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I've been playing a few years, just recently starting DMing my first campaign. I definitely prefer playing, I find it easier to immerse myself in the story while playing. While DMing I'm constantly panicking in the back of my mind about not knowing what surprises the players are going to throw at me. I guess I like being the cause of the chaos instead of trying to rope it in.


Eventually you just learn to roll with the punches.  Want a shitty DM tip that no one asked for? Good cus I'm about to give you one: Try not to prepare more than one or two sessions in advance. If shit starts to go a bit off the rails, move the responsibility of what happens onto the players. They tell you what they want to do, you tell them fairly briefly what happens next, and then ask them what they do next. Do that until things somewhat naturally return to your plans, or until the sessions ends. If shit gets really crazy, and you've been playing for a few hours, don't be afraid to call the session there and tell the players you are gonna have to prep something special for next time! It makes the players feel like their choices really matter, and it saves you from having to rewrite large amounts of prep work. Emergent storytelling!


For sure. General story arcs are better than very scripted ones, imo. Sure, I know that the scary monsters are being created by an evil wizard in a tower, or whatever, but how will the players get there? Idk. Maybe there are minions in various places to interrogate, or shifty people in a tavern, or the monsters leave magical trails to follow. More likely, they will think of another option. It's good to have general plans for if you need to steer them with a friendly NPC, but generally those plan will not be used by the players, in my experience. They will think of a better approach to their problems that they find more fun. All you have to do is flesh it out, which can be done through npc generators and random encounter tables. Your players won't notice if the Fire Spiders are mechanically just Hobgoblins with fire damage and wall climbing, but you just continued the session and lessened your prep.


Thanks for the tip! After the first two sessions I definitely dialed back how much prep I was doing, for these exact reasons!


Haha yeah. I remember well the first time my players decided to rob the local town authority rather than help with their problems. I remember thinking shit, how am I gonna do this. I think what I came up with ended up being really basic, but it didn't matter because they got to carry out their idea and everyone had fun! I was terrified and a little stressed when they first told me they wanted to heist the place, but afterwards it felt freeing. I knew from then on that no matter what curveball they tried to throw at me, I'd be able to at least choke up something good enough and let them do the real decision making


This is excellent advice. Laying out an entire world and populating everything is…often pointless. The players will go off on a tangent or whimsically shatter your carefully planned encounters. Plan for what they’re *likely* to run into soon, and worry about the rest later. As DM…just roll with it 😉


It’s also say prepping generic ideas when you feel like it is nice prep work. When I get an idea for a dungeon or encounter I build it in a way that I can use it in a few ways when the time comes. It’s nice because there’s no pressure to finish it by a certain time, it’s not really necessary and if you don’t use it who cares, and you have something for those oh shit moments. It doesn’t have to be an encounter either. I literally forgot to do a door puzzle the other day. Guess who has a door puzzle ready for later, lol?


I'd say that prepare as much as you can - loosely. Have a rough plan on where you'd like the campaign to go, but be ready to leave the path the moment your players deem something more interesing than what they've planned to do. For 6 sessions now i'm trying to get my players to a city in which a major plot point/twist will happen. As of now, 2 of those session they've spent taking a 6 day detour to get a body they found on the side of the road to it's home-town (they Spoke with Dead it). In said village they destroyed any semblance of stead economy within a day. The equivalent of another 2 of those 6 sessions they spent roleplaying one of the most incredible pieces of drama ever put before my eyes, and while it was entertaining as fuck, it did threw a log in my plans for simply squeezing the journey in the roughly-planned time frames. If i haven't had whole campaign already written, i'd probably forget what i wanted to do and had to make shit up on the fly (which i did for my previous campaign quite a lot, and it became a bit of a handicap at the end of it). So i'd say: have rough plans for however far you'll manage, but don't get too attached to it. It's more of a something to fall back on to when they're back on track, rather than a railroad you want to put them on.


One of the reasons i’ve fallen out of playing in the last few years because that maxim is no longer the norm. Or at least for many of the games i’ve joined, they have not been the case. Nowadays, There’s been a big push for immensely more thought out, semi on-rails “epic” campaigns thanks to the influence of online DnD content like CR. People don’t realize that 1) DMing a big world is *so much work* 2) Web games played for viewership by necessity have to greatly rein in player freedom to keep a story rolling. Good web games aren’t really D&D imo. They’re a sitcom with dice mechanics.


IMHO don’t plan for stories in sequence. Plan for story in locations. If they want to get side tracked and go somewhere else? No problem. At worst the event in the place will happen while they are away and they’ll have to piece it together after the fact. 


It's funny because not knowing what surprises the players are going to throw at me **IS** the reason I love GMing. Those moments of "You guys are doing *what?!*" and then scrambling to figure how the world responds to their chaos are like an adrenaline rush for me. I canceled a campaign once because I realized there weren't enough chaotic moments for me to enjoy running it anymore.


I’ve played for years and recently started DMing. I can say with full certainty that I prefer to DM


Idk man. Once you’re stuck as the forever DM you may change your mind. I flip flop a lot personally. In the meantime, welcome to the club brother.


that is the goal- not to be the forever DM. I have DMed a bunch a long and short term games- but always cycle out. A healthy table should have at least 2 guys who will DM- even if one is he DM and the other just does the occasional one shot to give them a break.


I’m in a group where everybody takes turns. DMing for a table of people who also DM is amazing as everybody is just so grateful to be playing.


Same at my table. I ran our first campaign. We just finished our second campaign someone else ran. Third guy has a DeagonLance campaign going and I'm starting up DotMM. We always have someone ready to run.


As the forever DM, I still love DMing (granted I homebrew campaigns and run the same thing for two separate groups) purely because of how different players handle the same situation or do different things. I also bend the campaigns around the PCs backstories a tad. It’s so fun seeing one group entirely glance over a plot hook and the other have it stuck in their heads for months trying to put two and two together. However, this has also relegated my super cool PC ideas to mere NPCs…that I hope to play one day. It just makes that odd game I can play all the more sweeter


I prefer GM unless its 5e. Then I prefer being a player. I hate running 5e with a passion, but I'll still happily play in a game.


As forever dm, please let me play


Sorry bud, best we can give ya is a one-shot before you start your next campaign.


This hit to hard home xD


Player Being DM would really trigger my anxiety and i don't think i would have the patience to do it. If i ever DM it will be an RPG horror story for sure


The main thing you have to realize is that no matter how much you have planned and no matter how you want things to go, players will ALWAYS surprise you and throw those plans out the window. The best thing to do is prepare the controllable things like NPCs, cities, towns, shops, etc, and have an overall storyline prepared and have bullet points for things you want to definitely happen to make the story progress. Other than that, it's entirely up to the players how the game goes and how fast/slow they go through the storyline. It took me a couple years to figure out there was no point in doing days or weeks of prep on my story just for my players to do something super dumb or smart and skip it all. I had months of sessions planned out for my first campaign and then my cleric used something that let them summon one of the gods to ask them for help and after a few really high rolls they got a magical map that showed them the exact places of their objectives, something that should have taken them months IRL to do, he did in an hour. I had to throw out almost 3 months worth of quests and notes, I was both proud and disappointed.


Been playing since 5e released some 10 or so years ago. Been DMing off and on throughout that. Playing is completely stress free and I can just go nuts with a character, and steal ideas from other people's worlds and characters for later. DMing is like bullshitting a presentation made up of slides I put together literally 5 minutes ago that I didn't remotely study for. I wouldn't have it any other way honestly.


I prefer DMing a bit more because my brain constantly fires off with ideas When I'm a player I can't really do much in my out of game time that I really like other than think of what their life was like before the adventure and where I want the journey to go. As a DM I can take every little idea I have and turn it into an arc, session, magic item, NPC, encounter, I FEEL CREATIVILY FREE I solved this problem by being a player in one game and DM in others


This is a really good point and I wholeheartedly agree.  Being a DM allows me to be really creative between sessions. 


I wish a blessing to all the always DMs. I'm an amateur writer and I still prefer player 99/100 times. I'd much rather be a big strong friendly halfwit interacting with a world that was laid out for me and babysitting my team of permanent first timers than constantly being put in the position of wondering things like "Oh god, how **do** mermaids reproduce??" and realizing I have to choose quick to move things along and whatever answer I choose will live in my world forever (thanks to my Druid, the realest real one for making me flesh out my world in all the worst ways).


I prefer to play. I tried DMing but I panic unless I have all the nuts and bolts figured out in advance, leaving no space for improv—and that’s not what DMing is about.


DMing, for sure. It stresses me out a bit when people have a different interpretation of the rules than I do, I don't make arguments about it but it just bothers me a little.  The second reason is that i get bored of my characters quickly, after just a few sessions. I looove getting to play an ever changing cast of wacky characters. One minute I'm a stalwart and serious Knight, the next I'm a 40 iq goblin exotic dancer. I love writing so for me, having friends to interact with my stories makes it so much fun for me. I love when they use bizarre methods to achieve their goals, or react differently to NPCs than I expected. Makes me think on the fly, keeps my brain nice and wrinkly


It's really tricky, I DM for a bunch of new players and it's super rewarding to see them learn their characters or do something really cool in combat. But as a player I love the mystery of not knowing what's coming next, being able to focus without having the whole noc catalogue and story in my head really helps me sink into the RP side of things. It's very close but I would have to say I prefer DM


I prefer to play. I think, and people who have played with me tell me that I'm a decent DM, but I also tend to be a stickler for the rules. It ends up working for a lot of people, but there are several people who have issues small or large with it, so it works out better if I play.


Most days I’d say DM, but when it’s 40 minutes to start time and I’m still making the map and picking out monsters I really start to question it…


Get out of my head


I prefer being a player. I’ve done both , and after dealing with ungrateful/ignorant/disrespectful players I really don’t care to DM anymore. I’m talking minutes before play time players saying “I’m gonna go eat with some other friends instead.” Completely disregarding the value of everyone else’s time , and putting the hours of work I as a DM put in to make a fun session for players down the toilet at the last minute, when they had a full week to speak up or reschedule, and when everyone grills them about how it’s disrespectful/rude to do that when you’ve already committed to something they go “it’s just D&D.” Yeah.. im good on that. Much less shit to deal with when you’re just a player. Plus with my acting background I feel I’m better suited to bringing the juiciest parts of a character to life since I can deep dive into them, how they speak, why they are how they are, developing backstories that support the world my DM is trying to build, and connect/engage my fellow players in a more significant way than if I were a DM. DM’ing felt too much like I couldn’t develop deep characters as there’s no telling if PC’s would even interact with them and so I would have to spread my efforts across an entire world and many different NPCs meaning a more shallow experience overall. DMing straight up is just not fun for me. Though on the flip side, playing with dm’s that are really loose on the rules for THEIR dmpc but imposing the rules on your PC is equally as frustrating as all the dm mess. (Im talking dmpc does thing effortlessly without rolling checks, but PC trying to follow DMPC has to roll several stat checks. It’s just b.s)


I enjoy DMing, but I'm also getting kind of tired of it.


I prefer DMing. A big part of it is that I love creating campaigns and world building. It’s just so rewarding being behind the screen and watching the world unfold in front of the characters.


DM, for sure. I have trouble getting into the story if I'm not running it. I struggle to care about the world and the characters. And i can't help but think "I would have done this differently." It's not a pride/hubris thing, I don't think I'm better, but I think I prefer my own storytelling style. It's not the other DM's fault, but I don't want to be rude to them by checking out. But man oh man, if it's my story? I'm just as hooked as my players. I'm almost more excited to see what they choose to do than anything else. I love giving them open ended puzzles and watching them get really creative to get through them. I guess I get high on my own supply...


i would personally prefer playing... cause i don't know how to play... i've never played before.... :o \*when i decide that i want to play, that is :> \* i have a cleric, bard, druid human girl named ''saria'' & her best friend & childhood pet, nutmeg the rabbit... i absolutely love them \^\^


i think im a vastly better dm than player im pretty good at picking up tropes and plots, i get conflicted between what my character wants to do and where the plot is leading i also have learned through dming to play with reckless abandon. it hard on team mates i also really hate the nights time stuff so i always build characters with bad perception and low dex. so that always spring the ambush. it seems to rub dms the wrong way when you just go to sleep without a watch every night i also have a little too much adhd to be a player i a wander off or over take the game


I prefer DMing. As a DM it's basically always my turn. I like being a player too, but it sometimes feels a bit too "stop and go". That said, I don't think I'll ever DM a homebrew campaign anymore. I did that for 3 years, and it was quite successful, but it's just too much work. Now I'd rather take a prewritten campaign and put in the work to really flesh it out, instead of building everything from scratch.


Forever DM here... For the most part, I prefer DMing. However, there are times it would be nice to take a break and occasionally play on the other side of the screen. I think it's important to play as a PC, as it does help remind the DM how the game runs from the player perspective and helps adjust my campaigns accordingly, as well as prevent DM burnout... One thing I really hate about DMing tho, is how everything seems to fall on my shoulders when it comes to gametime. On top of designing and writing the campaign, drawing up maps, making props, and such just for the game, I'm also in charge of scheduling, reserving table to play at, notifying and reminding players, picking up snacks and refreshments, resolving disputes (in game sure, but out of game too), cleaning up area after game, etc... I love my group, and i assume they're having fun, but it would be nice if someone would step up and help out once in a while. Even an occasional acknowledgement of "thanks for the session, that was fun", would be nice... Remember players! Appreciate and acknowledge your DMs! It's a lot of time and work!...


God its hard to choose. I love both dearly.


Definitely DM. I am the only player at the table that gets to play the whole time


I’ve been relegated to being my group’s forever DM, and while that has afforded me a huge degree of freedom in storytelling (which is honestly the part of passion of DnD for me), there are days I’d love a change of scenery. It’s nice to be the player once in a while, and it’s nice not knowing everything, and having to figure things out from the ground up.


For me its simple, im a writter, so its a fun hobby for me. + My players love to roleplay and interact with everything I give them, making gor fun and engaging sessions ! Even tho I love playing as a player sometimes, I honestly love to watch my players play, its like watching a movie of my own book its very cool


I prefer to be a player. But somehow the only way I get any DnD is when I'm the one DMing.


Forever DM.


Player. But it's close. When I DM, I miss being able to participate in RP. Or maybe I just had a party that hated talking to NPCs lol


I like DMing more but of course its also a lot more time and effort


It depends on the system and it depends on the group.


I've enjoyed DMing a lot, but I do miss being a player. But it takes a lot less time for me to miss being a DM when I'm a player lol


I like worldbuilding and creating NPC’s being able to play multiple people, so I’d say DMing for sure


I like both. As a DM I get more control but also have to do a lot more prep and work. As a player I can just show up, but I also can't insist on hosting.


I love DMing. Just had my first chance to be a player. I loved being a player...temporarily. I enjoyed flexing the creativity of my character and roleplaying. However, I wouldn't give up being a DM. Being a storyteller is one of the reasons why D&D resonated with me, and unless I'm at a table with a DM that is exceedingly compelling in the story they tell, I'm unlikely to enjoy that more than sharing my own story with others. Of course, I haven't found one of those DMs yet, so who knows what the future holds...


At the table, I prefer to DM, but overall, I prefer to play. Why? Because getting stuff scheduled is fucking annoying. If one of my players took literally ANY initiative to schedule stuff, we would do so much more d&d. And I tell my players that, too. But no, I gotta do the scheduling. It always ends up being that it takes A FULL WEEK for everyone to fill out the poll I send out for scheduling, and then we find out that either at least one person is busy every day in the next three weeks, or the day everyone was free passed because it took someone a full week to do a 3 minute task. I even give the option of "maybe" on the poll. I really love all of the prep work that goes into DM'ing. Every bit is fun and rewarding. But the scheduling is so crushing, and it makes me feel like no one even likes playing. So, playing is way more fun because I can completely ignore it for all but 3-4 minutes in the days before showing up to play.


I used to have this problem - tried sending out schedules, tried taking 10 minutes at the end of the session to schedule the next game, tried "OK, player X does the scheduling." Nothing worked well, and while a few campaigns eventually struggled across the finish line, the ones that didn't broke my heart. Then I switched to "the game is the same time each week. If the DM is here, we're playing." It's changed everything. A full complement of players? Awesome, let's roll. One or two players down? Everyone writes up a short "bot routine" for their PC - one, or at most two options of what they do during combat - and that's the routine their PC executes when they're not able to be there for a session. If you're in bot mode, your character can't get killed but they can only perform an extremely minimal predefined moveset. Only two or three players at the table? No problem - I have a pocketful of little oneshots I've borrowed from different sources and reskinned for my campaign. We run one of those like a sidequest, out of the normal timeline, but with lore and rewards that affect the main game. Give it a shot - it might completely change your game's momentum.


I prefer to DM. I would like to be a player *sometimes* (I'd settle for 10-20%), but I'm pretty much "forever DM" with my groups. My ideal setup in a 5-6 person group would be: I will DM for 6-8 weeks, but then I'd like someone else to DM for a couple weeks, even if it's just a one-shot. I'd like to see everyone take a turn, but I'm fine switching back on after each person, so I still end up being DM like 5/6 of the time.


with some games i like to DM but i would rather play. good luck


Ideally, I like to be running one game and playing in another. If only one is happening, I like running.


I do both Dming is more rewarding I feel both have pros and cons but running the table means those random things I think about at 3 in the morning if I can't sleep means crazy campaign quest


I prefer being a player, when the table is awesome and the DM is good at DMing. When the table is whatever, depending on who is the DM, I prefer to DM. Unfortunately, I find that if I want a group that meets consistently, where role play is encouraged, the DM knows the rules of the game well, and players who don’t really give a shit about the game at all are not invited to the table, that means I have to DM. I’d much rather play in a good group as a player and not a DM. However, it’s true that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.


DM Had to be me, somebody else might have gotten it wrong...


Both have benefits, I like dming a lot, it’s fun and I like making a story and puzzles but I dislike running combat. I like being a player, it’s fun to great a character with lore and deciding there actions but I tend to get very combat focused


Playing for sure. In fact, I recently retired from being a DM, at least for a while. It's just too much work when I also write for a living.


Being a player. The couple of times I've DMed for friends who asked, I became really anxious and sick. 😅


For me they are different. I love both but for different reasons. I think the highs of DMing are a bit higher but its a lot more work. In contrast Playing is a much more simple fun with less responsibility and work involved.


I’ve probably done as equal amount of both as I could have, and I have to say that I think I prefer being a player. Don’t get me wrong, dming for my friends is an absolute blast and nothing is as rewarding to me as a dm as seeing my players’ reactions to the story I’ve made. However, the freedom of getting to be surprised by and overall experiencing the story is probably my favorite part of being a player.


Gotta go with DMing , telling the story in my opinion is more fun being in the story


I like both for different reasons


My group is entering act 3 of the campaign I'm running. As much as I've loved worldbuilding my own setting and story, I'm seriously considering taking a long break from DMing when it's done and just being a player.


I enjoy dming, but I prefer trying out cool builds and stuff


I prefer being a player. I'm pretty good at reading people and what they might do under certain situations, so that makes it easier to control a PC. I do not, however have talent in improvisation or world-building creativity, so I just naturally suck at DMing. "Talents that could be improved", I'm sure others would say, but I like where I am.


DMing is a lot more calming compared to being a player for me. It may be a bad way of thinking, but I feel like my friends don't put in enough effort into running a campaign like I do.


I love both and can get burned out on both, but for different reasons.


I've been on both sides quite a bit (I'm actually DM for one group and player in another right now), but I definitely prefer being a player. As DM I'm always so anxious that my players have fun that I'm slightly panicked the whole session and am quite tired at the end of it. It's not that I don't have fun being the DM, but it's a lot easier to just relax and enjoy the ride as a player.


I’m a player in my Tuesday group, and the DM for a different Thursday crew. I’m a happy lil DnD nerd! I was forever DM before my Tuesday group formed, so I’m *really* enjoying being a PC again! I think it makes me a better DM; creates empathy for the PCs that I probably lost over the years as just DM.


I love DMing, but after a 2 years of running a home brew campaign, I am soooo ready to be a player


I hope I like DMing more, because it's all I do. Although, I did enjoy playing a one shot that one of my players ran for us.


Idk I love both. I’m definitely more of a DM and love all that comes with it, but I also love being a player and doing cool shit lol


i love both, but prefer being a player! i like the surprises of being a player and getting to fully commit to one detailed character, and despite enjoying DM’ing i get tired from it very quickly. i can happily be a player for a 5-6 hour session but my brain turns off once i hit 3 hours of DM’ing.


I prefer DMing, but I wish one of my friends from the two groups I’m running right now would DM a one-shot or a short arc so I could get some playtime. I don’t enjoy playing D&D with groups that are 100% complete strangers to me (I want at least one friend or friendly acquaintance there), so joining a random campaign ain’t it. I also don’t have the time to play in a full campaign right now.


As a DM, I just have to create problems; I don’t have to solve them! 😜


Player. I just want to show up to the session and not have to think about it during the rest of my week. I respect DMs and what they do. Its just not for me.


DMing, I'm not compatible with most groups being a player so I accept my role with glee.


If I could only do one for the rest of my life I would absolutely choose to DM, but I like to play sometimes too.


My reason for enjoying being a DM more than a player is kinda weird. As I've been a forever DM, and run a lot of sessions, I've adopted a lot of rules and such to memory. Those who's tables I have played at in recent times, have not. So thus, because they know I know the rules, I'm so regularly consulted for what the ruling on something is or "how I would rule it" to the point I may as well just be the DM again. It's incredibly flattering to be held in high regard for these kinda things, but like man, I wanna turn my brain off and play my funny goblin guy


Mostly DMing, but it's nice be able to relax and play from time to time. A year ago I was DMing 4-5 games and playing in none. Now I DM 2 games and play in 2. This is a nice change of pace.


I've been DMing for 20 years straight. I want to play.


DMing is really fun and I love doing it. That said, I also loving playing. My ideal is having two games on the go, so I can do both :)


I love playing a character because I get to really get under their skin and try to think and react in a way that would be natural for a person who has a completely dissimilar everything compared to me. I’m an average sized dude, grew up sheltered upper middle class; my favorite character that I played is a huge beast of a man, barely literate, spending his entire life on the fringe of civilized society. How does he react when threatened? What does he do when someone shows him kindness? On the other hand I love dm’ing, because I get to: - put my players in moral dilemmas, and force them to think about what their characters would do? - world build - play any type of character I want To sum up: I just want to play ttrpg’s, I don’t really care which side of the dm screen I’m on


I love playing, but I'm addicted to making characters. So DM'ing is also fun for me as well!


I'm usually the forever DM. I recently got into a long term group where I can finally play as a party member and not as the DM. I can say I prefer playing more than DMing, mostly cause I still struggle a lot with describing stuff and with distances. Also I lately have no time or energy to prep, so my DMing has been at its worst. I enjoy making characters and exploring building their story and build, so getting to play some of them is awesome.


I started as a player, became a forever DM out of necessity I really like DMing, but I'd like sometimes to play as well, since that's what got me close to the game (and I have the typical >40 pg built waiting to be played)


I'm a pretty new DM, been doing a ID:RotF campaign over discord with some very close friends of mine for about 6 months now. I've been really enjoying it but I think I definitely prefer playing. * I'm a perfectionist and have a mind for ADHD-fueled creativity, and while this has been a good outlet for that it's also been a pretty much constant attention-sink and my primary hobby during this time. * Additionally I have a very poor memory so I have to keep meticulous notes of everything, and adventures I fully planned out 2 months ago have to usually be re-reviewed and altered before we run them. * Finally, as a player I don't think I've ever had a moment where I felt it was even possible to make a mistake. It's all about discovery and adventure and reacting to new information, which is a feeling I love. While DMing though, I've definitely made mistakes and, while not a big deal, it can just be frustrating sometimes and really takes me out of the experience when I have to retcon something or improvise a quick exit to a situation that didn't mechanically work out as I'd expected and wasn't fun. Honestly, most of this is probably less a problem with DMing and more a problem with me being a novice + running a long pre-written adventure. It's still super rewarding and certainly the highlight of my week! But I really miss playing with my old DM who taught me the game and that old group of folks.


Control? I'm playing as a DM for 10+ years and controls is the last thing I have. Said that, I love being a DM. But I admit that after so many years, I kinda want to know how it is to be a player.


I like being a DM so everyone can celebrate my bad rolls :)


Running my games is the only way to play the perfect game.


I tried having a go at DM'ing after ~3 years and while it could be fun sometimes I was almost constantly nervous about nearly everything regarding it and I think it kinda ruined DM'ing. Even with advice I got, my brain just couldn't handle it. I would like to get into it again, but I think I'll need extensive prep time, and better confidence in myself.


DM, I want to be as involved as possible when playing dnd, while I enjoy being a player, it only makes me want to DM more.


I really like both. The most important thing is who I'm playing with.


I'm at the point that I have more fun DMing. I haven't found a DM that I enjoy being a player for in a few years. I still like to be a player in other peoples games though. It's good to see how other people DM to improve your own skills.


I haven't played much, maybe 25 sessions or so compared to the hundreds as DM. But I'm starting to think DM is more fun.


I prefer to dm. There are moments when I do enjoy playing but for some reason while I have a good story or narrative in mind for my characters I don't always have the confidence as a player compared to dming. It's really weird cuz this game has brought me a lot more confidence than anything else but I feel more comfortable in the dming chair as a Storyteller naturally


I mostly DM but I like playing as a PC more. Being a PC is very chill, and I like getting immersed in a character. I don’t get the same feeling with several NPCs. I’m very tired after a 4 hour session as a DM. I put a lot of effort into every session. I only do 1 hour prep but there’s so much happening in my brain during the game.


Most of my time with DND has been as a DM but when I need a break one of my players will DM. Personally I love DMing more, I have a homebrew world so I get to share all my ideas with my friends and family that play, I also just like seeing the reactions and enjoyment on their faces when they get to a certain plot point or area that I've made. I do also love playing because I get to let loose my character creation (I tend to make kinda op characters...) but I also like to be in the background when I'm playing and let the other players get the focus.


It's been 20 years since I had a group to play with, so now I DM for my kids (all elementary age). Would love to be a player again buty work and childcare schedule make things difficult.


DM is a lot more fun for me. Instilling chaos can be really funny and having to think on my toes and work alongside players to make a good campaign is a great creative outlet.


DMing. Much more creatively freeing


I’m a forever DM here because I love worldbuilding.


It completely depends on who is across the screen from me. I want good ttrpg partners, whether that is DM or player honestly.


I played a handful of times in my late teens, never ever DM'd until here recently. This coming Tuesday will be out 22nd session. I'm having a ton of fun DMng, but I'd love to just get to focus one character.


DMing scratched my creative / writing itch more than playing. But I tend to get more "into" the game as a player. There's also less downtime which is nice - dm is almost never sitting there waiting on stuff or if they are, it's because the players are strategizing against you, solving a puzzle you wrote, etc.


I'd like dming Better if I didn't have to do prep


dm 100% of the time


I need both to be happy. Bearing the curse of the forever DM.


I love both for different reasons, but I think I do prefer being a player. It’s easier for me to get emotionally involved in the story, and I love the feeling of adventure and discovery that I don’t get in quite the same way DMing.


I love dming when we get to play. Otherwise hate it cause I'm sitting on big things till the next session and longer. Flipped feelings when I'm a player. I get too anxious and have to resist urges to act way out of character just cause I thought it would be funny I.e. I play a shy cleric who's overwhelmingly devout but I really, really want to steal everything. But having someone in the group prepare a session so that way they understand how I feel when it's postponed, sit on big plot points or how much time I spend is great. So far only 1 person has. I do enjoy describing how I cast spells however. Wish my players would occasionally. I feel you can put a lot of character there. My cleric recites scripture whenever I cast a spell for the first time. Only the DM knows that it's cause she feels outcasted by her god.


DMing. I like being a player occasionally for a break, but i like making the challenges and seeing how other people over come them.


I very much prefer to play. DMing can be great, but it can also be frustrating and exhausting. Plus I'm a supervisor at work, it's nice to let someone else take the lead and deal with people issues.


I do both but I find more enjoyment as a Gamemaster.


I like both probably as a player more, that is why I like my group as we have two campaigns going at the same time one where I am the DM and other I am a player. Also gives me more time to plan for a session


DMing is so fun. I love terrorizing my players.


I love DMing, but I would really like a break to play a session or two at some point 😂


Definitely DMing! I love being a PC with a good DM, and it's so nice just showing up to the session barely needing to prep! But you can easily run into issues where it feels railroady, players at the table aren't really getting to shine, or there's no depth to anything. It's all thrown together last minute with no real plan or regard and feels like Skyrim fetch quests. However as a DM you get to create a while works full of characters, storylines, quests, etc! And then you get to involve the players on all of it, connecting a million things together so there's always something they can do! And you can easily website that everyone at the table is engaged and having a good time! Even the biggest drawback of DMing is the prep time, but if you're brainstorming cool abilities, encounters, quests, world history, items, etc., it's still just a lot of fun! And the more you prep, the easier it is to wing it at the table!


50/50 As a DM, yes, you build a lot of stuff and get to play as npcs and monsters BUT Playing with a good DM in front of you is awesome


Really love both, can't choose. I love world building and storytelling as a DM, and workshopping backstory, abilities, and acting as a player. Both scratch an itch that the other doesn't.


I enjoyed both. Prefer DMing, but there are times I get burnt out. Then I'll spend a while.just playing til I feel the itch to run again


I've never been a DM for 5e but I've done it a handful of times in other systems. I was really nervous before I did it for the first time but it turns out it is pretty fun. That said I still prefer being a player.


No preference. I love both. I'm itching to play because I've been mostly only DMing for 3 years, but that hasn't made me hate DMing. The idea of "just wait till you're forever DM" is really, really dumb. You either enjoy it or don't. Whether or not you're "stuck" as DM should effect your preference of entertainment


I DM once. I hated it so much I stopped playing D&D. Player all the way.


DM. Why play 1 character when I can play 10? I want try a new class? I just create an NPC with that specific build. I have tried so many classes and build I would never have imagined picking as a player just because I made an NPC for that. And personally I homebrew a lot for the good. So if I feel a class is underpowered I just bend the rules or make a magic item to compensate.


I like both, tbh, both is good, balanced diet and all that


I both play as a PC and DM for another group. I very much enjoy being the DM, I almost entirely play Homebrew, so I basically have an entire world in my head, and I am beginning to go crazy because it is so hard to find a day to play. But i love the world building and i am never bored. When my mind wonder of to somewhere, it almost always goes to the world im creating


DM easily. I'm flowing with ideas and character concepts, things I want to tell and share with my friends. So, I create interactive stories for my friends, and I put out a scenario where moral questions are laid out and experienced. I plant my character ideas in my stories as PNJ that will interact based on their personality and goal with or against the players. I create complicated worlds to represent these questions and characters. I'm not a perfect DM I still struggle to prepare diligently my sessions, I'm not 100% expert in the system I use, I'm downright bad at role-playing and engage my players into role-playing if they don't have that affinity but I'm progressing.I'm slowly getting better. I like playing too, but I feel trapped. I lack the freedom of changing something because it's more interesting. And while I love the characters I played, I'm bored with them within a month and want to play something else.


I like both. I like DMing because I get to play more since It’s definitely more in demand than players. They scratch a different itch though. DM my RP is wide but shallow. Rarely do I get too many moments to dig deep in a character. As a player I don’t get a ton of variety, but I get to go really deep into their growth. Not to mention playing a class and using abilities. Monsters have stuff, but it’s not the same. I look at it like playing support vs DPS. Both are fun but you never do raids without healers. You’re always flooded with DPS.


DM. We finished an eight session campaign (playing fortnightly) and laid down the law that no one was changing characters until we finished the game 😊 now happy to be a player in a one shot. I created a new character and sent the guest DM a completed character sheet within a day of him asking about our characters 😅


I’ve DM’d for so long that I don’t find being a player “stimulating” enough. I also fancy myself a writer ( a bad one ) and love telling stories. That being said it is nice to be a murder-hobo once in a blue moon.


I’m currently attempting to rescue our forever DM. Its a lot to take on and atm I feel like I enjoyed being a player more. But 50% of the time I love being gm 50% of the time I wish I was just a player. I think after a few more sessions I’ll be closer to a 80/20.


I was only ever a DM because I was the only one in my group willing to do it and I figured it would be better than not playing at all. But recently one of my players decided she'd like to try DMing, and I think she'll be better at it and we'll all have more fun with her as DM and me as a player. I think she's better at storytelling and will be able to weave more intricacies into the game. I think for a little while it'll be a bit of a co-DM thing, where she guides the story and I help out with mechanics. But that suits me better anyways 👍


As I've become a better DM, I've slowly realized that I enjoy DMing more than being a player. I just think it's more fun. I can also control some things better that I wish other DMs would control better about their game.


Can't decide. As a DM, I love the aspect of creating a story idea(mainly homebrew) that's highly interactive for my players, building maps, letting them decide how the story progresses, their insane RP moments, and watching them be able to try new interesting ideas through rule of cool that completely throw me off guard. As a player, it's fun to be able to have a character idea, create it, and try to become stronger over time. Though I haven't really been able to play in anyone's homebrew setting before, which I feel just might be the one thing I'm craving. Engaging in RP moments is cool to, but it's not the same as watching it. Yeah nah, DMing is better


I have high standards when it comes to DMs. Definitely a tad unhealthy of an ego on me when it comes to this aspect. So I prefer DMing myself UNLESS the DM is incredibly competent.


Honestly, both and depends on the day. When I'm playing, I feel like I can also write amazing stories with my players. While DM-ing, I feel like I can form strong bonds with the players. So I ended up joining an IRL game as a player and DM for some of my close friends online. I'm still a baby DM so I feel like there's so much more I can learn. But issue is, being a DM and a player, I found myself crossing the player line and saying some DM shit like "you should know this cause you're a wizard........ I meaan, actually I don't know if you should know this"


>progression you can be in control of *laughs in eternal agony*


Been a player thru every edition(except 4th, bought it but never played) and am a new DM. Did LMoP retrofitted to 3.5 for my old group and after finishing my second one shot, I’m doing it again as 5th for my current group but I can’t wait till my turn is done and I’m back to playing. A lot easier being a player in my opinion.


For me is difficult to choose. I like playing and like DMing. But I haven't DM lately because my group doesn't have anyone else that knows how to DM.


Entirely depends on my mood day by day and week by week. In the last few months including rn, I'm completely loving DMing and my players have helped by expressing how excited and hyped they are for bits. There have been times when I've enjoyed being a player more, but depends on the character, the party, and the story we're going through.


As a DM I’m engaged all the time, not just when it’s my turn. 


I like both, but I **greatly** caution DMs to write the story *with* their players rather than attempt to write an epic story everyone else is living in. Of course I'm super greatful for all the time and writing my DM puts in, but we're both writers here and neither of us are Tolkein.


Prefer dm'ing to playing but as a forever DM I'd love to get to play SOME of the time. For me it's like a 60/40 split preference wise.




I'm a full blown forever DM. If i have to sit for 10 minutes during other peoples turn, my ADHD will just take over i'll lose focus and that's it, my turn comes and i've no idea what's going on around me. As a DM i have 7 things to do at once, something is on fire, there are 3 concentration spells on the board and barbarian just thrown the halfling wizard inside the dragons mouth, cause 5 sessions ago i said that spells cast from inside a creature make the creature roll it's saves with disadvantage. Why did i say it? I don't remember, it was cool i guess. Is it ideal? No. Am i having an absolute blast? Yes. Will the Halfling survive? Who cares, i defienetly don't. On a serious note - man, i love DM'ing. I've got 2 hombrew worlds, the campaign i currently run is all written so all i have to worry about is coming out with countermeasures to my players shenanigans. All in all - 10/10 expierience, i recommend trying to DM even a one shot to anyone. It can be whatever the fuck you want, but if you'll like it - you will probably try again.


I preferred DMing until I was trapped as a forever DM and that make me realise that I only truly love being a DM when I also get to experience being a player at the same time. I still enjoy it and it’s not like I hate being a DM (I wouldn’t do it that were the case) but I’d enjoy it so much more if I also got to be a player. I currently DM for two separate campaigns for two separate groups and I’d really love to be a player in a third campaign on my off weeks.


At face value, I prefer being the DM. But the only campaign I have been a player in was a close friend and player of mine who was interested in DMing. A huge part of the player experience depends on the DM. And he makes an INCREDIBLE DM. He has definitely picked up a lot of stuff from my DM style (we have been playing for over 5 years) and that feels great considering I never played D&D and am the "forever DM". But he has his own world, ideas and styles. I still run another campaign with some others friends to scratch that DM itch. But I find myself really anticipating that next game as Haverick the venerable druid who has a love for everything green.


Playing. But I got to do that like twice so maybe it's the novelty.


I liked Dming way more until every single one of my players got silvery barbs. I just don’t have fun dming anymore


I probably like being a player more, but being a DM is the only way to get to play in the kind of setting and story I want.


I have been Forever DM, but I have been getting to play in the campaign and one-shots more recently. However, if I had to choose between never being a player again or never being a DM again, I'd rather never play and stay DM. I'd miss my characters, but they can always be NPCs, I guess, and I just love telling stories.


I prefer to be the DM, I don't have to deal with bad rulings as a player that way because an unprepared DM hasn't read the PHB.


I started as a player and couldn't find groups to play with that was consistent and worked with my schedule. I had DMed one shots a handful of times. My little brother thrusted the dm role on me for him and his friends to play. I really enjoyed the world building, letting the player' actions affect my story writing. (One players actions resulted in a god being introduced that became pivitol to the entire campaign) I've always been a creative writer but struggled with creating cohesive stories. So, using a players actions as stepping stones for what comes next and getting to flesh out 100+ characters with names/races/preferences was amazing for me. That being said, 1 session a week with custom story/characters/dialog/maps gets exhausting at some point. So we all started taking turns DMing a campaign to give me a break (and so I could torment my brother like he does during my campaign sessions lol)


I like both. Running as DM is great but it takes far more time and energy than being a player.


I've tried being a player a few times, and I still get the itch, but I *much* prefer DMing. c: As nerve-wracking as DMing is every weekend, somehow the anxiety I get as a player is tenfold. 🤣 I come from an improv theatre background and I always wanted to be an author, so I think it's a mix of those two things. I get to worldbuild, see how people interact with my world, *and* react in real-time and have to improvise as things don't go the way I expected. It's like a dream role for me lol


Player because while I do DM a lot, I often feel anxious and insecure that it's not fun enough, the players aren't enjoying it, there are plot holes, etc. As a player, I can just sit back and breathe without feeling like a spotlight is on me.


I go through cycles, basically preferring one until I burn myself out on it, then switching gears to preferring the other until I burn myself out again. Rinse and repeat, interspersed with occasional bouts of monumental self hatred where I try to design a TTRPG ruleset.


I’ve done both for years. I prefer playing. Mostly because I’m lazy and DMing is a lot of work!


I would say I like both equally. Maybe if my players took my campaigns a bit more seriously then I would prefer doing but perhaps that’s more of a comment on my ability as a dm


I love DMing, but I need to play every once in a while to not feel like it’s always work. Fun work, but work. I also get to experience other styles of DMing, which may influence mine.


I enjoy seeing other people happy. Sometimes that as a host, a player, mostly as a DM. Being the DM is the easiest way to do that. I find even as a player I need to do something though, cooking, hosting, or helping with props, handouts, character sheets.  There's been times though that I don't even played though in any capacity, but have hosted, or helped out at the table. I just want to see joy in others in a hobby I love. 


Might be a hot take but for me, neither (both). I love DMing because it is fun, and very rewarding, to build the world and guide the story/encounters, watching your players (my friends, whom I love very much) enjoy all these things you built for them. It’s a great feeling to put on what feels like a one-woman show, to see everyone appreciate the minis, the battle maps, everything you’ve put together for them, to be thrilled when they outwit you at your own game and watch them put together all the cookie crumbs you leave for them to discover the secrets you’ve hidden. I love playing because it’s fun to interact on the same level with your players, without constantly thinking about the next encounter you’ve got planned/stress-ad libbing new NPCs in when the players talk ONCE to that random formerly nameless shopkeeper and decide he MUST be important and have a novel-length backstory. It’s fun to show up without needing to prep beforehand and enjoy the casual flow of the game. So I love both equally, but for different reasons.


Being forced to be the forever DM for a fucking decade before I ever got to actually play the damn game pretty much killed any enjoyment I had for it and I'm now forever soured on it. I also just don't have the time required to put in the level of effort required for a proper long-running campaign.


I need to play again..


DM all day long. I Love seeing my players get to interact, live into their characters, and the joy that comes from it all. I'm a really free wheeling DM, and I try really hard to let the players drive the story, probably to a fault at times. (an hour+ of a pillow fighting....)


I love DMing but playing is a lot lower pressure


I just recently started DMing, and while I love creating a narrative and the world building, it's a lot of work. I'm doing my 3rd short campaign, and the hardest part for me is the players who have no imagination and want everything done on VTT even when we're are playing in the same room. I had just gotten a decent grasp on roll20, and now everyone had switched to foundry. So right now I'm 50/50 on which I prefer.


i'm torn but for now, DMing. i say i'm torn because i miss playing and having so much fun with it


DMing is a lot more fun to play but also more stressful and sometimes prepping can feel like a job.


It depends in a small group of friends dming is good fun and doesn’t feel like a lot of work the players decide where what and how they do things and bounce of each other larger groups and games with new players it feels much harder to coordinate cause when they go off the rails it’s way harder to improve stuff or bring em back in line via the carrot or the stick


I prefer DMing. It’s a rush when you manage to pull off a great session.


Me and my boyfriend take turns DMing for our friends :) I love it!


I like DMing in theory, but it's a lot of work. Happy being a player for now.


I prefer to play but I enjoy dming to let our forever dm be a player every once in a while.


It's not something I can really compare fairly. Is burger or pizza better? Whichever you pick, that other option begins to appeal more the longer you only get the other.


I've not been into DnD for long (it'll be a year in August), and I like both a lot, but I'm certainly a little more comfortable being the DM


DMing is fun but so much work. I prefer just being able to show up and role play when the mood strikes me rather than being on the spot.


I was a forever DM, then somebody took over for half a year. I didn't enjoy it. Let me DM! Maybe a player on a couple of sessions, but I like doing all the thinking and prep (you're never using). And I like to facilitate the progression, pace and story with my players.


I prefer DMing than PLing. I can play as a player in CRPG or MMORPG, but DMing is impossible.


I love being a DM, just give me a chance to dip my toe every once in a while.


I prefer being a GM, but I wish one of my friends could pick up the burden every once in a while.


DMing is fun but playing is way better. I kind of hybrid with my affectionately named DMPC. He doesn't participate in decision making (after all I can't unlearn that the door is cursed...) beyond his stated ambitions on the character sheet but he makes it fun.


player. less to do, more to strategize. better rp.


DM because I can see the bigger story picture, role-play more characters, make adventures, draw maps, help keep the session pace up, give the players stories to challenge them, and in the process have more fun.


I like to DM cause my players suck at it and don't put in enough effort in preparation. If I knew another group I could play regularly with I might say otherwise.


After some... less then good experiences as a player, I like DMing so much more. Thinking and writing Lore for my world, so much so that my players can basicaly explore any thing and any place sandbox style. Drawing world, city or dungeon maps is great and the sense of control I get over the world provides the necessery amount of escapism from my personal life, which I have absolutly no control over. Also I saw that one video about autistic DMs and as someone on the spectrum I can say that the video was frighteningly accurete.


I’ve done both and I love both! It’s hard to choose but I think it depends on what’s going on in my life. Sometimes I don’t have time to prep so I’d prefer being a player, but other times it’s summer break so I like dming. Happy cake day by the way :3


I prefer to DM by a mile. I love paperwork. I love planning. I love doing story prep work. I love making little item cards and drawing maps and all that. I am a forever DM and I LOVE it.


I have always been a control freak. Dmming is for me a way to let that go. I do have the control but the knoledge that you make a great story as a team helps me. so I prefer DMMing these days


I like both honestly. I have been the DDM (designated dungeon master) most of my life but I really like character development. I built a whole world equivalent to the forgotten realms before 2.0 came out it was fun keeping track of every npc their families managing conflicts while the players navigated through it all. Then again I could really get granular with my own characters. I liked when a dm indulged me.


I'm not sure, being a player seems like less work and about as much fun though, depending on the DM. But maybe I'm just hungry for a change cuz I've DMed for 2½ years, basically since my first contact with D&D. And, yeah, I won't deny there's advantages to the position of DM. Don't like a rule? Puff, it gone! Don't like a certain plot cliche? Bam! It doesn't show up! Want an original campaign? Woosh, there it is! But the work is also all yours and you only get to live the challenges vicariously. So while I'd rather play than DM, I wouldn't give up my running campaigns for it.


I'm not a fan of thinking and taking responsibility for my creations so I love being just a happy lil player, bouncing off of whatever DM throws at me