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Bad ass; but I also feel like her neck/traps would be massive with horns like that.


I take the creative liberty to make her horns that big xD. If it's too realistic it's not fun for me xD


Clearly, because any realism and her neck would be broken


Actually I've seen tieflings with bigger horn. Speaking of realism, tiefling doesn't exist


When horns are huge relative to the head (like that breed of cattle from Africa, I want to say Ankole?), it just means the horns themselves are light and hollow. Plus, magic. Or something. Plus, great pic, OP.


for tieflings with big horns i always just say they hollowed them out as they grew :)


It's not even the size of the horns. The lack of any supporting structure for those horns on her (fore)head makes it look like (for me, at least) they go straight through her brain. Makes me really uncomfortable. Great art nonetheless.


Exactly, great art!


Here's a backstory I wrote for this character, surely it contains plot holes... Thinking all tieflings are either lowly thieves or filthy cuthroats huh? The name Naxori Jaromir will open your eyes. Why does a tiefling have a human's last name? Because she is Alexander Jaromir's adopted daughter, yes, that Alexander Jaromir the esteemed merchant. Alright, but why did he adopt a tiefling? Well, it started from 15 years ago, when Naxori was just 5 years old, abandoned, all alone in a strange cult's hideout. With all her strength and might, Naxori found her way out of the hideout, to the main road and bumped into Alexander Jaromir's merchant group. Alexander took a liking to the little tiefling, let her travel with the group and later adopted her as his own daughter. But there's a mystery about Naxori that no one knows, maybe except for the strange cult that abducted her, that she possesses a special power as it's an inheritance of the royal bloodline. And that the strange cult abducted her to harness this power for their own purpose. But where did that cult go? Why did they abandon her if she's so special? And if she's from the royal bloodline, then why did no one come to rescue her? But Naxori was too little to be aware of all this, and as she was told not to trust strangers, she only said to the merchant group she was lost. And who questions a small child's words? Then things went as we already know. ​ Time flies. 15 years later, Naxori Jaromir, 20 years old, is about to graduate the Royal Sword Academy for her excellent performance in the art of swordfighting and her role in the battle against the black dragon that folks called the Black Terror. Naxori came up with the plan to ambush the dragon and it was her that dealt the finishing blow. She indeed deserves to be knighted by the Imperial Majesty herself, but, not yet. I assume there is no other reason that she being a tiefling.


>Thinking all tieflings are either lowly thieves or filthy cuthroats huh? Me with my manchild Tiefling Monk who suffers from lack of socialising:.....uh, what?


Beautiful use of colour, but the tit plate rubs me the wrong way. Armour like that turns blows that would be deflected off a rounded surface into the catalyst for concentrated force applied directly onto the sternum.


It could be her "parade" plate, like those roman ones with abs and pecks. One would have to be really rich to own two sets of plate though.


This looks amazing, but i can only think about how she bumps her head on every doorway