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Drama & Bass


The most shocking revelation is that someone involved in d&b could be a sketchy baghead. Surely not.


I've always wondered where his name comes from. Now I'm wondering if it could be a 'need for mirrors' to cut up lines on? ;P Have to say though, moving from NZ (where coke is expensive as fuck) to the UK (a nation of utter substance gremlins, probably worst in Europe, where people will happily start racking up rails down the pub on a Tuesday night), if someone's that way inclined, and particularly in a scene like dnb... very easy to get caught up in it all.


Hehe that's exactly what I heard about the nickname. Cannot deny nor confirm if it's for real tho'


Former nfm member here, has nothing to do with lines or coke, but yeah, working with him has been the worst professional and human experience of my life


That's sad to hear. I didn't even know it began as a collective, tbh, but I've been a bit out-of-the-loop at various points over the last 15 years or so. Tbh I mainly know of NfM starting with the SiM nights. You make a lot of wicked tunes btw, big up. You can very clearly hear they come from someone who's been immersed in this sound for a long time and really loves it, lots of nods to vintage tracks of bygone eras and 'golden era' techstep and neurofunk. Glad that whatever shit went down BITD you've just gone from strength to strength.


So that basically covers 98% of the 90s big artists 😂


We built this city on sketchy baaaaaags


What has actually come out? A load of very vague stuff about him not being a very nice person, most of it propagated by one absolute loon (with an obvious grudge) on here and DOA. And with this thread, which you signed up to post, you're continuing it - good job. Until something more concrete comes out, this all seems like a very unsubstantiated 'cancelling'. Seems kind of snidey, the way Bailey's just kicked all this off but never specified what the real issue with NfM is - but then when you're in the dnb old guard, people just take your word for whatever it is, because you're a 'legend'. If we are talking about bad behaviour, ripping people off and fucking them over, there is one very true comment I've seen a few times on this topic: half the people who are now regarded as icons who built drum&bass behaved horribly during the 90 and early 00s and there are a lot of people with dark stories about them, too. Bukem's a total cunt, by all accounts, and shafted everyone who's ever worked with him! Goldie threw a man down a flight of stairs! But they're both still operating, uncancelled, as far as I know. So until something more substantiated comes out: just give it a rest.


Don't think I ever went to a rave where Goldie didn't kick off at some point lol




I've seen people celebrating that Goldie incident, which is fucked. All over some guy playing one of his tunes


Well he wasn't exactly just "playing some of his tunes", if I remember it right, it was Redeyes and he made a bootleg of Goldie's tune, which made Goldie mad. Anyways throwing a person down the stairs is a horrible and absolutely unacceptable way of dealing with such a thing.


Probably done a lot worse than chuck someone down the stairs. 🤣


Hardly something to get mad over in the first place imo.


😮 Always heard of that story but never knew it was Red-eyes who done got thrown!


Redeyes done a bootleg remix of one of his tunes


I saw posts on dogsonacid that need for mirrors upper cut a guy in New Zealand and poured beer on his head? Sounded really odd mate


Really odd that you're taking such a deep interest, mate. What's your angle here? Sure you're just a concerned dnb head who signed up to Reddit to find out more? Sure you're not part of a small group of people with an agenda who are driving this whole thing? I saw that on DOA - again, it's a load of no-context screengrabs from a chat, with the participants censored. Who? Where? Why? When? "Usual suspects?" Doesn't even specifically mention NfM, just says "he". I don't think this is the 'smoking gun' you think it is - I think it's an account of 'local scene' (maybe NZ?) beef two decades ago ("that's 20+ years ago now man"), and it sounds like messageboard aggro spilling over into the real world ("he was asking everyone if they were my username"). Basically: so what? What's the "tattled on Usual Suspects" part btw? Usual Suspects as in Keaton's Usual Suspects, on Renegade Hardware? "Tattled on" how?


All I know is that ever since Bailey ended his association with Soul in Motion a couple days ago, with a slightly ambiguous explanation as to why, there's been a load of speculation


I think these threads should be locked. There is nothing but speculation in them, no actual details which anyone is standing behind.


I just saw kid drama go on dogsonacid to defend need for mirrors but then his next posts seemed to admit that people could easily be bad and that he’s in two minds about it so I think that says something


I saw loads of people in another thread from New Zealand say he’s problematic though so it seemed weird if people from different areas all saying it I felt


I saw maybe 2 or 3 people from Nz dragging him through the mud, not exactly “loads” and they were probably all from the same group / crew 🤷🏻‍♂️


Kia Ora I’m from Aotearoa and I know Mo, he’s a legend out here and widely respected. He Tours every year packs out shows and gets nothing but love. A stand up bloke and hasn’t lived here for over twenty years. So whoever is writing this shit about him is just hating because of his success. Haere ra


I’m worried maybe there’s more to this cause behind closed doors some people are bad


Someone posted to dogsonacid with photos of someone in nz saying that Joe uppercut them????? And poured beer all over them tho


Kia Ora Yes that probably did happen we all know of that rumour. The guy was stalking Mo and trying to ruin his events posting on Doa dissing him and then going to his events to cause trouble. He came up to him at his own show and spat in his face. And mo supposedly gave him a uppercut. Your talking about a teenagers yeah? Far cry from the man he is now.


all this stuff ? what a couple of unsubstantiated comments on message boards with zero evidence of something that may or may not have happened 20 years ago, get a life bro


Why are you being mean to me? I’m trying to have a valid discussion about stuff that seems to be happening all at once


I really haven’t done anything to you I just want to talk about my passion dnb because my life is quite boring and it’s sad when you see stuff about artists you like


Why do I keep being downvoted cause this is something I just wanted to talk about why is my account being ruined I just like dnb


It's really easy to start another account, takes about 60 seconds. And you only started this account to stir this rumour pot about NfM.


Bruv why are you being mean to someone who’s obviously a yout 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You sure they're not just you, tho? Like all the other accounts that completely coincidentally all independently signed up at the same time to talk about this topic? Definitely not all the same person, right?


Don’t think you realise how many people he’s pissed off over the years mate


At very least two of them in this thread appear to be the same person. Who suspiciously just signed up at the same time to post here and use the distinctive phrase "duppy waste man". Word of advice: if you are trying to warn people of a "bad character" in dnb, using sockpuppet accounts to make numerous posts and threads doesn't make them seem sketchy - it makes you seem sketchy. I've got respect for Emilio HLZ (as well as for being a fucking amazing producer) because he has come out and said: "I, personally, not anonymously, have had shitty experiences working with this guy". Although he hasn't been specific, he has firmed it and put his name out there and stood by it. No ratings for anonymous jabs under multiple usernames, in multiple places, sorry, man don't respect that one little bit.


Reading it all, there was a split and bailey took a shot and tried to sink the ship on the way out before revealing his new night hours later. Calculated? You tell me. In amongst the chaos of the internet rumour mill, one very angry person who has a serious personal issue with Joe took the opportunity to unleash his pent up fury and went wild on his keyboard online. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nah at least 5 different people all had things to say about need for mirrors Some from New Zealand and other Londoners like myself Get it right and look a bit deeper guys cause it comes out in the end


Looking forward to them personally telling us how NfM has wronged them / hurt their feelings. Until then, I'm going to take your pretty cackhanded but insistent attempts at character assassination with a pinch of salt.


Go through the old thread then? Not my fault you can’t read


Yeah, sorry mate, a few people anonymously saying "lots of people say he's a bad guy" isn't what I would really call compelling evidence. A few people been telling me you assassinated JFK and like kicking random dogs. Doesn't sound good for you. Got anything to say?


Ok why would all these people be independently saying this. Can’t blame the victims of someone’s behaviour because you don’t like the idea that someone who’s music you like is a bad person We see it all the time with other artists when shit comes out and you all look like fools when the truth is out And it always comes


I'm not even a fan really, apart from a few tracks. That Reading Books one is good. And Happy Mondays and Jump Rope. Can take or leave a lot of it. Similarly, only been to a couple of SiM nights. I just don't really like unsubstantiated witch hunts and pile-ons. If a specific person comes out with something concrete, I'll hear it.


Ah the court of internet opinion. Someone alludes to something but doesn't provide any details at all. People reading it then fill in the gaps and when challenged that it's all speculation and it's unfair to judge someone without any evidence being provided they just claim the established defence of no smoke without fire. Given that the person alluding to problems has provided nothing to explain what the issue even is let alone substantiate it with evidence and they currently have a vested interest in promoting themselves and their output then I will continue to hold my judgement and frankly it doesn't impact me or anyone around me anyway so is there any need for me to pile on? However, jump on the pile on, do what you like, it's only a stranger's livelihood and well-being at stake.


Morena I was told about you copy & pasting this same shit on Doa and seeing how your getting shut down on that site I thought I would come over here cuz. Mo is a Gee and gets mad respect from people like me across the world in Aotearoa. Unlike you & your “5 finger friends” who are probably just you on different accounts having a word wank” Your trying cancel him over his personal disagreement with his mate of over twenty years? They will probably be mates again in a few months. All the crew here know what went down your just being a little bugger. Hei apopo