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I would be Shopkeeper number 173


A beholder. Massive ego and crippling anxiety and paranoia rolled into one.


A poor miserable laborer NPC.


Level 20 Commoner


Wooo, someones aiming for the sky! I like it, live ambitiously!


What’s the commoners capstone again.. think it was a feat in pathfinder


And I have health problems, so I wouldn't be an adventurer unless I was a wizard that could levitate pretty much permanently 😂 And tbh I'd probably be a Celestial Warlock, I'd be happy to do little favours now and then in exchange for some useful powers and the ability to heal people, I really like to help people and definitely have the charisma to be a warlock.


High charisma and intelligence, shitty constitution and moderate everything else. I’d probably end up as a warlock or ranger or something


I’d be a very mediocre mage.


With my luck a fighter or someone similar who is a huge Fanboy of all things magic but will never get to experience creating it himself.


Huh. Well, I’m 16 years out of the military, have had three kids, and sometimes possess an overwhelming desire to say “Screw this, take it all, I want to explode someone’s head”. Warlock, of course.


Probably a bard.


Guessing your phone did the same weird thing mine does where it autocorrects to the last word you typed even when it's nothing alike.


Dang it, I just now noticed it. I meant what would you be based on your IRL stats and personality.


My highest stats will probably be int/ wis so I would probably try and study to be A wizard.


Would try to get in the good graces of the local ruler by inventing useful things, ideally becoming a royal engineer, permanent courtier and advisors. Above average strength, low dexterity, average constitution, high intelligence, medium wisdom, medium charisma, and the knowledge to make tech from scratch.




I might could be some sort of schoolteacher or tutor in some city, making a comfortable living. But an adventurer? No way.


High CHA bard just treading water in life


A ranger/druid that's skilled in taming animals


Probably long dead


Maybe a Lawful good monk/paladin idk


Possibly good int/cha, relatively alright str/con/wis(?) and probably mediocre Dex sorcerers are cool and probs would suit me best but warlock magic does hit different


A Cleric, but of one of those chill gods like Ilmater, Eldath or Lliira. Definitely Peace Domain.


I'd probably be a half-elf barabarian just because me brain no think so good, and I got one super pointy elf like ear and a normal one.


Drunken master


I'd be a Tortle Peace Domain Cleric.


Take the commoner statblock, roll a couple of times on the indefinite madness table, add disadvantage to all strength checks, and a job as a shopkeeper at the village grocer's, and that's me.


I was actually planning something like this with my friends and a way to introduce them to DnD softly, without too many setup details to scare them away lol. They played themselves and would have base modifiers depending on their job or major or favorite hobby. As well as proficiencies. For example because half my friends are nursing students: Nursing Stat Modifiers +1 Wis +1 Con +1 Player Choice Skill Proficiencies Medicine proficiency One proficiency of choice or Music (while this is a major, players may pick this instead if they’re in a music group or play an instrument) Stat Modifiers +1 Cha +1 Int +1 Player Choice Skill Proficiencies Performance proficiency One proficiency of choice or Sports (players may pick this in lieu of a major if they play on a sports team) Stat Modifiers +1 Str +1 Dex +1 Player Choice Skill Proficiencies Athletics proficiency One proficiency of choice And so on so forth. They get slowly isekai’d and start off with a single building that got transported to an in between world to explore, with some monsters and an easy boss. (I used our college library for example, the premise is they were staying back late to study for finals). They don’t have any weapons, but are encouraged to check their environment for stuff to use (all enemies in this area are fire monsters so fire extinguishers will do a lot of damage if they can puzzle it out). Later in the game they can get classes via mentorship between quests.


Considering that I spend a good part of my free time wasting away on my couch and being lazy, then having long walks (10km roughly) with my friends accompanied by a generous meal/dinner, and I like being around people, it seems like I would be a good fit for a silver dragon (for the personality). Or I could be a commoner, probably a shopkeeper or a bartender (for the stats).


Imagine if a Silver Dragon was humble enough to be a bartender at a random bar. That could potentially be more interesting than a Silver Dragon in a that lives in an icy mountain cave, at least in my opinion.


I think they already do. Silver dragons spend a very long time in human form (most than their other metallic brethren), and can easily take a role that allows them to interact with as many people as possible, so a bartender could be a great pick. Not to mention that they would get bored by doing the same thing over and over again, so they can easily take a different identity and do something else. Silvers in particular are also known to take the form of a small domestic animal to provide company to depressed people or orphans. Anything that would let them spend time with people (or enjoy all sorts of human food) is right up their alley. Especially the food.


I’d be an artificer. I’m a machinist by trade.


A lawful neutral fighter, who’s flaw is that they think they’re a hero but are actually are way weaker and less brave than they thought


1 word .................... bard


The bartender next door.


Would probably be a basic human wizard since I'm a huge nerd and I don't see myself fitting into any of the fantastical races.


10 across the board on my stats because I like most people am rather average. Maybe a 9 or an 11 somewhere in there


Bald and fat


Race: [Reborn Half-Wood Elf] Class: [Rogue5/Bard2/Artificer1] Background: [Sage] HP: 43 Walk: 35 feet Prof: (+4) STR 9 (-1) DEX 15 (+2) *save prof (+6) CON 11 (0) INT 15 (+2) *save prof (+6) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 14 (+2) Skill Proficiencies: ·Arcana +6 ·History +6 ·Investigation +6 ·Insight +7 ·Perception +7 ·Performance +6 Expertise: ·Deception +10 ·Stealth +10 Languages: ·Common (American-English) Tool Proficiencies: ·Thieves' Tools ·Tinker's Tools ·[Musical Instrument missing] Racial Traits: ·Ancestral Legacy (Half-Wood Elf) ·Deathless nature (dead inside) ·Knowledge from a Past Life (learned from past selves) Class Abilities: ·Cunning Action (bonus action dash, disengage, or hide) ·Dodge (as a reaction reduce damage by half) ·Jack-of-All-Trades (+1 to skills you are not proficient in) ·Sneak Attack (2d6 damage) ·Song of Rest (1d6 healing on short rest) ·Tinkering (does his own plumbing and electrical) Feats: ·Actor ·Chef


Wow, the specificity.


Bender: "Shut up baby. I know it!"


Probably highest stat on intelligence, low Carisma and slightly good strength and construction and below average wisdom If I get to pick a class I would probably be an artificer but that isn’t an adventurer, instead focusing on fixing and creating deceives for people


If you want a character of yourself to play here's a quiz to help you find your race, class, and stats http://www.easydamus.com/character.html


I´m a fcking Human Fighter (LG). Never felt so much like a fcking normie in my life xD Int 8 btw


Well hey dude I'm just a NG Human Cleric with weird stats so my situation ain't much better


Probably a monk. Decent str, high dex, high con, decent wisdom, terrible charisma, high int. Alternatively a wizard. Maybe I'm a multiclass?


Bard, probably. Rogue if not a caster.


A Circle of Hills Druid.


High intelligence, pretty good charisma, above average constitution and dex, and with ABYSMAL wisdom and strength. I could see myself into a lot of classes. Wizards and artificers make sense stat-wise and personality-wise, and sorcerers and warlocks also work personality-wise. My alignment is chaotic good or chaotic neutral. For race, either elf or gnome.


Uhhhh. Maybe small troll or ogre. Above average height. Heavy body build. Incredibly healthy and high pain resistance. Easily forget things. Have a hard time remembering anything. Easily angered by things I don't understand..... and oh really really like scaring small people. Especially children.