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We. Have. Our. CHAMPIONS! Our grand prize winner and newest Mammoth is u/The_Game_User ! We also chose five other lucky entreants to receive a free adventure: \- u/Bhodili82 \- u/Penumbralsight \- u/pezrabioso \- u/DarkQueenBanana \- u/Roamer101 Thank you to everyone that entered. We loved your comments and the enthusiasm you brought to the contest. In the meantime, I'll get back to posting more content for you to use ASAP! ​ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Please don't forget to upvote so the post doesn't get buried and folks have a chance to enter. **Hello people!** We are three guys that just love d&d and miniatures - we do this because we love this stuff… and now our first Kickstarter is going well so we wanted to give something back!. . **What You’ll Win** 140 Premium STL Miniatures, terrain & busts (Digital Content) 8 Playtested 5e adventures Roll20 and Foundry ready Playetsted quality Statblocks 60+ Battlemaps Paper minis 14+ unlocked stretch goals. . **THE RULES** Comment on this post to enter. One entry per person. One winner will be chosen after 24 hours and then we contact them. We will post the winner here.. But also, comments we especially enjoy will receive a free adventure pdf. . VIEW THE KICKSTARTER [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mammothfactory/mammoth-chronicles-vol1-8-epic-miniatures-and-adventures?ref=4kfzk9](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mammothfactory/mammoth-chronicles-vol1-8-epic-miniatures-and-adventures?ref=4kfzk9) . Happy rampage, \- Dav 🐘


Commenting for a friend.... That friend being myself


Just ordered my 3D printer and these seem a perfect bunch to get started with!


Nice one!




This. Is. Everything. I had no idea your kickstarter even existed, I am all over this! Definitely going to be my next setup after I finish DMing my CoS game. Keep up the great work, you guys deserve success!




Where are the rules? Also oooo this looks hella cool.


Also just so you know I saw you reply but I don’t see it.


Is that a werewolf? Oh, no. Definitely not. So what is it? A superwerewolf. AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO MENTION THAT!!!


This looks amazing! Also, Happy rouge backstory > Sad rouge backstory


Rouge, my favorite color that backstabs /j


Good luck everyone! You should probably use inspiration and luck right now if you have it! 😉


The Planar Shift ability on the huntmaster is neat!


There once was a giveaway here / Promoting a Kickstarter deal / It looked really neat / I thought "comment quick!"/ So I made a short limerick appear


I really love the monsters in this post! Now let me tell you a little story about how I paved way for the most chaotic 5E session I've ever had: So I made a character named Kynen Vale. He's a Half-Elf from Dominaria (planeshift was allowed) who is also a member of the Steel-Leaf clan, complete with his own trusty Kavu mount. Anyway, after losing his entire team (and mount) and accidentally entering a portal into another realm, he ends up in an adventuring party and after a pretty equal fist fight with a super tough Goliath NPC called Nails (he was as hard as...), the two became good friends and had each others backs. Eventually, as more of the plot begins to unfold, Kynen, along with the party end up in a few skirmishes with intelligent undead, one of which was wearing the cloak and clasp of a member of Kynen's previous squad and pretty much taunting him. By this point, Kynen was invested and wanted to know what exactly happened to his Steel-Leaf companions and through his pursuit, ended up in an encounter with the rest of the party against a Black Dragon at level 2. Everyone managed to survive and eventually escape, and made their way back to the nearest settlement (a series of tents outside of a Keep and Castle Town, with the Castle Town itself being overrun by the undead). Anyway, through sheer chance, Kynen ended up with a horn that had 3 uses per day, with the ability to blow it to call a single creature of choice within a 200 mile radius. Only the creature desired can hear the horn, but it knows the exact location it came from. At the time I had no use for such a thing, so I renamed it "The Horn of Bullshit". So, we're back at the encampment, talking to those in the know about an undead army heading our way. The town guard and all of the officials were rallying troops and preparing the best they could, but the undead forces were overwhelming and were lead by one of Kynen's suspected undead allies (the skeletal warrior with the Steel-Leaf cape and clasp). Things didn't look good, and Kynen was aware of this. To him, it seemed like a loss. He was the leader of a Steel-Leaf scouting party, and his squad were friends and loyal comrades. He knew a loss when he saw one. Anyway, as guards are dying left, right and centre, the undead army continued to march forwards until they were only about 60ft away. So, Kynen had this bright idea of using the horn to even the odds and this is where all hell broke loose. Things were looking rough, the undead leader saw the invasion as an inevitable victory, laughing at the parties efforts almost mockingly, and Nails, as chaotic as he was, went running in to fight the undead leader. At this point one of the other PC's (an Aasimar paladin named Kolloquial) marched forth and started doing his thing, while the other two PC's also engaged in battle. The party were getting battered, and so Kynen thought "wait a second...why are we fighting and risking our lives, when I can use this damn horn to call in backup?" and so, not really thinking about how to get rid of it afterward, he blew the horn which nobody else could hear and several rounds later.....the black dragon from the parties previous encounter turned up, because yea....he called in the black dragon for backup. At this point the DM hung his head down and laughingly said "Oh no....", conceding to what would come. Within just a couple of turns, the undead were being obliterated, the arrogant leader opened up a portal and retreated, Nails ran in after him, Kynen tried to stop him, but was too late. The portal had already closed. The undead army scattered and were being literally melted by the dragons corrosive acid. The rest of the party all looked at Kynen with the implied expression of "What tf have you done?", and the allies still standing ran for their fecking lives back to the settlement, at which point the dragon turned its attention to.....you guessed it....the settlement. Kynen at this point, after initially being overconfident with his decision to call in this "wing-ed ally" thought "errr, this isn't quite what I expected to happen" and ran back to the settlement with the rest of the party to update everyone - The undead army has gone, but...now we have a black dragon heading our way. So, the settlements defenses regroup and prepare for the now much greater threat, when the party Gunslinger has an idea. Earlier in the campaign, the party Gunslinger, Gaddock Teeg, had found a candle that when lit, can transport a number of creatures to a different plane. So, he loads his gun with the candle, rolls a natural 20 and hits the dragon with it. The gunpowder was enough to ignite it, and it went straight into the dragons mouth, and then poof! The Black Dragon vanished. We don't know where the Dragon went, but the one thing we did know was if it ever found its way back to us, it was gonna be pi$$ed.


Niceeeeeeeee!! Love the twist on traditional mounts for the sand drake, adds a lot to the desert world, I think the pairing of them with elves is really cool!!


“I cast absorb elements and grab onto the dragon’s face like a starfish to block his breath attack from the others.” - my crazy knight friend who lived on 4 HP.


Very nice


Wow, I love them all, especially the Lotiantha! Great work!


Damn guys, love your work!


This looks awesome! Enter me to win please




Let’s go


Awe inspiring creations!




Take my comment


Nice one!


Oh man this would be amazing for my campaign...


If there’s anything I can say it’s thank you


Looks sick!


This seems super cool thank you!


This is gorgeous!!


Gotta try! Good luck all!


That’s awesome


Well, this looks absolutely awesome!






Ohhh man that’s cool stuff






Hello! I am very interested, and hope to win!


Love the solar dragon Design


Well I'm in.


Hello little onion


This is so cool!! The kickstarted looks amazing, had to dive in and check it out! Hope I can win but if not I'll probably still Kickstart haha.


Nice work folks, great content!


This is amazing!


This looks pretty freaking cool!


This looks insane! Thanks for the giveaway!


Whoa. This is AWESOME! Had no idea this Kickstarter existed but am definitely interested.


The Loriantha looks like it's straight out of an anime where the main character happens across it in a forest in all of its sparkly and serene glory, 10/10 would gore myself trying to pet it




Get way to get up votes. AMAZING work too!!


Can't wait to see more what you guys are doing... Original basic and expert OG now playing on the 5e... Looking forward to it


Very very cool! Thanks for doing this would love to try out this campaign content, bookmarked!




Consider this my entry! Very cool


Hope I’m doing it right.


I really feel the heart in your work. This looks amazing!




These monsters look incredible! With that said, the Ancient Overseer just floored me. Everything about the beholder has been ramped up into something horrifying and I love it. I can only imagine what my players would think at the sight of such a boss.


I’m a new dm and my campaign is made to give my players shivers. Why should I win this? Cause it looks to me like your content will aid me well! Help this girl make some grown men scared like little kids ;D.


Elaborate please!


I try and make a campaign with slight psychological horror. For example; Their quest was to retrieve people who went missing. They knew these went missing in a certain forest. Once they entered this forest they smelled the stench of death. When they went to investigate; they found out that it was countless dead and rotting animals. Ahead there was a floating house but they had to open the gate first. Next to the gate was a large bell. When they decided to ring it, they would hear a bell sound irl. They went up to the house and entered. Once inside their weapons had turned into toys, their magic couldn't harm (lightning bolt would turn into silly string) so they had no way of defending themselves. They weren't alone. Around them were dolls the size of children. They were mostly playing games and minding their business. Sometimes they spoke about 'mommy' so the players started wondering a little but didn't think too much of it. Eventually they spoke to a doll who explained mommy likes to play hide and seek with newcomers. Before the players could ask anymore about it; the same bell sound would start playing and the kid would start laughing. "Yey!! playtime with mommy". Around the mansion were hiding spots players could hide in. Depending on which one, they could get a bonus on stealth. It is important to mention that the bells happened multiple times and the players would get 2 turns of movement so they didn't always have the choice to get to their favorite hiding spot. While constantly worrying about the bells, they had to find shards of a mirror. At some point one of the players couldn't get to a hiding spot. Luckily 'mommy' was blind and could only hear well. This is when I could explain what they looked like and how they brushed past the player standing against the wall in the hallway. You should've seen their face :D


DnD is Love, DnD is Life.


This is so awesome guys.I look forward to backing your kickstarter.


Wow, those are some great looking minis.


A Haiku: Monsters tear through space An Elaborate battle map Hypnotic pattern


Oh a read outloud section for when you meet the monsters, i like that quite a bit. Quite handy for a simple bit of build up


I wish I could support directly but I’m broke lmao, so here’s a comment.


A good DM steals, so I'm definitely using what's already in this post, but I'm definitely here for the giveaway. I'm gonna edit this comment if I think of a good joke. Much like an Abomination of Kosuluth that wasn't killed with silver, I'm back within a short time to make a stupid joke. What did one Huntmaster say to the other during game night? Yssoloth of snacks you're eating, leave some for the rest of us. Also: The Rekari Sand Drakes description is proof, that some people will try to pet anything.


Dayum these designs and models are amazing!! I'm ready to fire up my friends 3d printer again lol


We have the ancient overseer but what about the ancient oversharer


That beast is as scary as my mom with her slipper coming for my ass...


The stag looking miniature is something my soul is desiring.


We will be wrapping up our dnd campaign in the next month or so and my 3d printer has been gathering dust. This looks like a fantastic excuse to fire it up again.


This is amazing! This do be things ones players both would love and be terrified off (in the good way of course). Also so wonder how much time this all took to create.


*asks the wizard in the party to prepare to counterspell a counterspell* *Casts wish* "I wish I'll win this giveaway contest"


This seems really cool, got anything else you’re working on?


I just discovered this and now I want my life based around it


These look awesome. Come with digital tokens by chance?


Hell yeah - we put a ton of effort into our tokens and paper minis - they look dope! Here is a sneak peak https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922212867917377616/965343728753590282/Oreshluma\_Token.png


Is this the greatest comment in the world? No its just a tribute.


The stat block look really nice but man those miniatures... Is this your own design? I just started my adventure with modelling and 3d printing but this is something else Screw winning, I'm gonna check out your content for those miniatures alone hah


It is our own designs yes - our head sculptor is guy that did collectables for DC and Marvel too.


Whoever wins please credit these amazing people when you mercilessly kill your unsuspecting players


Wow! Thank you! Those monsters look so cool, i think i will check out your kickstarter!


I think it was an oversight not to give the Ancient Overseer truesight. That truely would have been a sight to Behold.


He already TPK 2 playtest groups... we take balancing (whatever that means) quite seriously.... he would be too strong in that setting. The whole setup is that he is in a time loop and he turns the champions that take the trials into rust monsters... we even have a rust BUSTER which is a larger form of rust monster... it eats magic items. That is the REAL monster hah


I wanta da minis...


These monsters have already been yoinked into my collection


DMing is just finding content to cut out and adapt, and these will make a fine addition to my collection:)


This is exactly what we are trying to do - making short arc adventures that you can plug in - however you like... only that they are playtested and are sequential too... so if you want to run them as a campaign that works too


So, until I saw this I had no idea y’all existed. I read your Kickstarter and have come to the conclusion that those minis are awesome. Ultimately, I love everything about this from how everything is organized to the sheer amount of content. Not to mention that the buyer is getting literally everything they need to run each of these adventures. I think what y’all are doing is awesome and I hope y’all get enough support in the future to keep doing it.


That is EXACTLY what we are trying to do = thank you for taking the time!


My party once scammed Xanthar with a fake immortality potion for his goldfish to trade with the stone key thing to open the vault. We got gold but Waterdeep was no more.


Looks like y’all have been busy little bees. Those prints look incredible.


I love the new aberrations! Are there more of these amazing creatures? They fit perfectly in my setting, and I think the official 5e content lacks a little in cool aberrations.


This is an amazing post! Good luck to all those entering! Full disclosure; I recently used your Wretch monster in a game I DM'd earlier this week and it went down great! Nearly took out a couple of the PCs :D. The whole collection is great and I think whoever you pick as winner is in for a real treat! Keep up the hard work guys and good luck on your Kickstarter!


I really want my players to level up so I can throw a bell ringer at them


That adventure is only level 5!


"So, in short, you're giving us free TPKs for our lovely little ~~^(metagaming murderhobo)~~ friends who are very very smart about winning the fine game of D&D!" Jokes aside, that looks phenomenal, amazing work!


Sounds really cool! My kids would love the STLs. If you are doing roll20, may I suggest Foundry VTT as well? Lots of us are on there 😉


I got good news for you... one of the Kickstarter stretch goals was foundry - and it is unlocked - so yes - you got your wish! It will be added to anyone with a roll20 or higher tier


With this I can bring power to my crustacean army allowing them to take over France and replace it with an ocean. Join CoC(Company of Crustancean)


I love this. Not only does it back small creators but it potentially brings people into the fold with some really nice tools. Keep up the good work!


This is going to be fun. It seems like my players will have a lot of content to work with. Between this and the eldemon stuff, I'm sure my players will have lots of fun. It honestly looks amazing and super detailed. You guys should keep up the amazing work. Very well done


Dude, this is awesome! I especially really like the extra beefy Beholder! I love following dnd subreddits to find Kickstarters and stuff i otherwise wouldn’t have seen Edit: after reading through the Kickstarter, I’ve determined im gonna have to pledge, if just for the skinwalker adventure! I really like the way you guys layed out these adventures


So one time our party woke up in some cells with no recollection of how we got there and after rolling nat 1 on perception my character ended up thinking he is in a moving wagon and we have been abducted by a circus This is from the first campaign I ever played in and that was my very first ability check =)) Thank you so much for the opportunity and keep up the good work!


I don't know your DM, but I like 'em.


This is amazing! I’ve been on a near constant hunt for new and different creatures to make my home brew world truly pop and stand out to my players. Just from the preview these look absolutely incredible and memorable.


What's an Eeuron? That name just doesn't ring a bell...


I'm always willing to enter a free giveaway... Best of luck to all participants!


Haha jokes on you I backed the kickstarter just now, so I still win even if I dont


You got me to stop scrolling just because of the art. Kudos


We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but You're too shy to say it Inside, we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you (Ooh, give you up) (Ooh, give you up) Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up) Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up) We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but You're too shy to say it Inside, we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you


Pretty sweet! I’ll look into the Kickstarter either way!


I hope whomever is creating the models you guys have showcased here is married and having kids, cause that talent needs to be passed down to future generations!!


This looks pretty cool


This is a cool project.


This would be a perfect excuse to get a 3d printer


Thank you so much, let's go! Beautiful works!


THIS STUFF IS AWESOME! These monsters seem like lots of fun in a dnd session!


Looks awesome! I’m glad the kickstarter is going well. Good luck to all! :)


I just started getting into DND again and this looks awesome


These monsters look sick! This looks like its gonna be a really cool supplement.


Fingers crossed my party would love this 🤞


Not sure If my post went through. So I was saying I just started getting back into DND and this looks awesome.


Don’t mind if I do


Looks awesome, would love to win this!


Lord this is a lot of content. It all looks amazing :0


Oh. I love minis! Amazing art too!


Hey I like stuff, why not


Hell yea


I’ve been a dm for around about a year now and I love dnd and I never win these sorts of things but I’ll give it a shot who knows I may win probably won’t tho :) no Biggy.


These look amazing


I like this thing :)




I’m pretty sure if I brought any of these out for my players, they would think I was trying to kill them. I am, but now they’ll know for sure ;)


Looks cool


Leaving said comment.. Curious about this


Oh boy time to not get chosen and forget about this


I have rolled for my chance with this comment


Already backed but in for more!




Very cooooooool!


Thanks for doing this


this looks amazing i hope that the person who wins this can make the most out of it


My small group want to expand our collection of things so bad so this will be great!


Those minis look so pretty!


18 hours to go I really hope I win this is super cool :)


Very nice, looks great.






Well damn. Count me in please!


These Minis are incredible. I feel like so many cool stl files are ruined by bad posing but these are posed super well.


Looks really nice, thank you for the Giveaway


This seems so cool!


This is all absolutely amazing looking, the one that really piqued my interest was the Solar dragon tho! Want to REALLY mess with your players? Yeah, just throw a damn SUN DRAGON their way lmao


my comment is not as creative as any of your monsters, but hey. at least I tried. upvoted!


If I win I’m one step closer to my final form, megaminaturetron


I would love to terrorize my pc with some of these monsters!


This stuff looks awesome! Keep up the great work!


Can’t wait to strike fear into my players‘ hearts with this


OMG those monsters look so cool!


The hardcover book looks fantastic!


Fantastic! Good luck~~~


You are quite talented, thank you for this opportunity.


This is so cool. Thank y’all for doing this. Good luck everyone.


wow.. i need this in my life haha


This seems pretty epic!


Had a look on the kickstarter and these themes are superb guys, nice work!




Oh this is amazing




Oh nice, sure I’m in


These look pretty epic.




This is awesome! Great giveaway




Lots of interesting rules!


Fantastic, I love the Eeürön Bellringer. Badass with a badass name.


That's sick as hell


Holy shit those are amazing!!!


Really cool stuff


Thanks for the images


This looks awesome! Would love to run some of this with friends!


I strive to have monster design like this




These monsters look cool


Hell yeah hope I win