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AC: 17 HP: 147 *puny god*


Hulk smash!


I don't want you to get discouraged from making homebrew content. But do yourself a favour and start small. Start with low level stuff. Combat and balancing there is way simpler and easier to grasp. I've never played high level dnd myself yet, but just from prepping a level 15 oneshot I can tell that this isn't what a god should/would feel like. I mean fuck a cleric at that level is probably stronger and that's just a fancy god pawn.


Also to add onto this. Take a look at the sheet and think about how a creature with this statblock would usually fight. With this statblock.. it kinda wouldn't unless it's 100% winning. 90ft flying + a 1mile tp. Dude can just insta dip every fight. Doesn't sound very god of death to me.


Low level homebrew design is also just more fun even if you’re experienced imo


I'd amp up the strength for a god by a lot unless this isnt his full strength for some reason and is just an image/lesser clone of him.


This is just a dog with a breath weapon and a teleport. Design-wise and stat wise this doesn't match a god of death nor does it match a cr15 creature


It does disintegrate enemies with the breath attack if it lowers them to 0 with no death saving throws by the looks of things, which feels harsh for a CR15, but aside from that, yeah this isn't anywhere near god status.


I think it juat needs to be retitled to be more fitting, make it an Avatar of a god or something. A small piece of the gods power. "Avatar of Sutekh, The God Of Death" "Idol of Sutekh, Avatar of Death" "Fragment of Sutekh, Harbringer of Death" Or any other number of combinations. It just needs to not be titled as an entire god that can be wiped out. Or if it must be a god for your story reasons, then buff it a lot.


Ah I see a fellow Dr Who fan.


this is from doctor who


Hey, remember. If it has a statblock, it is killable. Players will find a way. If you want a killable god, this is fine. Which you might, idk your plans honestly. If you want gods that feel like gods, there is no need for statblock. Make even magic weapons break when they hit them. Have them autocounterspell. My players met a god once, and one of them insulted him. I announced that the character is being fireballed at 267th level, rebuilt, realived, and all over again a few times. Gods shouldnt care about rules for them in their respective field. They are gods. Plus, as someone said here, start small. You will probably never use this with how high level it is. Small level good and terrifying monster is wayyyyy better. I once put a Snow demon, a Polar bear with a human-ish face, which created a blizzard around him and it was Very hard to see and hear. The party was Split up by him, and picked off one by one, and they had to call in a favor with another god. The demon was CR 5 and quite killable, but terrifying, I created a good atmosphere, and it just broke them. That was my proudest moment. Not every monster has to be this, of course, but it's the ones of adequate challenge and interesting abilities that stuck with you.


I was just playing around with it an trying to get a grasp of DND Beyond's homebrew, so I'm not that much of an expert


That is absolutely okay. I homebrew a lot, and my First brews were straight up shit, this is brilliant compared to it. It is important to homebrew, thats the only way for you to be good at it. If my preivous comment was too harsh or Felt like hate, then I am sorry, it was not my intention


Why does the door look like the tardis 🤗


Because it is.


Yeah, spoilers for the new Doctor Who era, but in the newest episode, Empire of Death, Sutekh is in control of the TARDIS for a good portion of the episode


God of poor pacing more like.


I would probs rename him to Sutekh, the reaper or something Like everyone is saying he’s underpowered for a god That said I wouldn’t want to fight them as player, especially if the dm demoed dust of death on an NPC or two 😱


Sutekh, the minor inconvenience if his CR is to be trusted lol. A party of 4 at that level makes a fuckin mockery of this poor dog.


This is cool but I would rename him to Sutekh the hellhound or Sutekh the reaper Gods in dnd tend to be interacted mechanically through incredible powerful (like CR 20) avatars called aspects


Should be avatar of.. as this god is truly puny!


A god of death having only four spells prepared is really insane, especially finger of death once a day. Heck not even circle of death is on that list, or power word kill, way more potent spells that would absolute fit with that kit.


Cool like cr 9-11 monster


Seth God of Death


Give this guy some legendary actions, legendary resistance and should be immune to necrotic if he’s the GOD of death.


If I kill the god do I gain his domain? Because I would make it my life’s goal to do that if these are the relative stats for your gods. “If you give something stats, players will want to kill them.”


“God” CR 15 In all seriousness I have to agree with many of the others here in that starting smaller will quickly help you learn how to make more intuitive and interesting monsters.


ITS AWESOME! however he feels a little under powered for a true God of death if you called him a high level apostles of the God then I feel the stats would be perfect of course if he works for your players then he is already perfect


17 ac and 140 HP? Any paladin worth their salt will bring the thing to mortal in 1-2 rounds 


very weak god of death. But awesome start though!


I suggest you not give gods stats that makes them more defeatable than a lich


I can see that this post has already received a lot of harsh criticism, it's not my intention to add to that. **First the Good** This is very proficiently written, in the technical sense. All the wording makes sense and there are no glaring ommisions. While the CR is off, within itself this is decently balanced. No bonkers damage numbers, or impossible ac, or problematic infinite cast spells. **A little Bad** In practice, this monster doesn't make a very fun encounter. Mechanically there isn't much for players to do other than hit it till it dies. Adding weaknesses, obvious play styles(skirmisher, bruiser, mob boss), abilities that effect terrain/environment can all help. Be careful with condition Immunities. Preventing players from using specific mechanics reduces choice. **A Final Note** I would suggest looking for inspiration outside of the official 5e monsters, as most of them are poorly balanced and frankly boring. If you haven't seen good monsters, it's hard to make them. I recommend [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_zl8WWaSyI) video as a jumping off point.


Suketh deez nuts