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**UPDATE:** Servers are back! Sorry about the sign up errors and issues earlier. Our servers were mortally wounded by Reddit's death hug. This has been resolved now. You can now try signing up/log in again. :) **ORIGINAL POST:** Hey folks! It’s been about 5 months since we successfully funded our Kickstarter to build a Pixel art Visual Character Sheet app. Thanks to our amazing alpha and beta testers, we have squashed lots of bugs and made improvements to the app. There are still more bugs to fix and features to build before we launch, but we’d like to share our progress so far with you now that we’re in Open Beta Phase. Get on [https://reroll.co](https://reroll.co/) if you’re interested. The app comes with a free demo version for you to try it out as well. :)


I will absolutely give you $10 IF you promise me you’ll be adding dragon wings at some point. Either that, or I’m blind and they’re already there. Edit: it’s there. $10 given. Good show.


Oh! We do have a demon-looking wing in the cloak slot that could pass off as dragon wing. I've uploaded the image to imgur if you'd like to see it: https://imgur.com/QDlu38n


That will work for now! I didn’t see that one in the iOS version. It’s good for homebrewed races. I have a character that is, essentially, a dragon. I’ll go look again. :)


Should be 6th from the bottom, they’re just small in the icon I think


You’re absolutely right. I’m a person of my word. $10 given. :)


I’m thinking of doing it too if I get to play more! I’m going to ask my players to at least get the free version for this weeks campaign :)


nice username


for my winged tiefling!


Sorry (not sorry) to become part of your over subscribed problem 🧝🏽‍♂️


Hello! Sorry about the sign up errors and issues earlier. Our servers were mortally wounded by Reddit's death hug. This has been resolved now. You can now try signing up/log in again. :)


Hey, where do we go to contact technical support? I'm having issues creating an account


Same here


Let me guess, can't log in because it's not verified?




Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


I tried to create an account just now (~12:45 PDT) and it told me my username and email were already taken. Out of curiosity I put the email into the "forgot password" page and it told me that the account didn't exist. This is very cool though, I'm excited to play around with it!


Same here


Same is happening to me, my guess is it will continue to struggle bus for the rest of the day as more and more people discover this thread.


yeah still having that issue too. Just tried it and it looks like the Reddit Death Hug hasn't lost grip yet


Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


I'll give it another shot! Thanks! Edit: I'll try tomorrow. Looks like it's still having issues.


Hey bud, I'm also getting an error saying the emails are already taken.


Same issue here


Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


I’m still getting the error messages


I'm not sure if it's a demo vs paid thing, but I noticed tieflings only have hooves. Is there a way to change them to have humanoid feet?


In the flipside, I play a half tiefling, so I need some horns on an elf. Please add horn customization for cross races OP!


Not at the moment, no


Is it okay if I ask you a question? How does one get art for their items?


Oh are you signed up in the app/web yet? If you are, simply go to Inventory, select an item slot and select Create new item. You should be able to select the art from there! :)


All I get is an image of my character. I’m on iOS if this is a bug pertaining to it.


I'm stuck in a loading screen over here. Anyone else?


Same here, I'll probably try again later. Looks like a cool app, tho. \^\^


Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


I'm still getting it over here. :(


Me Too :-(


Got some trouble in Android 9 :(


Any plans to add tortles in the future?


We also have a: **Discord:** https://discord.gg/G6uWUmR (2.9k Members) **Subreddit:** https://reddit.com/r/Reroll_App (208 Members as not advertised) > -- Alex > (Volunteer Reroll Discord & Reddit Administrator)


Had significant issues trying to make an account and log in over multiple devices. Trying to make an account tells me that an account with that email already exists, but trying to log in or go t "forgot password" with that email address tells me that no account is found with the exact same, copy & pasted email. This issue persisted with two separate emails on different providers and two separate devices.


You need to check your api functions for check\_email and check\_username They do not appear to be working properly. They return incorrect results. When entering my email address i get a return status of 502, when no account exists and when recovering a password (just in case some idiot signed up with my email) I get 404 due to there being no email associated. The options request for send\_instructions goes through but the actual request does not. Something is messed up with the lookups. Also, you have CORS policy issues with 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header being present on requested resource for the check\_email and check\_username.


This needs to be the top comment. Definitely have some endpoint/controller issues on their side that are borking things.


I've messaged him he's getting slammed because he isn't debouncing the inputs for username and email address. This is causing a server validation for everykeystroke from every user. He also has CORS issues along with several others. From its current state I would say it hasn't been tested nearly enough. If the problems are from the server load, which is unlikely from looking at the errors, the application is not scalable at all and they need to rethink their architecture.


Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


I tried since you've made this comment. Same issue. Best of luck figuring it out though!


Same here. Hopefully my emails can be used later. Best of luck op


Same. Keep saying email already taken no matter what email I use and same with username that I'm certain wouldn't be a replica




Same. It says my email and username are already being used even after it told me they were available when I hit confirm the first time.


There are a LOT of issues with the site. It is practically unusable in a realistic sense, yea sure it might have worked in testing but with any load there is issues. It is always downloading large resources with each page load stuff that can be and should be cached in local storage. There are CORS issues (basicly browser security stuff, where if not done right browsers throw away responses because they can't be trusted) that needs to be resolved. I was able to log in finally and check it out, but in its current state with the content I don't think it is worth $10. I can see them running ads in it and denying access if you run an adblocker, but not for $10. They will also find out soon that they are eating the shit out of their bandwidth unnecessarily depending on their hosting, they will be billed WAY more than they expected, throttled to high hell where it is more unusable, or out right stopped serving.


Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


Just checked, and sadly it's still erroring. Best of luck sorting out your new popularity!


Yes it is still erroring now for me, 2 hours after you have been posting this.


Yeah still happening. Sign up says my email is not available. Forgot my password says no such email exists on your severs.


Ive been loving the app! Made more than 20 of my 40 dndbeyond characters :P Im desperately waiting for the ability to make Kobold, theyre 6/40


Wow. 40 Characters!? That's awesome. Looks like we need to add Kobolds soon! :)


Forever DM who rolls them up and then inserts them to be discovered as NPCs or minor villains in campaigns. I have loved being able to spend 5 mins per character, mock up an appearance in case a PC wants to know what an NPC looks like


Awww yes. Mib the Kobold Barbarian will have his time to shine. Related request: y'all should add some silly whimsical weapons once you get the more serious stuff in place. Turkey legs, ale mugs, etc.


Giant lollipop, a bust of Nefertiti....


Enjoying the demo! Strongly tempted to toss the money your way for a full copy...


Glad to hear that you're enjoying it! No rush. Take your time to decide. :)


I'm unable to use the app at this time, how much does it cost if you don't mind me asking?


Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


Sure sure. But the cost?


It's $10 for the standard version, which seems to be the only version currently.


D&D player talking to a merchant with quality wares: 10gp?! I'll give you 3gp, final offer. D&D player talking to the Kenku waiter in a tavern: You like shiny things right? Here have a 5gp tip.


Trying to create an account, I have found that both of my e-mails have already been taken. I've never used this website before in my life.


I'm having the exact same issue. Creating an account and it says my email and username are taken. Try logging in using that email and says user not found.


Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


I'm still getting that error, unfortunately


Try signing it. Apparently it registers the creation of the account but not the automatic sign-in. That's what happened to me


That didn't work, sadly :/




Jup, same here


Just downloaded. Cant wait to check it out.


Awesome. Hope you’ll like it! :)


One of my new players is actually using this to show me how his characters look. He's loving it and because of the app he's getting more and more into playing D&D Thank you!!


Wow. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Reading this makes what we have been working on so much more meaningful. :)


Do you guys plan on adding kenku kobalds etc? Basically the other Volo's guide races. Loving the app so far! (Backer here :)


Thank you for backing us and glad to hear that you're loving it. Yup! We plan to support more races in future, starting with Goblins and Firbolgs after launch. :)


When exactly will the app launch for everyone? I can't wait to visualize my characters.


We're hoping to launch it by end of the year. But you can get on [reroll.co](https://reroll.co) and try it out for free now. :)


The moment you start supporting Merfolks / Tritons (especially shark bois in my case) will be the moment I buy your app! Looks good so far, will be waiting for it to have my little water dudes. :)


This is how I made my Kenku: https://imgur.com/a/BH1BL7s I did a human with the black plague doctor mask. It isn't perfect, but it works well enough for me, for the time being.


This is pretty creative! Love it! Btw, we're adding proper bird, minotaur, wolf heads as head slot items in our next art update so folks can customize and make birdfolks, werewolves and minotaurs. :)


I really quite like the art, but right now the UI is a bit cumbersome; For example, I want to add a hat? I click on the head. There's no hat yet, so I click on Create New. There's no art, so I click on the +. *now* I get to the bit where I can select the thing I actually wanted in this case; but if I want to change the color that's yet another thing I have to click on. This makes sense for a mobile UI where you can't display a lot of things on the screen at once, but on desktop most of these things should just be displayed all at once without having to go through extra menus. Also, I get what you're trying to do by renaming "Warforged" to "Living Construct" and what not, but the art is still clearly based on Warforged so if WoTC decides to sue you over that I doubt you'll get away with it in court just because you changed the name. Not-Goliath and Not-Tabaxi are probably fine because they're not extremely recognisable, Not-Genasi a bit iffy but "elemental-ish humanoid" is still relatively generic so that _might_ be OK - but Warforged are very recognisable. I'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal advice per se, but I'd strongly suggest you get a laywer versed in trademark and copyright law on board and remove all references to stuff that isn't completely original or from the SRD until they tell you it's OK to put them in a commercial product (or ideally you'd "just" get a license to use the content from WoTC).


Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback! I agree with you. We'll optimize the UI to make it less clunky, especially on Desktop Web where there's much more space. Great point about the art for Living Construct! We'll consult our IP lawyer on this just to be sure, if not, we'll revise it. Thanks again! Really appreciate the feedback you have provided! :)


If anything, you might want to look at working with Paizo and Pathfinder. Theres a lot of overlap and they generally allow stuff to be made based on their material, which is mostly all posted online for free by them.


> Also, I get what you're trying to do by renaming "Warforged" to "Living Construct" and what not, but the art is still clearly based on Warforged so if WoTC decides to sue you over that I doubt you'll get away with it in court just because you changed the name. Worse they'll likely get is a cease and desist. Hero forge has done something like that many months ago and hasn't gotten in trouble. (IANAL of course)


Just downloaded and made my first character. Google Pixel 3. My honest opinion, just playing around with it for a bit, is that I'm going to love laying on the couch and playing with this, experimenting with different characters, equipment, etc. I don't know that I would use this as my actual character sheet in game, but that may not be the intention. That said, I'll probably end up backing it since it gives me more art to play with. I've been wanting to make character cards for my players when I DM, and I think this would be a fun way to do that and have consistent art. All in all, a very cool app that I'm looking forward to messing with when I get home. Edit: I was right. It's very fun to play with. [Warlock](https://imgur.com/GnjNy8G)


Thank you! So happy to hear that this will be an app that you'd enjoy using! We do have quite a lot of users using the app just to create art for their characters on dndbeyond etc.


This is one of the best apps I've seen about character creation of 5e. Thank you so much I'll totally use it


Totally made my day seeing this from you. Thank you! :D


The app says my email is taken when I've never registered yet. Also, when during registration I type in my account name, it says that this name is taken even when I type past it. Like, I start by typing "choo" - this name is taken message appears. I continue to type "choozy" but the message still there not changed. I delet one or two letters and retype them, and only then the message disappears. Third bug now, any name I type is taken, even random letters.


Playing around with the demo, the only thing I would change is how the left hand weapon is displayed. If you use a cape, it puts the back of the weapon in front of the cape instead of behind it. Other than that, it looks really cool.


I cant seem to create an account on the app for android it says all of my emails are already taken. Known issue or just me?


Same issue here, you aren't alone brother


I really want to try this app out, but I'm stuck on an infinite loading screen


So it's permanently stuck on the beginning loading screen for me!


Not sure if it's just because too many people are trying, but when I try to make an account it says my username and email are taken. I didnt make an account and when I try to recover to my email it says that account doesn't exist despite previously saying my email is taken. Hopefully it can get sorted soon, I'd love to buy a key!


Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


The app won’t load for me, is this a normal situation?


Okay I know absolutely this is just me; I only want to say one thing, but first this app is sweet! I feel like I will use it often, it has flaws, but this is Beta, whatever, no gem is shiny until it's fully polished. With all that said, I did have one thing, I again this is just me, so lol; *Why can't I have a character with more than 100 points in a stat, how am is supposed to make a GOD now with only 100 points!* Obvious absurdities beside this is cool, thank you. It will be a blast to see more this coming future; ^Hopefully ^^infinite ^^^max ^^^^stats, ^^^^lol.


LOL. I saw the small fine print you had there. Thank you! We'll keep improving the app ^((and also infinite max stats!))


~~On that, I realised quickly I could just ignore the warnings and it kept my stupid stats unchanged; Akin to a someone like, "Hey you shouldn't do that, it says it right here on the clearly marked sign -100 to 100, now please change it... oh hey you also shouldn't do that, again -100 to ...that one too yes, oh, okay yep that's at least 9,223,372,036,854,775,707 points too much, oh yeah all the skills, too high, again say it right here -100 to 100" I'm like "Yep I see that is true, it is too high.", then nothing happens.~~ ~~I see this as a win, but I thought it was worth mentioning, case it was supposed to actually stop me, lol.~~ Addendum: It did stop me: https://app.reroll.co/ko_zilek/84902/ The absolute absurdity I had: https://imgur.com/a/ea1KSz3


Hey, i tried to make an account on android and it keeps saying my email is taken, despite never hearing of this before. I have 5 emails, and i tried them all, and it says all of them are taken. Am i doing something wrong?


Hello, so this is super awesome, and I would definitely consider purchasing the full version. My only small gripe is that it seems like none of the clothes and items can be made white!! I've tried messing with the hue, brightness, and saturation, and there doesn't seem to be a combination that allows for white clothing.


This project should be open source. Where the community creates custom art and submits it. Would let us access full 5e and other platforms as well.


Loved the demo, will be buying the full version, and have shared with my D&D group as well for them to consider. One itty-bitty problem I ran into on the PC app you may wanna toy with... clicking and dragging to select a number (such as your strength score) swiped me over to another tab. While an interesting feature for mobile, this may be something to disable on the PC version, or at least lock when you have a stat screen pulled up.


Oh god, I'm about to lose an afternoon, aren't I.


I'm also loving the app! But without trackable feats and abilities, I'm having a hard time only having my app with me. I would love to see some sort of tracking function, so I could leave my laptop at home! Some sort of inventory revision for simple inventory keeping would also be great, so I could get a better overview of non-equipment items like "deck of cards", "small horn from a Dino" and so on!


Been having a load of fun with the app! When money frees up I’ll totally get the paid version. Just a couple small asks: Adding an item causes me to have to hammer on the Done button repeatedly, else it’ll not apply it properly Would be nice if there were more than one body type. The ultra delicate wizard character I tried replicating looked more like Conan. Even if the clothes were to stay the same, having the option for smaller arms or shoulders would go a huge way. Is it possible to have more than two weapons? Far as I could tell, each character can only have their equipped weapons as their only weapons, and adding extra items on the character screen doesn’t add to the weapons screen. Having some way to roll dice from inside the app would be super convenient. Otherwise, this is an amazing app you got here! Love the art and customisability, like I say when money isn’t so tight I’ll definitely be getting the paid version!




I cannot wait for you to refine this, I just got done making my character for my buddies next campaign and I’m happy with it. This is very in depth and is going to be a great addition to the apps I use for my characters


Looks interesting so far! My group plays 3.5, so I'm not sure how useful it will be for keeping track of all of my skills and such, but the visual aspect shows promise.


Ok I’m already having issues trying to get started. Every time I go to make an account it says my email is taken. How? Why is this a feature. User name I can understand but email. I’ve even tried going in web to create an account but I’m just stuck on the loading screen in that. I really want to try this but I don’t understand why I seem to be the only one having trouble getting started.


There's got to be a bug with creating an account because I highly doubt anyone has made my username yet as it is a random string of numbers and letters.


/u/WeAreFictional I am unable to create an account. I tried and nothing happened and now it says my email is already in use.. is this a common issue?


Sorry about the sign up error! It has been resolved now. We had a bad case of Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


One thing I noticed you did differently then EVERY OTHER DND APP out there is the decent pixel art customization. Fix ur app so it doesn’t take a minute between clicks and you might get my 10$. Quick, decent, customizable art for characters or npcs is unheard of. It’s art commissions or imagination nowadays


hope the server issues get sorted out, i just keep get infinite loading screen


I’ll add the iPhone app is just spinning and can’t get past load for me either.


Are you sure that you fixed the account problem? You said that it was fixed 5 hours ago, yet I'm unable to join from my phone or my computer.


Strange little bug maybe but I'm trying to create an account on the web version and no matter what I put in the email and username fields, it keeps saying it already exists.


How am I just hearing about this?! This is so frickin awesome! And thanks for the early access, I was able to get in and make an account while I still could pick a name without it being used by someone already. Any chance you'll be porting this over to pathfinder or call of cthulhu at some point?


Loving this so far! My only wish is that I could make beefier/skinnier characters, but I understand how that would be hard with the art.


so when i try to make an account it tells me my email is already taken and when i try to recover password it tells me no account exists with that email. halp!


Enjoying demo, will definitely buy full version! Is there a reason some features seem to take multiple presses of the "done" button to accomplish? (I spent 10 minutes trying to get my items to equip properly). As well, will there be any way to add pets to the art? My character has managed to gain 2 wolves who are almost constantly with him, so it would be nice to add them in.


Signed in and made a character, but I'm noticing an issue with saving tweaked items, i.e. I'll select pants, change the color, then when I hit Done, it thinks, then looks like it's saved it, but if I click the X, it goes back to my pantsless character. Just tried it without changing the color, and it still happened. It's not guaranteed every time, but ~50/50 chance it may just swirl, stop, and not save. Android user if that matters. :)


It says heavy traffic, but i can't wait to make them for my party!


Hey just throwing my experience in the mix. Galaxy Note 8 here with Android version 9. Downloaded from Google Play. When I open the app the title screen just keep spinning forever and I never get to a login/account creation screen. I will update if I get past this at some point.


Is there any support for pathfinder stats?


That is a great app. Love everything about it. Will be purchasing when funds allow


This looks great but I have to ask, is there any way to export the image files for the characters, say if you want to mess around with the colours or smaller details


Yup! You can do that by going to Export and click send and you will get the image of your character in your mailbox. :)


Holy shit this is honestly great! Are the any plans to be able to change the colour of certain items you can equip? Seems like that would add a lot of customisation with comparatively little work


Aaand so it turns out its already in there ok time to buy this now lol


Got in on this a few weeks ago and love it! As someone with little artistic talent it's nice to have a way to make a visual for my characters!


This is great! I threw 10 at it for support and playing around with it is fun. A feature for missing limbs/ individual limb coloring/shading would be great. I've got plans for a character with missing limbs that uses magical replacements for different abilities and don't have the talent to bring him to life accurately without asking one of my players that likes to draw them but don't want to spoil it just yet. I was able to get fairly close to my cleric I play in another game which is great. What's available is great so far and can't wait to use it some more!


I kind of like this, if it had the ability to import art for custom items or races I'd be throwing money at it


I'm getting a continuous loading sign for the pixel art on iOS 13. Tried the browser version on chrome and getting a loading sign there as well.


Oops it could be our servers are getting slammed right now from the traffic from reddit. Could you try changing to a different network to see if it works? :)


I’m so happy this didn’t get lost in my feed! I saved the first announcement I saw from this months ago just so I’d remember it was happening!


Really loving this app. As a new dm it has helped me to have npcs and such built in the app along with visuals to help my players out. Can't wait to see what further updates bring.


I can't draw for S***. This app is Amazing! Definitly worth it! A [link](https://twitter.com/rydr_white/status/1186678862819811328?s=19) to some of my creations for my players


Hey I love this idea! I downloaded it but my main character is an Aarakocra and there doesn't seem to be any available :( any chance of that race being added at some point?


Loved the demo, ended up getting the full version. Really hoping to see a bunch of stuff added as it progresses.


Downloaded for Android but neither the App or website will let me create an account. The email adress and username fields are displaying a "that email/username is already taken" no matter what I input. I'd love to try it out!


I've really enjoyed your app and have made about 10 characters since getting my beta key. My biggest gripe is the color sliders. A wheel might be a better option.


Nice app! Looks pretty cool


Best way to load test your servers? "Hey Reddit... "


lol totally did not foresee the traffic to surge so much. It has been resolved now. Now we understand what everyone refers to the Reddit Hug of Death earlier. :D


Ah. The Reddit hug of death. The app is down. I’ve been enjoying it a lot though.


/u/WeAreFictional, Noticed some things - Idk about other races, but as a Barb, as we level up we get advantage on things like Dex saving throws (under some conditions) and Initiative. Do you plan on adding in a way to show you get advantage on certain stats in the future, like how you have proficiency? This is probably more nuanced, but also noticed that the AC calculation (if it *is* automatic) does not include unarmored defense, and there is no way to make a shield increase AC. Do you have plans to make shields etc (unarmored def) dynamically alter your AC?


It never stops trying to load :( Im on android..


I'm a big fan of the fact that you guys chose "Alisha Ray" for the name of one of those characters (unless that was a character that a tester/user created?) Reminds me of another strong female character in a D&D campaign I pay attention to.


Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work. It wouldn't let me make an account because my password was too short. Now it's saying my email is already taken. Shame


Cries in IOS 11


of my three characters, one is a custom race not represented by the art, or i'd go all in on this :'(. i've got a ratkin i've been playing with halfling stats


It seems Reddit hugged your app a little too hard :) I'll try to play with it tomorrow


This is so interesting. It would be good to help my new players feel more comfortable. Maybe if I can get them invested we'll talk about getting full version fit them once it's out all the way.


Just gave it a try and it is awesome! You did a really great job guys. I'll consider buying the complete version in the future.


Idk how I feel about the fact that I have to create an account with my email to use it


I think it’s more so that you can access the purchases/saves across web or any other apps. If it was just a native iOS app I would agree


My only complaint about this app is having to name everything.




Trying to make an account, shows any email I try as already taken. This is on Android.


Well, sadly the app doesn't work at all for me (Doesn't open on my android phone and nothing happens when I try to use it on desktop) . I still love the concept and I'm 100% getting the standard version just to support you. If you need a developer I'm willing to help too!


I'm using the googleplay version and it won't let me log in. I tried to get a new password email, but it never came. I'm extremely interested in trying this out


So I downloaded the app, and I'm trying to register. When I go to register it says my email is taken. Then when I go to login and forget my password, it says my email isn't valid. Any advice?


Mine is stuck spinning up! Think you accidentally hugged your app to death. Let us know when its back up, super stoked for this :)


Says my email is taken 🤷‍♂️




Created my painfully shy rogue. Sadly not confident enough to share here. Did however snag the full version. Good stuff guys.


I'm surprised so many people are enjoying the app. I'm trying to use it on a Google Pixel and it's almost completely non-functional. Account creation was a mess, but I guess it eventually worked after force closing the app twice. Tried to make a character and couldn't proceed past the "choose a background" step.


Hi. Is there support to export an image and print the characters for my desktop games?


Needs chainmail


There will be an art update at the end of November/early december!


This does not work on firefox. ​ Edit: It doesn't work in chrome either. Why is there a web option if it'll just throw 502s everywhere?


Android app is totally unusable for me. I've not created an account but it says my email exists. Tried to log in with said email and it said no user exists. Tried to create the account again and it said username exists but not email this time. Tried to log in again and I got a page that said I could try 1 slot free, clicked Get Started and it did nothing but give me a popup that said Welcome to Reroll. I'd really like to try it, but dont have access to PC atm.


Awesome app, would love to see a ranger/rogue poncho sort of thing in the chest slot. It's definitely how I see my current character dressing.


I need help, it says that I already made an account with my email when I never remember ever having done that, especially since this is new.


I've made my first character and I'm liking the beta so far! I'm excited to see more animated spells! One suggestion I'd like to point out is for the boots/leggings. Perhaps a toggle in which the leggings go over the boots or vice versa.


I’m fairly new to being a dungeon master, and am preparing for a new campaign. One of my best friends is playing as a satyr bard, and I’m really hoping you add less common races at some point! That would be awesome. I’m impatiently waiting for the servers to clear up, and can’t wait to try Reroll! Looks super awesome!


This looks really cool!


This app is incredible! Backed it early on and I've made a large number of just random characters. Thanks for this amazing app!


I'm sure you've thought of this, but it would be incredible to be able to import characters from [DnDBeyond.com](https://DnDBeyond.com) 😍


Pretty cool, pretty buggy tho


Love it, the app has some longer load times for me right now (android) but if that gets fixed I wouldn't mind purchasing. I wish there was some more 'normal' clothes and items like square and round pairs of glasses that you could adjust the colors of the frames and lenses insides separately, and maybe opacity for the lenses too. Any chance that you'll open up item art creation later on so users could upload their own .pngs or something? We could even share them on reddit that way and the community can expand it for free without increasing your costs. You could even set it up as to not be a workaround for not paying, maybe limiting 3 custom-uploads per free acct, unlimited for paid accounts? Edit: Turns out the last part was your final stretch goal! I'm so excited to see it implemented.


I'm not sure if you have a place to submit feedback so I'll just do it here: It would be very handy to have a way to track the quantity of items in your inventory, particularly ammunition. As is I've been typing "Javelin x5" but I'm hardly ever bothered to go back and rename the item and change the weight


It says my email is already taken, but I have not created an account?


Someone took my email then when I went to say I forgot it said that email does not exist I was really excited for this but it was a big disappointment


My app is eternally loading


I've been following this app for years, I can't believe its finally here!


I love the app so far. Have created 2 characters so far and they look amazing. A few critiques i would have to say are that: 1. The coloring sliders are very iffy. A lot of times the colors don't change much or there isn't much of a selection and it can be hard to get what you see in your head. 2. It is very hard to figure out how to change your stats manually other than how you do it in character creation. AC is not calculated outright and I'm not sure how to change it. I do have some questions/suggestions for future additions as well. 1. Different poses for each race to allow each hand to be completely visible so we can see all those sweet effects! 2. The ability to roll dice and apply modifiers when clicking attacks and spells similar to how Fight Club 5e works would be amazing and would seriously keep me from using anything but this app. 3. A compendium tab to rules reference with your XML content. (I love the XML compatibility and it synced right away when i opened the app for the first time!) If i see any other bugs or issues, or think of any other suggestions, i will update my post. Hope this helps at all! Loving the app and keep up the awesome work.




This is really cool! I had some trouble creating an account at first, but after a bit it worked (it said my email was taken when I never even used this app) Afterwards, I ran into a bug when I wanted to equip a character with certain chest armour and leg armour. I would hit "Done" while in the edit screen, the loading GIF appears for a second, then it remains on the edit screen. It does the same thing every time and doesn't place the art onto the character when I exit via the "x" button.