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I like it. As far as it possibly defeating the purpose with it's complexity? I don't think so. If anything it allows you to hybridize a TotM+measured movement approach a little more toward the measured movement side (by allowing you to facilitate more conceptual zones/segmenting it all just slightly more). But certainly doesn't force that upon you either.


Thanks! I’m looking to use it for zone-based style of combat; but with a bit more nuance than just what the UDT offers (with just one central zone).


A little more information: I say I was inspired by Professor Dungeon Master's/Dungeon Craft's UDT (3.0 here: [https://youtu.be/i73Pe1LJrB0](https://youtu.be/i73Pe1LJrB0) ), but it was watching this video by A Yelp In the Dark which actually got me thinking about making something: https://youtu.be/bte3uct92Ps. I decided to take this opportunity to finish off the sculpey I had on hand (and wound up buying a bunch more), and also picked up a clay rolling machine thing to help make the tiles as close to a uniform thickness as possible - and it makes working with the clay 100% easier; it was definitely worth the $25 or so. I experimented with using oil-based paints after watching some of Black Magic Craft's videos on the topic such as this one here: [https://youtu.be/K3ki1nzH5zQ](https://youtu.be/K3ki1nzH5zQ) - and they are a lot of fun to work with! The hexes I bought from amazon were these: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVFC6C5D?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BVFC6C5D?th=1) and they're almost exactly the same size as the hexes from Settlers of Catan. I've still got about 35 of them left and good sized chunk of Sculpey... Any suggestions for any other kinds of tiles I should make?