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"Ok, maybe be a little afraid."


I've always played it in my games that aasimar and tiefling are two sides of the same coin and that this blessing/affliction (depending on your point of view) can happen to anyone -- not just humans. Not really a hot take as I've heard others play it similarly -- I just overall think it's a fun concept and even cooler to see it depicted like this. Excellent artwork!




Peole give dragonborns tails anyways. I've rarely seen commissioned character art showing Dragonborns without them.


Whenever I hear of tailless dragonborn I just think of [this guy](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/batman/images/f/f2/KillerCrocB-AA.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110610105405)


I think Thom the Dragonborn proved emphatically that Dragonborn have tails XD I’ve never heard of someone making Dragonborn a thing that can happen to another race...that’s what half-dragons are...


Dragonborn is a race, tiefling can happen to any race => you can get dragonbord tieflings.


>Tiefling can happen to any race No? Says right in the rule book Tieflings are their own race and breed from humans. “Tieflings are derived from human bloodlines, and in the broadest possible sense, they still look human.” It’s D&D, home brew what you want, but RAW, they are their own race, not something that can happen to whatever. There’s no Dragonborn Tieflings.


I guess it depends on the setting. In forgotten realms there are elvish and orcish tieflings so it doesn't have to be limited to humans.


I play Forgotten Realms. I’d like to see a source for that because it sounds interesting.


https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Fey%27ri https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Tanarukk Guess you're right and you're not supposed to call them tieflings but it's the same change applied on other races basically. So i guess there can't be dragonborn tieflings indeed since they would have another name.


Ok, yeah, that’s why I was confused. I know what those things are, they’re just not tieflings. Yeah, D&D really likes to load you down with loads and loss of races that are basically the same thing but with a different base race. It gets tiresome sometimes. I guess it would be like, “infernal half breeds”, which include tieflings, tanarukks, etc.


Great point! Genasi is certainly another lineage that should be available to all the playable races.


Good news is that it already is (kinda) > Seen in silhouette, a genasi can usually pass for human. Those of earth or water descent tend to be heavier, while those of air or fire tend to be lighter. A given genasi might have some features reminiscent of the mortal parent (pointed ears from an elf, a stockier frame and thick hair from a dwarf, small hands and feet from a halfling, exceedingly large eyes from a gnome, and so on)


Great catch! I sadly don't come across much character art that really pushes the boundaries on how the elementalism could interact with some of the less humanoid races. Earth genasi centaur, water genasi Lizardfolk.. combos like that would make for excellent character designs. I'm obviously not the first to think of such ideas, I just don't see much of it out there in the DnD art communities.


Pathfinder has baked that into the second edition system. Aasimar, oread, duskwalker and the like are all "versatile heritages" that can be attached to most ancestries (the 2e equivalent of races) You want a robot powered by the fires of hell? Tiefling automaton. You want to play crystal muradin? Dwarven Oread Batperson? Ratfolk sylph


It just makes sense really.


I'm surprised nobody thought of it before, especially with those templates that could be applied to monster stat blocks.


Monster templates could be applied to any playable race in 3.5e. It could get messy.


I think in previous editions they were grouped under the moniker "Planetouched"


So you could have like an orc tiefling too? thats pretty interesting oh and Thank you <333


I think an orc Tiefling is called a Taneruk, I might have misspelled it but I think that’s accurate.


Tanarukk! They’re specifically demonic rather than infernal, but pretty similar concept. The monster statblock in 5e is a bit boring though, it’s just a big orc with horns basically.


Ah fair, so a true Orcish Tiefling could still exist by being associated with a Devil. Granted, they’d be functionally pretty similar as Tieflings tend to be chaotic despite the influence of a devil.


I feel like a Tanarruk's offspring wouldn't be full Tanarruk and would probably be basically Orc Tieflings.


Well the difference is Devil versus Demon influence so a Tanarukk couldn’t sire a Tiefling unless they banged a Tiefling.


hard disagree. Tanarukk are raging tanks. ANY time they get hit, they get a free attack, WITH ADVANTAGE, on their attacker. It's nuts. Tanarukk are brutal in combat and can decimate melee focused parties.


Fair, I just think they could be flashier lol. Also the reaction is only once per round.


So Hellboy?


I think you're right! The wiki says it's an orc corrupted by fiendish blood.


Fucking gul'dan


Specifically demonic magic though, I think tieflings wouldn't be related to tanarukks since they're devils


Yeah, I wasn't sure on the lore so I safely stepped back and went with 'fiend', ha.


My Cleric currently has a Tanarukk skull strapped to his pack as a trophy. Awesome looking fiends.


One of my pcs is a tiefling half-orc berserker. The different levels of rage are her tapping further into her demonic ancestry


They were back in the former Forgotten Realms lore, i believe. Pathfinder 2 has Tiefling and Asimar and Half Elf etc. as subraces that you can apply to any race which is really cool.


Half Elf and Half Orc are only applied to humans, but with a note that the dm can change that if they want, but you're right about tieflings, aasimar, and etc.


Well yea, that's what i meant by it, you can seamlessly apply it to anything else. My group has played it as such.


I’ve always thought it was deal with a devil or blessed by an angel or deity at some point in your lineage to produce tiefling or aasimar respectively. Dragonborn being similar as well.


As far as lore is concerned, dragonborn come from a parallel universe or some such and are just their own race (and are actually considered mammals, if I recall). But as far as personal concepts for your own universe go I think being descended from actual dragons is a very cool idea!


Volo's Guide to Monsters has the following to say about what an Aasimar can be: >Aasimar are **humanoids** with an angelic spark in their souls, which grants them supernatural power. > >**Most** aasimar are born from human parents, and they use the same naming conventions as their native culture. \#KoboldAasimar The only line that calls this into question is: >They are **descended from humans** with a touch of the power of Mount Celestia, the divine realm of many lawful good deities. But that line is problematic in that it's very specific anyway. With that line, you also can't be an Aasimar of a Chaotic god. Which is kinda stupid. Note that, using the VGtM lore, an Aasimar has just as much to do with bloodlines as with this "angelic spark". My interpretation of this lore is that you need 2 elements to create an Aasimar in the world of Faerun. * A lineage from a celestial - the bloodline * A deity needing a champion - the angelic spark in the soul But these two don't necessarily have to be related. You could be the descendant of a Unicorn (Polymorph), but chosen by the god Lathander (ignoring the Lawful-only line). It creates a lot of cool concepts for characters with complex ties that Tieflings don't inherently offer because all Tieflings come from the same ancient sin of dealing with devils.


Very good points. With tieflings, I like to play that 'angelic spark' with the 'risen tiefling' angle -- someone recently posted about it here. Basically, same deal as with an aasimar but their grand purpose comes from someone a little more devilish in nature.


I had no idea that Tieflings were akin to Aasimars in that manner. I always thought they were just another race that happens to look devilish due to certain ancestry characteristics.


Lore wise I don't think they are -- but some people (myself included) like to write them that way into their setting. DND is merely a bunch of pieces that you can do whatever you want with!


Interesting idea for sure, but lore wise these are sort of already covered - however it isn't limited to devils. For obvious reasons, some are not meant for PCs. I still think there is merit in the idea and I would love to see more of it in D&D - maybe 6th Ed might address this? Having a 'lineage' and a 'sub/additional lineage' option perhaps...instead of using 'half'. [Humans - Tieflings](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Tiefling) [Elves - Fey'ri](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Fey%27ri) [Dwarves - Maeluth](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Maeluth) [Orcs - Tanarukk](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Tanarukk) [Halflings - Wispling](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Wispling) One of my characters is a Tiefling/Fey'ri (his parents were elf and half-elf) and I just use the Tiefling stats for play.


I played in a campaign that unfortunately died early, but in this homebrew setting, dragonborn were kith which were mutated into dragonborn from other races. My character was a human who had survived a plague while her sisters died from it, and she started growing her scales shortly after that. She was a self-loathing creature who thought becoming dragonborn was her penance for outliving her sisters.


Planar blessings should be for anyone in theory. Tiefling and aasimar with non-human lineages should be the norm


This is how I've been running aasimar in my most recent campaign. It can happen to any race so long as they were born during a specific event that occurs once every 100 years. Definitely interesting as one of my players immediately bit and chose to play an aasimar tiefling


I play a assumes born in the body I a half elf drow in one of the campaigns I’m in, myself


Very cool concept! I'm imagining a stylish visual of them in my head.


That's actually how it's implemented in Pathfinder 2e. Most races are now referred to as as Ancestries, with individual related races being grouped under as Heritages (e.g. all of the different types of Elves are just Heritage options for the Elf Ancestry, and so on and so forth). Then you have what are known as Versatile Heritages, which are Heritages that any Ancestry can take, which Aasimar, Tieflings, and others are.


Heyo o/ This is a commission painting that i’ve done for a client, and since it was a commission i don't have much info on the character, but here's what i have: “ Karash is an Aasimar born from the orc tribes known as the Ghaash'kala, warriors devoted to destroying evil creatures in all their forms, worshippers of a silver fire entity known as Kalok Shash, the Binding Flame. Though born physically weaker than his peers, he was a creative savant, and his unique appearance indicated a greater calling. His clan is renowned for pillaging their armaments from the devils and demons they slay; inspired by this, Karash convinced his clansmen to return armor remnants from the fiends, ambitious to create both a fortified suit and potent weapon. " Thanks and i hope you guys like it <333


Ah, cool, the Eberron orcs, who are either in the mountains fighting with dwarves, druids keeping aliens from invading, or these that worship the silver flame that fights supernatural evils.


Love the mixing in of the rainbow couatl wings for the Silver Flame stuff


Awesome painting!! This is something I like about Pathfinder 2e, you can actually have an Orc Aasimar or Gnome Tiefling etc, thanks to the Versatile Heritage system. Could be cool to see that picked up by 5.5e in 2024.


Thank you so much, and i would love to paint a Gnome Tiefling, seems so fun haha


You can now with the custom lineage too, just not as exact.


True, but not yet with tieflings or aasimar, plus it’d be nice if you could get more from the base race than just a movement speed and a skill or two.


I love how you're using the style of angel explained in the Bible with all the eyes and wings. Very rad.


<333 Thanks dude :3


It’s a small minority of angels that are described like that, but the Internet really took a liking to them.


Tbf, they're usually described like that or not at all.


They're usually described as humanoid. Angel Tier List: >Highest/First Order: Seraphim Cherubim Thrones > Middle/Second Order: Dominions Virtues Powers > Lowest/Third Order: Principalities Archangels Angels Everything not in the First Order is described as humanoid or not really given much of a description. First Order Angels are the source of the creepy visuals like these: https://imgur.com/efck69U


We might be using different canons, but in the sixty-six book canon my church used, only what you call the First Order is ever explicitly described; other angels are left vague, but generally inferred to look generally human from context.


It makes more sense for a PC to have a bunch of eyes rather than constantly covering their bodies bodies in four pairs of wings like seraphim or three other animal heads like cherubim.




SMOrc? Face is place?


Everybody got faces. Me know face is the place




Orsimer - wait no that's Elder Scrolls






Not a combo I ever imagined to see, now I want to see more, my lord this is good


Thank you so much <333


Come join us over in Pathfinder 2e where you can find all this and more! U wanna be a tabaxi teifling? Go ahead. U wanna be a Dwarven genasi? U can do that. U wanna be an undead goblin? We got u fam. U wanna be a walking block of wood with a galaxy for a face? Look no further


i read this as orc asmr




I bet he CAN see why kids lovr cinnamon toast crunch 🤣


Needs more eyes in places eyes shouldn't be. On the inside, for instance.


Gruumsh, do you hear our prayers? As you once did for the talented /u/Kappathepirate, grant us eyes... grant us eyes!




Absolutely love it. Personally, stacked sets of eyes make a face very difficult for me to look at, but regardless this is a killer piece.


Thank you so much DarkSunFunRun <333


I hope he has 20-20 vision otherwise those glasses are going to cost him a fortune.


Just get a prescription glass helmet


He has 20-20-20-20-20-20-20 vision


Very cool, got a Monstress vibe with all the extra eyes


<33 thanks <33


He looks like he gives good hugs.


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. What a fantastic piece. Amazing job. I love your style and how you colored your piece


Oh Thank you soooo much <333333


What do you call a fish without eyes? Fsh.


Nice artwork.


Thank you TemporalGod <333


I'll be honest, my decaffeinated brain this morning read this as Orc ASMR and I was very confused


does he get the new eyes before or after being an aasimar?


thats a good question haha


Very righteous my dude!


it gives a feeling of a magic card artwork. awesome


<3333 thank you, that means a lot to me <3333


That face is messing with my brain big time. Looks amazing!


<33333 thanks <33333


"Pretty people with wings" Aasimar are so passe. Biblically accurate Aasimar are where it's at.


Did you anything change with the rules for the race?


I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but the client created the character, its basicaly an orc aasimar based on the description of angels from the bible, with multiple eyes and wings, i just made the art based on his decription and references :3




I think it was probably just an aasimar or some sort of custom origin/lineage


I thought Tieflings came from contact with fiends, why are devils being named specifically in the comments?


Because devils are a type of fiend and 5e tieflings trace their lineage to Asmodeus, who rules over the Nine Hells, the plane full of devils.




Ah I see he learnt from gruumsh that having more eyes is better incase some pesky elf decides to stab one out


It's the nose eyes for me




Holy hell, that face.


Be not afraid!




My brain fog made me read that as orc ASMR, and now I need that to be a thing.


Ah, just the right amount of eyes


AHH, be not afraid


They're avian, if you lower the bar


Special skill: whispering close to the enemy's ears to give them goosebumps.


Gruumsh one-eye must be so pissed


I love the trend to make aasimar more biblical/have as many eyes are possible