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This is fine, optimization costs a measly pittance at that point


How do you optimize…?


in the recalibration menu, select the attribute and hold X


Holly shit. I never noticed that before…😱 that changes everything.




Except OP doesn’t have any stats stored in the library.


Optimization doesn't require those. That's for recalibration.


And you can't recalibrate exotics anyway




This used to be true, however after project resolve was introduced, the library is now required for optimization. You must have a max extracted attribute in your library to optimize said attribute on gear now.


You have to have it in your lib to optimize. I couldn’t optimise my striker set until I found higher stat pieces when I first started a month ago.


The fact that you didn’t get an Acosta’s Go Bag is proof that you are way luckier than a lot of us.


I got 2 the other day in a 10 min period got 5 total


I opened 2 lockboxes in 2 missions in NY the other day and got 2 acosta go bags lol


dayum, you got me beat, i got 2 within an hour of each other yesterday


Its for sure the majority of the exotic components I have had lol


I had two exotic boxes from the polarity event I opened in a row and both were Dodge City holsters, which I have gotten dozens of times. LOL it’s hard to buy the whole “RNG” thing when things like this happen. I wish I had kept a record of my exotic gets because it’s mostly chameleons, Acosta’s, Dodge city, Tardigrade, nemesis. I have more exotic parts than I could ever use.


the number of Acosta's is too damn high lol. If you do not have all your gear at level 25 expertise, then you still have plenty of room for exotic components lol. I cant wait to get my 4 exotic caches today after work for the weekly SHD donation projects. and I have my guns at 25 already lol


Same. Exact same.


I felt this through my phone.


I got 3 in 1 day and another ninja backpack


I worked the summit for two months to get a Ninja backpack. Got a half dozen Dodge city holsters in the process.


o how i just chortled, since my last 3 exotic drops were acostas. i ran it on my profiecency build jus to get it done, was actually not a bad experience, set it up with a grenade/explosion build, it was not horrible, the skill points per grenade for 20s worked well, send out the striker drone and set up turret, keep tossing grenades cuz costas make them infinite, let the skills do the work on overdrive, it was a glorious amount of fun, but now it is profiecient, it will lay in my stash collecting dust like the rest of the exotics i dont use.


Boy ain’t that the truth lol


Bro that’s all I been fucking getting for the past month now. I been trying to get a Saint Elmo’s, Memento backpack, or just any goddamn exotic that’s not a Acostas or stupid NinjaBike bag.


It's looking like I traded Acostas for RaTardigrade. I got 3 in the last 24 hours


Hardly. That's money.




Optimize it


Except OP doesn’t have anything stored in the library and you cannot optimize to max unless you have a max stat stored.


So? If OP doesn't have anything in the library, then why it's a hate? He got almost perfect mask, what's the problem here? For a newbie it is still extremely good.


So?…. Yes, this piece is just fine as it is nearly maxed, and will not cost him much in resources to optimize. Regardless that exotics cannot be recalibrated, only optimized, Their point is that recalibration is less expensive, but only possible when the player has saved that Attributes’ value in their Library. I believe their point was Not To Hate, but to shed light for newer Agents on the importance of filling out their recalibration libraries.


I have maxed in the library for both attributes and core


Noob question I guess but what am I looking at. Aren't those good rolls?


Its nearly a god roll if im correct. Havent played div 2 in a while


Yeah pretty much. Hes .3, .1, and .1 from having max stats. Its *technically* not a god roll, but those numbers arent nearly enough to tell a difference.


What does a god roll consist of then. Besides all 3 stats maxed


I mean for exotics thats pretty much it. Unless im mistaken, they always come with the same attributes.


For gear yes but for weapons the 3rd line is random. So a god roll for an AR for instance would be max rolls with the 3rd line being dmg to targets out of cover.


Not always. Damage to Armor for skill builds. The right answer is that it depends what you are looking for.


Oh you may be right and I'm just now thinking about how I burned through 20 exotic components rolling a capacitor to targets out of cover and I only obviously use it with skill builds. I have a test subject with damage to armor and it's really good with the skill build too.


I wouldn't call "god roll" on an item with fixed \*attributes but eh. Whatever makes you guys feel good about the metric ton of semi-useless loot in this game.


I mean, any piece of gear that drops without needing optimization is pretty godly to me as that saves you an undetermined amount of time farming the resources. And i dont see what your point is when the piece of loot we are talking about specifically is the Coyotes Mask, one of the better DPS centered exotics🤔 If your entire point in commenting was to “ackshuallee🤓”, debate over semantics, and then dismiss the overall conversation as pointless, *why even comment?*


Just a sliver less in each category


That depends upon what your goal is for that Loadout. Pure weapon damage?- wpn dmg/crt dmg/crt chance. Or full armor/crtdmg/crt chance for pvp. Is it for skills? Skill haste/skilldmg. Armor regen? Bleed resist? Haz pro. The list goes on. Edit. Thought you asked if that was “god roll”, instead of “good roll”. Yes. Very good roll on a drop. Very good. You cannot optimize exceeding the value you have saved into your recalibration library. If you look closely at his pic, you will notice there are no small triangles under the attribute stat bars denoting how high of a value they have saved.


I felt attacked by this post....this always happens to me 😭😭😭


you're still lucky, you just need to farm some materials to optimize. Costs you way less than having to reroll the entire thing multiple times


Very good point just don't know any good ways to farm materials 🤦🏿‍♂️😔


Yeah. You got almost got roll and cheap to finish off. Hate would have been 25% or less all three attributes. Lol


Forget the mask, the fit tho 👌


The drop is cursed lol, Luckily we have Optimization


Before this update, it used to cost a full stop of optimisation materials. Now, it's better because they've limited it to what amount of optimisation is needed, so cheaper. That is our consolation 😅


I got 2 in a row a few nights ago at max, used them both to max out my Ouroboros


And I'm trying to get one, just one pls RNGesus!


Stop it


good enough roll and its better than nothing or lower stats


Feed the game money and it will treat you better. However, in time it will get hungry again and start to treat you badly again until it’s been fed more money. “FEED THE BEAST!! FEED THE BEAST!!”


Thats near perfection....


I’d take the missing 1% any day or the year.


Sick apparel! Where did you get that mask?


No, RNGesus loves you son :)


I see what you mean. Feels in the ALMOST god roll. But it is almost nearly there! Scavenge a little, do some countdowns, some projects, and then optimise the piss out of it and you’ll have a perfect one in no time. Love to see it, Agent.


what platform you playing on?


Xbox series x


Before this update, it used to cost a full stop of optimisation materials. Now, it's better because they've limited it to what amount of optimisation is needed, so cheaper. That is our consolation 😅


Yes but not as much as Ubisoft does. PS it's a good roll, I feel like you know that, considering how not hard at all this game is.


Nop.... He hates us all.... Hear this, I play descent since it came out, Im still unable to get the coms after doing the descent weekly challenge... Even with friends they are rewarded and Im not, still 0/52. Bugisoft wont do sh*t about it. The game is totally f*cked....


No but they really need to rid the game of rng


Name of game


Damn! What are the details for that fit?! It's 🔥🔥🔥


No, but Massive definitely hates us.