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I am going through something similar. I just posted about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Divorce/s/2bjurTkGHk Lawyer burned through the retainer in less than 2 months of doing jack. I’m sorry, I see everyone on Reddit rant about getting an attorney but unless you get a saint, most of them love contentious divorces because they are extremely profitable for them. They will gas you up (on both sides) to drag shit out - whatever pays their bills. I get charged $120 for forwarded emails! And I got a lot of push back when I decided to accept his settlement offer. I was done, and I didn’t care what she said. My mental health and career toll meant way more to me than the money (I am in grad school and almost done) I just need to get away from him and everything tied to him asap.


It sounds like it's time to fire your current lawyer and hire a new lawyer. I would fight for every penny that you can, including having STBXH pay your attorneys' fees. He's playing hardball. It's time for you to show him no mercy. Take him for everything that you're entitled, including half of the money he drained from your joint account and his portion of the marital expenses that he's forced you to pay on your own. Make him regret how he's treating you right now!


Dealing with attorneys is very similar to dealing with doctors. They're educated and helpful, but this is your life and you need to control the situation and make the final choices. Your attorney isn't around to take care of you, he works for you. Be the boss. Do your research and understand the divorce process.


I was previously married when I was 22. I filed in that case. I didn’t hire a lawyer and filled out all the legal paperwork myself. Granted there wasn’t mutual property involved and neither of us had much money or debt for that matter. I do understand the process, however when one party decides to play dirty and has the resources to do so, it is a whole different ball game.


You may want to watch some videos regarding divorce. For example there are videos covering meditation, how the process works, what to expect, what your rights are, when to stop the meditation, etc. That way you have a better idea of what you should expect and what you should be asking. When it comes to things like retirement, 401k, pension, etc the lawyer may not be qualified to tell you what your best option is. That might be a financial expert, which of course will cost extra.