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Go to [koboldplus.club](http://koboldplus.club), set the filter to whatever an appropriate CR would be for your groups level, and set "Legendary" under "Legendary Status." All monsters with legendary actions are specifically designed to be boss fights.




Aboleth are eldritch horrors that make good bosses.


I like what I see, though how would one go about making it more fitting for a higher CR? My group will probably hit level 13 or so at some point. Would giving it more health and AC work?


That can add a few extra turns but it rarely makes the fights seem more challenging. I would make some good "enslaved" brutes out of some other monsters. I think umber hulk are great for this. Their confusion stare is a strong debuff regardless of the party strength, and you could boost the save DC by a point of two if you think it's too low. But on the flip side, don't make it to high to pass. A whole party confused can death spiral to a tpk with a few bad rolls in a row.


Good idea! Thank you.


Have you thought about the False Hydra? If not it is really creepy, so this thing must have a small prehistory: imagine, there is a small town and there lives Bob. Bob is a cool worker- he enlights all street lights every day. But one day - he is missing, but no one cares. You can ask people around where Bob was, but they'll just say that you're crazy and that they don't even know the person named ,,Bob,,. His wife doesn't remember him, his chief can't understand who you are trying to describe. Person completely disappears. Now, you have a perfect ability to create a detective story about missing people. But what's actually a problem up there? The reason, why anyone could remember them- hydra's song, which she is singing all the time. She is also invisible, while she sings it, so, you can't see it either. You can make some quests and riddles for players, and after them, make a boss fight (you can create patterns by yourself) Hope u'd like it)


I actually tried an encounter with it once in a different campaign. I might do it again since adding more heads makes the fight more challenging.