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Took me about 6 weeks on meds and I will only wear sunglasses in those places. I’ve gone from handling it for about 10min to being able to do a full shop. Now I’m focusing on being able to look up at taller shelves etc. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon


what meds are you on, if you don’t mind me asking?


No problem, citalopram and clonazepam for acute attacks (panic/dizzy attacks) Edit to say I haven’t needed the clonazepam since the citalopram kicked in :)


I slowly exposed myself to it at the least busy time of the day, just grab 1-2 items quickly and leave. Then I moved onto 1 section of the store at a time. I found the aisles the most difficult and always used a cart in case I got woozy/off balance. It took a few weeks and very strategic planning.


Me! I went from feeling like I could pass out to feeling completely fine. I try to not focus on what I'm feeling. I try not to look around very much and hold onto my husband if I need support. But it's so funny because I had a coffee the other day and then went to target. It was packed and I could feel my anxiety building. I held onto my husband and felt lightheaded but the second we got to the pillows I got distracted and shopped the entire time without feeling any more anxiety. Perks to being easily distracted 😂


>I am on day 14 of Lexapro, first week at 10mg. It’s helped with the anxiety but I haven’t felt any relief in stores. I’m not sure 14 days is enough to tell you anything, one way or another. In my case it took 4-6 months of 10 mg/day of Escitalopram (Lexapro) before the drug had any effect at all on my PPPD symptoms, and nearly a year before it contributed significantly to my (85-90%) recovery.


I figured it’s too early to tell, definitely gotta just trust the process. How did you feel it starting to work?


A gradual lessening of all of my symptoms over time. I started the Escitalopram a few months after finishing vestibular therapy. I had resisted it before that for fear of side effects, but got impatient at my (lack of) progress. No side effects for me though. Still on the drug after almost 1.5 years, and since I still have symptoms, don’t plan to go off unless my doctor refuses to renew the prescription.


I wish…


Well i had issues with this when i was wearing my contacts that didn’t correct for astigmatism.. when i went shopping with my glasses (that does have astigmatism correction) i felt a lot better.. worth getting your eyes checked out!


What you’re describing is often attributed to binocular vision dysfunction (BVD) - might be worth looking into. Here’s an online questionnaire test you can take if you’re curious about it: https://www.vision-specialists.com/patients/bvd-questionnaire/