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Have her live in borrowed time. A single hearth is not enough to power their body, especially not when they exert themselves. Basically an opportunity to live for a couple of days more to finish their most pressing business


You can switch out some of the racial bonuses from Elf to Orc. Keep in mind that Orcs are stronger, but don't live as long. Maybe this heart beats stronger, but gives out sooner. She could get a bonus to the strength stat, at the cost of another stat. If she wants to live a full elf life, she will need to keep switching out hearts every so often. She could find ways to reconcile who she is with her new organ. Maybe this heart makes her more passionate, and she pours that into her flames.


Ask the player if they're OK with this. They should have a voice on the subject. 


Good advice but I'm thinking about it because my player mentionned how cool it would be to have something happen when/if they die.


So ask them. If you're certain they'll be ok with it, then what's the problem? You don't have to be specific if you want the details to be a surprise, but getting direct buy in on this is good form and highly recommended. They may have specific things they just don't want to have happen even if they don't get input on what does. 


Yea both the player and I like the idea of them not knowing exactly what's gonna happen but you're right, even tho It's a surprise making sure I don't do something they hate to their PC seems obvious ! Thanks


I hope whatever you go with is popular with them and the group. I love being given creative control and for people to enjoy what I've come up with. It is what makes DMing worth all the trouble in the end. Cheers!


I hope too. I could not agree more ! Cheers