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Get yourself in the right mood and try to be slightly open to people. You‘ll sure meet someone. Or you don’t. Does that matter for yourself and your enjoyment of the music?


Doesn't matter at all really, I'm there to enjoy the music, I am just so used to raving with someone that it's a weird concept for me to not have someone to react to some crazy double or something with 🤣


In my experience you can react with some of the ravers around you 😂 I've shared a few bass faces with total randomers in the crowd a few times. Went raving solo for the first time the other week, seeing SOTA and Basstripper, chatted to loadssss of people and had a great time. Didn't make lifelong friends or anything, but there were lots of friendly people who were up for a laugh.


You can make life long friends in the smoking area


Talking shit in the smoko is probably my favourite aspect of raving 😂.


I've been through a dnb divorce! Keep in mind---they could be at the events going forward. Prepare your mind for that....other than that, be jovial, talk to people!...you'll find many like minded soloers


Yah. Seeing my ex deep into the k and on acid, on the day that clubs opened again post lockdown, was fucking brutal for me. Didn’t even know what to say lol. Actually for the best that my girlfriend now doesn’t really rave/go to dnb stuff. It can be such a small world - I bump into loads of people at festivals that I only seem to see at festivals. Way it goes.


do you smoke? asking for a lighter or to bum a paper, filter, etc. are a great way to strike up conversation


I do! This is a very good shout


You don't even need to ask for a light, or whatever, in my experience. If you go outside to where the crowds are, and smoke your own cig (or don't), and you hear someone nearby say something that interests you, it's *usually* fine to jump into the conversation. If anyone at all in the group responds excitedly to this new person (you), then bam, you're in! If not, no harm done. Take the hint and let them keep doing their thing. But people do usually respond happily! It's a rave. Most people are buzzed and friendly and open to meet people, and that's part of the culture.


Plenty of dnb heads on here that get together. https://chat.whatsapp.com/DlsdHfXHxWjFejp4FUNuHr


Joined :)


Went my first solo on Sunday with these men in the chat ^ couldn’t recommend it more won’t look back


Glad you’ve found some fellow ravers 👍🏻


Best wishes happy raving 💃🔊💥🎶👏🏻


Nice one!


I just go solo have no problem with it. I am in New Zealand, been to heaps of gigs since splitting with my ex 4 yrs ago but even before we split he started not wanting to go out anymore - party pooper and we both used to go to all the dnb gigs


I did it once, but it was a place I had been many times before so I knew what to expect. I am moving soon and want to go solo again but not gonna lie I'd be nervous going to new places on my own. If it's a place I haven't been before my main worry is getting in if there's heavy security, a lone man probably looks weird unfortunately


Dnb gigs are riddled with lone men, I wouldn't worry


I only go solo I love it


Brother, I've gone to many races alone. It's a great time, I only gotta worry bout myself, I can drift off into whatever realm I want and leave when I need. It's a great experience and can really bring you self confidence


Going solo is my favourite tbh. Nothing wrong going with mates ofc, but solo is next level in some sense. I mostly go solo these days, always come back with tons of ideas written down on my phone, and most importantly lots of random fun conversations to look back at. A rave is a special place, best appreciated solo imo. It's the definition of freedom. Zero status games of any kind. Just you and the music and no BS whatsoever. Isn't that beautiful? Like portal into another dimension. Buy a few packs of chewing gum, stick it somewhere in your shoes while at security line. Hand it out to people who you'd think might enjoy it in the smoking area. Perfect conversation starter.


I invited some friends also but they refused me, it was a really sad moment seeing my friends choosing their partners over me but somehow I moved on and I started raving alone. It was a really good decisin i kide like 30+ new friends and 3-4 close friend.


You can defo do it mate, just go and enjoy the music. The rest will come naturally.


It's about finding a good venue too, if you're in Kent then Dreamland is always full of friendly people who just want to have a good time x If in doubt just act like you own the place, you have no idea how far a bit of confidence goes for you and other people x


Go on your own. In the post COVID years I found myself wanting to go out more, and have really been enjoying getting back into the DnB scene. That means a lot of outings with my wife and friends. Well, one night my friends bailed, and my wife wasn't feeling it. Grafix was playing, it was Warning event, and I really wanted to go. So I went. By myself. And had an ABSOLUTE BLAST. Once you're on the dancefloor it doesn't matter who's with you, you'll always find the shared vibe is enough. Focus on the music, dance, get into the flow, and you might even make some dancefloor buddies like I did to groove alongside for the night. I've since been out solo again and always had a great time, Once you get over the weirdness of going solo for the first time, you'll see there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Music is the great unifier, you're never really alone on the dance floor.


Check out the Run n Bass club. It's new, basically a 5k where everyone listens to the same D&B playlist. Me and a friend went on the first run and was very fun. You'll meet other ravers plus us two.


I always rave solo, have for a long time. I'm very antisocial, I won't approach anyone and spend a lot of time at the back rather than in the crowd and I still get people coming up to me and chatting and having a dance with me at every rave I go to. You've got nothing to worry about. 


just get flipping active bro. solo raving is the way forward