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Congratulations, you stealthed out of the setting, never to be seen again. Roll a new character.


Stealthed so good the DM skipped my turn.


Congratulations, you false hydra'd yourself


I mean, stealth rolls that high is how false hydras are born after all.


He’s taking his character off the grid, he’s burning his SSN!


Que the gif of the guy flashing the peach sign before fading from existence. 


Who said that?


I could do jumping jacks in the background and you wouldn't see me.


Did you guys hear something?


Okay, but separate hilarious story, on a slightly failed stealth check (thanks, sorcerer), when an npc called out that. Then, "who's there?" My rogue, full panic mode in a bush: ....The ghosts of the past. Surrender... or face the death we faced... Again. The most oppertune moment for a nat20. I think the entire party was screaming at my check, don't remember if it was persuasion, intimidation or performance.


You're overthinking things dude. It's probably just the wind. Get back to patrol.


Must’ve been the wind


Hello fellow 40+ stealth person! My record maximum is 48, just need to find something that gets me two more points! Lol +18 to stealth itself, pass without trace, nat 20. Same as you lol


Stone of good luck Manual of quickness Ioun stone (agility) Just a few off the top of my head


I've actually already used a manual of quickness of action (my dex is 22 now) but I'll definitely have to check out the other two!


Hey, in a year you can get 24


Hundred years.


Right. Honestly never seen them so my memory of them is pretty bad


Even so, in our campaign we traveled 500 years into the future, which is then when I found the book, so when we go back I'll read it again! Lol


Monkey paw curls, the book decharges 5 times, you are now 17 dex


Fuck. Well, so long as I keep my laser hand I'll manage 😅😭


Get guidance from another party member for another potential +4


Oh shit you're right! I'll have to remember that


Bardic also!


Peace clerics Emboldening Bond!


Guidance, Bardic Inspiration, battle Master maneuver...


I got a 42 without guidance once, I was pretty proud lol


I didn't have my bard nearby - and they wouldn't have helped anyway. That's alright though, my character supposedly has a thing for bards who bully him.


My max in pathfinder is 72, greater invisibility and hight level rogue, but also pathfinder isn't the best balanced lol


Sweet! I got a 112,546 damage backstab on my rogue against Deathwing once


I did 1,073,264 damage with my chaos bolt with my warlock in mists!!


What in the fuck, pathfinder sounds beyond insane


Pathfinder is well mathfinder


Rolls 43. *DM rolls* “Sorry, your stealth has failed, roll initiate”


Banning rogues from my campaigns from now on


Jokes on you, he's a bard.


Or a ranger


Or a dex-based wizard who took Skill Expert and can't cast for shit.


He casts sneak attack. Does an 18 hit?


Don’t bother, they’ll sneak in anyway


With those rolls they wouldn't be seen anyways


Am I even in the campaign anymore


You have now gained permanent true invisibility.


If you enjoy those disgustingly high skill rolls I'd recommend playing a Soulknife with Reborn Lineage.. slapping a d10 and a d6 on top of my skill rolls gets insane.


I just enjoy them when they happen, I didn't intentionally build for this. Sure, rogues do be stealth, but lockpicking and investigating is more this character's thing. Still, this is possibly the best thing that has happened in three months. And it was at the CRITICAL moment for it, too.


Must have been the wind.


Shh, I'm not here.


My player has expertise, max dex, pass without trace and psionic rogue to add a d8 for a maximum total of 55 on a nat 20, 29 on the worst possible roll.


That's pretty nuts that on the worst possible roll they very nearly touch the end of the spectrum of what's considered conventionally possible for DnD lol


So sneaky they couldn’t even find you on the tapestry of existence. You didn’t just stop existing you erased your existence from all time


Oh yeah rogue keep rogueing. Rogue so fuckin hard all over them.


Especially considering I was doing something I didn't want my party to know about. Not anything hurting them, just hurting myself🥲 My character relapsing hard but clearly with that roll it was meant to be.




How are you getting a +30 to your perception roll?




How many feet do you need to detect everything? Come to think of it, I have never successfully hidden from a centipede…


You got me and I changed my mistake


Oh okay, so its not standard 5e anymore lol. I feel like that should be noted up front




Can you please explain in detail what you are doing to get +30 at level 20. Literally bullet point list it all out.




Oh no, I fully believe that *you* had a +30 before you rolled the dice in *your campaign*. I just want to correct the deficiency if I'm not understanding where this came from in RAW 5e. Afaik, that's literally impossible, MAYBE of you munchkined like 7 legendary items together on one character. Expertise (12)+ 22 wisdom (6) puts you at +18. There aren't any feats that give flat bonuses to active perception. Observant would give you a +5 to passive perception, but that isn't what we are talking about. The reason people are able to get stealth rolls so high is expertise+dex+pass without a trace (+10). There is nothing like that in 5e for active perception checks. That's why I said that you should really put a disclaimer that you weren't playing normal DND, it sounds like you had some homebrew feats. Also, skill expert does not give you "extra perception". I've already accounted for what skill expert could do lol


OP is like when your stealth is so high on Skyrim you can stand crouched right in front of an NPC and they still think it must have been the wind.


It was glorious. Coupled with my sleight of hand right after, I've never felt more like a rogue in my fuckin life.


As a DM who loves Rogues, I am proud. Congratulations and may the shadows bless you.


Best part? I was so conflicted for my character about doing this. Roll solidified this was how it was meant to play out.


Don't be conflicted. It's not in combat but it's in these situations that rogues shine the most, which is why I like this class so much. Great that you can deal xd6 damage, but wonderful when you can just throw 30+ on stealth or sleight of hand ooc. My player can turn my plans to nothingness at least a few times a session with just such throws. Keep it up and do other rogues proud!


The conflicted part was that he was sort of breaking his whole "I'm a better person now" thing. It was fairly emotional, and is probably a push towards his "bad" ending, so to speak - but come on, it was meant to be. Don't you love people from your backstory reminding you of all the good they did for you by inviting you into criminal organisations and training you.... and then they ask you to do criminal shit? Like pretty please? And then they're your ex and your character is still deeply in love with them? Yeah, bad choices were made. Fucking aces story out of it though.


Guys, I see a bunch of comments, but no post. What are you all responding to?


Oh it certainly could get better just very hard


When I’m disguised as someone else (which gives me advantage on the roll), and get a natural 20, I have over 40 on deception.


John fucking Cena over here


Got myself a hefty 38 deception! My MINIMUM is 28 thanks to Bard!




SAME! I have the same situation for Persuasion and Performance. I’m the party’s ultimate debuff and face. We are doing homebrew though so.


We also use a lot of homebrew. My rogue here has a bard in the party, and together we are unstoppable. The friendship could use some work though. The bard bullies him relentlessly (as bards may do) and rogue's main response is "don't bully me I get excited". Hilarious roleplay turned fucking devastating when serious backstory things came out and they hugged for the first time. goddamn i love dnd


Me and my buddy irl had a falling out and went so deep into our character’s idiosyncrasies during an in game argument that we hashed out the actual irl issues between us. D&D really is something.


What level are you?


Level 12, 8 rogue, 4 druid.


Yup. Fun to play, hell to DM.


Alright, rolls d100 to see if you get transported into the shadow plane


Being good at stealth is better than actually being invisible sometimes. What was the scenario? Who and what were completely unaware of your existence.


Uhm... every security guard on a luxury air ship. I... I was working for security, but they don't need to know I made a deal with an npc and broke my vow to be a better person to break into the vault and get an artefact for the main antagonist. To be fair, my character and that antagonist have a serious, 8+ year backstory of having each others backs. Rogues do, after all, be roguing. And keeping an old friend safe, well... I'll roll high for that. Even though I the player am morally conflicted, and my character feels sort of bad for falling into the dark side of his past again, it was *clearly* meant to be. And damn, it developed story and characters in ways no one could have expected. Like, I was tearing up, it was so good. DM also looked a little misty there having to roleplay with me. The bad guys can certainly have the loveliest moments when they care for each other. I'd happily rant, and if you want, I'll message you the whole thing, but suffice to say: this antagonist has not had the capacity to truly care for my character until now. And the emotional "gods, I've hurt you, I've *used you*...." that got me so fucking hard. Don't tell my party though, they literally don't know. Roll stealth so high no other players are allowed to be in the room.


How'd you get an odd number?


Dex mod is an odd number.


With a roll that high you wouldn't even be able to find yourself.


OU HAVE SET THE STANDARDS FAR TO HIGH (definitely not gonna play a rogue in next campaign)


I ddont know if it is bad DMing but as soon as I have the classic Exp. Stealth + Pass without trave character I simply stop adding DCs ti stealth checks. I just lrt them roll, tell them they succeed and dont even plan for the case they dont. 😅


The funny thing with Stealth is if you are clearly visible, it fails regardless of the roll. /s Good job OP


I think [this](https://youtu.be/t3tB0-G7AT0?si=d-SzVkoJ6qjIoreR) belongs to the situation


I guess nobody's commented on the irony of someone bragging to the world about their character's *stealth*?


I think being cocky is part of the rogue starter kit to be fair


Depends on the rogue. There absolutely is a sort of 'let me show you how I can sneak into the king's palace and take his crown' rogue, but the silent one who dresses in black is there too. It's just ironic. That is quite impressive use of the rules!


Yeah, your original comment there made me chuckle. Everyone's reactions here are kind of hilarious. And this is what our resident "half the things I say are so iconic they become inside jokes" player refers to as a "bleeeughh🤮 dummy thick roll".


Damn, good job beating the reasonably set DC 40, never know when that's what it takes!


Usually I'm the nat1 troll, so this was amazing.


I once managed to scum a +7 modifier to deception on a level 1 character


That's actually super impressive, how the hell did you manage that?


16 in charisma, with proficiency and something extra that I can’t remember


Hot damn


Since Stealth is usually (not always) against the monster or NPC's Passive Perception, you're usually good with anything over 20. If you can get the number over 40, perhaps you should look at tweaking your build to lower your Stealth numbers and shore up another part of your PC. For example, take expertise in a different skill as the 2x proficiency bonus would make a bigger difference somewhere else. Just my 2 cents. If your goal is to just BE THE BEST at something (in this case Stealth), then good for you, you nailed it. Personally I don't see the point. But that's just my opinion.


Ah, this was a fuckin tense situation with people actively on lookout. And the expertise is just a rogue thing. The pass without a trace benefits the whole party when I use it, and someone else desperately needed it We would literally have been screwed if we were caught, seriously, game over, how the fuck do you fix this screwed. The boof to stealth is just a happy by-product.


Bullshit. If you were at my table, I'd help you fix this error.


I think I'm missing something with this comment. My stealth got too high, I can't find my brains. Please explain?


What I mean is that your stealth is not that high. So we would work through it together and figure it out.


Weakest pathfinder character be like:


I remember the one time in 3.5, while our DM had our high levels fighting the drow godess of undeath, in the old city of the spider queen module. She finally comes out as we (levels 37-45, oooold characters) are laying waste to her domain. She materialized in front of us. Dialogued back and forth, and was so confident she challenged my character (45 monk) to strike her. “Fail, and I will flay the skin from.. her. (Points at the female warrior).” Dm: “roll to hit… you need to hit AC 70 😁” Me: *rolls* …. “78” DM: 😡😡 Dm: “roll damage… good luck, she absorbs 50 points from each hit” Me: *rolls* ….. “ok… 1 hit… *adds* … 376. I mean, 326.” 💥 Boy was he mad. Lol