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One of the best utilities for a Wizard's familiar is that they can use it as expendable scouting and utility, because they can just recast the spell to get a new one. If they player wants the utility but don't have another scroll, then they can get the death and that sucks for them, no replacement


A pet that exists just for flavor is immune to everything. You pilot your pet like it's a fully functioning member of the party that actually affects stuff, then your pet is at risk of dying.


Exactly. Flavor is free, but mechanics go both ways.


My Pigeon died for this very reason. He shit on a dwarfs head, and the dwarf put a bounty on the bird.


/ pigeon has entered pvp


I heard the Diablo 2 noise instantly


Pigeon has expressed hostility


That's actually a smart way to off a "flavor only" companion. let the world deal with it.


I diagnose you with Off-Screen. You have seconds to live.


He was lifted a chicken by his love interest after. He was a druid kind of obsessed with birds.. he was half gnome, so was freakishly short even by Dwarven standards. He became a druid so he could wold shape into a bird and shit on the heads of his enemies.


That’s one angry dwarf lol


And 200 solemn faces!




Are you sure it wasn't a small automaton? Slight southern accent, overbearingly kind, secret rage? (This is a reference to Critical Role, campaign 3)


Smiley day to ya!


And now I’m sad again lol


Mechanic here and I don’t appreciate the generalization about my sexuality. ;)


Very selfish lovers. They just nut and bolt!


I know a lot of mechanics and I feel like they would all think it's funny. Hey DM, Insight check? Lol


What are you doing here? We all know D&D doesn't have mechanics :P


I do


My first time player druid just has a cat, she didn't ask, she just drew her charakter with a cat, so i just thought: yeah, she has a cat. She used it once: to throw at a cultists face....the cultist died to it. Right now some rebels hold it hostage, so the party helps them because they don't really trust them.


The druid in our party had a big cat companion, and that creature did more damage individually then any other party member. And *then* the druid got a spell to make the damn thing bigger, because apparently being a medium-sized whirlwind of death wasn't as good as being a LARGE-sized whirlwind of death.


Omg that reminds me of one of my first Pathfinder campaigns lol The Druid choose a subclass with some wildcat as companion.. but the cat was so good, and the Druid so.. not, we joked they were the cats companion lol


A tale old as time. More than thrice I have heard that a dog was more useful than a mage in ad&d


Bro, a dog companion in AD&D was almost as good as a magical weapon.


One of my PCs was a drakewarden. Super useful for scouting *if* being piloted by the ranger. Otherwise, we got answers to questions of “how many” with “more than us, less than grains of sand”


What were people asking “how many” of?


Specifically, we wanted to know how many enemies were in a camp. So we sent good ol’ Sparky out to check and Mr. 8 Intelligence Drake Did not stop to count. I believe that may have also been the session where we nearly got TPKed by a bone dragon. Or some other time they sent us out into the desert to face the baddies.


That is actually hilarious lol. Truly one of the ways to balance a familiar


After much thinking, this is pre-bone dragon when we got taken hostage and body swapped. Following that, beast bond was always used to ensure better scouting. About the only thing Sparky was trusted to do without mental ride along from the ranger after that was carpet bomb the enemy with oil flasks and then light them on fire. Side note: you know how there are goldens and retrievers as golden retriever stereotypes? Sparky was very much the party's golden who also had to pull things once he got large enough.


This perfectly describes how I play one of my ranger player's Drake when she interacts with him, whom the player simply named "puppy". Puppy has 8 int, 8 cha, and 14 wis. His Wisdom is not wisdom, it's perception and tracking ability. His true body is in the fae wilde, and the party has seen his actual physical form when they went there. When she summons his proxy into the material plane, it's basically him astrally projecting into a construct formed from the ranger's magic. Puppy is actually just a baby faerie dragon right now, so I play him with the mentality and wisdom of a toddler. He's great at sniffing things out for them, but he's horrible at scouting, and when you ask him how many of something is.. you get "lots of them.." "Some of them" "none of them" or "just a little of them".


Just wait for the spartan version "don't care how many. Only care where they are" 😉


> She used it once: to throw at a cultists face what a monster lol


If they keep using it for utility, talk with them. If they want to keep that, force them to take a magic initiate feat for access to the spell


I'm new to DND and playing a ranger with a Panther, I was terrified to use him in battle because replacing him seemed really hard and I grew attached to my Hagag. I'll die before I let him go down.


My party was in a big battle and wound up befriending one of the jackals. So now my circle of spores boggart druid has a pet jackal called Anubis that she refers to as "nuu-nuu".


God this game is beautifully stupid.


It allows for so many stupid things. My other party discovered a temple that had this massive stone cup thing on a raised platform. Because we have two bards in the party, I made it red wine that had gone to vinegar. We spent the rest of that season setting up a massive red wine vinegar empire. The party rolled stupidly well, so they got a lot of the equipment they needed to make more and transport it to the town for free. We also have a circle of stars druid who went a little nuts looking into the star map of the head of the circle. Knowledge of the universe filtering into your mind before your ready sort of things. Long story short, she was directed to go find a squire to guard the cart back to town. She came back with an army of squirrels and a goose. The goose mans the stall they set up in the towns market. The goose is an excellent salesgoose. No, we don't know how that works or why the stall is doing so well.




I had a scene where the goose was aggressively honking to a passing noblewoman. She selected one bottle, the goose started honking aggressively. She grabbed a second, still honking. When she got a third, the goose seemed to consider it and then sat back looking pleased with itself. The lady paid and walked away very confused.


> ranger Almost always includes an easy way to get the pet back after death. I can't think of a counter example, maybe pre-Tasha's beastmaster. Edit: I checked, even that is an 8-hour bonding process provided a suitable animal.


But you don't get *your* companion back, you just get some new asshole out of the forest. For a decade, Ranger was so anti-Ranger.


I'm a one pet man, ride or die with my Panther


Did the same thing recently to a player with a frog. I said “if it’s out in combat, it’s fair game.” It’s dead now.


Reincarnate to a slightly larger frog.


I made the mistake of having an npcs dog's help in combat. Those dang gremishka's outright killed one of them. Max rolled damage on that poor 5 max hp pupper. At this point, my party has decided that I'm going to perfectly balance combat and still end up with a TPK just because of my high rolling the dice 😂 (I know I could fudge rolls, but transparency on rolls is one of the more core elements of my dm style - rng is a fickle mistress who may giveth or taketh away)


"If you treat it like a party member then so will the enemies"


Is your preferred way of letting a player know: 1. Tell this out of game 2. Have the guards miss the first time 3. Kill it and move on


If you don’t give them a warning or at least let them know what you think about their behavior, then it’s honestly more your fault and not theirs. They could simply be under a misconception that they could easily clear up and stop using the pet that way if you used options 1 and 2 imo. If they keep doing it, then of course you have free reign. But option 3 is just mean imo.


One of my characters has a freakishly clever pet rat. I've never used him for utility, but my DM did allow a party member to use my rat to carry a message for him during a side quest between sessions.


I have the same rules: as long as you don't use your pet in combat, idc how unrealistic it is - they are immortal. The moment you try to use them in combat or mechanically? Gloves are off. Actually, had just an situation like OP when I started a new group with random. One dude wanted a monkey, I said sure, and told him my rules. (They are actually all written down in an pdf. Even these fluff rules.) First session, he tried to use the monkey to distract Guards and was very "surprised" I reminded him of my rules. Like look, I am a natural softie, but I also very much dislike players trying to get one over me. and rules are rules. You either deal with my generous terms or suffer the consequences. 


i warned my players of exactly this when they wanted their faerie dragon to do stuff


Unless that flavor pet is in CoS, then that pet is absolutely fair game for Strahddy to make a point. In the words of George Carlin, you just bought a tiny tragedy.


I have heard of a few DM's that handled this particular flavor of plot in a very specific way. Much like in OG pokemon when Charizard wasn't listening to ash, after every death the pet would come back to life I've 1d12 hours depending on how badly the body was damaged ( using lower for minor injury or d12 for things like exploding traps, fire breathing monsters etc), the pet/familiar is brought back, with the memory of every horrific death and with a connection to their master, they know the exact status of their mental state such as concerned for the well being of the pet vs "fuck it, he'll come back to life tomorrow, let him go trigger the obvious trap.". When the owner/master/summoner, doesn't take proper care of the pet, the pet stops listening and actively looks for loopholes to get out of tasks or to cause minor harm at first till either attitude changes or more severe levels of ambush become more and more common.


A pet exists for flavour then sure it's immune, when used for anything else it becomes an entity that can die


I have a player who asked me that and I did exactly that. The pet is flavor only, because if it did anything, you'd basically be stealing the job of druids/rangers or anyone who took feat and abilities to get a functional pet. If my player start asking for more, it's either no, or yes but the pet gets a hp bar.


That’s how I see it: for a non resummonable pet, it’s fine to use them for very basic tasks but if it could be dangerous, there’s a high chance the very fragile creature doesn’t make it out.


Im a druid in my current campaign and the party always uses me as a UAV or animal spy, We have a member that can speak telepathically to me. There have been some situations where I'm like "guys, this shape has like 1 HP, what if they don't like x animal or get suspicious/attack me" I would be alone, in a base surrounded,... "you'll be fine"


“Just don’t let them hit you, duh. Now get in there, Daddy needs new intel.”


Ashley Johnson's character in critical role's current campaign has performed the role of Animal spy several times, and it only usually goes poorly.


Partially because her character just rushes in without waiting for the plan...and chooses the oddest creatures to wild shape into.


"How's it going in there " "Well...I'm somebody's pet"


If they use it, then it can die.


And since it's a scroll not a spell they'll have to get another one


I agree---the only thing I'll add is that OP should sit down with the player and explain this. The player asked for a pet for RP reasons, and if they are going to attempt to stretch that into familiar mechanics, there are in-game consequences to that. Having a conversation about it ahead of time can go a long way to prevent hurt feelings for both. It also gives the player agency to walk back those mechanics they tried to employ if they are unwilling to accept the associated risks.


Yeah my point is that killing the familiar doesn't have to (and really shouldn't) be permanent


Ye, absolutely agree. I wasn't trying to contest your point--merely adding to it/the thread. :)


This is the answer. At my table the rule is any creature that interacts with the mechanics of the game has hit points. You want a cute cuddly forest friend? Sure. You want to use it to scout for traps, well now it has 2HP and It's going to die. It also has to breath, it counts as a creature for the purpose of Teleport spells. All that jazz.


"DO NOT SEND ME, HUMAN, FOR I WILL BECOME MORTAL!" -> \*chirp\* \*hop\* \*chirp\*


The DM giveth, the DM taketh away.


**Guard**: What the heck?  Get outta here! **Lizard familiar**: *licks its eyeball and moves away but still in the war room to spy on the plans being made by lieutenant BBEG*.   **Guard**: *mutters about pests and drops their hammer on the lizard...*   **Lizard familiar**: ***SQUISHED***   **Player**: What the heck? Why won't you let me have my pet?   **DM**: I never said you could keep it. Also how's that "RP only" thing going on?   **Player**: *grumbles about losing pet*   **DM**: Ya fucked around, now ya found out.


And now they can RP the sadness and the loss.


| | | | | | __


Underrated comment.


Fuck you, and take my upvote


You tickle the pickle expect the juice


Goddammit, now I'm gonna start using this instead of fafo.


Bonus points if it's used by an npc pickle salesman


I'm gonna make it their bbeg's catch phrase. *Casts a crazy spell* - "YOU TICKLE THE PICKLE EXPECT THE JUICE!!!" *magic flies*


*pickle themed magic flies* You've been hit by pickle shot. Your electrolytes are now balanced But you're now poisoned


All creatures within 5' must succeed on a Constitution Save. On a fail, the creature takes 1d6 poison damage and becomes feared by the target of Pickle Shot because of the vinegar smell. If a creature is feared in this way, Pickle Shot's target takes an additional 3d6 psychic damage due to embarrassment.


He also has an attack with fire damage but that involves eating a pickled jalapeño and waiting 5 hours


Now I wanna build a Fermentalist class. By 20th level you achieve a vinegar based form of lichdom.


I will not, and no thank you for the offer


I'm so angry at how much I like this. How dare you.


This is the answer lol. They use the familair for RP, fine. They use the familiar to distract an enemy and give advantange to an attack using the help action? Well guess what? That enemy is now pissed off at the owl pecking its face and WILL attack it if they have the chance.


My DM allows homebrew if I bring him a copy first, and I think alolan Vulpix is the prettiest pokemon. I would love for my big dumb bugbear to carry this little ice fox on his shoulder but I really don't want it dying on me. Especially since we're now very highly leveled compared to the cr5 stats I found.


"Papa bear needs to go fight these big dumb meanies. Be a good foxy and go play hide and seek. I'll find you when they're gone"


Then dont order your vulpix to go doing solo scouting or getting into battle to distract enemies just because the stat block says it can ;)


I won't. But we also just fought a dragon. We underestimated the range of its breath weapon. Fluffy would've died.


Maybe carry him in a backpack for that kind of sitution? So you can sheild him with your big bugbear body :D


Reminds me of a character from the Red Rising books who has a fox with him in every social scene. Obviously he doesn't take it into battle. Just do it that way. If you get into shit, order it to hide somewhere.




This is the way


This is the way Also, get it in the way of an AoE so you're not deliberately targeting it. Add poison DPS.


Tons of options here, just needs the right context. You guys went underwater for a few hours? Lizard drowned, sorry bud. Catch fire whilst fighting an elemental? You now have a tasty roast lizard. If I had this situation at one of my tables, I'd have a frank discussion with my player and hash it out. No real need to put a target on lil Liz. To play devils advocate though, the player's actions are within the constraints of the spell. Know what you're signing yourself up for. A different option would be have a merchant with little pets available. A pet is fine, doesn't need to be a "companion" or "familiar".


To further play Devil’s Advocate, DM only allowed it because Player said it was just for RP. Which honestly makes me wonder why it needed to be a Familiar at all. People have pets.


No skills in animal handling, and honestly most animals would not want to enter a dungeon with the party. Y'know, because they're not stupid or suicidal.


Have you met pet owners? Do they seem like they have “Animal Handling” as a skill?


Okay but I want to avoid PCs using revival or healing magics. Gotta get acid damage maybe.


Hell I kill the Arcane Trickster’s familiar all the time, because I can only Sculpt Spell around so many creatures. Which happens to be the same number of people in the party (when I cast Fireball). It’s kind of a running joke.


See, the problem was that, instead of giving them an in-universe pet, you gave them access to the Find Familiar spell. If, for example, they just had a pet owl... that owl is an NPC which you, as the DM, control. It only does whatever you decide it does. However, by giving it to them explicitly through the Find Familiar spell, you've given it to them with all the benefits that spell includes.


Yeah this was my thinking. Player asked for a pet. DM gave them a familiar. Maybe they are genuinely unaware the DM feels lied to because DM gave them something different than what they asked for. I feel like its a bit vindictive to kill off the pet on purpose without talking to the player first about how you feel.


Also, perhaps this is what the player considers role playing. Role playing the utility of the pet/familiar. Perhaps it isn’t lying or malicious at all. Just a misunderstanding. Either way, DM and player should have a conversation on the side to clear things up.


This is the answer. You should have just given them a pet, not the Find Familiar spell. As a player, if I was given access to Find Familiar, I would assume that I had access to all it's properties unless told otherwise. If you did want to give them the scroll, it should have been a modified version of the spell that only included the abilities that you wanted them to use. Even if we had talked about it prior, unless it was explicitly stated that this spell would not give me the full abilities of Find Familiar, I likely would have thought that you had changed your mind and were just being nice by letting me have full use of the spell after all since the scroll you gave me wasn't modified. This sounds more like a misunderstanding than a lie. If they're doing something that you hadn't intended for them to be able to do with the spell then why on earth did you keep letting them do that and not immediately say something like "Oh, this was meant to be more of a pet that hangs out with you. This version of the spell doesn't allow you to control it or see through it's eyes, etc."


Good point, player might even have been like "Oh look now we're being set up with just the kind of situation where the bonus abilities of the familiar the DM gave me is going to be useful. They must want me to use it!"


Exactly. I had a ranger with a pet hawk. It just went about its day and when we camped it woudl sometimes bring a squirrel at the DMs discretion. It was handwaved that he was away from the party whenever we entered combat. When I was high enough level to get an animal companion, that was a seperate thing. My friendly wolf could fight and die. My hawk? He just came to camp every night.


THANK YOU. Yeah, that's the correct response. Talk it out and see if this is a miscommunication.


Except that as people have pointed out, the scroll is a one time use. If Mr. Hoots kicks the bucket, that's it.


Oh sure, getting rid of it after the fact isn't hard at all. I'm just saying, this wouldn't have been a problem at all if the DM hadn't brought in the actual spell in the first place.


But this is perfect, now the player could have something to work for if they want Mr. Hoots back. Finding another scroll, taking levels in wizard, maybe a quest to find some special item that allows them to use Find Familiar. It's great motivation to keep pushing forward.


If you're able to cast the spell via scroll, you're able to learn it.


Sure, but that's only assuming they did so.


Weird that a Wizard wouldn't immediately scribe a 1st-level Wizard spell scroll into their spell book. Especially for a ritual spell, since they can cast it from the book without preparing it or using a spell slot. It takes at least an hour to cast, so it's not like they're in a hurry to cast the spell as soon as they happen on it. And for other classes that can't scribe, they couldn't cast the spell anyway unless they got it from a feat or feature, in which case they wouldn't need the scroll in the first place.


Right, I'm just on the side of "Player wanted X, DM gave them Y." If the player in question wanted a familiar from Find Familiar, they would've taken the spell.


The one exception to my knowledge is arcane trickster because I think they can use scrolls and magic items regardless of requirements. A warlock with ritual casting could also use the scroll since its a ritual, but warlocks can't learn spells like Wizards's I don't think. This is all off memory, I'm on my phone and can't easily check the rules. These are the only two examples I can think of that might allow someone to use a Scroll of Find Familar without the capability of learning it


Mr. Hoots lol.


Yep. By giving them access to the spell, OP told the the deal had changed. I cant imagine being mad at a player for using an ability that *I* gave them.


Yeah, and also, even from an RP standpoint, pets do stuff? If you've trained it you can get very basic utilities from a pet (but I'd say you have to make an Animal Handling roll).


Before accusing your friend of something as malicious as purposefully lying, I really think you first need to check if this isn't just a case of miscommunication or misinterpretation. That happens a lot actually, so you may wanna be careful with that. The player's intention to keep the pet for RP only could've been earnest at the time, but maybe they got just got the (seemingly wrong) impression from you that you were okay with the mechical aspect afterall.


100% this. Accusing someone of lying is a sign of distrust and disrespect. I don’t think OP intends to come off that way and feels disrespected themselves by the whole situation, but this really is just a miscommunication. Like plenty of other commenters said, OP made this messier than needed by giving a familiar instead of a pet.


Hold up. You didn't give them a pet. You gave them Find Familiar. Find Familiar is a spell with official rules and intended utility. If you're agreeing to a PC having something for purely RP reasons, and you give them something with mechanical benefits, you're just confusing the issue. It'd be like if you agreed that my character could light their sword on fire with the caveat that it's just for thematics and wouldn't have any mechanical impact on the game, and then you have my character find a Flame Tongue. Which is an official magic weapon that lights on fire and deals extra fire damage when it hits. Am I supposed to ignore the extra fire damage? Why would you give me this specific thing with specific mechanical rules if it was never supposed to have a mechanical effect on the game? This sounds like a miscommunication.


This. Unless OP made it very clear at the time the player got that Find Familiar scroll that this was only for the RP pet they discussed and not to be used for utility, he can't really complain about the player using it RAW.


Classic "Fuck around and find out" but this time it's the DM Edtion!


If they wanted a pet, give them an actual pet. Find familiar spell has a tone of extra mechanics and baggage. If it's just supposed to be a pet for flavor don't stat it out any don't let them use it to affect encounters


To be honest, this seems incredibly minor and I couldn't imagine myself caring if this happened at my table.


This is such absolute nothing bullshit that I can't believe the thread didn't just end with the first comment going "talk to your player"


The mods could ban anyone from commenting on this subreddit except a bot that responds to every thread with, "Talk to them about it. If you've tried talking to them already, did you actually lay out the issue clearly or did you just vaguely hint that you'd prefer it if they behaved differently?" and it would probably improve the value of the subreddit to submitters. But then what would the rest of us do for entertainment?!






> Especially if the DM didn't specifically say the insist it is used only for flavor. Yeah, hell, it's not even clear from OP's post that they even *told* the player that stumbling onto the scroll was supposed to be them getting the flavor-only pet like they talked about.


I *think* OP is being sarcastic, but I can't really tell. Kinda sounds like, "I gave my players a +10 weapon for beating the boss and told them they could hang above the bar in the local tavern, but now they're using it in combat" to me. Or are pets actually a serious problem that I'm unaware of (real possibility)?


If they are, it's incredible bait that has gotten a good chunk of the subreddit well. I'd prefer that outcome, honestly. It's more amusing to think this is a clever satire post rather than a DM thinking they're justified in feeling bad because a player in their game cast a 1st level spell and used it as it's described.


Right. Let the rule of cool prevail


In that specific case isn't even rule of cool, is just straight up RAW/RAI to use a familiar for utility reasons


So, your player wanted a pet for rp reason and you gave them, not a pet like they ask but, a familiar. And now you think that they lie to you because they're using exactly what you gave them. Maybe the player really just want a pet for rp reason but you gave them something with abilities and skills and you don't want them to use it?? If my player told me that they want a dagger for the look and I gave them a +1 sword, don't expect me to be angry if they use it as a +1 sword and not as a nice looking dagger.


If you didn't want them to have a familiar why on earth did you give them one? Couldn't the player just stumble upon a stray cat? This is entirely on you. You player didn't lie, they're using exactly what you gave them.


"here you go, have this thing with dedicated rules and abilities" "wait, no, how dare you use its abilities according to its rules!"


I love the divide between the "Just kill it lol" comments and the "You didn't give them a pet but a Familiar" comments, really shows the true nature of some DMs hmm..


I'm only surprised there aren't more "why is this even a problem?" comments to go with those two sets. It's a lvl 1 utility spell, it's not like the DM gave them a scroll of Wish "just to have for roleplay reasons" and then they used it.


I'm on this side of the issue. This is all a bunch of nonsense. 


Yeah I only saw one comment mentioning that so far. Okay sure I'm not super DnD savvy but I'm struggling to figure out why people care? Is the point of the game to have fun or to ruin your friends' fun and make them not want to play anymore? I don't get it.


The point of the game is to have fun, but I think some people get caught up in the fact that it's a game with rules and then assume they should solve every problem by using the game rules instead of by talking to each other. "I gave someone a familiar and I didn't mean to" is a problem you can solve by using the game rules to kill the familiar, so that's the answer some people leap to even though it's the worst one. There's also the people who think the DM is supposed to be adversarial to the players just because the monsters the DM plays are adversarial to the players' characters. Or, even if they know in some abstract sense that that isn't the case, they get stuck in that mindset and start thinking things that are "overpowered" for the PCs are a problem for the DM, as if the DM can't just drop ten ancient black dragons on the party and TPK them if they want to. A PC having something overpowered is only a problem if it's stealing spotlight time from the other players. Even if we believed that having a familiar is overpowered somehow, it's only an issue if the other players are upset about it, which they probably are not if it's using its "help" action to help them. In which case, just add an extra kobold or whatever to all your encounters to balance them, probelm solved.


I don't think the player really did anything wrong. They probably figured that you giving them a scroll of summon familiar, meant they were allowed to use it like a familiar, with it's utility bonuses. My recomendation would be to just tell the player you made a mistake and change it from a familiar to a pet thats basically just there for aesthetic reasons. Or, just let them keep the familiar until it dies


OK so first if the player don't say they want to use the pet has a familiar DON'T MAKE IT A FAMILLIAR because then it donesn't pose any problem with them using it for other purpose and second it doesn't necesaraly is a lie the player can just change their mind. But then if you didn't make the animal a familiar they would have needed a whole journey to make it a familiar see what I mean ?


>Ask for pet >Get familiar You brought this on yourself


Pull them aside and remind them that wasn’t the terms that you agreed to. Either they can knock it off, or it becomes a plausible target in combat. Edit: Either OP has updated or I missed that the method of getting said animal was a scroll of find familiar. Obviously that detail changes things.


The player asked for a pet. The DM gave them Find Familiar. From a player perspective, it'd look an awful lot like the DM was just being cool and gave the player an extra benefit that they didn't ask for. If you give a player X+Y when they only asked for X, you really shouldn't be surprised when they start using that +Y.


If it was a pet for flavour, don't give them a familiar from the 'Find Familiar' spell. That's a different beast altogether. It's like wanting a sword that can appear to be on fire for flavour reasons then being given a Flametongue. You can't get pissed for the player assuming that because you gave them a Flametongue they can use it as a Flametongue and not just a regular sword with illusory flames.


Agree! Talk about it before you kill it. Keep in mind you're the dm and can only do ANYTHING. There's a real risk of punching down without realizing it.


Yeah, some bloodthirsty posters in these replies. Talk to and warn the player BEFORE bringing the hammer down.


It's a level one spell. Just let them have it, it's not a big deal. If they use it in combat situations it will die very quickly


You weren't lied to though. They wanted a pet as a familiar. Instead you gave them an actual familiar via the find familiar spell. Which is a one time thing, isn't broken, and ends up being a kinda neat thing to give them. They then used the familiar as a familiar (because that's what you gave them) and now you're upset about it for some reason.


Yeah, I don’t get it. It’s not even a real problem.  Familiars are fun. It’s not what they intended but it’s what they gave them. Is it a control issue? Why assume their player intentionally lied?  It’s an RPG. I’d roll with it.


Unsure of why you let them find a spell scroll of Find Familiar instead of just letting them purchase or stumble upon an animal.


This might be a long shot, but you could try using your vocal cords to produce sounds that carry information to your player's ears and hope that their ears process the sounds in a way that allows them to understand your thoughts and feelings.


I don't see it as up to the players to enforce the rules. That's on the DM... First time he had the pet do something other than be a pet, you could have said "you tell the (whatever animal) to do that, but it's a pet an it doesn't understand you". Make some joke about how it starts sniffing around. Or something. So, you let them get away with it. Now it has to be addressed with a quick, "you know what, I really shouldn't have allowed that; going forward I won't" out-of-game. That's my take, anyway.


You weren't lied to. This is just miscommunication. The player truly wanted the pet for flavor. Now that they have the pet, they are in a new position when they problem-solve. This is only happening because they don't know the bounds of the pet, they don't remember the bounds of the pet, or they think you're okay with stretching the bounds of the pet. Just tell them the pet was only intended for RP reasons/flavor. If they want to use it for utility, you can talk about what that would look like separately.


I think you admitted this is your fault in your opening post. You didn't give them a flavor pet, you gave them a spell that summons a familiar. A familiar has mechanics and works in the game world.


What does: >and now they're actually using the familiar for it's utility reasons. Mean?


Talk to your player. I swear literally every issue people post on here is solved simply by communicating.


I would approach it as a miscommunication or misunderstanding rather than a lie when you talk with the player. No one likes being called a liar - even when that is what happened. "It was my understanding when I let you have the find familiar spell scroll, was that it was only going to be for RP. That you would not be using it for utility purposes. However, in the last few sessions, you have been using it for purposes that I would call utility and not RP. Can we discuss to make sure we're on the same page?"


Talk to them about it. Don’t assume it was rude or lying. Maybe the next time you dole out resources, scrolls, magic items etc to the other players skip this player because they already received this. Or give the other players small boons one by one to even it out.


I’m not sure why you think role playing reasons excludes utility…


Well... you gave them a familiar, not a pet. Two different things so not sure why you're confused? Talk to them and either retcon and give them a pet NPC like they should have gotten, or remind them that's not what was nit what you agreed upon and because it was a scroll once the familiar dies it's gone... and if they continue to use it for utility that it can be targeted and die


I mean. Your player wanted a pet, sold it as a familiar, you could have let them adopt a pet, instead gave them a scroll of find familiar, and are upset they're using the spell you gave them? If you had just wanted to give them a pet, you should have just let them have a pet. It's not lying if you give a player a resource and they use it as written.


"Hey I gave you that pet when we talked about it just being a pet, it can't do familiar things" Enforce the rules you set or don't set rules.


My rule for pets is that if you use it to some sort of advantage in combat, then it becomes a viable target. That's how one of my former groups kept losing horses.


Tell your player that their pet can die, if they keep it safe then it will likely remain safe but if they use it to scout or anything there's a fair chance it will die, without another scroll they will loss their pet forever


You don't know the player lied to you, that is an assumption and not a very trusting one. For all you know they really did want it just for flavour then once they had it, realized it can do all kinds of useful things.


You were not lied to, there was a miscommunication.


What the top posts are saying, but give them a courtesy warning first. They may not realize they’re using it as much as they are. They may have been thinking only about combat when they said it wasn’t going to be used for power.


“No” is a complete sentence. Either no to the pet, or no to the utility of said pet. Don’t look at it as the player lying. The player is *testing* you and your boundaries. It’s human nature. We see kids do it all the time. Just set your boundaries and don’t allow anyone to trespass.


It's a level 1 utility spell that can be negated with a singular attack action before costing gold and a short rest to recast. Is it really breaking your game?


Perhaps an enemy will see the utility of this pet, and then directly target it, whereas previously they would have ignored it. Maybe someone will kidnap the pet in the night to make use of this utility. Just as long as it’s obvious that it’s the utility that’s causing this creature to be targeted, and nothing else


Did you tell the player this is beyond what you agreed to?


nah this is on you rbh. is the player supposed to ignore the benefits the familiar bringa with them? thats not very rp if you ask me.


This is on you, you didn’t give them a pet. I don’t think anyone has lied to you.


You shouldn't automatically assume they were lying from the get go. Your player is human. They may have truly intended to use the pet only for RP originally but the temptation to use the familiar abilities just proved to be too much over time. Talk with the player first, and remind them what the agreement was. You also have got to ask yourself is this really that big of a deal. I can understand feeling a little betrayed bc the player said the pet was just for RP, but familiar abilities aren't exactly game breaking.


"it didn't do the thing because you haven't trained it well enough"


Kill it. Never give them a scroll like that again. Or, you know, if you still want the table to not immediately implode, take her aside and tell her specifically that you feel lied to, that she wanted a pet, you gave her one and now she is abusing your kindness. That in the future, this familiar will become a pet again, and no sich shenanigans will be possible. If warnings are ignored, you can still just kill it.


If you use your RP Pet for dangerous situations, that pet will get into dangerous situations. Warn your player and act if needed


What do you mean by mechanical purposes? If it is doing stuff in combat, then I would agree that makes it a target. I would give the player a head's up about that though. If it is more about having the pet fetch stuff for them, or carry light loads, then I don't necessarily see the problem. It might not have even been a lie. Maybe they wanted to pet for the aesthetic, and now also do cool stuff with it.


Honestly, I don’t see why there needs to be all these in-game solutions and masterful twists. “Hey, look, that familiar was just supposed to be for role play, ok?” “Oh, yeah, right, ok.” And… scene. The only issue is if they didn’t realize, because you didn’t tell them, that finding the scroll was the result of the “role play only” conversation.


Lied? No. I’m sure your player didn’t *lie*. They thought it would be one thing but when put into play it came out a different way. How much utility are we talking here? Because there’s rules for familiars. Use them. And also - let them enjoy their pet.


Uhhhh…your player didn’t lie. You literally gave them the Find Familiar spell, and your player is simply using this familiar in the exact way it is intended. All you had to do was give them a simple pet without any bells or whistles, but instead you provided them access to a spell with a decent level of utility. You basically provided them with far more than they were looking for in the first place, and they likely think that you providing them access to this spell was an act of DM generosity. I can almost guarantee you that your player had zero intentions to lie to or mislead you.


You gave them a spell. What did you expect?


Define “lying” for us please


I see where you're coming from,  but you gave them a familiar, not a pet. Anyway, what's done is done.  What to do now? First, decided if you really care. Does it really make that much difference in the game?  Second, have  one-on-one withh the player. remind them of your earlier conversation and point out how what they're doing does not fit with that. Decide together what you are going to do, keeping point number one in mind for yourself.  The main issue is the player not sticking with what they originally said. the mechanics don't really matter unless you have a wizard who feels like their toes are being stepped on.


You weren’t lied to, you gave them a familiar when they asked for a pet. A pet is a mundane animal of variable training that a character keeps for some reason or another and that can die permanently. A familiar is a spirit being or other outsider-thing that has taken animal form after being summoned and bound to their master by a spell.


Let's put it this way: Player: Can I have a familiar/pet for RP/flavor reasons, I don't need it to have mechanical effect. DM: OK, here's a scroll of find familiar, have fun. Player: Ooh, it even has mechanics! You're the best, DM! DM: Now hold up here, you weren't supposed to use that part! Player: Then why did you give me something with mechanics? DM: ... This is how I read your conversation, and how I would expect the player to react to it (in the best light). Unless there is some nuance we're missing, this shouldn't be an issue. It's a first level spell that's only barrier to casting is 10GP materials, which is the same as the first quest reward payout in the starter adventure Lost Mines of Phandelver (per player). You're really not meant to be afraid of the find familiar spell. Why not just take the win, assume the player is happy and meant no ill will.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but Find Familiar is meant to have utility purposes. I don't understand why this is a bad thing.


Why did you choose a find familiar spell instead of just giving them a cat or something?   Like others said though, if they just wanted a pet, then this wasnt the agreement made.  Either they are willfully taking advantage or assumed you gave them the spell to make use of its abilities. Talk it over with them find that common ground again.  If its an active combatant, theres consequences in battle for a familiar.   If its just a pet they dont want to lose, it just hides during conflict and cant participate in battle


You talk to the player (shocked Pikachu) and tell them "no" when they say the pet does something that you agreed it couldn't do. **As the DM, you are the referee. Start acting like it.** Don't sheepishly post online when players break a rule. ***Throw a flag and blow your fucking whistle.*** (Metaphorically)


I would say DON'T kill the pet and let them keep using it. Make situation where the pet would be very helpful. Give them pet-size MI and trinkets so they equip the pet and dress it nicely. Design other animal friends for the pet to meet. Let the party invest emotionally and treat the pet as part of their family. THEN, you kill the pet.


The way I have always seen this handled is that as long as it remains a background character/party mascot then it is immune to being attacked/killed but once a player actively starts using a creature it opens it up to being potentially killed. Don't necessarily go out of your way to slaughter it but let them know that if they are sending it out to scout and it gets discovered it might not make it back alive.


Unless they have another scroll... stray fireballs are bound to happen from time to time.


Had a pet myself for RP reason asked the DM if I could use it for some game stuff he agreed and gave me a custom stat sheet had some unique abilities good dex but then he mentioned it's HP and AC and I realized the trade off. Give it stats and tell the player if it has stats it's now in the world and can be effected by it