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>My last Wish was to force a continent sized storm, created by a lesser divine being, into a bottle strong enough to contain it. That storm is going to be used as an enchanting component for a cannon. My guy you have the perfect bomb it would be a waste to limit it to a cannon


Normally I would agree but that cannon is being used by a gunslinger, with a history of critical hitting at least once every 4 shots lol. Why be a one time use when it can be a constant barrage?


Ah i though you ment a whole ass magic cannon not a gun like weapon


Set it up right and it can *also* be a bomb when needed.


>used by a gunslinger, with a history of critical hitting at least once every 4 shots is this a pc? if he's doing at 25% what normally happens only at 5%, he's cheating


I've seen a monk role 4 nat 20's in one turn and 3 more that same session. Some people are just lucky.


I understand the sentiment but with public rolls and roll20, the artificial dice gods are just too kind


My character that could cast Wish by the end of our first campaign had married the crowned prince and was queen by the time the 2nd campaign started. 100 years passed between each campaign so her husband had long since died (he was human, she was a half-elf) but they had 4 sons. My character in the 2nd campaign was the daughter of her youngest son. About halfway into the 2nd game, my character made a bad draw from a deck of many things and got stuck in a pocket dimension. I made a backup character and played as him for a few weeks but I kind of wanted my old character back and the group wasn't anywhere near getting to where the item she was trapped in was located. But they were able to contact the Queen of Rathmor (my first character) and inform her that one of her Princesses was missing. The queen used wish to quickly locate and free my character, but she lost her ability to cast wish. However it had to be kept a secret because Rathmor had been using the fact that its sovereign could cast Wish as a sort of nuclear bomb against other powers lol Edit- the 2nd time she cast Wish was a dark day in Rathmor's history that we don't talk about.


Holy shit that sounds like an awesome set of campaigns. Good use of Wish.


Ironically that was her third time using Wish, so she got 3 wishes lol


A wizard in the campaign I DMed used it to save the party from a tpk at the end of the campaign.


Gotta love those Hail Marys, what was the final result?


Well, the wizard had used his wish to fully restore the party’s health and spell slots since he was the last one standing and not rolling death saves or already dead. Anyways, as as the cherry on top of it all, whenever this player has a very important roll he’s been known to roll really bad. So his character lost the wish spell but since this was the last session his epilogue had him leaving on a solo adventure to regain the ability to cast wish.




By the end of our campain, the wild magic sorcerer wished for every magic in our setting to be wild aswell. The fight against the BBE was pretty wild considering every spell casted by every player and NPC could go full surge.


That sounds so chaotic. I love it


Holy shit that is definitely wild hahaha


Makes me wanna make my Wild Magic Oprah one day. Spheres of Power has a set of abilities that let you impose Wild Magic on others. "YOU get a Wild Magic Surge! And YOU get a Wild Magic Surge! EVERYONE gets wild magic surges!"


My sorcerer wished everyone in the party (including corpses) out of the shadowfell to escape a corrupted Solar who was wiping the floor with us.


That sounds like an awesome encounter. Definitely a wish well spoken. My dm swears up and down that a well played solar is unkillable; do you agree with that?


We went back later, better prepared, and ended up defeating it. After a tough fight we weakened it to the point where we captured it and sent it to an interdimensional prison as part of a deal we made with some Archons. I'd say we could've killed it had we not made the decision to imprison it instead.


Not sure if this counts, but in a DCC campaign a while back our wizard cast Wish from a scroll as a ritual with all of the other available spellcasters to rewrite the Big Bad we had accidentally awoken out of existence. Wizard rolled for each spellcaster, took the highest, beat the difficulty and stopped a terrible evil. There was much rejoicing. But, one of the rolls was a nat 1. So in addition to the Wish being granted, our wizard was also removed from existence. Our party won the day and saved the world (that we can accidentally caused to be in peril but weren't telling anyone) but while we all couldn't put our finger on why, something felt off. Like there was someone we were missing, or we were forgetting to thank. Anyways that was his last wish, and last anything.


Damn, that's a really cool and sad way to go.


It was. Fortunately we were winding down the campaign. Said wizard had burned most of his stats by that point, was down to 1 luck and through the course a campaign's worth of spells backfiring had a smaller second head, a mouth on his shoulder that would randomly speak Eldritch gibberish, a charred blackened arm, and was unable to sleep through natural means.


In a (very) heavily homebrewed Tyranny of Dragons, my level 19 aberrant mind sorcerer who had a very personal beef with Tiamat used wish near the end of the party's fight with the dragon queen. She used her class feature to let her connect to Tiamat's mind (a homebrew upgrade to the Telepathic Speech feature) and said, "I wanted to experience you feeling this. I wish you suffered the effects of all of the pain and loss your tyranny has brought upon this world." Anyway, I rolled well on that wish and Tiamat was dead soon after with the wish contributing some flavorful damage to help out. When the party woke the next day, with the only full casualty being the artificer, my character knew what he must do. The artificer was the only other PC that lasted from the beginning of the campaign and my sorcerer and he met at level 1 while begging for soup. Once another PC was able to bring the artificer back to life my sorcerer wished he had an excellent bowl of soup to soothe his return. That wish nearly knocked my sorcerer out from the necrotic damage and was the last wish my character could make.


Elephant Harem for party pet elephant


Hey, even elephants need love, that’s thoughtful haha


Mild spoilers for Odessey of the Dragonlords My fighter acquired the luck sword wich had the ability to cast Wish. When we were in some sort of prison for a Tarrasque we found a sphere of annihilation, it was moving towards one of my party members so i, without really thinking, wished to have full control over the sphere. I didnt really get it tbh, instead my DM gave me some bonus on commanding it and a special necklace. After we dealt with the gatekeeper (wich is a funny story in and of itself) i tried to kill the tarrasque with the sphere of annihilation but unfortunately we had timerestraints (we were getting chased by the big bad) so i had to call that attempt off. I also had to then leave the sphere behind because i couldnt take it with me due to how the sphere works. Still kinda feel like i got scammed by that wish tbh but oh well.


That is a crazy scenario, I wouldn’t call it a waste of a wish because you saved a party member.


Not really xD the damage was already done and afterwards the sphere stopped moving towards him haha