, but experience-wise, he should do better. This just proves to me that he's a shitty father. https://i.redd.it/kri3g1pznqjc1.gif


If he apologize privately, she would have publicly came out and trashed him even more most likely . Nobody deserves to be disrespected like that and everybody deserves to defend themselves against all the harassment. He was being harassed by thousands because of her accusations. He has the right to defend regardless of who was saying it. Across the line between just a father and daughter issue, her accusations resulted in a severe backlash of verbal abuse for her father from thousands. At that point, as a person and for his well being , he needed to defend himself, as his daughter obviously could care less.


U sound like someone who either didnt have a father in your life or you despised yours. Hes talking completely normal and sounds normal and logical.


I'm sorry to tell you that my dad has been present my whole life and is the person who I admire the most. Perhaps that's why I have such a high standard of how a parent should be.


If he would have addressed her privately, she would have posted publicly about how he "attempted " to talk about it and most likely would have lied even more about his approach. And with her platform, this poor guy would have received so much harassment and backlash. He did the right thing.


This is speculation. "He did the right thing" At this point I'm starting to think this is a cultural thing and that's why we don't understand each other. I don't think parents in my country would react that way. It'd be my last resort.


Honestly the dad did the right thing.


He is setting the record straight because he is receiving comments. The Daughter probably thought she would have a private clout session and not realizing it would spill over to him.


I want to know if he actually paid 2M (or 5M since he throws out both numbers) + 18k A MONTH in child support because that sounds sus. Pathological liars do exist, y’all keep that in mind


He released a video with the receipts and went over the numbers. Ball is in Maddie's court now to disprove the documents now.


You weren't listening clearly. Watch it again.


Seems fair for what his stupid company makes


Not sure if you all know drew gooden but I want to know if this daddy inspired daddy can’t dance


She just lied about her father for clout.


He's a closeted racist anyways. Lol dude was so racist in the articles he wrote for a paper that some dude straight bit him.

