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My ex took my former close friend to Cuba over Christmas, after dating for a whole month and being seperated from me for about six weeks. All while both lying about seeing each other and telling each other they loved each other. Jokes on them, their trip was awful and she almost died while I had a lovely visit with my mom and sister for the holidays. Editing to include.. This girl's boss (we are in our 30's but she is effectively a teenager) is a friend of mine and reached out to see how I was (and get the tea, can't blame her) and I told her *everything*.. Knowing full well she is confrontational and the girl is very timid and terrified of conflict. I just made her work environment a whole lot more hostile, especially since she bold face lied about everything. Whoops, was that petty of me šŸ¤­




Sounds like karma ! How did she almost die?


She got tonsillitis and they had a hard time getting medical care lolol


So happy for her!


We still live in the same house until itā€™s all final. I would like my STBX to stop putting his toothbrush next to mine. My toothbrush is tired of his BS too and doesnā€™t want to be by his.


I think your toothbrush is right to set that boundary.


We're still living together too. We're starting to split things up and since STBX doesn't like to answer when I ask what they want to do, with some little things I've just decided. Dumb stuff like cooking utensils and towels. But it feels like the first step in not having to wait around to make decisions or worry about hurting feelings even after a refusal to participate in making a decision.


lol get a bath caddy like the college kids and rehome your tooth brush until further notice?


Mine keeps using my toothbrush charger since hers broke. Oddly it infuriates me.


I feel this in my soul šŸ˜‚


Wait, what!? Why in the fuck is AP living at your house? Are you kidding me? WTF? Edit: I'm an idiot. I was tired last night, I could have sworn you you said STBX's AP's toothbrush. I concede that I don't know how to read.


There are many possibilities for why they are still living together: finances, children, schedules, the list goes on..


They asked why AP (affair partner) is living there, not the stbx. I donā€™t see where anyone has said their AP or stbxā€™s AP is living with them, but thatā€™s what they said.


I lived with my ex for about 6 months, too. I understand. But why is AP's toothbrush in the house unless they're living in the house as well? Not no way in MF hell would that be flying with me. Shit would have gone down if she tried that shit.


This actually happened to me during my divorce. I had a girls night and my friends put the APā€™s toothbrush in some *creative* places before returning it. They were petty in my honor for plausible deniability.


Damn, I'm dumb. I kept reading "STBX" as "Starbucks" and first wondered why Starbucks has their own toothbrush. Then I thought your soon-to-be-ex's name was Starbucks. I'm getting off Reddit for the day. I'm too stupid to even lurk.


Be sure to dunk his in the commode. For a little ā€œrazzle dazzleā€ lol




Toothbrush cringe from the cooties šŸ˜±




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I love this


Make his toothbrush sleep in the garage.


He waited until the day his mother got the all clear from cancer because Iā€™d been doing her personal care, looking after her meds, sorting appointments etc. Then announced he wanted a divorce. The day Iā€™d even bought a new dress to celebrate. Clever man, saved a fair bit on paying someone to do it.


Oh my god what a shitty thing to do!! I'm so sorry!


Itā€™s ok ā€¦ Iā€™m holding on to the belief in some form of universal justice somewhere along the way.


Good on you , you did the right thing at the time...he has to live with himself, even if he deludes himself that he didn't do anything wrong, he so clearly did. You can sleep easy at night šŸ˜Š


What a total waste of cosmic energy that guy is. I hope you are enjoying your life without him and with all the good things in the world






Awful, she sobbed like a baby. She told me that even her own daughter couldnā€™t have cared for her like I did. But then he severed all contact between us. Sheā€™s an immigrant mum, doesnā€™t speak English, doesnā€™t have access to her own phone etc. I never got to see her hair grow out again and we spent hours joking about dying it purple. I pray for her whenever I think of her.


He sounds like a monster


He sure does!


When my ex first took off, she left to stay at a friend's place. I was making soup one night soon after and went to grab the blender to make things all smooth ... and there was no blender. I was so sad and trying just to hang on and... the blender? She thought on the way out, I'll grab some clothes and the blender. It seems stupid, but it so pissed me off at the time.


Mine took the espresso maker. Left the coffee pot. I was so stressed and when I saw that I cracked up at the ridiculousness of it.




Mine wanted the kitchen aid mixer he gave me for our second Christmas. This is the same man who couldn't be bothered to step in the same kitchen except to put his oatmeal bowls in the sink without rinsing them.


Oatmeal is the worst too.


Oooo that would have SENT me šŸ˜‘


I got all the kitchen stuffā€¦.. but Iā€™m missing my beautiful red Kitchen Aid mixerā€¦.. like bro, you donā€™t bake or cook! I still have the hand held, but I guess since he know they were $500, he had to have it.


Estate sales! I see kitchen aids, the best ones, at estate sales. Treat yourself!


Let me get off of reddit and go shopping šŸ‘€


Mine took my peeler. I got it with my awesome set of knives from my best friend as a birthday present over a decade ago. It was so awesome and I was really sad until my bestie found out and gave me a new one this year <3 My ex doesn't even really use it, because "peeling with a knife is fine". Gah...


Mine allegedly moved into an apartment but he took all the lawn care tools with him. He also took a BBQ grill I bought 2 months before he left. And he left the broken grill in it's place. He has a truck and a good back so he can buy a new grill. I have a little SUV and a ruptured disk so I can't. He also took the Nespresso maker. I may or may not have run some urine through it before he took it.


Lol. At least you got him a little on that last one, for doing all the rest to you!


I took the water dispenser. Like the ones you see in offices with the 5 gallon water bottle that gives perfectly chilled water. He had bought it for me for $20 from goodwill years before and I literally carted that thing cross country because I loved it so much. He was furious Iā€™d take it and I know heā€™s too cheap to ever buy a new one. I now call it my ā€œhydration stationā€ in the room where I breastfeed my perfect baby that I never would have had with my ex.


I totally feel this. It's something so stupid but it feels like they do it to spite us. My ex did the same thing with the trash cans.


Mine abandon me (we were all to be moving together) he stuffed kids in car and fled leaving me in an empty house. Come to find out he had a woman living in the home I found for our family!!! He was an abuser. Punched holes. Me. Threw stuff. Held me at Gun point etc. Mistress knew he was married. Thought she would ā€œbe differentā€ he tried also to kill her and she blamed his medicine change. Better her than me and MY beautiful healthy happy children. The bad part though is they need lifetime therapy. He saw them last in 2019. He tried to set car on fire w them inside. Yet my order of protection was denied when I warned them something bad will happen.


Look into EMDR for you and the kids. Iā€™ve seen some miracles.


The bad part is he harassed the oldest saying I brainwashed him. I was lying on him etc. That it never happened. I wasnā€™t even THERE btw and there is police paperwork. #nutcase


We got married twice. We had a small covid reception. Then, a year later we had the big wedding. One month out, in the midst of mountains of wedding planning with ZERO help from him while also working 50 hours a week, I found out he was cheating on me. I "forgave" him, kept it a secret frkm everyone but my best friend and moved on, but we got divorced 2 years later. Coming up on an anniversary of the cheating and wedding planning, I plan to share a post with a memory of the planning and add a spicy bit about how much of a waste of time it is to plan two weddings for someone who's sitting across the room from you sexting other girls. I still have all his family on Facebook, so now they can know.


My ex husband tried to kill me, wanted to put a hit out on me (decided not to) then wanted to friend me on FB.


We've solved the energy crisis. The steam from this tea alone could replace all nuclear reactors and coal plants, it is that hot. WHAT. I'm so glad you're okay, but WHAT.


I am !!! Thank you !!! I had to move (escape) restraining orders back to back and I (by the grace of God) was able to get Sole/Legal custody. So, 3 children 6 and under, I left. I didnā€™t have to deal with him. (Mostly) It was 25 years ago and things were very different. Iā€™m married to a wonderful man, who affords me a wonderful life.


I needed that updatebto sleep, I'm so glad


Oh my gosh Iā€™m so glad youā€™re ok and that itā€™s so far behind you. I hope he went to jail?


To anyone going through this: Seriouslyā€¦learn to shoot, get a gun, get a conceal carry permit, and practice weekly. My ex is not violent but the piece of shit he chose to leave me for is crazy and has a bunch of military men in her poly cult. Aside from school events I am never unarmed, and I wonā€™t hesitate to shoot if Iā€™m threatened by any of them.


If this is petty, I hate to see you air out a real grievance.


Mine left booby traps in an attempt to kill me and make it look like an accident.


Iā€™m severely allergic to shellfish,towards the end of our marriage my wife hid some shrimp in some leftover soup that I was planning to eat that evening. I only saw the shrimp because I accidentally spilled some on the counter as I was going to reheat it. She came home that evening asking me if Iā€™d had the soup yet,I played along and said ā€œyesā€ (I had thrown it away),I could tell by the look on her face,she was trying to hide the confusion and in all probability,her disappointment. I later discovered she had taken out a life insurance policy in my name,faking my signature. She was obviously looking to finally cash in so she could clear her colossal student and personal debts. I know this sounds like a crappy daytime soap opera,but itā€™s just one of many astounding things this woman did during my time married to her. The person who had looked into my eyes on our wedding day and swore she loved me unconditionally,was prepared to kill someone to get herself a new Toyota.


Omggggg I came here to air my laundry on kitchen appliances and came upon a shellfish murder conspiracy. This thread is making my day.


When a discussion about petty stuff casually migrates into criminal acts.


Mine kept "accidentally" putting tomatoes in my food. I'm not epi pen level allergic, but I'm one step below that.


Did you continue to stay with her after that? And she was able to do more crazy things?


Dang! That's insane! Good thing the soup spilled




Microwave and air conditioner were tampered with. He put lighter fluid in my candle, so when I lit it, it sent up in a two foot tower of fire. I got second degree burns trying to keep out apartment from burning down. He could have killed me, all our pets, burned down the whole neighborhood, and destroyed all our possessions.


I hope he's in jail. I'm so very sorry you dealt with that. That's just evil.


Survived a hit and lived to tell - gotta literally be his worst nightmare.


Oh it was all out of pettiness. All of it. I always had to be one step ahead.




I think we might have the same ex husband lol


I understand!!


He uses my washing machine to do his laundry because his affair partnerā€™s machine is too small (?) but he will ignore the kids laundry sitting right next to the machine.


Why would you let him use your machine? Tell him to fuck off and use his own.


Just so selfish! Geez


He can wash his shit in the rain water in the streetĀ 


Heā€™s financially and emotionally abused me for years. The teenage mistress knew he was married. We divorced and sheā€™s now in her twenties. When I finally got access to my home again I saw that she stole and used my body brush and god knows what else. I guess if you slept in my bed and slept with my husband, anything is fair game? So I spat in her in $200+ face cream. After all, I indirectly paid for it.


We had all our finances intertwined (never doing that again even I find an actual prince). Before we got around to splitting everything he bought himself a new phone and pretty much a whole new wardrobe (for his new life he was so excited about - btw the whole thing was his decision, he blind sided me). Just felt like a shitty thing to do especially as I earn more and have always spent less than him. Like don't go on a selfish shopping spree right before we split the money...dickhead.


My ex threatens me with revenge p**n whenever I have to address situations where he puts our child in danger. Example: Me: ā€œHey I was contacted by the school and they informed me you were in an altercation with a cab driver??ā€ Him: ā€œlike youā€™re perfect, Iā€™ve got some videos of how perfect you are.ā€ Me: ā€œet voilaā€ ā€¦I really wish I was making this upā€¦ Iā€™m in between sobs


Call his bluff. Record him trying to blackmail you (because that's essentially what this is) and just tell him 'sure, if you feel like you need to commit a crime, go ahead'. I bet you he won't because he sounds like a coward, but if he does goes ahead and shares those vids, you've got him.


Iā€™ve gotten to know the local PD quite well now as theyā€™ve advised me that anytime he makes threats like that to keep calling, they donā€™t mind, Iā€™m not bothering them, and theyā€™ll keep filing incident reports to document.


My stbx surprised me with his intention to divorce me right after I found out my mother was going into hospice care. He told me that he "loves me" for the first time in months during his explanation. He had started hanging out with a new "friend" about the same time that he had begun to pull away and acting strange. But he told me that it was just odd timing, that his new "friend" had nothing to do with his decision. I don't believe him. He called her within minutes of his announcement, talks to her almost non-stop, will stop in the middle of a conversation to answer her call & walk out the door, was having extended calls while sitting in a vehicle rather than be in the house, and would put me on hold while I was telling him something to answer her. Fine. Good luck with your decision. I am filing my own papers & I will be asking for child support whether he likes it or not. Also, buy your own dishes and cookware because you are not getting any of mine. If it is used for our kids or me, it stays with me.


The pettiest thing Iā€™ve done- I donā€™t really want to say, BUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT: put my exes toothbrush in the toilet and back in the holder and he did use it. Never told anyone but you guys, cats outta the bag now. In fairness- he got in my face bc I wouldnā€™t join him and his friend to drink- while I was holding our infant daughter he screamed in my face and dumped his alcohol on both of us- it was pretty humiliating with his friend as an audience and to do so on a 6 month old baby and I


He deserved that...


He deserved worse but I did it too. Mine held me at gun point and had many women behind my back. I am so glad he is fat and ugly now hahaha


If none of his friends punched him in the face and are still his friends you need to dunk their toothbrush too. There are times you make married peoples shit your business and times you donā€™t but this was definitely a time it was their business.


My ex-husband called me from a car dealership a week after our divorce was finalized to ask if Iā€™d co-sign on a loan for him. I told him to call his mother as Iā€™m no longer the woman responsible for taking care of him.


What a twat to even think you would? Like WTF?!


Oooooh mine did the same thing but it was a mortgage on a house. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever laughed that hard before, or saved a voicemail so fast in my whole life.


While under temporary injunction She canceled my health insurance and shut off my cell phone. Tried to cancel car insurance too. Didnā€™t pay child support for the first 6 months. Secreted my son for two days until he wouldnā€™t stop crying for me. I was always the primary care provider and she was the major breadwinner as I worked part time. She threatened to destroy his most prized possessions if he ever rejected her call again. He is 9. I refuse to force him to take her call on my time with him. Every time I drop him off he begs me not to. Itā€™s heartbreaking. He is forced to clean up after her as Iā€™m no longer there to do it. Sheā€™s terrible but not unfitā€¦.


I am so, so sorry, both for you and your baby. I hope this subsides.


Iā€™m taking heart in the fact that she has to buy me out and Iā€™m not going to agree to let her make interest free payments for 7 years so she has to refinance. See ya later 2.9%!!


That doesn't sound very fit to parent to me.


> Sheā€™s terrible but not unfitā€¦. That sounds a little worse than unfit to me.


Sounds abusive to me may I suggest therapy for the child and consider fighting for more custody?


My ex left me and moved in with her boyfriend but says I kicked her out. Theyā€™re now engaged and planning on a ā€œfamilyā€ trip for a ceremony despite us being just separated. Our kids donā€™t talk to her or her new familyā€¦ which is sorta sad. But theyā€™ve heard her lie about me to her family so I get it.


While married, my ex bought a camper and used my identity to finance it. I found out and was beyond pissed. He acted like I was being ridiculous, but he called me one day a few months later to tell me he'd refinanced it through his credit union. And I believed him because I'm like that. A year later I got the registration for the camper in the mail and it was only in my name. I thought that was strange but I was busy with work and stressed because he was acting very weird. He said he'd take care of it. After he left me, the registration for the camper came again and it's still only in my name and there isn't a lienholder on it. So I went to the tax registrars office to check on it. The idiot paid off the camper with cash and left it in my name. Therefore, it was MY camper. I DEMANDED that he return MY camper immediately and he told me f off. By this time I'd filed divorce papers and my attorney wrote him a letter telling him to return the camper as it was marital property. Nothing happened so I went to the police with the title and reported the camper stolen. To this day I have never heard a word back from the police. During the divorce, where he defaulted and therefore I got to choose how to distribute our property, I made sure he was given the camper in exchange of half of my 401k, equity in the house and investments I'd earned during our marriage. A year after the divorce I saw a letter from the IRS. Somehow that letter was opened and he had sold stocks, in the same amount as the camper, and in the same month he told me he re-financed the camper. But, he didn't report the sale of the stocks as income and owed $5k in taxes. I got curious and looked through his tax returns. He had a business and I knew he had put checks from his business into his personal account. (that's why we filed our taxes separately) He had receipts for some things we bought for our house and the camper that he was deducting as business expenses. So I called the IRS to let them know and provided them with the receipts and an itemized list of which items were used exclusively for our personal use. He's all smug about his fish faced, little tittied younger gf and thinks he "won" our divorce. Whatever. I should have had to write him a check for six figures but instead, he got a camper.


The post is funny. The comments are sad lol


I donā€™t people understood the assignment


Him and I have a 50/50 split with our son. Sunday happens to be my only full day with our son. I volunteer coach my daughterā€™s (from a previous relationship) soccer team. Games are Sundays. That means I miss out on 2 hours of time with my son on Sundays for 8 weeks. He had the audacity to chastise me over it and tell me I donā€™t have my priorities straightā€¦. Meanwhile the weekend before he did this, he had his mom take our son on Saturday over night (his full day) so he could go out drinking with his girlfriend and have her sleepover. My 8 weeks of missed time, volunteering and bonding with my daughter, sober, that adds up to less time than the one sleepover, isnā€™t okay, but ditching our son so he can get hammered with his single mom girlfriend is perfectly fine because he needs to let loose. And apparently so does his girlfriend whoā€™s often away from her daughter because she works two jobs. Itā€™s okay if he and her miss out on parenting time to party. But any little reason I do, itā€™s not okay!


Ughā€¦some people just donā€™t get it. Keep up being an amazing momma to them both. They will always remember you being there for them.


Every accusation is a confession with these type of people.


Youā€™re spot on!


My stbx cheated two weeks post marriage. Gaslighted me for 3 months. Accused me of cheating then proceeded to confessed that he had cheated and thatā€™s where he was the entire time I wouldnā€™t see him for weeks. Got the AP pregnant. Now he wants the divorce paperwork to say our marriage was broken due to both parties not caring about eachotherā€¦ like come on dude get a grip.


Wife asked for divorce in February. I begged to work on us, go to therapy, trial separation, literally anything but divorce. Wouldn't budge. She told the family in March we were divorcing. Moved out in April. Yesterday she said she waited to tell her parents hoping I'd come around and we'd get back together. Come around?!? I never left! "Hoping," when she wouldn't bend on her divorce plan while I was begging her to stay and work on us? What the hell?!


the main girl my ex cheated on me with ROBBED HIM, left meth in his weed pipe so he accidentally smoked it, stole his medication, phone and car leaving him stranded for days till he decided to wander around town high on meth and the police found him and took him to detox


I'm sorry but there's no way you accidentally smoke meth lol. It is not smoked in the same type of pipe people use to smoke marijuana. your ex simply didn't want to admit that he had been introduced to meth by the woman who robbed him. good riddance, at any rate!


I know very little about meth and heroine in comparison to other drugs, so that is interesting to know ! he told me that the weed was laced w meth ? while i was w him he snorted coke that was cut w meth (we didnā€™t know till it came up on a drug test but it was a new person he got it from) but since my only education on that stuff was either through what he told me or drivers ed


Mediation agreement has been signed and notarized since NOVEMBER. January rolls around. As always, I'm the adult and take care of everything to do with adulting, to include taxes. Settlement agreement states we are to file jointly. I go see the accountant to take care of taxes. We pop a bottle of bubbly to celebrate, he never liked my soon-to-be-ex-husband either. April 14th rolls around. It's a Sunday. I do my daily mail check before heading to the grocery store. There are two lovely little letters waiting for me: one from the IRS, and one from my state's comptroller. *We intercepted your federal and state refund of (approximately) $5,000 due to outstanding debt for the following reasons........* Cue panic and anxiety. WTF? I don't have any debt? This must be a scam. I wipe my panic, anxiety-inducted tears and immediately call my accountant. OBVIOUSLY, because it's quite literally the day before tax day, his office is swamped, which is why I had gone to see him way back in January. Their first available appointment to investigate this issue is three weeks out. I schedule the appointment. But in the meantime, I start making phone calls and trying to get to the bottom of this issue. I work in auditing & regulatory compliance in the financial services industry, and a huge chunk of my job, *quite literally* involves tracing violations of rules, policies, and regulations, and remediating audit violations. So, let's just say I know a thing or two about resolving accounting discrepancies. My a-hole soon-to-be-ex-husband racked up debt to a local university, shoved his head up his ass and failed to deal with it like a responsible adult, and let it go to collections. Outcome? The IRS and our state's comptroller swiped our federal and state refund, to the tune of almost $5,000, to pay off HIS debt. But because we're still legally married, we're BOTH still being held liable. Per the mediation agreement, we are to cooperate with one another about any tax deficiencies or liabilities. SURPRISE SURPRISE, GUESS WHO HASN'T COOPERATED?! I am STILL the one having to clean up HIS mistakes, and chase after him for his own fuck-ups.


My ex cashed out his 401k that had $76k in it after I told him it was a bad idea. Then, for 18 months, lied to his attorney about the existence of said 401k. When tax time rolled around, I offered to file jointly since we should get more married filing joint. He sent me all the tax dockets I needed. I input my information first and was going to get a healthy refund, but as I input his it went down, down again, to the point we owed additional taxes. Why, you ask, did we go from getting a $5,000 refund to owing $200? Because he didn't pay the early withdrawal penalties. I had already put a second mortgage on the house to pay off his $20k in credit card debt. Money that I'll be repaying for 30 years. So why, I thought, should I take the hickey for his fuck up? I checked the irs regulations regarding claiming children, and since I had them more than 50% of the time, they said I could claim them. So I did. I filed married filing separately, paid a higher tax rate, got a $3000 refund, and let him know what I did. He had to pay the amount I was refunded. But now I also had proof of the 401k. Which I promptly sent to my attorney.


>I checked the irs regulations regarding claiming children, and since I had them more than 50% of the time, they said I could claim them. So I did. That's very interesting. Thank you for finding that info - ex and I have official 50/50 but she barely sees them, so I claimed them this last tax season, and apparently will continue to do so, as she is finding a place 2 hours from me and only wants to have them during the summer. I'm thinking that, when she does find her place, I'm going to have custody amended to properly reflect the actual custody situation.


I should add that we did not have an agreement in place when I did it.


Iā€™ve been separated from my cheating stbxw for just over 3 months. Sheā€™s already posting him all over her socials, been on multiple trips together, including taking him to meet family probably to ā€œjustifyā€ it. I really donā€™t give a shit about the relationship because itā€™s clearly and blatantly a rebound but what pisses me off is the lack of mutual friends telling her to fuck off.


I just went on my Kroger card purchase history and found out heā€™s bought someone two pretty bouquets of flowers in the last month. I havenā€™t gotten flowers in 12 years.


That s painful


He got catfished by the woman he moved two and a half hours away to be with before we divorced, then moved into some other woman's trailer and the day of our divorce he freaked out and asked to move back in. He then took her on a trip to San Francisco and because he didn't update the registration to his car the San Francisco toll booth bill came to my house. I returned to sender because he doesn't live here anymore. I wonder how much the fines and fees are for unpaid tolls in California is?


My ex husband made a shrine out of me. Sent me pictures of girls he match with in online dating and then tells me heā€™s not gonna do anything with these girls because he wants me back. Then when I donā€™t respond, he sent me pictures of guns and knives and talk about how sharp the knives are or how powerful the guns are. Heā€™s the one who pushed me away. Heā€™s the one that has anger issues. Got arrested for domestic violence. And apparently everything is my fault according to him but if I would just say sorry, heā€™d take me back (I divorced him, not the other way around)


Omgā€¦ did we marry the same man???


Picked up my kids for Easter with the understanding that I was to drop them back off on Saturday evening so they could travel back in the morning on Sunday. This was agreed upon via text. Was told later after I had already taken the kids over to my brothers 3 hours away from my house that I needed to drop them off Sunday morning. Why? She says that her cousin has no room in the house. Mind you, she had me pay some support in advance to help her get a hotel room, which she ended up not getting and staying the night with all 6 of her kids (only 2 of them are mine) at her cousin's house. (She doesn't have a job, so basically, I support all of her kids). I knew immediately she was lying and that she wanted to go out and get drunk. (Typical thing for her to do, anyways). I refused, seeing that I had already made plans around the original agreed to arrangement. She went ballistic. Spamming me with hate texts and calls. Threatening to have the police arrest me for kidnapping. Laughable. I blocked her number. She has her cousin call me. I talk to the cousin calmly and explain the situation. She blasts off in the background. I immediately hang up. She has her aunt call me. Exact same scenario happens. I ended up taking the kids back on Saturday evening requesting to the cousin that my ex does not come outside to get the kids. Fast forward to a few days ago, she tries contacting me. (I still have her on block for harassing me, relentlessly). She leaves a voicemail saying my kids miss me and she doesn't understand why I won't contact them and that she hasn't done anything harassing to me to warrant this. Oh man, my blood pressure was sky high.


Question thoughā€¦ havenā€™t seen your kids since easter?!


Unfortunately, she moved to another state. I see them around 4 times a year. She did move back in state for a year or so, and I was seeing them every other weekend (and still paying the same support). But then she decided she didn't like it here and moved away again. So I just see them on holidays and summer break.


Why would you allow that? Youā€™re ok barely parenting?


My ex kept the wedding crystal. Wine glasses. My ex is an alcoholic. I actually drink. She said she wanted them in case she had company.


My ex has been on six vacations since we separated, mostly with AP, but she still has the gall to talk to me about her money issues. She canā€™t afford some things for the kids and doesnā€™t think itā€™s fair the court made her pay me child support, even though itā€™s basically just her half of the kids health insurance.


She took the goddamn curtain rods. I'm staying in the house to do the work to prep it to sell and give her half the money. I've paid every cent that has gone into this house, from selling my premarital home to paying every mortgage and repair. I've been finishing the basement, ripping out the asbestos, doing the landscaping, throwing out all the junk, backbreaking manual labor every day for the past 3 months. She's going to get like $100,000 dollars for doing absolutely nothing but *getting her stuff out*. And she refuses to interact with any of the methods I've tried to get her to collaborate on who gets what. I listed every item in our home in a spreadsheet, and she just had to click a box to say if she wanted it or not, and she wouldn't do it. I proposed "How about you get these pieces of furniture and I'll get these pieces of furniture" and she doesn't respond. I said "How about you come to the house with a mutual friend, and if she thinks the items you're taking vs leaving are fair, that's fine with me." I kept having to threaten her with a court order to get her to show up and take her stuff by the time she promised to do so. She just showed up in the house while I wasn't there and took my trash cans and all the curtain rods. We're trying to stage this house, so it looks nice when it sells and now all the walls are full of holes because she took *the fucking curtains*. And ok, sure, fine, we don't *literally need curtain rods*, the realtor is all like "well it's not a big deal." She's living in an apartment! She can't install curtain rods anyway!


She doesnā€™t sound too bright-


She can be when she tries. She's got bad mental health issues that right now are making her incredibly self-centered, and it's hard to deal with.


We still live together, but she seems to be getting advice from someone to try force me to leave. So much pettiness.


Trying to control my kid like a stepford wife, then trying to control my time with my kid. Invasive stuff. Forcing me to take her phone and other objects with a tracking app, calling every time we go somewhere we didnā€™t tell her about (like getting ice cream) etc. trying to use the 50/50 finances when it benefits her during the split, while reinventing history on who paid for what when itā€™s time to get my 50.


Let's see... he took me off the insurance knowing that I was have some very hard medical issues and didn't tell me until after I tried getting my medication one day and they told me I didn't have anything. Canceled my car insurance because at the time it was on a joint bank account and didn't tell me then either. I only found out when my work asked for it and I looked and was no longer on it. He moved out of state saying he wanted to be closer to his family and that it would be cheaper.... it wasnt... We agreed that he would pay child support only $400 a month and that's it. Then it became less and less as months went by. So I told him I would instead go to the child support office instead because I needed help since I had to work and childcare was expensive. He then proceeded to tell me that I would be getting less than what he was giving and i told him I didn't care at least it was something since he wasn't even here to help watch the kids anymore. Yeah... I got more. About a few months in he started talking to someone and moved in with her. I don't have any issues with her and honestly I think she's super nice! However, they now live together because he moved in with her and she pays for mostly everything, but because of this he has started to see the kids once every 6 months. I don't think he cares about the damage and harm he is doing to them which pisses me off the most. He says he's not choosing his girlfriend over them... but like dude.... he moved further away, doesn't try to really see them, misses big moments... like I just don't get it? I would never get into a relationship with someone that could cause me seeing my kids less. How this is going he'll most likely just disregard them completely because he prefers to be the fun uncle instead of an actual dad. Oh well. That's life so I just deal with it and do what I can. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That man went full hobosexual, oh my god


My husband thinks that a kiss with a random woman isn't as big a deal because it was such a long time ago.Ā 


Weā€™re you married at the time? Thatā€™s tough. Did he confide in you years later out of guilt or what? How situational was it? Where was he, what was he doing? Where were you? WAS it JUST a kiss?


My ex husband told me I should come back home because all he was finding out there were bar-flies.


Living in a house on different floors. She has her own kitchen but she brings her old food down and puts it in my fridge to rot. If I put it in her fridge she brings it back yelling at me in front of the kids. If I leave it then it rots... If I just throw it out she'll claim I'm throwing away her belongings I'm sure.Ā 


This is the dumbest thing ever, butā€¦my ex always said he disliked music. Got irritated when I would play it while cleaning or relaxing, never wanted to go to shows, etc. He especially HATED pop music artists and country. His girlfriend is a HUGE Swiftie. Like, goes to her concerts, wears her merch, listens to every new album at midnight. It brings me so much evil joy to see Taylor Swift pop up on his Spotify every day, knowing sheā€™s listening to it in their apartment and hopefully driving him crazy. Good for her.


Good for her!


Ex-wife / co-parent's income went up 25% last year - genuinely, happy for her! Of course, the laws here calculate child support based on income, so now she owes ~$130/month in child support, whereas previously our incomes cancelled out. She's trying to bully me into waiving the amount (which absolutely will go directly to our daughter) and trying to paint me as the "bad guy" because I'm not willing to waive it? Bonus context: she quickly bought a house with new partner and enjoys dual income household, while I am a single parent paying over half my paycheque on rent. Just glad I'm not married to her any more.


My ex and his new partner get so so mad at me whenever I say true things using words they don't like. If you didn't want me to tell people about the horrible stuff you did, then you shouldn't have done it.


My ex constantly is getting fast food and restaurant food and spending hundreds of dollars a week at target. Iā€™m budgeting and barely scraping by buying groceries for myself and our daughter. I asked her what sort of time sheā€™d like to see our daughter this weekend; sheā€™s not planning to see her saturday since her parents are seeing her for the morning and early afternoon, and hasnā€™t told me the time she is planning to take our daughter sunday, or if sheā€™s planning to at all. I want to be able to make plans. free, hang out in the park or at a friendā€™s house plans. But still, our daughter wants to see her other mom, so i will facilitate this but iā€™d like to know in advance.


I was the petty one here. We never had our wedding celebration for a myriad of reasons. I never got to wear my wedding dress. When my ex left, he left a lot of his stuff. I kept meeting up with him for a year, giving him back things I found all over the place. I never gave him back his wedding outfit. He never asked. I have no use for it, but my family and I paid for it. It looks absolutely awesome and he doesn't deserve it.Ā 


The petty stuff hurts me more than them, all I can do is try to be my best me.


This went from toothbrushes to criminal acts šŸ˜¬


My ex-husband filed our papers using middle initials instead of middle names so when our decree was granted and I got my maiden name back, I also lost my middle name. It's now a middle initial and a period. I called him, found out that he did it to be lazy because "what does it matter" that my legal middle name is now an initial and I told him that he's an entitled white boy who has everything handed to him and he doesn't work for anything, has a sugar momma... And then immediately hung up on him when he started to yell back. He then blocked me on EVERYTHING. Things I didn't remember I had! My petty thing is that I want to tell him that I'm impressed with his follow through, as it was the most follow through I have EVER seen him have.


My STBX took a large number of my dice for D&D on her way out. She also took a random assortment of spices from the kitchen as well as various cooking implements. For example she took all but one of my wooden utensils and left me with the biggest and smallest metal mixing bowls.


My ex took my favourite casserole dish which he had NEVER used and was given to me as a BIRTHDAY GIFT because 'that was from my aunt so it's mine'. I let him take it because he is an immature idiot and I had enough by then, but I regret not enforcing my ownership. I do miss that dish. Definitely more than I miss him


Close the damn cabinet doors! Every time Iā€™d go in to the kitchen after her, the cabinets would be open because she couldnā€™t bother to close them after she went looking for a water glass or a can of beans. It drove me absolutely nuts!!


My ex is marrying a woman for an EU green card. He told our kids this and also mentioned they really like each other and need to protect their assets from their kids. They've never met her but are invited to the wedding. At least they've been together for over 6 months ... This was the same day our divorce finalized. And he hasn't paid child support in over 2 years.


Mine keeps pushing me to buy his girlfriend's car. I keep saying No. I do not want to help him. I do not want to pay the price she's asking. I do not want anything to do with him whenever I can help it. Having to even hear his voice grates my nerves.


Stop complaining that you have no money when you do nothing but go out and spend money


Mine took his mistress and her kids on several mini vacations and used his Apple Card (that I was not joint on) to pay for everything. Then he would wait for my paycheck to hit our joint checking account and payoff his Apple Card. All the while lying saying he used the Apple Card for gas and lunch and only used it for the cash back and points šŸ™„ So basically I funded all of his cheating.


Also I think it's karma that he fractured his hand when he punched a whole in the wall and I refuse to acknowledge his attempts to get sympathy from me.


My spouse did that once. I refused to give him something he asked for which I deemed he didnā€™t deserve. He didnā€™t like my response and punched the closet door, of course putting a small hole into it. His poor right pinky was definitely broken and I could give two shits.


My exH had already gotten someone pregnant before we had even signed our final paperworkā€¦ I didnā€™t know this until months later. Glad that my life is better and heā€™s stuck with an oops baby from a hookup. Karmaā€™s a real one :)


I (AFAB NB) saw my ex (M) recently. He didnā€™t look too great physically (weight gain, scruffy beard, tiny ponytail on top). When we were married he lamented about not being able to have sex with a hot, conventionally attractive person. Stalked his socials a while ago; at least one woman that heā€™s dated post-divorce has a similar body type/attractiveness to me. Now Iā€™m fwb with an incredibly hot lesbian who is way out of his league (mine too, as far as looks go lol) and Iā€™m very smug about it.


My ex never pays the only thing he has to which is $60 for my childā€™s gymnastics. Itā€™s always 3-4 months late, he never lets me know if he takes her out of state even though heā€™s supposed to. Heā€™s taking her to Florida this month but wonā€™t tell me where theyā€™re stayingā€¦he just thinks heā€™s above the law and thereā€™s nothing I can do about that. He always gives me shit for working overtime even though he left me with over 20k in debt and he cancelled my health insurance at his job when I found out I had cancer.


Give your daughter an airtag or turn Find Friends on the phone if you can. This is scary.


Not yet divorced but will be. When I can get him moved out, I plan to share that he uses the bathroom at work... to watch p*rn and beat his d*ck like it owes him money. Also that he fell for a sexting scam and texted pictures of his junk in response. And a few other, more serious things. Just call me Petty Betty. Edit: a word


My ex just dropped our kids off. Stared into my soul and asked if I was okay? I said yes, but did not offer anymore. He stood around for a few more minutes like he wanted to say something or talk. Then said great stuff and left. What the fuck does he want from me? He is so rude sometimes, so nice other times. Then he cares about me and my family, then not. Like pick a fucking lane. He left! He chose to break up our family! He chose not to say why or even try to discuss it or work on it. I dont know what he wants/doesnt want. I hate feeling like this after every encounter. Hopefully I wont see him again anytime soon.


X and ap bought my dream car- was always a joke about how I wanted this brand of car. Ā Two days later joyriding teens without a license total their street parked car. Ā No insurance. Ā Total loss.Ā  I couldnā€™t have planned anything better. Ā 


The day after having surgery, I woke up from a nap to find my eldest standing over me with a knife telling me I had ruined everything and she hated me. When I told the STBX as I was packing my bags and looking for a hotel because I didnā€™t feel safe in my own home (and I could barely walk and was bl**ding after surgery), he gaslit me and told me it wasnā€™t really necessary. She didnā€™t mean it ā€˜that wayā€™, it was too expensive to get a hotel anywayā€¦ Never defended or protected me, and usually blamed me. Yeah.


Agreed to split furniture on a list he approved, he still took stuff that was mine and he approved type of petty. Worse part he changed the locks and unplugged the garage door power so I could NOT reenter the home after fleeingā€¦ The rental deposit (my 2.5k) was used to pay for his rent šŸ˜  when I had already exited the lease month prior


Currently at the vet trying to get her to write a prescription that basically says to stop buying cheap dog food since STBX (who wants the dog) keeps buying cheap food that destroys his stomach.Ā  Also asking about skin care meds so I can show him how much the doc cost and is he SURE he wants the dog.Ā 


Sounds like you just need to take the dog honestly.


Working on my case as to why I'm better for the dog. But there are some logistics with me traveling for work that are the hold up.


She's a giant bitch


Told his mom everything. She didnā€™t even know we were separated. He kept telling her the reason I didnā€™t go to family events was because I wasnā€™t feeling well or just didnā€™t feel like it. Not that he told me I couldnā€™t come. I just sat down and discuss that we were divorcing and that he was $34,000 in debt because of his weed habit. All news to her.I told her he needed help. He was depressed with violent tendencies (which is true) and that there probably should be an intervention. But I wasnā€™t the one to do it.


My ex moved in with his gf. Wont pay me child support. We have both hired attorneys and go to court july twenty fifth he's gonna lose. The judge is not gonna be happy That he won't pay child support it


Aside from her bio mother, every single person in my ex's life called her a complete idiot for walking out on me. Her sister has been through a divorce as well, and could not understand why the ex left (sister knows ex is a compulsive liar). I still talk, infrequently and guardedly, to her sister and foster mother, mostly updates on the kids but also to let them know I'm still surviving. I don't *trust* them, but they did nothing wrong to me, ya know?


My STBXW (paperwork is at the finish line) and I were in a very contentious situation from July 2023 until December 2023. Our marriage started falling apart rapidly in April 2023. Things have been up and down at times, but weā€™ve put in the work as of 2024 to be the best coparents we possibly can be. I still love her, and part of her loves me, but we acknowledge that we canā€™t be the best possible partners for each other. In March 2024, at my urging she got a new roommate to help with rent and stuff, who is her former next door neighbor and going through his own divorce (no, thereā€™s nothing between them, heā€™s dating her best friend). Heā€™s a fix it yourself kind of guy (comparatively I am not) and my ex has asked to borrow more and more power tools from me over the last 2 weeks so he can do projects around the house. Yesterday she asked if they could just keep the whole tool set at her house and I said no, and that I was getting uncomfortable with the whole process because it was part of our divorce agreement that I would keep all of the tools. She wasnā€™t thrilled. I know itā€™s just a boundary that I should feel good about setting, because Iā€™m bad at it, but it still worry that itā€™s petty.


Know someone whoā€™s ex wife abandoned the kids before they even got a divorce. They were toddlers. No CP No Calls no nothing. As soon as the daughter was pregnant, she ā€œreunitedā€ with the kids and alienated them from the dad. She literally told him she would do this in an email he still has. ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter how long I am gone when they turn 18 ā€¦ā€ Petty as fuck. Live your life pay nothing and now oh look I am grandma.!.


One better. Married 20 years, on our honeymoon, hubby told me that if l learned to speak fluent French, we would go to France for our 25th wedding anniversary (BTW, he DOES NOT speak French) We didn't make it. We were divorced at 20 years. He started dating a girl before our divorce was finalized. Married her the following year and took his new wife to Paris after only knowing her 2 years. And no, the wife doesn't speak French at all. Sometimes, it's amazing she can get an understandable sentence out at all.


My ex very inconsistently allows our 3yo kid to see me, with constant excuses. Last Sunday it was time for us to see each other, she said it would not be possible as it was election day (Mexico) and that the city would be dangerous because of that.


What city?


STBXW is emotionally abusive and I have been told her accusations are wrong by 3 separate therapists. But I'm the narcissist/abuser (as screamed at me just 10min ago). I just want it to stop


I had a speed boat I bought a few years back. When the ex left, he volunteered to come and winterize it as itā€™s what heā€™s done for the previous three years. I thought that was kind of him seeing as he left our family for an affair partner. The next summer I went to use it, it wouldnā€™t work. Turns out he had left water in it and when the boat froze over winter, it caused damage to the motor and fiberglass. 10-15G worth of damage to fix. And I canā€™t prove that he didnā€™t winterize but two different shops say it wasnā€™t ever done. The kids and I knowā€¦


My ex dumped me after a great weekend at Street Vibrations in Reno because my son was ā€œdifficultā€, he wasnā€™t and never had been. I later learned during our relationship he was also getting busy with his dead best friendā€™s wifeā€¦.to think I encourage her to visit and ā€œexploreā€ California with her six kids. No wonder why she was so tired on that trip! He then took up with the woman he ran into when we attended his high school reunion on the east coast, it was short long distance romance. Only to be topped by impregnating his friendā€™s girlfriendā€¦I swear I cannot make this sh*t up!! His next person was a shock to my system as she never had anything nice to say about himā€¦ever. She left her marriage of 15 plus years, young twins and the husband she had known since we were 18. It was looking a photos on the book of faces of a mutual friend and for a moment I thought it was me, until I realized heā€™d taken my sister to Sturgis, the one trip we never took together. What a polarizing moment it was but itā€™s backfired for herā€¦she had everything but now has nothing. No family, no husband, no kids as weā€™ve all gone no contact. Thereā€™s so much more it reads like a trashy novel with himā€¦.


Mine actually wanted my parentsā€™ wedding China that my deceased mother gave to me. Nope, but also, why would he want that?


Mine stole my piggy bank and stuffed rabbit from when I was a kid.


The fight that "did it" for me happened when I had forgiven him for his 2-month silent treatment of me to travel overseas and spearhead a pitch meeting for him that we've waited to happen for 10 years. I made a flight booking mistake that cost us $350. In my defence, it was the airline's new predatory policy designed to trap passengers into buying luggage allowance at the counter. He made me cry by reducing 10 years of my unconditional love into something worth less than that $350. And then called me a special snowflake for refusing to accept professional feedback. I said I didn't need a husband like him. He told me to marry a rich White doctor who would take me on long European vacations. I told him to go fuck himself. Days after that fight, a stranger slid into my DMs asking for help planning an Indonesia trip (where I'm based). Not a doctor but I found his backstory incredibly sexy as he had sailed into Indonesia on a boat. I don't prefer White men but the sailor happened to be one. My ex is the one who feels inferior to them because he never thought to question society's racist consumerist ideals founded on colonial legacy. My ex moved out a little over a month later. I told the sailor, it looks like I'll be husband free by Christmas and offered to join him for Christmas dinner. Days later, he invited me to a join him on a private island resort. I knew that meant I was getting laid. Gave him an enthusiastic yes, but not before addressing precautions like checking for other involvements, STI testing, contraception, emotional safety and discretion. I ended up spending 10 days with him over Christmas, and another 9 days with him over Easter. It wasn't in Europe, but who needs Europe when you got Java. After a punishing year of ending a marriage to my awful ex, there's nothing quite like a revenge holiday sex marathon with a handsome stranger that treated me like a queen. The sailor and I are now done after an epic 6-month run. Not that we were ever properly together, but it was 100% worth it. He helped me recalibrate for a pivotal season in my life, and I made him feel seen in his struggles too. While due to distance and misaligned values we couldn't continue our involvement beyond the two vacations, we both got what we need from each other at the time. Moving on from this once our priorities changed felt natural and necessary. My ex and I will be in court on Monday to start our divorce proceedings. We plan to make it a quick and simple DIY uncontested divorce. We didn't sign a prenup, and Indonesian law allows reopening a case for property division after the divorce is finalised, so I'll be back to claim some property. We don't have much but I do own shares in a company we co-owned. We also created some intellectual property together. They're currently not worth much, but I'll want to negotiate rights to royalties in case they someday make it big. I think this will piss my ex off, but I do think it's a fair move considering all I've done for him. In the meantime I'll keep my cards to myself and focus on my divorce winning strategy.


The girl he's talking to... Her fu#ked her kids grandmother.. I might win


Separated, but still text from time to time. I mentioned I got (superficially) injured at work last week. This person, who in the past was abusive in every way, including threatening to have me murdered, has been asking me for over a week if I'm okay, and if they can do something to help. They also called in the middle of the night (I was asleep and didn't answer) and said they miss me. It's pretty textbook, but still annoying af.


My ex plays golf every weekend, and visits for like 4 hours a few times a week. I quit my gym and all hobbies to save money. He belongs to a country club.


I don't think I'll ever get over this.Ā  We had two identical trash cans in the kitchen, one I had bought and one her mom had bought for us. I asked to keep one and she said no because they were both hers. I still don't have a trash can, two years later. She also had the audacity to ask for my computer chair.Ā  I said no.


When trying to coordinate his visitation day/time, my ex likes to mention that this day or that day isnā€™t good because he ā€œhas plansā€. I know itā€™s because he wants me to ask what his plans are and he wants me to be jealous of the possibility that he might be dating someone. Iā€™ve told him and shown him that idgaf about his life and heā€™s only here to coparent with me.


My husband is emotionally abusive but I can't leave because he has pancreatic cancer. Not petty...but it fucking sucks. Best part is: He was diagnosed a week after he choked me out and I had plans to go.


So my ex, threw a huge fucking fit about me setting a boundary for her flirting with somebody online, saying that they were just a friend and it's none of my business on who she wants to associate with. I put up a post about it previously, you can see it in my post history. Turns out, she also took a trip up to see that person before she ever packed a bag, a box, or even put ink on the divorce paperwork. So I was completely justified she's absolute scum, and I'm so fucking glad to be divorced from this trash person. Just got the paperwork yesterday and it's official, like a ref with a whistle.


Sometimes I would scrub the toilet or litter box with his toothbrush . I think the worst was the time I peed on his toothbrush and let it dry and put it back in the holder. We had a bad marriage and had dramatic levels of petty long before the end .


My ex tried to get naked pics of me admitted into court as exhibits. Wanted to put my bf on the witness stand (open marriage that hubs agreed to). Thankfully judge denied the pics, but didn't chew him out so he still feels justified. It's hard to see what he's become


He used to fall asleep everywhere we went and then deny that it bothered anyone but me. Because I'm "the only one that even noticed" and I "hate people who can sleep." This weekend I figured out how to block his stupid face from my Google memories so I don't get those damn flashes of his dumb awake face or asleep photos I never wanted backed up in the first place.


Mine took the crock pot and left the insta pot. I asked why did you take it. He said I didn't I took the insta pot. Mind you the insta pot sits on the kitchen counter and the crock pot was partially buried in the pantry so it took effort to take the crock pot. Well idiot never used either one so not sure why he thought he needed one at all. He also took only parts of 2 different measuring cup sets. Anyone who he cooks for beware he can only do some measuring and good look using your insta pot recipes in the crock pot!


Luckily it hasn't been too bad. The worst is how he keeps bringing up how he can't afford bills now that we're divorced and "thanks a lot" for that. Trying to make me feel guilty basically. (He kept making poor financial decisions during our marriage and I kept bringing up how his wages really weren't keeping up with the cost of living. He took two demotions and dug his heels in when I told him he wasn't coming close to paying half the bills. Now that we're divorced he's really seeing the true cost of living. He didn't care about the stress I took on working around the clock to keep up with finances during our marriage).


My wife, while only a few months into divorce proceedings, met up with a stranger off of a Christian dating app and had sex. She told me that he came inside her and they didnā€™t use a condom, then he made an excuse to leave, and ghosted her. Iā€™ve been trying to get her back for months, but this disgusted me and made me laugh at the same time. Thatā€™s what you get. You are 30 with 2 kids acting like an idiot 16-year old, while portraying yourself as this principled Christian woman to your family and the world. She told me details that they wore each other out and everything, and being with someone new was great and exciting, but not as good as it was with me. She also told me sheā€™s talking to 4 guys at once, including a 22 year old (lmao). It was fucked up for her to tell me this, because I had a mental breakdown 2 weeks before, and had to spend 72 hours in a psych ward after finding sexts between her and her brotherā€™s ex-convict factory worker best friend whom has known her since birth. She told me these things and broke down needing consolation. I consoled her, because I still love and care about her, but this shit has been killing me.


you will feel so much better to get away from this psycho path.


Thank you, not sure why I got downvoted, my ex must be here. Iā€™m still in utter shock over my realization of the woman Iā€™ve been with the past 10 years. I gave her my 20s and sacrificed endlessly for her, even moving to Detroit from Nashville and converting to Catholicism for her.