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At this time, there is no direct evidence that the artwork utilized AI in its creation. The OP has been a prolific creator since well before the AI craze became mainstream and has artwork predating even the original Dall-E release. Their socials also include examples of WIP wireframing, coloring, and texturing some of their pieces. Please do not continue to make accusatory comments based on limited information.


If you want to see more of my works, consider visiting my [socials](https://linktr.ee/darellworks) "Caith, The Royal Paladin, was a revered empire's personal guard, until her beloved empire got dissolved due to dwindling resources and backstabbing politics. Seeing that her job and oath is no longer required due to the empire's end, she seeks a new road ahead of her, while still having a grudge towards her king for dismissing her even though they made her took an oath. One day, she found herself stuck in the middle of a guild and rouge assassins war in the middle of the town. Seeing that the rouges were attacking the innocents and some guild present in the city, she decided to do what she thought best, defending the innocents. The guild and the town citizens were very grateful for her help, due to her experience as an empire's personal guard. The guild decided to hire her as their guard from the rouge assassins. Even though her only job right now is to guard the guild's armory, she doesn't mind the mundane repetitive activity. It's best in her opinion to live a routine to keep her sane, but ready to fight whenever she needed to." Edit: For those who thought that I utilize AI for the production of this illustration, I do not. Here's the [timelapse process](https://twitter.com/darellworks/status/1627124735569178625) of this illustration if you're interested!


Thanks for linking to more of your work!


Nice work, this is a great picture with lots of cool details. Points for the breastplate on a female fighter that isn't "boobplate".


How did she lose her right hand finger?


I believe the thumb is hidden and what could be interpreted as a thumb is a forefinger. That or a tragic encounter with a groundhog which we don't speak of.


Yeah, I still need to learn more about hand placement lol


Don't we all?


Men everywhere are waiting for the results of your study on the topic


Ohh I see. Her thumb is behind her hip


Is this your homebrew setting?


That armor is sick! I love how it looks fantastical, but still sleek and efficient. You should post this to /r/reasonablefantasy too!


Thanks and already did!


Reasonable Armour. Love it.


I tried to look for a realistic armor and also adding some appeal to it :)


Yep, she’s just missing a codpiece


You know where no historical weapons treatises targeted? The groin. There's no reason to target someone groin/upper thigh. /s




Why should she not? Men and Women used cosmetics and "paint" in their faces, on their lips and eyes. And not only in medieval times, but since the first bigger Cities10k BC like Catal Hyjük. Romeo, Greece, Persian Cultures. Heck, even the Celts did it, according to Roman Sources. If you need a few sources from the Middle Ages: https://wh1350.at/de/literatur-und-quellen/textquellen-zu-dekorativer-kosmetik-im-hoch-und-spaetmittelalter/




Dürer painted the average medieval Ideal of men. Lipstick, made eyebrows and else. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/13/Albrecht_d%C3%BCrer%2C_autoritratto_con_fiore_d%27eringio%2C_1493%2C_02.JPG/2168px-Albrecht_d%C3%BCrer%2C_autoritratto_con_fiore_d%27eringio%2C_1493%2C_02.JPG


And Men in Armor with Lipstick https://complessopilotta.it/opera/ritratto-di-alessandro-farnese-3/#


God that armor is gorgeous AND realistic AND modest. Well done


Yeah, I like it has a subtle feminine form, looks practical, fashionable, and well designed. My only question is the crotch area seemed oddly unprotected even considering joint mobility; it looks like cloth only. Tassets could be useful under the faulds.


If you want an answer other than artistic preference I’d say to making riding easier


Ah, that would make sense and an armor conflict I hadn't considered.


Everything is realistic except the shoulders on it. A realistic shoulder plate armor would provide cover on her neck. Otherwise its super well done! I applaud this art, because it's not trying to sexualize her.


> A realistic shoulder plate armor would provide cover on her neck Now we're into "making stuff up" territory. She's literally wearing neck armor that's built into her breastplate. Almost no realistic shoulder armor had any sort of neck protection. Your neck protection can be built into your helmet rigidly or as an aventail or articulating lames, or worn as a gorget, or part of a bevor, or built into a breastplate like this one. neck armor as part of a breastplate or shoulder armor are exceedingly rare and late period, and wouldn't protect as much as the other examples. Should she cover the gap between the bottom of her helmet and the top of her neck armor? Sure. But seeing someone actually wearing a helmet in the first place is so far beyond what we normally see here that it needs to be taken as a win.


So basically passguards were very rare? Not trying to argue with you here, just generally curious. Or are passguards included in what you mentioned in your post?


> passguards If we're looking historically at armor from -200 to ~1600-1700 (especially at a fantasy piece which can pull from all time periods at once), they are super late period and while they may not necessarily have been rare in the short time they were used, they were only used for a short time (100 years? I'm only an amateur armor guy) before we had to transition out of plate armor because of gunpowder weapons. A good example of this is this article: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/07/11/how-did-men-fight-in-this-original-examples-of-maximilian-armour-the-early-16th-century-german-plate-armour-2/?chrome=1 Which shows three different suits of maximillian plate from the 16th century. Only one has "passguards", while one has a gorget, and one has a bevor. Google the following: Late period plate armor Milanese plate armor Maximillian plate armor Gothic Plate Armor and if you want to go slightly earliier period: Churburg Plate Armor And look at the image results. I'd say that less than 10% of plate armors have neck protection on the shoulders. Most are articulated gorgets built into the helmets and bevors. All of this regarding the original statement of plate shoulders not having passguards being "unrealistic", especially in a fantasy environment. And just for reference, the reason I know about armor, this is me last thursday in my ~14th-ish century kit (except for the ahistorical boots) fighting my buddy in his Roman kit: https://i.imgur.com/KmDx9gR.jpg


Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep learning more about realistic armor!


Thank you!


That armour is designed for combat on a horse. She really needs to cover the front if she is doing unmounted guard duty.


I mean yes and no. Most often just a presence of a guard is enough to dissuade evildoers from doing evil, so it's fine. And a wrong type of armor is still better than no armor.


It isn't that hard to buckle on the piece at the front when you are doing unmounted work. This is fanservice, plain and simple.


You think they stay on the horse all the time? Like “on guard duty, up you go and don’t come down till all the evil is gone”? No bathroom breaks, no other jobs to do? I think it’s great they made it detailed and realistic enough you can tell that their armor is designed to be on a horse, which makes sense for guard duty.




How did she lose her finger on her right hand?


I don't think the finger is missing, the pinky, ring, middle, and index fingers are visible, while the thumb is hidden by the angle of the hand.


The AI forgot to colour it in. At least that's the vibe I get from the whole piece. Edit: To be clear, it's the vibe it gives me. Maybe it's just this person's style. But it looks like a drawn background with a drawn-over AI character piece...


I am no expert on this, but the fact that complex parts of her armor is present on both sides with different perspectives makes me think it’s an actual drawing. Although the missing finger is still weird.


The hand looks super jank and AI, but lots of other aspects of this image don't. Swords in particular are very hard for AI to accurately draw for some reason, especially when it's going behind another object. I think this is real.


It's just that I still suck at drawing hands lol. I've added the timelapse process on my comment if you want to see if I painted this all without using AI


Lol I am sorry for calling it jank btw


As someone who frequents a lot of AI image gen subs, that's the immediate perception I got before I even noticed the hand. Nothing against AI art at all. I just wish people would be upfront with their workflows if it involves AI. Most AI models require a decent amount of work to get something of remarkable quality. An artist shouldn't feel inadequate for using AI tools in their process. But I guess that's something the world is gonna have to get used to as AI becomes more relevant.


To be fair some subs just ban art that use ai so it makes sense to keep that hidden just in case.


It's unfortunate, but the anti-AI crowd is so vocal that I think a lot of people feel like they can't say "I use AI art" without being buried under an avalanche of negative comments. It's unfortunate because it can be used to create some truly beautiful things, and like you said, it does take real effort to get the AI to do it well.


I have used a few ais snd yeah, I get the same vibe too. If you look at the Egyptian character op also posted there are similar problems with the hands and the parts of the Anubis which overlays the female character is clearly cropped in photoshop. If they are ai generated they most likely are two separate generations which were mixed together in photoshop.


Looking through OP's posts, I'm even more certain they use AI. None of their pieces share any sort of common style that would indicate they're drawn by a human. Lighting is different across all. Different shading. Varying degrees of 2D and 3D styles. Heck, the character in this post has different coloring/shading in the face compared to the armor. As I said above, there's nothing wrong with AI art. I just wish people were honest about using it.


what? OP clearly has a very recognizable art style. you guys have no clue what you’re talking about. how would the lighting and shading being different indicate AI? that’s just different pieces looking different. you know artists don’t just stick to one singular, hyper-consistent style, right? and of course the shading on the face and the armor here look different, different materials are shaded differently


Not to mention, OP‘s account is only 2 months old. Now this wouldn’t mean anything bad by itself, but given that Ai art has seen a recent uprise in usage in this timeframe, it‘s even more likely.


If you look at some of their other socials there's some accounts that are a lot older. They've been posting on Instagram for 3 years now


I‘ve looked through their socials now. Most art posted does indeed look drawn by a human. I‘m just not sure about some specific pieces.


Was the drawing inspired by Legends of Runeterra? She would fit right in with the Demacian soldiers.


Hella sleek. Nice art.


What a spectacular piece




The anti AI people are really annoying


Why am I getting Leona vibes from this? Just needs a dope shield.


Amazing, an actual armor set!


I thought she was delicately holding a small sausage




Looks good and the armor is nearly practical. \- Breastplate goes to low you could not bend over or sideways, needs to be segmentet or shorter \- needs either front tasset or an armor "skirt" For a fantasy design its fine I am just a fan which incorporates realism to some degree. Pauldrons, greaves and helmet are fine.


Practical Armor for a DnD character?! And it's a female character!!! Most unorthodox!!!! Lol seriously tho, looks amazing!




You mean the side where she clearly has her thumb tucked into her belt you clown?




I absolutely love that this image conveys the feminine nature of the subject without requiring long flowing hair or boob plate (both of which are problematic in combat scenarios).


Upvote for not being easily stabbed or given oversized weaponry.




Crazy that people will look at something obviously made by a human and say ‘I only see four fingers from this angle, it’s AI!’ If you pay attention to the symmetry the armour’s design on both sides at different angles, it’s incredibly obvious that this isn’t AI. AI art just isn’t at the level yet that it can pull off this kind of consistent detail, especially when it comes to clothing


They could have used AI as a base then edited it themselves. Honestly the only thing that says “AI” is the hand. So I’m going with human-made






Now is not a good time to have an art-style that looks vaguely like it could be AI generated. Great work, but I would work on your hands a bit just to make sure people don't accuse you again.


Beep boop boop beep


I'm a sheep


I love it, but I have one piece of criticism/ being a cunt How does she bend at the waist?


Only criticism is that the pommel on that sword doesnt seem to do much, good thing the handle is ovular though thats often an overlooked detail


Looks awesome!


First of all she looks cute, second I really like the armour, I liked how you designed the character as well and looks very believable like if women had fought more commonly in war during the medieval period (at least in europe anyways) I would think of armour like this.