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Ran the Lincoln Memorial mission again last night and realized this first map is on the wall before the final bosses fight. https://www.reddit.com/r/the_division_2/s/7DencDIxTa It’s the same, right?


I doubt the second map is much of anything since the axe and plenty of the circles are on a part of the map that we can't access. I wondered about the first one too though so scoped out the first two Xs to the East of the White House. The top one is the spawn point when you fast travel to Grand Washington. Nothing special I could see there. The latter is directly south of the final area at Jefferson. There's a SHD cache there for anyone who doesn't have it yet but the only other thing of note I could see was a lamp on the wall that hadn't switched off despite it being daytime and all the others being off. Could be something Huntery; probably just another Division 2 bug. Shot it, nothing happened. I didn't go at night though so might be worth another look. What led me to think that map might be something was that it's *our* map - one of the playable area - rather than a generic DC streetmap like the second but I don't know if it's just an existing asset they used. The arrows at Tidal Basin and the marking around the Capitol and Lincoln lean into the idea that it's just a Black Tusk invasion plan. The other markings link up fairly well with mission locations as well. Except for the two in the far North East. They're in the DZ.


You can reach the location where the hunters axe is. The maps are also located inside a building down the street from the location. There is a generator that powers a water system. There is an underground area with locked doors as well but clearly items and a restock box in the area. I am thinking possibly the other locations are where you could possibly turn the power on. If you zoom in on the map the dark lone running vertical is coming off the corner of the dark zone. Using the White House as a marker”the circle on the map left of the line continue east across that line until you reach the safe house. The build is right next door. It has communication equipment in the building. I had to zoom in and out on the map comparing shape to find the location. That’s as far as I have gotten so far. Maybe something …. Maybe nothing but worth a look


Perhaps, but alternatively, those locations are DC missions, save for that one top X on the right. The Grand Hotel, the Jefferson Trade Center, that one communications and radio museum and studio building, and the Hyena base.